#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Copyright (C) 2017 Romain Testuz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02139 ''' import inkex import sys import math import random import colorsys import os import numpy import timeit import networkx as nx MAX_CONSECUTIVE_OVERWRITE_EDGE = 3 STOP_SHORTEST_PATH_IF_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_TO = 1 OVERWRITE_ALLOW = 0 OVERWRITE_ALLOW_SOME = 1 OVERWRITE_ALLOW_NONE = 2 """ class Graph: def __init__(self): self.__adj = {} self.__data = {} def __str__(self): return str(self.__adj) def nodes(self): nodes = [] for n in self.__adj: nodes.append(n) return nodes def edges(self): edges = [] for n1 in self.__adj: for n2 in self.neighbours(n1): if((n2, n1) not in edges): edges.append((n1, n2)) return edges def node(self, n): if n in self.__adj: return self.__data[n] else: raise ValueError('Inexistant node') def neighbours(self, n): if n in self.__adj: return self.__adj[n] else: raise ValueError('Inexistant node') def outEdges(self, n): edges = [] for n2 in self.neighbours(n): edges.append((n, n2)) return edges def degree(self, n): if n in self.__adj: return len(self.__adj[n]) else: raise ValueError('Inexistant node') def addNode(self, n, data): if n not in self.__adj: self.__adj[n] = [] self.__data[n] = data else: raise ValueError('Node already exists') def removeNode(self, n): if n in self.__adj: #Remove all edges pointing to node for n2 in self.__adj: neighbours = self.__adj[n2] if n in neighbours: neighbours.remove(n) del self.__adj[n] del self.__data[n] else: raise ValueError('Removing inexistant node') def addEdge(self, n1, n2): if(n1 in self.__adj and n2 in self.__adj): self.__adj[n1].append(n2) self.__adj[n2].append(n1) else: raise ValueError('Adding edge to inexistant node') def removeEdge(self, n1, n2): if(n1 in self.__adj and n2 in self.__adj and n2 in self.__adj[n1] and n1 in self.__adj[n2]): self.__adj[n1].remove(n2) self.__adj[n2].remove(n1) else: raise ValueError('Removing inexistant edge') def __sortedEdgesByAngle(self, previousEdge, edges): previousEdgeVectNormalized = numpy.array(self.node(previousEdge[1])) - numpy.array(self.node(previousEdge[0])) previousEdgeVectNormalized = previousEdgeVectNormalized/numpy.linalg.norm(previousEdgeVectNormalized) #previousEdgeVectNormalized = numpy.array((0,1)) def angleKey(outEdge): edgeVectNormalized = numpy.array(self.node(outEdge[1])) - numpy.array(self.node(outEdge[0])) edgeVectNormalized = edgeVectNormalized/numpy.linalg.norm(edgeVectNormalized) return -numpy.dot(previousEdgeVectNormalized, edgeVectNormalized) return sorted(edges, key=angleKey) def dfsEdges(self): nodes = self.nodes() visitedEdges = set() visitedNodes = set() edges = {} dfsEdges = [] for startNode in nodes: #if self.degree(startNode) != 1: #continue#Makes sure we don't start in the middle of a path stack = [startNode] prevEdge = None while stack: currentNode = stack[-1] if currentNode not in visitedNodes: edges[currentNode] = self.outEdges(currentNode) visitedNodes.add(currentNode) if edges[currentNode]: if(prevEdge): edges[currentNode] = self.__sortedEdgesByAngle(prevEdge, edges[currentNode]) edge = edges[currentNode][0] if edge not in visitedEdges and (edge[1], edge[0]) not in visitedEdges: visitedEdges.add(edge) # Mark the traversed "to" node as to-be-explored. stack.append(edge[1]) dfsEdges.append(edge) prevEdge = edge edges[currentNode].pop(0) else: # No more edges from the current node. stack.pop() prevEdge = None return dfsEdges """ class OptimizePaths(inkex.GenerateExtension): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument("-t", "--tolerance", type=float, default=0.1, help="the distance below which 2 nodes will be merged") self.arg_parser.add_argument("-l", "--enableLog", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Enable logging") self.arg_parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwriteRule", type=int, default=1, help="Options to control edge overwrite rules") def parseSVG(self): vertices = [] edges = [] objects = self.svg.get_selected(inkex.PathElement) for node in objects: if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'): node.apply_transform() superpath = node.path.to_absolute().to_superpath() for subpath in superpath: subpathList = list(subpath) # We only work with lines, not