GIMP Palette
Name: Ink/Stitch: Swist Rayon
Columns: 4
# RGB Value		                    Color Name Number
237	235	227	                Blanc de Blanc  1618B
224	214	204	                    White Sand  1618C
224	219	212	                         Vapor   1620
227	219	196	               White Asparagus   1701
222	214	166	                  Garden Glade   1703
222	224	138	                      Charlock   1705
214	201	 69	                Sulphur Yellow   1706
235	212	 64	                         Maize   1700
240	196	 79	                        Mimosa   1708
247	186	 84	                  Amber Yellow   1693
227	204	145	                         Straw   2559
252	171	 71	                      Marigold   1710
252	161	 23	                Radiant Yellow   1712
219	199	 94	                    Cream Gold   2563
224	227	163	                   Young Wheat   2564
227	204	128	                  Dusky Citron   2405
237	209	194	                   Peach Blush   1661
224	194	186	                         Lotus   1663
237	186	176	                   Powder Pink   1665
250	214	196	                   Creole Pink   1667
255	194	148	                Prairie Sunset   1669
250	173	148	                        Salmon   1676
247	148	122	                    Peach Pink   1677
232	112	 74	                      Flamingo   1678
235	110	 48	               Mandarin Orange   1681
230	112	 61	                    Coral Rose   1683
232	107	 82	                     Emberglow   1685
245	112	 64	                   Firecracker   2288
214	 92	 84	                  Spiced Coral   2289
189	 87	 71	                  Burnt Sienna   2290
230	204	201	                    Pale Lilac   1623
237	186	204	                   Sweet Lilac   1625
250	171	186	                    Prism Pink   1626
237	140	166	                   Aurora Pink   1637
219	107	158	                    Phlox Pink   1642
204	 79	110	                   Pink Flambe   1645
245	163	166	                         Peony   1648
232	135	130	                 Peach Bloosom   1650
224	102	 97	                Porcelain Rose   1652
214	 92	 84	                  Spiced Coral   1654
199	 77	 89	                    Claret Red   1655
189	 71	 87	                Raspberry Wine   1656
143	 71	 84	                      Dry Rose   1657
150	 74	 64	                      Barn Red   2407
133	 74	 69	                       Pompeii   2173
184	 71	 77	                 Chrysanthemum   2015
168	 77	 87	                   Holly Berry   2016
222	181	199	                 Pink Lavender   1880
217	158	194	                        Orchid   1881
189	110	150	                 Spring Crocus   1882
189	110	150	                 Spring Crocus   1883
212	184	194	                winsome Orchid   1874
196	163	199	                         Viola   1875
181	138	179	                African Violet   1876
156	115	163	                      Hyacinth   1877
158	133	184	                   Bouganville   2298
130	110	171	                 Dahlia Purple   2299
112	 87	110	                Grayish Purple   2300
135	102	120	                      Grapeade   2303
209	212	214	                 Illusion Blue   1831
186	201	209	                     Baby Blue   1832
156	168	181	                      Blue Fog   1833
115	138	179	                        Allure   1834
110	122	153	                   Colony Blue   1835
117	128	150	                      Infinity   1836
201	201	212	                    Arctic Ice   1790
150	173	209	                   Placid Blue   1792
102	117	171	                     Wedgewood   1794
 97	 97	163	                  Violet Storm   1795
 97	 97	163	                  Violet Storm   1820
 87	 89	135	               Purple Mountain   1821
105	 97	135	               Twilight Purple   1822
107	102	125	                         Heron   1823
102	 92	 92	                   Plum Kitten   1824
 89	110	138	                  Coronet Blue   1830
 99	 99	 99	                    Castlerock   2010
201	209	207	                      Ice Flow   2456
196	217	214	                   Pastel Blue   2457
173	214	209	                    Blue Light   2458
173	214	209	                    Blue Light   2459
148	199	214	                 Moderate Blue   2460
 38	128	156	                       Bluejay   2464
 97	120	163	                   Blue Yonder   2465
201	209	207	                      Ice Flow   1837
191	204	199	                    Misty Blue   1838
158	194	196	                    Canal Blue   1839
135	184	181	                     Aqua Haze   1840
 89	158	163	                     Porcelain   1841
 64	128	128	              Green-Blue Slate   1842
 64	125	143	                      Larkspur   1843
 74	 99	120	                    Copen Blue   1844
161	201	196	                 Eggshell Blue   1730
 71	181	166	                     Turquoise   2368
 82	173	156	                     Waterfall   1732
  0	140	140	                      Navigate   1733
 43	156	135	                     Sea Green   1734
181	214	173	                  Pastel Green   1715
166	217	168	                     Green Ash   1716
143	191	135	               Brilliant Green   1720
120	212	158	                    Spring Bud   1722
 97	189	153	                     Spearmint   1723
 79	153	122	                  Winter Green   1724
196	227	204	                    Misty Jade   1735
135	191	161	                 Neptune Green   1737
 84	133	 97	              Deep Grass Green   1739
 89	125	 97	                       Comfrey   1740
204	204	168	                     Aloe Wash   1741
191	209	161	                          Reed   1742
196	219	150	                     Butterfly   2369
181	209	130	                     Sap Green   1743
161	196	120	                     Jade Lime   1744
117	176	 99	                   Grass Green   1745
