const Vector3D = require('./math/Vector3') const Line3D = require('./math/Line3') const Matrix4x4 = require('./math/Matrix4') const OrthoNormalBasis = require('./math/OrthoNormalBasis') const Plane = require('./math/Plane') // # class Connector // A connector allows to attach two objects at predefined positions // For example a servo motor and a servo horn: // Both can have a Connector called 'shaft' // The horn can be moved and rotated such that the two connectors match // and the horn is attached to the servo motor at the proper position. // Connectors are stored in the properties of a CSG solid so they are // ge the same transformations applied as the solid const Connector = function (point, axisvector, normalvector) { this.point = new Vector3D(point) this.axisvector = new Vector3D(axisvector).unit() this.normalvector = new Vector3D(normalvector).unit() } Connector.prototype = { normalized: function () { let axisvector = this.axisvector.unit() // make the normal vector truly normal: let n = this.normalvector.cross(axisvector).unit() let normalvector = axisvector.cross(n) return new Connector(this.point, axisvector, normalvector) }, transform: function (matrix4x4) { let point = this.point.multiply4x4(matrix4x4) let axisvector = let normalvector = return new Connector(point, axisvector, normalvector) }, // Get the transformation matrix to connect this Connector to another connector // other: a Connector to which this connector should be connected // mirror: false: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in the same direction // true: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in opposite direction // normalrotation: degrees of rotation between the 'normal' vectors of the two // connectors getTransformationTo: function (other, mirror, normalrotation) { mirror = mirror ? true : false normalrotation = normalrotation ? Number(normalrotation) : 0 let us = this.normalized() other = other.normalized() // shift to the origin: let transformation = Matrix4x4.translation(this.point.negated()) // construct the plane crossing through the origin and the two axes: let axesplane = Plane.anyPlaneFromVector3Ds( new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), us.axisvector, other.axisvector) let axesbasis = new OrthoNormalBasis(axesplane) let angle1 = axesbasis.to2D(us.axisvector).angle() let angle2 = axesbasis.to2D(other.axisvector).angle() let rotation = 180.0 * (angle2 - angle1) / Math.PI if (mirror) rotation += 180.0 transformation = transformation.multiply(axesbasis.getProjectionMatrix()) transformation = transformation.multiply(Matrix4x4.rotationZ(rotation)) transformation = transformation.multiply(axesbasis.getInverseProjectionMatrix()) let usAxesAligned = us.transform(transformation) // Now we have done the transformation for aligning the axes. // We still need to align the normals: let normalsplane = Plane.fromNormalAndPoint(other.axisvector, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)) let normalsbasis = new OrthoNormalBasis(normalsplane) angle1 = normalsbasis.to2D(usAxesAligned.normalvector).angle() angle2 = normalsbasis.to2D(other.normalvector).angle() rotation = 180.0 * (angle2 - angle1) / Math.PI rotation += normalrotation transformation = transformation.multiply(normalsbasis.getProjectionMatrix()) transformation = transformation.multiply(Matrix4x4.rotationZ(rotation)) transformation = transformation.multiply(normalsbasis.getInverseProjectionMatrix()) // and translate to the destination point: transformation = transformation.multiply(Matrix4x4.translation(other.point)) // let usAligned = us.transform(transformation); return transformation }, axisLine: function () { return new Line3D(this.point, this.axisvector) }, // creates a new Connector, with the connection point moved in the direction of the axisvector extend: function (distance) { let newpoint = return new Connector(newpoint, this.axisvector, this.normalvector) } } const ConnectorList = function (connectors) { this.connectors_ = connectors ? connectors.slice() : [] } ConnectorList.defaultNormal = [0, 0, 1] ConnectorList.fromPath2D = function (path2D, arg1, arg2) { if (arguments.length === 3) { return ConnectorList._fromPath2DTangents(path2D, arg1, arg2) } else if (arguments.length === 2) { return ConnectorList._fromPath2DExplicit(path2D, arg1) } else { throw new Error('call with path2D and either 2 direction vectors, or a function returning direction vectors') } } /* * calculate the connector axisvectors by calculating the "tangent" for path2D. * This is undefined for start and end points, so axis for these have to be manually * provided. */ ConnectorList._fromPath2DTangents = function (path2D, start, end) { // path2D let axis let pathLen = path2D.points.length let result = new ConnectorList([new Connector(path2D.points[0], start, ConnectorList.defaultNormal)]) // middle points path2D.points.slice(1, pathLen - 1).forEach(function (p2, i) { axis = path2D.points[i + 2].minus(path2D.points[i]).toVector3D(0) result.appendConnector(new Connector(p2.toVector3D(0), axis, ConnectorList.defaultNormal)) }, this) result.appendConnector(new Connector(path2D.points[pathLen - 1], end, ConnectorList.defaultNormal)) result.closed = path2D.closed return result } /* * angleIsh: either a static angle, or a function(point) returning an angle */ ConnectorList._fromPath2DExplicit = function (path2D, angleIsh) { function getAngle (angleIsh, pt, i) { if (typeof angleIsh === 'function') { angleIsh = angleIsh(pt, i) } return angleIsh } let result = new ConnectorList( (p2, i) { return new Connector(p2.toVector3D(0), Vector3D.Create(1, 0, 0).rotateZ(getAngle(angleIsh, p2, i)), ConnectorList.defaultNormal) }, this) ) result.closed = path2D.closed return result } ConnectorList.prototype = { setClosed: function (closed) { this.closed = !!closed // FIXME: what the hell ? }, appendConnector: function (conn) { this.connectors_.push(conn) }, /* * arguments: cagish: a cag or a function(connector) returning a cag * closed: whether the 3d path defined by connectors location * should be closed or stay open * Note: don't duplicate connectors in the path * TODO: consider an option "maySelfIntersect" to close & force union all single segments */ followWith: function (cagish) { const CSG = require('./CSG') // FIXME , circular dependency connectors => CSG => connectors this.verify() function getCag (cagish, connector) { if (typeof cagish === 'function') { cagish = cagish(connector.point, connector.axisvector, connector.normalvector) } return cagish } let polygons = [] let currCag let prevConnector = this.connectors_[this.connectors_.length - 1] let prevCag = getCag(cagish, prevConnector) // add walls this.connectors_.forEach(function (connector, notFirst) { currCag = getCag(cagish, connector) if (notFirst || this.closed) { polygons.push.apply(polygons, prevCag._toWallPolygons({ toConnector1: prevConnector, toConnector2: connector, cag: currCag})) } else { // it is the first, and shape not closed -> build start wall polygons.push.apply(polygons, currCag._toPlanePolygons({toConnector: connector, flipped: true})) } if (notFirst === this.connectors_.length - 1 && !this.closed) { // build end wall polygons.push.apply(polygons, currCag._toPlanePolygons({toConnector: connector})) } prevCag = currCag prevConnector = connector }, this) return CSG.fromPolygons(polygons).reTesselated().canonicalized() }, /* * general idea behind these checks: connectors need to have smooth transition from one to another * TODO: add a check that 2 follow-on CAGs are not intersecting */ verify: function () { let connI let connI1 for (let i = 0; i < this.connectors_.length - 1; i++) { connI = this.connectors_[i] connI1 = this.connectors_[i + 1] if (connI1.point.minus(connI.point).dot(connI.axisvector) <= 0) { throw new Error('Invalid ConnectorList. Each connectors position needs to be within a <90deg range of previous connectors axisvector') } if ( <= 0) { throw new Error('invalid ConnectorList. No neighboring connectors axisvectors may span a >=90deg angle') } } } } module.exports = {Connector, ConnectorList}