#! /usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np from math import pi import inkex from Path import Path from Pattern import Pattern # Select name of class, inherits from Pattern # TODO: # 1) Implement __init__ method to get all custom options and then call Pattern's __init__ # 2) Implement generate_path_tree to define all of the desired strokes class Template(Pattern): def __init__(self): Pattern.__init__(self) self.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', default="template1", help="Origami pattern") self.add_argument('--length', type=float, default=10.0, help="Length of grid square") self.add_argument('--theta', type=int, default=0, help="Rotation angle (degree)") def generate_path_tree(self): """ Specialized path generation for your origami pattern """ # retrieve conversion factor for selected unit unit_factor = self.calc_unit_factor() # retrieve saved parameters, and apply unit factor where needed length = self.options.length * unit_factor vertex_radius = self.options.vertex_radius * unit_factor pattern = self.options.pattern theta = self.options.theta * pi / 180 # create all Path instances defining strokes # first define its points as a list of tuples... mountain_h_stroke_points = [(length / 2, 0), (length / 2, length)] mountain_v_stroke_points = [(0, length / 2), (length, length / 2)] # ... and then create the Path instances, defining its type ('m' for mountain, etc...) mountains = [Path(mountain_h_stroke_points, 'm' if pattern == 'template1' else 'v'), Path(mountain_v_stroke_points, 'm' if pattern == 'template1' else 'v')] # doing the same for valleys valley_1st_stroke_points = [(0, 0), (length, length)] valley_2nd_stroke_points = [(0, length), (length, 0)] valleys = [Path(valley_1st_stroke_points, 'v' if pattern == 'template1' else 'm'), Path(valley_2nd_stroke_points, 'v' if pattern == 'template1' else 'm')] vertices = [] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): vertices.append(Path(((i/2.) * length, (j/2.) * length), style='p', radius=vertex_radius)) # multiplication is implemented as a rotation, and list_rotate implements rotation for list of Path instances vertices = Path.list_rotate(vertices, theta, (1 * length, 1 * length)) mountains = Path.list_rotate(mountains, theta, (1 * length, 1 * length)) valleys = Path.list_rotate(valleys, theta, (1 * length, 1 * length)) # if Path constructor is called with more than two points, a single stroke connecting all of then will be # created. Using method generate_separated_paths, you can instead return a list of separated strokes # linking each two points # create a list for edge strokes edge_points = [(0 * length, 0 * length), # top left (1 * length, 0 * length), # top right (1 * length, 1 * length), # bottom right (0 * length, 1 * length)] # bottom left # create path from points to be able to use the already built rotate method edges = Path(edge_points, 'e', closed=True) edges = Path.list_rotate(edges, theta, (1 * length, 1 * length)) # division is implemented as a reflection, and list_reflect implements it for a list of Path instances # here's a commented example: # line_reflect = (0 * length, 2 * length, 1 * length, 1 * length) # mountains = Path.list_reflect(mountains, line_reflect) # valleys = Path.list_reflect(valleys, line_reflect) # edges = Path.list_reflect(edges, line_reflect) # IMPORTANT: at the end, save edge points as "self.edge_points", to simplify selection of single or multiple # strokes for the edge self.edge_points = edges.points # IMPORTANT: the attribute "path_tree" must be created at the end, saving all strokes self.path_tree = [mountains, valleys, vertices] # if you decide not to declare "self.edge_points", then the edge must be explicitly created in the path_tree: # self.path_tree = [mountains, valleys, vertices, edges] # Main function, creates an instance of the Class and calls self.draw() to draw the origami on inkscape # self.draw() is either a call to inkex.affect() or to svg.run(), depending on python version if __name__ == '__main__': Template().run()