107	156	 77	                       Foliage   1746
 77	135	 84	                  Medium Green   1753
 77	135	 84	                  Medium Green   1754
 89	125	 97	                       Comfrey   2530
 84	110	 79	                Vineyard Green   2531
102	107	 84	              DeepLichen Green   2532
186	201	156	                      Seedling   1762
158	171	102	                     Sweet Pea   1764
122	133	102	                     Oil Green   1766
107	107	 69	                    Deep Olive   2088
194	201	194	                      Sky Grey   1785
143	156	150	                   Silver Blue   1787
105	107	107	                    Steel Gray   1789
189	186	130	                      Beechnut   2261
179	181	120	                  Willow Green   2330
135	140	 92	                         Cedar   2329
122	110	 74	                  Gothic Olive   2328
130	128	 97	                          Aloe   2327
102	107	 84	              DeepLichen Green   2326
110	 99	102	                         Shark   2324
222	207	194	                  Crystal Gray   1896
222	214	194	                    Bone White   1921
209	186	158	                     Ecru Drab   1923
176	143	112	                       Praline   1925
191	158	115	                           Tan   1906
222	209	184	                     Sandshell   1908
191	186	153	                    Tidal Foam   1910
166	143	115	                   Chanterelle   1912
230	201	163	                         Wheat   1914
204	171	128	                          Sand   1915
204	143	105	                     Sandstone   1916
204	143	105	                     Sandstone   1918
168	122	 97	                  Mocha Mousse   1920
161	115	 79	                          Lion   1932
179	135	 97	                    Indian Tan   2122
199	122	 74	                       Caramel   2123
184	115	 77	                    Raw Sienna   2124
186	107	 69	                   Autumn Leaf   2426
173	 92	 74	                       Redwood   2427
158	 97	 97	                  Copper Brown   2428
219	168	117	                          Clay   1943
181	135	 92	                       Biscuit   1945
168	115	 84	                   Pecan Brown   1946
173	130	102	                 Cafe 'Au Lait   1936
140	 97	 97	                        Cognac   1937
148	107	 74	                        Thrush   1938
150	115	 92	                     Raw Umber   1939
138	112	112	                Twilight Mauve   1940
120	 94	 87	                    Deep Taupe   2415
105	 84	 82	                    Peppercorn   2414
 99	 87	 74	                Chocolate Chip   2215
184	173	166	                Ashes Of Roses   1957
171	163	161	                     Gull Gray   1958
153	138	135	                          Zinc   1959
115	110	107	                 Charcoal Gray   1960
120	107	 97	                          Iron   1961
194	194	194	                    Vapor Blue   2499
171	173	168	                  Puritan Gray   2500
143	156	150	                   Silver Blue   2501
140	138	135	                     Wild Dove   2502
138	133	133	                    Frost Gray   2503
128	128	122	                     Moon Mist   2505
179	173	166	                          Dove   1992
163	161	153	                       Drizzle   1993
145	135	133	                   Medium Gray   1995
 97	 97	 97	                        Pewter   1997
105	105	107	                    Stell Gray   1998
112	107	 94	                   Bungee Cord   1621
237	235	227	                Blanc de Blanc   2620
227	219	196	               White Asparagus   2818
214	201	 69	                Sulphur Yellow   2832
232	191	 23	                         Lemon   2776
209	181	 79	                        Bamboo   2859
224	181	 79	                   Yolk Yellow   2785
230	112	 61	                    Coral Rose   2687
214	 94	 84	                Deep Sea Coral   2700
184	 71	 77	                 Chrysanthemum   2706
176	 74	 69	                   Baked Apple   2712
158	 71	 59	                     Red Earth   3630
143	 94	 77	                        Russet   2736
232	204	201	                   Light Lilac   2623
214	150	171	                Moonlite Mauve   2626
184	 92	 97	                  Baroque Rose   2646
217	161	153	                   Bridal Rose   2663
196	163	199	                     Lavandula   3286
143	115	166	                Paisley Purple   3224
115	 92	 99	                    Black Plum   3296
209	212	214	                 Illusion Blue   3087
145	189	209	                      Sky Blue   3049
 84	125	179	                       Regatta   3055
 61	 92	135	                         Delft   3105
 74	 79	 99	                   Blue Indigo   3108
 79	 79	 79	                   Dark Shadow   3116
 89	163	179	                   Bright Blue   3077
102	128	148	                   Blue Heaven   3045
179	217	158	               Pistachio Green   2903
117	176	 99	                   Grass Green   3036
 51	158	 92	                   Kelly Green   2944
 79	112	 79	                     Elm Green   2917
125	145	 66	                       Peridot   3005
 99	107	 79	                   Loden Green   3007
117	115	 89	                   Dusky Green   3579
222	207	186	                  Whisper Pink   3323
214	199	171	                      Wood Ash   3329
186	166	 94	              PaleGreen-Yellow   3337
194	171	133	                Candied Ginger   3343
150	125	102	                     Woodsmoke   3381
143	 99	 74	                   Carob Brown   3426
120	 94	 87	                    Deep Taupe   3438
168	115	 84	                   Pecan Brown   3369
158	 92	 59	                        Sierra   3402
184	173	166	                Ashes Of Roses   3469
166	163	171	                   Dapple Gray   3501
110	 99	102	                         Shark   3509
105	 84	 82	                    Peppercorn   2621