const { CSG } = require('@jscad/csg') const { vt2jscad } = require('./vt2jscad') const { BinaryReader } = require('@jscad/io-utils') // STL function from // CC BY-SA by Riham // changes by Rene K. Mueller // changes by Mark 'kaosat-dev' Moissette // 2017/10/14: refactoring, added support for CSG output etc // 2013/03/28: lot of rework and debugging included, and error handling // 2013/03/18: renamed functions, creating .jscad source direct via polyhedron() const echo = function deserialize (stl, filename, options) { const defaults = {version: '0.0.0', addMetaData: true, output: 'jscad'} options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options) const {version, output, addMetaData} = options const isBinary = isDataBinaryRobust(stl) stl = isBinary && isBuffer(stl) ? bufferToBinaryString(stl) : stl const elementFormatterJscad = ({vertices, triangles, normals, colors, index}) => `// object #${index}: triangles: ${triangles.length}\n${vt2jscad(vertices, triangles, null)}` const elementFormatterCSG = ({vertices, triangles, normals, colors}) => polyhedron({ points: vertices, polygons: triangles }) const deserializer = isBinary ? deserializeBinarySTL : deserializeAsciiSTL const elementFormatter = output === 'jscad' ? elementFormatterJscad : elementFormatterCSG const outputFormatter = output === 'jscad' ? formatAsJscad : formatAsCsg return outputFormatter(deserializer(stl, filename, version, elementFormatter), addMetaData, version, filename) /* if (err) src += '// WARNING: import errors: ' + err + ' (some triangles might be misaligned or missing)\n' src += '// objects: 1\n// object #1: triangles: ' + totalTriangles + '\n\n' src += 'function main() { return ' src += vt2jscad(vertices, triangles, normals, colors) src += '; }' */ } function bufferToBinaryString (buffer) { let binary = '' const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer) let length = bytes.byteLength for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]) } return binary } // taken from if we need it more than once, add as dep function isBuffer (obj) { return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj) } // transforms input to string if it was not already the case function ensureString (buf) { if (typeof buf !== 'string') { let arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(buf) let str = '' for (let i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i++) { str += String.fromCharCode(arrayBuffer[i]) // implicitly assumes little-endian } return str } else { return buf } } // reliable binary detection function isDataBinaryRobust (data) { // console.log('data is binary ?') const patternVertex = /vertex[\s]+([-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\s]+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\s]+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+/g const text = ensureString(data) const isBinary = patternVertex.exec(text) === null return isBinary } function formatAsJscad (data, addMetaData, version, filename) { let code = addMetaData ? `// // producer: Compatibility${version} STL Binary Importer // date: ${new Date()} // source: ${filename} // ` : '' return code + `function main() { return union( // objects: ${data.length} ${data.join('\n')}); } ` } function formatAsCsg (data) { return new CSG().union(data) } function deserializeBinarySTL (stl, filename, version, elementFormatter, debug = false) { // -- This makes more sense if you read let vertices = [] let triangles = [] let normals = [] let colors = [] let converted = 0 let vertexIndex = 0 let err = 0 let mcolor = null let umask = parseInt('01000000000000000', 2) let rmask = parseInt('00000000000011111', 2) let gmask = parseInt('00000001111100000', 2) let bmask = parseInt('00111110000000000', 2) let br = new BinaryReader(stl) let m = 0 let c = 0 let r = 0 let g = 0 let b = 0 let a = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 80; i++) { switch (m) { case 6: r = br.readUInt8() m += 1 continue case 7: g = br.readUInt8() m += 1 continue case 8: b = br.readUInt8() m += 1 continue case 9: a = br.readUInt8() m += 1 continue default: c = br.readChar() switch (c) { case 'C': case 'O': case 'L': case 'R': case '=': m += 1 break default: break } break } } if (m === 10) { // create the default color mcolor = [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255, a / 255] } let totalTriangles = br.readUInt32() // Read # triangles for (let tr = 0; tr < totalTriangles; tr++) { if (debug) { if (tr % 100 === 0)`stl importer: converted ${converted} out of ${totalTriangles} triangles`) } /* REAL32[3] . Normal vector REAL32[3] . Vertex 1 REAL32[3] . Vertex 2 REAL32[3] . Vertex 3 UINT16 . Attribute byte count */ // -- Parse normal let no = []; no.push(br.readFloat()); no.push(br.readFloat()); no.push(br.readFloat()) // -- Parse every 3 subsequent floats as a vertex let v1 = []; v1.push(br.readFloat()); v1.push(br.readFloat()); v1.push(br.readFloat()) let v2 = []; v2.push(br.readFloat()); v2.push(br.readFloat()); v2.push(br.readFloat()) let v3 = []; v3.push(br.readFloat()); v3.push(br.readFloat()); v3.push(br.readFloat()) let skip = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (isNaN(v1[i])) skip++ if (isNaN(v2[i])) skip++ if (isNaN(v3[i])) skip++ if (isNaN(no[i])) skip++ } if (skip > 0) { echo('bad triangle vertice coords/normal: ', skip) } err += skip // -- every 3 vertices create a triangle. let triangle = []; triangle.push(vertexIndex++); triangle.push(vertexIndex++); triangle.push(vertexIndex++) let abc = br.readUInt16() let color = null if (m === 10) { let u = (abc & umask) // 0 if color is unique for this triangle let r = (abc & rmask) / 31 let g = ((abc & gmask) >>> 5) / 31 let b = ((abc & bmask) >>> 10) / 31 let a = 255 if (u === 0) { color = [r, g, b, a] } else { color = mcolor } colors.push(color) } // -- Add 3 vertices for every triangle // -- TODO: OPTIMIZE: Check if the vertex is already in the array, if it is just reuse the index if (skip === 0) { // checking cw vs ccw, given all normal/vertice are valid // E1 = B - A // E2 = C - A // test = dot( Normal, cross( E1, E2 ) ) // test > 0: cw, test < 0 : ccw let w1 = new CSG.Vector3D(v1) let w2 = new CSG.Vector3D(v2) let w3 = new CSG.Vector3D(v3) let e1 = w2.minus(w1) let e2 = w3.minus(w1) let t = new CSG.Vector3D(no).dot(e1.cross(e2)) if (t > 0) { // 1,2,3 -> 3,2,1 let tmp = v3 v3 = v1 v1 = tmp } } vertices.push(v1) vertices.push(v2) vertices.push(v3) triangles.push(triangle) normals.push(no) converted++ } if (err) { console.warn(`WARNING: import errors: ${err} (some triangles might be misaligned or missing)`) // FIXME: this used to be added to the output script, which makes more sense } return [elementFormatter({vertices, triangles, normals, colors})] } function deserializeAsciiSTL (stl, filename, version, elementFormatter) { let converted = 0 let o // -- Find all models const objects = stl.split('endsolid') // src += '// objects: ' + (objects.length - 1) + '\n' let elements = [] for (o = 1; o < objects.length; o++) { // -- Translation: a non-greedy regex for facet {...} endloop pattern let patt = /\bfacet[\s\S]*?endloop/mgi let vertices = [] let triangles = [] let normals = [] let vertexIndex = 0 let err = 0 let match = stl.match(patt) if (match == null) continue for (let i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { // if(converted%100==0) status('stl to jscad: converted '+converted+' out of '+match.length+ ' facets'); // -- 1 normal with 3 numbers, 3 different vertex objects each with 3 numbers: // let vpatt = /\bfacet\s+normal\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*outer\s+loop\s+vertex\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*vertex\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*vertex\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.?\d*)/mgi; // (-?\d+\.?\d*) -1.21223 // (-?\d+\.?\d*[Ee]?[-+]?\d*) let vpatt = /\bfacet\s+normal\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+outer\s+loop\s+vertex\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+vertex\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+vertex\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/mgi let v = vpatt.exec(match[i]) if (v == null) continue if (v.length !== 13) { echo('Failed to parse ' + match[i]) break } let skip = 0 for (let k = 0; k < v.length; k++) { if (v[k] === 'NaN') { echo('bad normal or triangle vertice #' + converted + ' ' + k + ": '" + v[k] + "', skipped") skip++ } } err += skip if (skip) { continue } if (0 && skip) { let j = 1 + 3 let v1 = []; v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let v2 = []; v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let v3 = []; v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) echo('recalculate norm', v1, v2, v3) let w1 = new CSG.Vector3D(v1) let w2 = new CSG.Vector3D(v2) let w3 = new CSG.Vector3D(v3) let _u = w1.minus(w3) let _v = w1.minus(w2) let norm = _u.cross(_v).unit() j = 1 v[j++] = norm._x v[j++] = norm._y v[j++] = norm._z skip = false } let j = 1 let no = []; no.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); no.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); no.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let v1 = []; v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v1.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let v2 = []; v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v2.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let v3 = []; v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])); v3.push(parseFloat(v[j++])) let triangle = []; triangle.push(vertexIndex++); triangle.push(vertexIndex++); triangle.push(vertexIndex++) // -- Add 3 vertices for every triangle // TODO: OPTIMIZE: Check if the vertex is already in the array, if it is just reuse the index if (skip === 0) { // checking cw vs ccw // E1 = B - A // E2 = C - A // test = dot( Normal, cross( E1, E2 ) ) // test > 0: cw, test < 0: ccw let w1 = new CSG.Vector3D(v1) let w2 = new CSG.Vector3D(v2) let w3 = new CSG.Vector3D(v3) let e1 = w2.minus(w1) let e2 = w3.minus(w1) let t = new CSG.Vector3D(no).dot(e1.cross(e2)) if (t > 0) { // 1,2,3 -> 3,2,1 let tmp = v3 v3 = v1 v1 = tmp } } vertices.push(v1) vertices.push(v2) vertices.push(v3) normals.push(no) triangles.push(triangle) converted++ } if (err) { console.warn(`WARNING: import errors: ${err} (some triangles might be misaligned or missing)`) // FIXME: this used to be added to the output script, which makes more sense } elements.push( elementFormatter({vertices, triangles, index: o}) ) } return elements } // FIXME : just a stand in for now from scad-api, not sure if we should rely on scad-api from here ? function polyhedron (p) { let pgs = [] let ref = p.triangles || p.polygons let colors = p.colors || null for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) { let pp = [] for (let j = 0; j < ref[i].length; j++) { pp[j] = p.points[ref[i][j]] } let v = [] for (let j = ref[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { // --- we reverse order for examples of OpenSCAD work v.push(new CSG.Vertex(new CSG.Vector3D(pp[j][0], pp[j][1], pp[j][2]))) } let s = CSG.Polygon.defaultShared if (colors && colors[i]) { s = CSG.Polygon.Shared.fromColor(colors[i]) } pgs.push(new CSG.Polygon(v, s)) } let r = CSG.fromPolygons(pgs) return r } module.exports = { deserialize }