# ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️ `@most/multicast` is deprecated. Support and maintenance will cease when `@most/core` 1.0 is released. Meanwhile, only critical bug fixes will be released. Its functionality is currently available in [@most/core](http://mostcore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#multicast) and will also be available in most 2.0. # @most/multicast Efficient source sharing of an underlying stream to multiple observers. ## API ### multicast :: Stream a → Stream a Returns a stream equivalent to the original, but which can be shared more efficiently among multiple consumers. ``` stream: -a-b-c-d-> multicast(stream): -a-b-c-d-> ``` Using multicast allows you to build up a stream of maps, filters, and other transformations, and then share it efficiently with multiple observers.