SVGO Output true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true false false false false false [ cleanupAttrs ] cleanup attributes from newlines, trailing and repeating spaces [ removeDoctype ] remove doctype declaration [ removeXMLProcInst ] remove XML processing instructions [ removeComments ] remove comments [ removeMetadata ] remove metadata [ removeTitle ] remove title (disabled by default) [ removeDesc ] remove desc (only non-meaningful by default) [ removeUselessDefs ] remove elements of defs without id [ removeEditorsNSData ] remove editors namespaces, elements and attributes [ removeEmptyAttrs ] remove empty attributes [ removeHiddenElems ] remove hidden elements [ removeEmptyText ] remove empty Text elements [ removeEmptyContainers ] remove empty Container elements [ removeViewBox ] remove viewBox attribute when possible (disabled by default) [ cleanUpEnableBackground ] remove or cleanup enable-background attribute when possible [ convertStyleToAttrs ] convert styles into attributes [ convertColors ] convert colors (from rgb() to #rrggbb, from #rrggbb to #rgb) [ convertPathData ] convert Path data to relative or absolute whichever is shorter, convert one segment to another, trim useless delimiters, smart rounding and much more [ convertTransform ] collapse multiple transforms into one, convert matrices to the short aliases and much more [ removeUnknownsAndDefaults ] remove unknown elements content and attributes, remove attrs with default values [ removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs ] remove non-inheritable group's "presentation" attributes [ removeUselessStrokeAndFill ] remove useless stroke and fill attrs [ removeUnusedNS ] remove unused namespaces declaration [ cleanupIDs ] remove unused and minify used IDs [ cleanupNumericValues ] round numeric values to the fixed precision, remove default 'px' units [ moveElemsAttrsToGroup ] move elements attributes to the existing group wrapper [ moveGroupAttrsToElems ] move some group attributes to the content elements [ collapseGroups ] collapse useless groups [ removeRasterImages ] remove raster images (disabled by default) [ mergePaths ] merge multiple Paths into one [ convertShapeToPath ] convert some basic shapes to path [ sortAttrs ] sort element attributes for epic readability (disabled by default) [ transformsWithOnePath ] apply transforms, crop by real width, center vertical alignment and resize SVG with one Path inside (disabled by default) [ removeDimensions ] remove width/height attributes if viewBox is present (disabled by default) [ removeAttrs ] remove attributes by pattern (disabled by default) [ addClassesToSVGElement ] add classnames to an outer svg element (disabled by default) .svg image/svg+xml Optimized with svgo (*.svg) Scalable Vector Graphics