#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Program allowing the addition of small grey dots in rectangles created using Inkscape. # Thomas Guzik, thomas.guzik@laposte.net # Leo 130 contact@avilab.fr # Corentin Bettiol - corentin-bettiol@hotmail.fr # -Creative Commons License # -This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. # -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ import inkex from lxml import etree def recup(selection,attrib): l = [] for i in selection: selec = i valr = selec.get(attrib) l.append(valr) return l def generCircle(y,x,r): circle = etree.Element('{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}circle') circle.set('cy',str(y)) circle.set('cx',str(x)) circle.set('r',str(r)) circle.set('fill','#000000') circle.set('stroke','#000000') circle.set('stroke-width','0') return circle def toFloat(l): for i in range(len(l)): l[i] = float(l[i]) return l class Circle(inkex.Effect): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument('--radius', type = float, default = 3.0, help = 'Radius to enter') self.arg_parser.add_argument('--margin', type = float, default = 10.0, help = 'Margin between the edge of the rectangles and the circles') self.arg_parser.add_argument('--space', type = float, default = 30.0, help = 'Spacing between circles') def effect(self): # svg = self.svg.document.getroot() # layer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g') # layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Layer') # layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer') # Should we add the circles on a different layer sheet? radius = self.options.radius margin = self.options.margin space = self.options.space if str(list(self.svg.selected.values())[0]) == 'rect': selection = (self.svg.selected).values() y,x,height,width = [], [], [], [] if (len(selection))>0: y = toFloat(recup(selection,'y')) x = toFloat(recup(selection,'x')) height = toFloat(recup(selection,'height')) width = toFloat(recup(selection,'width')) for i in range(len(selection)): xC = x[i] + margin yC = y[i] + margin while xC < (x[i] + width[i] - margin): while yC < (y[i] + height[i] - margin): self.svg.get_current_layer().append(generCircle(yC,xC,radius)) yC += (space + radius) xC += space + radius yC = y[i] + margin else: inkex.utils.debug("No rectangle(s) have been selected.") Circle().run()