#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Extension for InkScape 1.0 Features - filters the current selection or the whole document for fill or stroke style. Each style will be put onto it's own layer. This way you can devide elements by their colors. Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz Mail: mario.voigt@stadtfabrikanten.org Date: 19.08.2020 Last patch: 29.08.2020 License: GNU GPL v3 """ import inkex import re from lxml import etree import math from operator import itemgetter from inkex.colors import Color class StylesToLayers(inkex.Effect): def findLayer(self, layerName): svg_layers = self.document.xpath('//svg:g[@inkscape:groupmode="layer"]', namespaces=inkex.NSS) for layer in svg_layers: #inkex.utils.debug(str(layer.get('inkscape:label')) + " == " + layerName) if layer.get('inkscape:label') == layerName: return layer return None def createLayer(self, layerNodeList, layerName): svg = self.document.xpath('//svg:svg',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0] for layer in layerNodeList: #inkex.utils.debug(str(layer[0].get('inkscape:label')) + " == " + layerName) if layer[0].get('inkscape:label') == layerName: return layer[0] #already exists. Do not create duplicate layer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g') layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), '%s' % layerName) layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer') return layer def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--separateby", default = "stroke", help = "Separate by") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--parsecolors",default = "hexval", help = "Sort colors by") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--subdividethreshold", type=int, default = 1, help = "Threshold for splitting into sub layers") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--decimals", type=int, default = 1, help = "Decimal tolerance") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--cleanup", type=inkex.Boolean, default = True, help = "Decimal tolerance") def effect(self): def colorsort(stroke_value): #this function applies to stroke or fill (hex colors) if self.options.parsecolors == "hexval": return float(int(stroke_value[1:], 16)) elif self.options.parsecolors == "hue": return float(Color(stroke_value).to_hsl()[0]) elif self.options.parsecolors == "saturation": return float(Color(stroke_value).to_hsl()[1]) elif self.options.parsecolors == "luminance": return float(Color(stroke_value).to_hsl()[2]) return None layer_name = None layerNodeList = [] #list with layer, neutral_value, element and self.options.separateby type selected = [] #list of items to parse if len(self.svg.selected) == 0: for element in self.document.getroot().iter("*"): selected.append(element) else: selected = self.svg.selected.values() for element in selected: style = element.get('style') #if no style attributes or stroke/fill are set as extra attribute stroke = element.get('stroke') stroke_width = element.get('stroke-width') stroke_opacity = element.get('stroke-opacity') fill = element.get('fill') fill_opacity = element.get('fill-opacity') # possible values for fill are #HEXCOLOR (like #000000), color name (like purple, black, red) or gradients (URLs) neutral_value = None #we will use this value to slice the filter result into sub layers (threshold) if fill is not None: style = 'fill:'+ fill + ";" if stroke is not None: style = style + 'stroke:' + stroke + ";" #we don't want to destroy elements with gradients (they contain svg:stop elements which have a style too) and we don't want to mess with tspans (text) if style and element.tag != inkex.addNS('stop','svg') and element.tag != inkex.addNS('tspan','svg'): if self.options.separateby == "stroke": stroke = re.search('stroke:(.*?)(;|$)', style) if stroke is not None: stroke = stroke[0] stroke_value = stroke.split("stroke:")[1].split(";")[0] if stroke_value != "none": stroke_converted = str(Color(stroke_value).to_rgb()) #the color can be hex code or clear name. we handle both the same neutral_value = colorsort(stroke_converted) layer_name = "stroke-" + self.options.parsecolors + "-" + stroke_converted else: layer_name = "stroke-" + self.options.parsecolors + "-none" elif self.options.separateby == "stroke_width": stroke_width = re.search('stroke-width:(.*?)(;|$)', style) if stroke_width is not None: stroke_width = stroke_width[0] neutral_value = self.svg.unittouu(stroke_width.split("stroke-width:")[1].split(";")[0]) layer_name = stroke_width else: layer_name = "stroke-width-none" elif self.options.separateby == "stroke_opacity": stroke_opacity = re.search('stroke-opacity:(.*?)(;|$)', style) if stroke_opacity is not None: stroke_opacity = stroke_opacity[0] neutral_value = float(stroke_opacity.split("stroke-opacity:")[1].split(";")[0]) layer_name = stroke_opacity else: layer_name = "stroke-opacity-none" elif self.options.separateby == "fill": fill = re.search('fill:(.*?)