<_name>GPX Import
<_param name="m" type="int" _gui-text="Maximum width or height of the SVG in pixels" min="0" max="100000">3000
<_param name="d" type="boolean" _gui-text="Drop single points" _gui-description="Default: draw a circle with 1px diameter" >true
<_param name="r" type="boolean" _gui-text="Raw conversion" _gui-description="Create on SVG path per track segment, don't try to combine paths that end with the starting piont of another path" >true
<_param name="j" type="boolean" _gui-text="Join all segments" _gui-description="Join all segments to a big one in the order of the gpx file. This can create an oun-scattered path if the default combining algorthm does not work because there are no matching pints across segments (implies raw conversion)" >true
<_param name="helptext" type="description" xml:space="preserve">
Homepage: https://efossils.somxslibres.net/fossil/user/mono/repository/inkgpx2svg/index
based on gpx2svg: https://nasauber.de/opensource/gpx2svg/
<_filetypename>GPS eXchange Format (*.gpx)
<_filetypetooltip>Import GPX Format