curves, so we ignore the a and c in [a, b, c] newVertices = list(map(lambda x: x[1], subpathList)) # self.log(newVertices) newEdges = range(len(vertices), len(vertices) + len(newVertices) - 1) newEdges = list(map(lambda x: (x, x + 1), newEdges)) # self.log(newEdges) edges.extend(newEdges) vertices.extend(newVertices) else: self.log("This extension only works with paths and currently doesn't support groups") return (vertices, edges) # Also computes edge weight def buildGraph(self, vertices, edges): G = nx.Graph() for i, v in enumerate(vertices): G.add_node(i, x=v[0], y=v[1]) # self.log("N "+ str(i) + " (" + str(v[0]) + "," + str(v[1]) + ")") for e in edges: dist = self.dist(G.nodes[e[0]], G.nodes[e[1]]) G.add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=dist) # self.log("E "+str(e[0]) + " " + str(e[1])) return G @staticmethod def dist(a, b): return math.sqrt((a['x'] - b['x']) ** 2 + (a['y'] - b['y']) ** 2) def log(self, message): if self.options.enableLog: inkex.utils.debug(message) def mergeWithTolerance(self, G, tolerance): mergeTo = {} for ni in G.nodes(): for nj in G.nodes(): if nj <= ni: continue # self.log("Test " + str(ni) + " with " + str(nj)) dist_ij = self.dist(G.nodes[ni], G.nodes[nj]) if (dist_ij < tolerance) and (nj not in mergeTo) and (ni not in mergeTo): # self.log("Merge " + str(nj) + " with " + str(ni) + " (dist=" + str(dist_ij) + ")") mergeTo[nj] = ni for n in mergeTo: newEdges = [] for neigh_n in G[n]: newEdge = None if neigh_n in mergeTo: newEdge = (mergeTo[n], mergeTo[neigh_n]) else: newEdge = (mergeTo[n], neigh_n) if newEdge[0] != newEdge[1]: # Don't add self-loops newEdges.append(newEdge) for e in newEdges: G.add_edge(*e) # self.log("Added edge: "+str(e[0]) + " " + str(e[1])) G.remove_node(n) # self.log("Removed node: " + str(n)) @staticmethod def rgbToHex(rgb): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb # Color should be in hex format ("#RRGGBB"), if not specified a random color will be generated def addPathToInkscape(self, path, parent, color): elem = parent.add(inkex.PathElement()) elem.style = {'stroke': color, 'stroke-width': 2, 'fill': 'none'} elem.path = inkex.Path(path) def removeSomeEdges(self, G, edges): visitedEdges = set() # Contains a list of [start, end] where start is the start index of a duplicate path # and end is the end index of the duplicate path edgeRangeToRemove = [] isPrevEdgeDuplicate = False duplicatePathStartIndex = -1 for i, e in enumerate(edges): isEdgeDuplicate = e in visitedEdges or (e[1], e[0]) in visitedEdges if isEdgeDuplicate: if duplicatePathStartIndex == -1: duplicatePathStartIndex = i else: if duplicatePathStartIndex >= 0: edgeRangeToRemove.append((duplicatePathStartIndex, i - 1)) duplicatePathStartIndex = -1 visitedEdges.add(e) if isEdgeDuplicate and i == len(edges) - 1: edgeRangeToRemove.append((duplicatePathStartIndex, i)) if self.options.overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_ALLOW: # The last duplicate path can always be removed edgeRangeToRemove = [edgeRangeToRemove[-1]] if edgeRangeToRemove else [] elif self.options.overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_ALLOW_SOME: # Allow overwrite except for long paths edgeRangeToRemove = [x for x in edgeRangeToRemove if x[1] - x[0] > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_OVERWRITE_EDGE] indicesToRemove = set() for start, end in edgeRangeToRemove: indicesToRemove.update(range(start, end + 1)) cleanedEdges = [e for i, e in enumerate(edges) if i not in indicesToRemove] return cleanedEdges # Find the first break and rotate the edges to align to this break # this allows to avoid an extra path # Return the rotated edges def shiftEdgesToBreak(self, edges): if not edges: return edges # Only useful if the last edge connects to the first if edges[0][0] != edges[-1][1]: return edges for i, e in enumerate(edges): if i == 0: continue if edges[i - 1][1] != e[0]: return edges[i:] + edges[:i] return edges def edgesToPaths(self, edges): paths = [] path = [] for i, e in enumerate(edges): if e[0] == -1: # Start with extra node, ignore it assert not path elif e[1] == -1: # End with extra node, ignore it if path: paths.append(path) path = [] else: # Path ends either at the last edge or when the next edge starts somewhere else endPath = (i == len(edges) - 1 or e[1] != edges[i + 1][0]) if not