#!/bin/bash echo "Validating inx files with xmllint. Only errors are printed to console" for folder in */ ; do xmllint --noout --relaxng ./inkscape.extension.rng $folder*.inx > /dev/null 2>> 000_xmllint.out; done; grep -v "validates\|warning: failed to load external entity" 000_xmllint.out; rm 000_xmllint.out echo "Count of inx files:" find ./ -type f -name "*.inx" | wc -l echo "Count of extension folders:" ls -d */ | wc -l echo "Removing unrequired pyc cache files" find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -rf {} \; echo "Building Inkscape gallery extension zip files" TARGETDIR="../000_Inkscape_Gallery" mkdir -p $TARGETDIR > /dev/null #list of extensions which are uploaded at Inkscape gallery by us at the moment for EXTENSION in \ "animate_order" \ "cleanup_styles" \ "contour_scanner_and_trimmer" \ "convert_to_polylines" \ "create_links" \ "dxf2papercraft" \ "dxf_dwg_importer" \ "imagetracerjs" \ "inventory_sticker" \ "move_path_node" \ "remove_empty_groups" \ "offset_paths" \ "papercraft_unfold" \ "paperfold" \ "primitive" \ "slic3r_stl_input" \ "split_and_break_bezier_at_t" \ "styles_to_layers" \ "ungrouper_and_element_migrator_filter" \ "unwind_paths" \ "vpypetools" do EXTRA="" if [[ $EXTENSION == "styles_to_layers" ]] || [[ $EXTENSION == "ungrouper_and_element_migrator_filter" ]]; then EXTRA="${EXTRA} apply_transformations/" elif [[ $EXTENSION == "styles_to_layers" ]] || [[ $EXTENSION == "ungrouper_and_element_migrator_filter" ]]; then EXTRA="${EXTRA} remove_empty_groups/" fi ZIPFILE=$TARGETDIR/$EXTENSION.zip rm $ZIPFILE > /dev/null zip -r $ZIPFILE $EXTENSION/ 000_about_fablabchemnitz.svg $EXTRA done