#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org # Modified by Ellen Wasbo, ellen@wasbo.net 2021 - number subpaths and mark start/end node with green/red dot # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import math import inkex from inkex import TextElement, Circle class NumberSubpaths(inkex.EffectExtension): """Mark start and end nodes with numbered dots according to the options""" def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--dotsize", default="10px", help="Size of the dots on the path nodes") pars.add_argument("--fontsize", default="10px", help="Size of node labels") pars.add_argument("--showID", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False) pars.add_argument("--tab", help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed") def effect(self): if not self.svg.selected: raise inkex.AbortExtension("Please select an object.") for id, node in self.svg.selection.id_dict().items(): self.add_dot(node) def add_dot(self, node): """Add a dot label for this path element""" group = node.getparent().add(inkex.Group()) dot_group = group.add(inkex.Group()) num_group = group.add(inkex.Group()) group.transform = node.transform styleStart = inkex.Style({'stroke': 'none', 'fill': '#00ff00'}) styleEnd = inkex.Style({'stroke': 'none', 'fill': '#ff0000'}) idTxt='' if self.options.showID==True: idTxt=node.get('id')+', ' cc=0 for sub in node.path.to_superpath(): x=sub[0][1][0] y=sub[0][1][1] circle = dot_group.add(Circle(cx=str(x), cy=str(y), r=str(self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) / 2))) circle.style = styleStart num_group.append(self.add_text( x + (self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) / 3), y - (self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) / 3), idTxt+str(cc))) x=sub[-1][1][0] y=sub[-1][1][1] circle = dot_group.add(Circle(cx=str(x), cy=str(y), r=str(self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) *0.9 / 2))) circle.style = styleEnd num_group.append(self.add_text( x + (self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) / 3), y - (self.svg.unittouu(self.options.dotsize) / 3), idTxt+str(cc))) cc+=1 def add_text(self, x, y, text): """Add a text label at the given location""" elem = TextElement(x=str(x), y=str(y)) elem.text = str(text) elem.style = { 'font-size': self.svg.unittouu(self.options.fontsize), 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': 'none', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'font-style': 'normal', 'fill': '#999'} return elem if __name__ == '__main__': NumberSubpaths().run()