"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = void 0; var _round = require("round10"); /** * Copied and ported to code standard as the b-spline library is not maintained any longer. * Source: * https://github.com/thibauts/b-spline * Copyright (c) 2015 Thibaut Séguy */ var _default = function _default(t, degree, points, knots, weights) { var n = points.length; // points count var d = points[0].length; // point dimensionality if (t < 0 || t > 1) { throw new Error('t out of bounds [0,1]: ' + t); } if (degree < 1) throw new Error('degree must be at least 1 (linear)'); if (degree > n - 1) throw new Error('degree must be less than or equal to point count - 1'); if (!weights) { // build weight vector of length [n] weights = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { weights[i] = 1; } } if (!knots) { // build knot vector of length [n + degree + 1] knots = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < n + degree + 1; _i++) { knots[_i] = _i; } } else { if (knots.length !== n + degree + 1) throw new Error('bad knot vector length'); } var domain = [degree, knots.length - 1 - degree]; // remap t to the domain where the spline is defined var low = knots[domain[0]]; var high = knots[domain[1]]; t = t * (high - low) + low; // Clamp to the upper & lower bounds instead of // throwing an error like in the original lib // https://github.com/bjnortier/dxf/issues/28 t = Math.max(t, low); t = Math.min(t, high); // find s (the spline segment) for the [t] value provided var s; for (s = domain[0]; s < domain[1]; s++) { if (t >= knots[s] && t <= knots[s + 1]) { break; } } // convert points to homogeneous coordinates var v = []; for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < n; _i2++) { v[_i2] = []; for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { v[_i2][j] = points[_i2][j] * weights[_i2]; } v[_i2][d] = weights[_i2]; } // l (level) goes from 1 to the curve degree + 1 var alpha; for (var l = 1; l <= degree + 1; l++) { // build level l of the pyramid for (var _i3 = s; _i3 > s - degree - 1 + l; _i3--) { alpha = (t - knots[_i3]) / (knots[_i3 + degree + 1 - l] - knots[_i3]); // interpolate each component for (var _j = 0; _j < d + 1; _j++) { v[_i3][_j] = (1 - alpha) * v[_i3 - 1][_j] + alpha * v[_i3][_j]; } } } // convert back to cartesian and return var result = []; for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < d; _i4++) { result[_i4] = (0, _round.round10)(v[s][_i4] / v[s][d], -9); } return result; }; exports["default"] = _default;