#!/usr/bin/env python3 import inkex cut_colour = '#ff0000' engrave_colour = '#0000ff' class Generator(object): """A generic generator, subclassed for each different lattice style.""" def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, stroke_width, svg, e_length, p_spacing): self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.stroke_width = stroke_width self.svg = svg self.canvas = self.svg.get_current_layer() self.e_length = e_length self.e_height = 0 # Provided by sub-classes. self.p_spacing = p_spacing self.fixed_commands = "" def draw_one(self, x, y): return "M %f,%f %s" % (x, y, self.fixed_commands) def parameter_text(self): return "length: %.f spacing: %.1f" % ( self.e_length, self.p_spacing, ) def draw_swatch(self): border = self.canvas.add(inkex.PathElement()) # Curve radius cr = self.svg.unittouu('10mm') # Swatch padding sp = self.svg.unittouu('30mm') # Handle length hl = cr/2 path_command = ( 'm %f,%f l %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f' 'l %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f ' 'l %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f ' 'l %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f ') % ( cr, 0, self.width - 2*cr, 0, hl, 0, cr, cr-hl, cr, cr, 0, self.height - 2*cr + 1.5*sp, 0, cr/2, 0-cr+hl, cr, 0-cr, cr, 0-self.width + 2*cr, 0, 0-hl, 0, 0-cr, 0-cr+hl, 0-cr, 0-cr, 0, 0-self.height - 1.5*sp + 2*cr, 0, 0-hl, cr-hl, 0-cr, cr, 0-cr ) style = { "stroke": cut_colour, "stroke-width": str(self.stroke_width), "fill": "none", } border.update(**{"style": style, "inkscape:label": "lattice_border", "d": path_command}) c = self.canvas.add(inkex.Circle( style=str(inkex.Style(style)), cx=str(cr), cy=str(cr), r=str(self.svg.unittouu('4mm')))) self.y += sp text_style = { 'fill': engrave_colour, 'font-size': '9px', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 'text-anchor': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center', } text = self.canvas.add( inkex.TextElement( style=str(inkex.Style(text_style)), x=str(self.x + self.width/2), y=str(self.y - sp/2))) text.text = "Style: %s" % self.name text_style['font-size'] = "3px" text = self.canvas.add( inkex.TextElement( style=str(inkex.Style(text_style)), x=str(self.x + self.width/2), y=str(self.y - sp/4))) text.text = self.parameter_text() text = self.canvas.add( inkex.TextElement( style=str(inkex.Style(text_style)), x=str(self.x + self.width/2), y=str(self.y +self.height + sp/4))) text.text = "https://github.com/buxtronix/living-hinge" def generate(self, swatch): if swatch: self.draw_swatch() # Round width/height to integer number of patterns. self.e_length = self.width / max(round(self.width / self.e_length), 1.0) self.e_height = self.height / max(round(self.height / self.e_height), 1.0) self.prerender() style = { "stroke": cut_colour, "stroke-width": str(self.stroke_width), "fill": "none", } path_command = "" y = self.y while y < self.y + self.height: x = self.x while x < self.x + self.width: path_command = "%s %s " % (path_command, self.draw_one(x, y)) x += self.e_length y += self.e_height link = self.canvas.add(inkex.PathElement()) link.update(**{"style": style, "inkscape:label": "lattice", "d": path_command}) link.insert(0, inkex.Desc("%s hinge %s" % (self.name, self.parameter_text()))) class StraightLatticeGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StraightLatticeGenerator, self).__init__(*args) self.link_gap = kwargs['link_gap'] self.e_height = 2 * self.p_spacing self.name = "straight" def prerender(self): self.e_height = 2 * self.p_spacing w = self.e_length lg = self.link_gap if lg < 0.1: # Single line for 0 height gap. self.fixed_commands = " m %f,%f h %f m %f,%f h %f m %f,%f h %f" % ( 0, self.e_height / 2, w * 2 / 5, 0 - w / 5, 0 - self.e_height / 2, w * 3 / 5, 0 - w / 5, self.e_height / 2, w * 2 / 5, ) else: self.fixed_commands = ( " m %f,%f h %f v %f h %f" " m %f,%f h %f v %f h %f v %f" " m %f,%f h %f v %f h %f " ) % ( 0, self.e_height / 2, w * 2 / 5, lg, 0 - w * 2 / 5, w / 8, 0 - lg - self.e_height / 2, w * 3 / 4, lg, 0 - w * 3 / 4, 0 - lg, w * 7 / 8, lg + self.e_height / 2, 0 - w * 2 / 5, 0 - lg, w * 2 / 5, ) def parameter_text(self): text = super(StraightLatticeGenerator, self).parameter_text() return "%s element_height: %.1f" % (text, self.link_gap) class DiamondLatticeGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DiamondLatticeGenerator, self).