#! /usr/bin/env python3 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # __version__ = "0.1" import inkex import math class GenerateFrame(inkex.EffectExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--width", type=float, default=100.0, help="Inner width") pars.add_argument("--height", type=float, default=150.0, help="Inner height") pars.add_argument("--depth", type=float, default=10.0, help="Frame depth") pars.add_argument("--border", type=float, default=20.0, help="Frame border width") pars.add_argument("--unit", default="mm", help="Unit of measure") def effect(self): center_x = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('width'))/2 center_y = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('height'))/2 _width = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.width) + self.options.unit) _height = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.height) + self.options.unit) _depth = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.depth) + self.options.unit) _border = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.border) + self.options.unit) _border_hyp = math.sqrt(2 * _border * _border) id_frame = self.svg.get_unique_id('papercraft-frame') group = self.svg.get_current_layer().add(inkex.Group(id=id_frame)) id_score = self.svg.get_unique_id('papercraft-scores') score_group = group.add(inkex.Group(id=id_score)) cut_line = {'stroke': '#FF0000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px'))} safe_line = {'stroke': '#0000FF', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px'))} valley_score_line = {'stroke': '#00FF00', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')), 'stroke-dasharray': '1.05999995,0.52999997,0.26499999,0.52999997'} mountain_score_line = {'stroke': '#00FF00', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')), 'stroke-dasharray': '5,5'} # line.path --> M = absolute coordinates # line.path --> l = draws a line from the current point to the specified relative coordinates # line.path --> c = draws a beizer curve from the current point to the specified coordinates # line.path --> q = draw an arc from the current point to the specified coordinates using a point as reference # line.path --> Z = close path # outer profile (cut) line = group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_frame + '-outer-profile')) line.path = [ # top-left ['M', [0, 2 * (_border+_depth)]], ['l', [_border+_depth+_border,0]], ['l', [0,-_depth]], ['l', [_depth,0]], ['l', [_border,-_border]], ['l', [0,-_depth]], ['l', [-_border,-_border]], ['l', [_width+2*_border,0]], # top-right ['l', [-_border,_border]], ['l', [0,_depth]], ['l', [_border,_border]], ['l', [_depth,0]], ['l', [0,_depth]], ['l', [_border+_depth+_border,0]], ['l', [0,_height+2*_border]], # bottom-right ['l', [-(_border+_depth+_border),0]], ['l', [0,_depth]], ['l', [-_depth,0]], ['l', [-_border,_border]], ['l', [0,_depth]], ['l', [_border,_border]], ['l', [-(_width+2*_border),0]], # bottom-left ['l', [_border,-_border]], ['l', [0,-_depth]], ['l', [-_border,-_border]], ['l', [-_depth,0]], ['l', [0,-_depth]], ['l', [-(_border+_depth+_border),0]], ['Z', []] ] line.style = cut_line line = group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_frame + '-inner-profile')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*_depth+3*_border, 2*_depth+3*_border]], ['l', [_width,0]], ['l', [0,_height]], ['l', [-_width,0]], ['Z', []] ] line.style = safe_line # score lines -- vertical _top_edge = 2 *_border+2*_depth line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-1')) line.path = [ ['M', [_border, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-2')) line.path = [ ['M', [_border+_depth, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-3')) line.path = [ ['M', [_border+_depth+_border, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-4')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*(_border+_depth), _top_edge-_depth]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border+2*_depth]], ] line.style = valley_score_line _right_side = _width+4*_border+2*_depth line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-5')) line.path = [ ['M', [_right_side, _top_edge-_depth]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border+2*_depth]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-6')) line.path = [ ['M', [_right_side+_depth, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-7')) line.path = [ ['M', [_right_side+_border+_depth, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-8')) line.path = [ ['M', [_right_side+_border+_depth+_depth, _top_edge]], ['l', [0, _height+2*_border]], ] line.style = valley_score_line # corners _o1_x = 2*_border + _depth _o1_y = _o1_x + _depth line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-22')) line.path = [ ['M', [_o1_x+_depth, _o1_y]], ['l', [-_depth,-_depth]], ] line.style = mountain_score_line _o2_x = _o1_x + _width + 2*_border + 2*_depth _o2_y = _o1_y line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-24')) line.path = [ ['M', [_o2_x-_depth, _o2_y]], ['l', [_depth,-_depth]], ] line.style = mountain_score_line _o3_x = _o1_x _o3_y = _o1_y + _height + 2*_border line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-26')) line.path = [ ['M', [_o3_x + _depth, _o3_y]], ['l', [-_depth,_depth]], ] line.style = mountain_score_line _o4_x = _o2_x _o4_y = _o3_y line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-28')) line.path = [ ['M', [_o4_x - _depth, _o4_y]], ['l', [_depth,_depth]], ] line.style = mountain_score_line # horizontals line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-31')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*_border+_depth, 2*_border+2*_depth]], ['l', [_width+2*_border+2*_depth,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-32')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*_border+2*_depth, 2*_border+_depth]], ['l', [_width+2*_border,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-33')) line.path = [ ['M', [3*_border+2*_depth, _border+_depth]], ['l', [_width,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-34')) line.path = [ ['M', [3*_border+2*_depth, _border]], ['l', [_width,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line _bottom = _height + 4*_border+2*_depth line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-35')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*_border+_depth, _bottom]], ['l', [_width+2*_border+2*_depth,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-36')) line.path = [ ['M', [2*_border+2*_depth, _bottom+_depth]], ['l', [_width+2*_border,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-37')) line.path = [ ['M', [3*_border+2*_depth, _bottom+_border+_depth]], ['l', [_width,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line line = score_group.add(inkex.PathElement(id=id_score + '-score-38')) line.path = [ ['M', [3*_border+2*_depth, _bottom+_border+2*_depth]], ['l', [_width,0]], ] line.style = valley_score_line if __name__ == '__main__': GenerateFrame().run()