<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <processing xmlns="http://kabeja.org/processing/1.0" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> <!--+ | The processing configuration +--> <configuration> <!--+ | If you want to configure the parser you can change the parser.xml and use it here or | register your own parser for other input formats | <parsers> | <xi:include href="conf/parser.xml"/> | </parsers> +--> <postprocessors> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.BoundsDebugger" name="bounds.debugger"/> <!-- removes all image entities if the images file does not exists --> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.ImageFilter" name="image.filter"/> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.BoundsFilter" name="bounds.filter"/> <!-- allows you to remove layers from the draft and merge all layers to one --> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.LayerFilter" name="layer.filter"/> <!-- converts lines,arcs and polylines to a single polyline, if they have the same points --> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.PolylineConverter" name="polyline.converter"/> <!-- removes invisible entities --> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.VisibilityFilter" name="visibility.filter"/> <postprocessor class="org.kabeja.processing.ScriptablePostProcessor" name="js"/> </postprocessors> <filters> <filter class="org.kabeja.batik.tools.ImageBase64Encoder" name="image"/> <filter class="org.kabeja.svg.FixedStrokeWidthFilter" name="fixed-stroke-width"/> <filter class="org.kabeja.svg.RootLayerFilter" name="rootlayer.filter"/> <filter class="org.kabeja.svg.StyleAttributeFilter" name="styleattribute.filter"/> <filter class="org.kabeja.xslt.SAXXSLTFilter" name="xslt"> <property name="http://xml.org/sax/features/is-standalone/" value="true"/> </filter> </filters> <serializers> <serializer class="org.kabeja.xml.SAXPrettyOutputter" name="svg"/> <serializer class="org.kabeja.batik.tools.SAXJPEGSerializer" name="jpeg"/> <serializer class="org.kabeja.batik.tools.SAXPNGSerializer" name="png"/> <serializer class="org.kabeja.batik.tools.SAXTIFFSerializer" name="tiff"/> <serializer class="org.kabeja.batik.tools.SAXPDFSerializer" name="pdf"> <!--+ | *example configuration works with jpeg/png/tiff also | | * setup a paper sizes A0-A6 | <property name="paper" value="A1"/> | | * setup own paper size by mm/in/px/cm | <property name="width" value="100mm"/> | <property name="height" value="50mm"/> | | * dpi setting | <property name="dpi" value="300"/> | | * change the orientation | <property name="orientation" value="landscape"/> +--> </serializer> <serializer class="org.kabeja.xslt.SAXXMLSerializer" name="xml"/> </serializers> <generators> <generator class="org.kabeja.svg.SVGGenerator" name="svg"> <!--+ | possible values are: | *) modelspace | *) paperspace | *) kabeja -> the default +--> <property name="bounds-rule" value="kabeja"/> <!--+ | * you can choose a layout | by name: | <property name="output-style-name" value="myLayout2"/> | or the default "Model"-layout will be used +--> <property name="output-style" value="layout"/> <!--+ | you can setup an own stroke width for the draft | this will override the draft line weight | <property name="stroke-width" value="0.02%"/> +--> </generator> </generators> </configuration> <!--+ | The processing pipelines +--> <pipelines> <pipeline name="Inkscape" description="Converts the draft to SVG using the inkscape import filter settings."> <generate name="svg"/> <filter name="rootlayer.filter"/> <filter name="styleattribute.filter"/> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="svg" description="Converts the draft to SVG"> <generate name="svg"/> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="debug" description="Helps to debug false bounds"> <postprocess name="bounds.debugger"/> <generate name="svg"/> <filter name="image"/> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="jpeg"> <generate name="svg"/> <serialize name="jpeg"> <property name="width" value="1024"/> <property name="height" value="768"/> </serialize> </pipeline> <pipeline name="png"> <generate name="svg"/> <serialize name="png"> <property name="width" value="1024"/> <property name="height" value="768"/> </serialize> </pipeline> <pipeline name="tiff"> <generate name="svg"/> <serialize name="tiff"> <property name="width" value="1024"/> <property name="height" value="768"/> </serialize> </pipeline> <pipeline name="pdf"> <generate name="svg"/> <serialize name="pdf"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="font" description="Convert to SVG and tries to embed fonts"> <generate name="svg"/> <filter name="xslt"> <property name="stylesheet" value="../tools/xsl/embedfont.xsl"/> </filter> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="embed" description="Convert to SVG and tries to embed fonts and images"> <generate name="svg"/> <postprocess name="image.filter"/> <generate name="svg"/> <filter name="image"/> <filter name="xslt"> <property name="stylesheet" value="../tools/xsl/embedfont.xsl"/> <property name="http://xml.org/sax/features/is-standalone/" value="true"/> <property name="http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities" value="false"/> </filter> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="mozilla" description="Generate a Mozilla 1.5.X compatible SVG (change all to a fixed stoke-width)"> <generate name="svg"/> <!-- Mozilla based browser only render svg with a fixed stroke-width, a percent value will cause a crashing Mozilla --> <filter name="fixed-stroke-width"/> <serialize name="svg"/> </pipeline> <pipeline name="scripting" desription="Invokes the javascipt postprocessor before converting to SVG"> <generate name="svg"/> <postprocess name="js"> <property name="src" value="scripts/layoutDebug.js"/> </postprocess> <serialize name="pdf"/> </pipeline> </pipelines> </processing>