(;|$)', style) if fill is not None: fill = fill[0] fill_value = fill.split("fill:")[1].split(";")[0] #check if the fill color is a real color or a gradient. if it's a gradient we skip the element if fill_value != "none" and "url" not in fill_value: fill_converted = str(Color(fill_value).to_rgb()) #the color can be hex code or clear name. we handle both the same neutral_value = colorsort(fill_converted) layer_name = "fill-" + self.options.parsecolors + "-" + fill_converted elif "url" in fill_value: #okay we found a gradient. we put it to some group layer_name = "fill-" + self.options.parsecolors + "-gradient" else: layer_name = "fill-" + self.options.parsecolors + "-none" elif self.options.separateby == "fill_opacity": fill_opacity = re.search('fill-opacity:(.*?)(;|$)', style) if fill_opacity is not None: fill_opacity = fill_opacity[0] neutral_value = float(fill_opacity.split("fill-opacity:")[1].split(";")[0]) layer_name = fill_opacity else: layer_name = "fill-opacity-none" else: inkex.utils.debug("No proper option selected.") exit(1) if neutral_value is not None: #apply decimals filter neutral_value = float(round(neutral_value, self.options.decimals)) if layer_name is not None: layer_name = layer_name.split(";")[0] #cut off existing semicolons to avoid duplicated layers with/without semicolon currentLayer = self.findLayer(layer_name) if currentLayer is None: #layer does not exist, so create a new one layerNodeList.append([self.createLayer(layerNodeList, layer_name), neutral_value, element, self.options.separateby]) else: layerNodeList.append([currentLayer, neutral_value, element, self.options.separateby]) #layer is existent. append items to this later contentlength = 0 #some counter to track if there are layers inside or if it is just a list with empty children for layerNode in layerNodeList: layerNode[0].append(layerNode[2]) #append element to created layer if layerNode[1] is not None: contentlength += 1 #for each found layer we increment +1 # Additionally if threshold was defined re-arrange the previously created layers by putting them into sub layers if self.options.subdividethreshold > 1 and contentlength > 0: #check if we need to subdivide and if there are items we could rearrange into sub layers #disabled sorting because it can return NoneType values which will kill the algorithm #layerNodeList.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) #sort by neutral values from min to max to put them with ease into parent layers topLevelLayerNodeList = [] #list with new layers and sub layers (mapping) minmax_range = [] for layerNode in layerNodeList: if layerNode[1] is not None: if layerNode[1] not in minmax_range: minmax_range.append(layerNode[1]) #get neutral_value if len(minmax_range) >= 3: #if there are less than 3 distinct values a sub-layering will make no sense #adjust the subdividethreshold if there are less layers than division threshold value dictates if len(minmax_range) - 1 < self.options.subdividethreshold: self.options.subdividethreshold = len(minmax_range)-1 #calculate the sub layer slices (sub ranges) minval = min(minmax_range) maxval = max(minmax_range) sliceinterval = (maxval - minval) / self.options.subdividethreshold #inkex.utils.debug("neutral values (sorted) = " + str(minmax_range)) #inkex.utils.debug("min neutral_value = " + str(minval)) #inkex.utils.debug("max neutral_value = " + str(maxval)) #inkex.utils.debug("slice value (divide step size) = " + str(sliceinterval)) #inkex.utils.debug("subdivides (parent layers) = " + str(self.options.subdividethreshold)) for layerNode in layerNodeList: for x in range(0, self.options.subdividethreshold): #loop through the sorted neutral_values and determine to which layer they should belong if layerNode[1] is None: layer_name = str(layerNode[3]) + "#parent:unfilterable" currentLayer = self.findLayer(layer_name) if currentLayer is None: #layer does not exist, so create a new one topLevelLayerNodeList.append([self.createLayer(topLevelLayerNodeList, layer_name), layerNode[0]]) else: topLevelLayerNodeList.append([currentLayer, layerNode[0]]) #layer is existent. append items to this later break else: layer_name = str(layerNode[3]) + "#parent" + str(x+1) currentLayer = self.findLayer(layer_name) #value example for arranging: #min neutral_value = 0.07 #max neutral_value = 2.50 #slice value = 0.81 #subdivides = 3 # #that finally should generate: # layer #1: (from 0.07) to (0.07 + 0.81 = 0.88) # layer #2: (from 0.88) to (0.88 + 0.81 = 1.69) # layer #3: (from 1.69) to (1.69 + 0.81 = 2.50) # #now check layerNode[1] (neutral_value) and sort it into the correct layer if (layerNode[1] >= minval + sliceinterval * x) and (layerNode[1] <= minval + sliceinterval + sliceinterval * x): if currentLayer is None: #layer does not exist, so create a new one topLevelLayerNodeList.append([self.createLayer(topLevelLayerNodeList, layer_name), layerNode[0]]) else: topLevelLayerNodeList.append([currentLayer, layerNode[0]]) #layer is existent. append items to this later break #finally append the sublayers to the slices #for layer in topLevelLayerNodeList: #inkex.utils.debug(layer[0].get('inkscape:label')) #inkex.utils.debug(layer[1]) for newLayerNode in topLevelLayerNodeList: newLayerNode[0].append(newLayerNode[1]) #append newlayer to layer if self.options.cleanup == True: try: import cleangroups cleangroups.CleanGroups.effect(self) except: inkex.utils.debug("Calling 'Remove Empty Groups' extension failed. Maybe the extension is not installed. You can download it from official InkScape Gallery.") if __name__ == '__main__': StylesToLayers().run()