#! /usr/bin/env python3 # this extension is under licence CC-by-sa @ Tiemen DUVILLARD 2020 # for all questions, comments, bugs: duvillard.tiemen@gmail.com import inkex from lxml import etree # my maze module from maze import * def points_to_svgd(p, close=False): """ convert list of points (x,y) pairs into a SVG path list """ f = p[0] p = p[1:] svgd = 'M%.4f,%.4f' % f for x in p: svgd += 'L%.4f,%.4f' % x if close: svgd += 'z' return svgd class Recursive(inkex.EffectExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--verti", type=int, default=20, help="Height") pars.add_argument("--horiz", type=int, default=20, help="Length") pars.add_argument("--size", type=float, default=10.0, help="Cell Size") pars.add_argument("--algo", default=1, help="Algorithm") pars.add_argument("--width", type=float, default=10.0, help="Line width") def effect(self): # basic style style = { 'stroke': "black", "fill":"none", 'stroke-width': self.options.width } # my group of paths topgroup = etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), 'g' ) lc = self.options.size X = self.options.verti Y = self.options.horiz L = Maze(X,Y,self.options.algo) for i,j,door in L.verticalDoors(): if door: path = points_to_svgd([(lc*(j+1), lc*(i)), (lc*(j+1), lc*(i+1))]) mypath_attribs = { 'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'd': path } squiggle = etree.SubElement(topgroup, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), mypath_attribs ) for i,j,door in L.horizontalDoors(): if door: path = points_to_svgd([(lc*(j), lc*(i+1)), (lc*(j+1), lc*(i+1))]) mypath_attribs = { 'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'd': path } squiggle = etree.SubElement(topgroup, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), mypath_attribs ) path = points_to_svgd([(0,0),(0,lc*Y),(lc*X,lc*Y),(lc*X,0)], True) mypath_attribs = { 'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'd': path } squiggle = etree.SubElement(topgroup, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), mypath_attribs ) if __name__ == '__main__': Recursive().run()