path: path.append(e[0]) path.append(e[1]) else: path.append(e[1]) if endPath: paths.append(path) path = [] if self.options.overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_ALLOW: assert len(paths) == 1 # paths.sort(key=len, reverse=True) return paths def pathsToSVG(self, G, paths): svgPaths = [] for path in paths: svgPath = [] for nodeIndex, n in enumerate(path): command = None if nodeIndex == 0: command = 'M' else: command = 'L' svgPath.append([command, (G.nodes[n]['x'], G.nodes[n]['y'])]) svgPaths.append(svgPath) # Create a group group = inkex.Group.new("OptimizedPaths") for pathIndex, svgPath in enumerate(svgPaths): # Generate a different color for every path color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(pathIndex / float(len(svgPaths)), 1.0, 1.0) color = tuple(int(x * 255) for x in color) color = self.rgbToHex(color) self.addPathToInkscape(svgPath, group, color) return group # Computes the physical path length (it ignores the edge weight) def pathLength(self, G, path): length = 0.0 for i, n in enumerate(path): if i > 0: length += self.dist(G.nodes[path[i - 1]], G.nodes[path[i]]) return length # Eulerization algorithm: # 1. Find all vertices with odd valence. # 2. Pair them up with their nearest neighbor. # 3. Find the shortest path between each pair. # 4. Duplicate these edges. # Doesn't modify input graph def makeEulerianGraph(self, G): oddNodes = [] for n in G.nodes: if G.degree(n) % 2 != 0: oddNodes.append(n) # self.log("Number of nodes with odd degree: " + str(len(oddNodes))) if len(oddNodes) == 0: return G # self.computeEdgeWeights(G) pathsToDuplicate = [] while (oddNodes): n1 = oddNodes[0] shortestPaths = [] # For every other node, find the shortest path to the closest node for n2 in oddNodes: if n2 != n1: # self.log(str(n1) + " " + str(n2)) shortestPath = nx.astar_path(G, n1, n2, lambda n1, n2: self.dist(G.nodes[n1], G.nodes[n2]), 'weight') # self.log(str(len(shortestPath))) shortestPaths.append(shortestPath) if len(shortestPath) <= STOP_SHORTEST_PATH_IF_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_TO: # If we find a path of length <= STOP_SHORTEST_PATH_IF_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_TO, # we assume it's good enough (to speed up calculation) break # For all the shortest paths from n1, we take the shortest one and therefore get the closest odd node shortestShortestPath = min(shortestPaths, key=lambda x: self.pathLength(G, x)) closestNode = shortestShortestPath[-1] pathsToDuplicate.append(shortestShortestPath) oddNodes.pop(0) oddNodes.remove(closestNode) numberOfDuplicatedEdges = 0 lenghtOfDuplicatedEdges = 0.0 for path in pathsToDuplicate: numberOfDuplicatedEdges += len(path) - 1 pathLength = self.pathLength(G, path) # self.log("Path length: " + str(pathLength)) lenghtOfDuplicatedEdges += pathLength # self.log("Number of duplicated edges: " + str(numberOfDuplicatedEdges)) # self.log("Length of duplicated edges: " + str(lenghtOfDuplicatedEdges)) # Convert the graph to a MultiGraph to allow parallel edges G2 = nx.MultiGraph(G) for path in pathsToDuplicate: nx.add_path(G2, path) return G2 # Doesn't modify input graph # faster than makeEulerianGraph but creates an extra node def makeEulerianGraphExtraNode(self, G): oddNodes = [] for n in G.nodes: if G.degree(n) % 2 != 0: oddNodes.append(n) if len(oddNodes) == 0: return G G2 = nx.Graph(G) G2.add_node(-1, x=0, y=0) for n in oddNodes: G2.add_edge(n, -1) return G2 """def computeEdgeWeights(self, G): for n1, n2 in G.edges(): dist = self.dist(G.nodes[n1], G.nodes[n2]) G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=dist)""" def _getNodePosition(self, G, n): return (G.nodes[n]['x'], G.nodes[n]['y']) def _getBestEdge(self, G, previousEdge, edges): previousEdgeVectNormalized = numpy.array(self._getNodePosition(G, previousEdge[1])) - numpy.array( self._getNodePosition(G, previousEdge[0])) # self.log(str(numpy.linalg.norm(previousEdgeVectNormalized)) + " " + str(previousEdge[1]) + " " + str(previousEdge[0])) previousEdgeVectNormalized = previousEdgeVectNormalized / numpy.linalg.norm(previousEdgeVectNormalized) # previousEdgeVectNormalized = numpy.array((0,1)) def angleKey(outEdge): edgeVectNormalized = numpy.array(self._getNodePosition(G, outEdge[1])) - numpy.array( self._getNodePosition(G, outEdge[0])) edgeVectNormalized = edgeVectNormalized / numpy.linalg.norm(edgeVectNormalized) return numpy.dot(previousEdgeVectNormalized, edgeVectNormalized) return max(edges, key=angleKey) """def eulerian_circuit(self, G): g = G.__class__(G)#G.copy() v = next(g.nodes()) degree = g.degree edges = g.edges circuit = [] vertex_stack = [v] last_vertex = None while vertex_stack: current_vertex = vertex_stack[-1] if degree(current_vertex) == 0: if last_vertex is not None: circuit.append((last_vertex, current_vertex)) self.log(str(last_vertex) + " " + str(current_vertex)) last_vertex = current_vertex vertex_stack.pop() else: if circuit: arbitrary_edge = self._getBestEdge(g, circuit[-1], edges(current_vertex)) else:#For the first iteration we arbitrarily take the first edge arbitrary_edge = next(edges(current_vertex)) #self.log(str(arbitrary_edge) + "::" + str(edges[current_vertex])) #self.log(str(edges[current_vertex])) #self.log(" ") vertex_stack.append(arbitrary_edge[1]) g.remove_edge(*arbitrary_edge) return circuit""" # Walk as straight as possible from node until stuck def walk(self, node, G): n = node e = None path = [n] while G.degree[n]: # Continue until there no unvisited edges from n if e: e = self._getBestEdge(G, e, G.edges(n)) else: # For the first iteration we arbitrarily take the first edge e = (n, next(iter(G[n]))) n = e[1] G.remove_edge(*e) path.append(n) return path def eulerian_circuit_hierholzer(self, G): g = G.copy() v = next(iter(g.nodes)) # First vertex, arbitrary cycle = self.walk(v, g) assert cycle[0] == cycle[-1] notvisited = set(cycle) while len(notvisited) != 0: v = notvisited.pop() if g.degree(v) != 0: i = cycle.index(v) sub = self.walk(v, g) assert sub[0] == sub[-1] cycle = cycle[:i] + sub[:-1] + cycle[i:] notvisited.update(sub) cycleEdges = [] prevNode = None for n in cycle: if prevNode != None: cycleEdges.append((prevNode, n)) prevNode = n return cycleEdges def generate(self): self.log("NetworkX version: " + nx.__version__) if int(nx.__version__[0]) < 2: inkex.utils.debug("NetworkX version is: {} but should be >= 2.0.".format(nx.__version__)) return self.log("Python version: " + sys.version) totalTimerStart = timeit.default_timer() (vertices, edges) = self.parseSVG() G = self.buildGraph(vertices, edges) timerStart = timeit.default_timer() self.mergeWithTolerance(G, self.options.tolerance) timerStop = timeit.default_timer() mergeDuration = timerStop - timerStart initialEdgeCount = nx.number_of_edges(G) finalEdgeCount = 0 """for e in G.edges(): self.log("E "+str(e[0]) + " " + str(e[1])) for n in G.nodes(): self.log("Degree of "+str(n) + ": " + str(G.degree(n)))""" # Split disjoint graphs connectedGraphs = [G.subgraph(c).copy() for c in nx.connected_components(G)] self.log("Number of disconnected graphs: " + str(len(connectedGraphs))) paths = [] makeEulerianDuration = 0 for connectedGraph in connectedGraphs: timerStart = timeit.default_timer() if self.options.overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_ALLOW_NONE: connectedGraph = self.makeEulerianGraphExtraNode(connectedGraph) #connectedGraph = nx.eulerize(connectedGraph) else: connectedGraph = self.makeEulerianGraph(connectedGraph) #connectedGraph = nx.eulerize(connectedGraph) timerStop = timeit.default_timer() makeEulerianDuration += timerStop - timerStart # connectedGraph is now likely a multigraph finalEdgeCount = finalEdgeCount + nx.number_of_edges(connectedGraph) #pathEdges = list(nx.eulerian_path(connectedGraph)) pathEdges = self.eulerian_circuit_hierholzer(connectedGraph) pathEdges = self.removeSomeEdges(connectedGraph, pathEdges) pathEdges = self.shiftEdgesToBreak(pathEdges) paths.extend(self.edgesToPaths(pathEdges)) self.log("Path number: " + str(len(paths))) self.log("Total path length: {:.2f}".format(sum(self.pathLength(G, x) for x in paths))) self.log("Number of duplicated edges: {:d}".format(finalEdgeCount-initialEdgeCount)) group = self.pathsToSVG(G, paths) totalTimerStop = timeit.default_timer() totalDuration = totalTimerStop - totalTimerStart self.log("Merge duration: {:.0f} sec ({:.1f} min)".format(mergeDuration, mergeDuration / 60)) self.log("Make Eulerian duration: {:.0f} sec ({:.1f} min)".format(makeEulerianDuration, makeEulerianDuration / 60)) self.log("Total duration: {:.0f} sec ({:.1f} min)".format(totalDuration, totalDuration / 60)) return group OptimizePaths().run()