__init__(*args) self.e_height = self.p_spacing self.diamond_curve = kwargs['diamond_curve'] self.name = "diamond" def prerender(self): h = self.e_height w = self.e_length # Diamond curve dc = 0-self.diamond_curve # Horiz handle length. hhl = abs(dc * w * 0.2) # Endpoint horiz handle length ehhl = hhl if dc > 0 else 0 # Vert handle length vhl = abs(dc * h / 8) if dc < 0 else 0 # Left self.fixed_commands = " m %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f " % ( 0, h / 4, hhl, 0, w * 0.4 - ehhl, h / 4 - vhl, w * 0.4, h / 4, 0 - ehhl, vhl, 0 - (w * 0.4 - hhl), h / 4, 0 - w * 0.4, h / 4, ) # Bottom self.fixed_commands = "%s m %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f s %f,%f %f,%f " % ( self.fixed_commands, w * 0.1, h / 4, ehhl, 0 - vhl, w * 0.4 - hhl, 0 - h / 4, w * 0.4, 0 - h / 4, w * 0.4 - ehhl, h / 4 - vhl, w * 0.4, h / 4, ) # Top self.fixed_commands = "%s m %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f s %f,%f %f,%f " % ( self.fixed_commands, 0 - w * 0.8, 0 - h, ehhl, vhl, w * 0.4 - hhl, h / 4, w * 0.4, h / 4, w * 0.4 - ehhl, 0 - h / 4 + vhl, w * 0.4, 0 - h / 4, ) # Right self.fixed_commands = "%s m %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f " % ( self.fixed_commands, w * 0.1, h *0.75, 0 - hhl, 0, (0 - w * 0.4) + ehhl, 0 - h / 4 + vhl, 0 - w * 0.4, 0 - h / 4, ehhl, 0 - vhl, w * 0.4 - hhl, 0 - h / 4, w * 0.4, 0 - h / 4, ) def draw_one(self, x, y): return "M %f,%f %s" % (x, y, self.fixed_commands) def parameter_text(self): text = super(DiamondLatticeGenerator, self).parameter_text() return "%s curve: %.1f" % (text, self.diamond_curve) class CrossLatticeGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, *args): super(CrossLatticeGenerator, self).__init__(*args) self.e_height = self.p_spacing self.name = "cross" def prerender(self): l = self.e_length h = self.e_height self.fixed_commands = ( "m %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f m %f,%f l %f,%f" "m %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f " "m %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f " "m %f,%f l %f,%f l %f,%f m %f,%f l %f,%f" ) % ( # Left 0, h * 0.5, l * 0.2, 0, l * 0.2, 0 - h * 0.3, 0 - l * 0.2, h * 0.3, l * 0.2, h * 0.3, # Top 0 - l * 0.3, 0 - h * 0.5, l * 0.2, 0 - h * 0.3, l * 0.4, 0, l * 0.2, h * 0.3, # Bottom 0, h * 0.4, 0 - l * 0.2, h * 0.3, 0 - l * 0.4, 0, 0 - l * 0.2, 0 - h * 0.3, # Right l * 0.5, 0 - h * 0.5, l * 0.2, h * 0.3, 0 - l * 0.2, h * 0.3, l * 0.2, 0 - h * 0.3, l * 0.2, 0, ) class WavyLatticeGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WavyLatticeGenerator, self).__init__(*args) self.e_height = self.p_spacing self.name = "wavy" def prerender(self): h = self.e_height w = self.e_length self.fixed_commands = ( " m %f,%f h %f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f h %f " "m %f,%f h %f c %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f h %f " ) % ( 0, h, # Start of element (left) w * 0.1, # Short horiz line. w * 0.1, 0, # Control 1 w * 3 / 40, 0 - h / 2, # Control 2 w * 0.2, 0 - h / 2, # Curve top. w * 0.175, # Top horiz line. 0 - w * 0.1, 0 - h / 2, # Move to higher line. w * 0.3, # Long higher horiz line. w / 5, 0, # Control 1 w / 10, h, # Control 2 w * 0.25, h, # Curve down. w * 0.075, # End horiz line. ) class BuxtronixLivingHinges(inkex.EffectExtension): """ Extension to create laser cut bend lattices. """ def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--tab", help="Bend pattern to generate") pars.add_argument("--unit", help="Units for dimensions") pars.add_argument("--swatch", type=inkex.Boolean, help="Draw as a swatch card") pars.add_argument("--width", type=float, default=300, help="Width of pattern") pars.add_argument("--height", type=float, default=100, help="Height of pattern") pars.add_argument("--sl_length", type=int, default=20, help="Length of links") pars.add_argument("--sl_gap", type=float, default=0.5, help="Gap between links") pars.add_argument("--sl_spacing", type=float, default=20, help="Spacing of links") pars.add_argument("--dl_curve", type=float, default=0.5, help="Curve of diamonds") pars.add_argument("--dl_length", type=float, default=24, help="Length of diamonds") pars.add_argument("--dl_spacing", type=float, default=4, help="Spacing of diamonds") pars.add_argument("--cl_length", type=float, default=24, help="Length of combs") pars.add_argument("--cl_spacing", type=float, default=6, help="Spacing of combs") pars.add_argument("--wl_length", type=int, default=20, help="Length of links") pars.add_argument("--wl_interval", type=int, default=30, help="Interval between links") pars.add_argument("--wl_spacing", type=float, default=0.5, help="Spacing between links") def convert(self, value): return self.svg.unittouu(str(value) + self.options.unit) def convertmm(self, value): return self.svg.unittouu('%fmm' % value) def effect(self): stroke_width = self.svg.unittouu("0.2mm") self.options.width = self.convert(self.options.width) self.options.height = self.convert(self.options.height) def draw_one(x, y): if self.options.tab == "straight_lattice": generator = StraightLatticeGenerator( x, y, self.options.width, self.options.height, stroke_width, self.svg, self.convertmm(self.options.sl_length), self.convertmm(self.options.sl_spacing), link_gap=self.convertmm(self.options.sl_gap), ) elif self.options.tab == "diamond_lattice": generator = DiamondLatticeGenerator( x, y, self.options.width, self.options.height, stroke_width, self.svg, self.convertmm(self.options.dl_length), self.convertmm(self.options.dl_spacing), diamond_curve=self.options.dl_curve, ) elif self.options.tab == "cross_lattice": generator = CrossLatticeGenerator( x, y, self.options.width, self.options.height, stroke_width, self.svg, self.convertmm(self.options.cl_length), self.convertmm(self.options.cl_spacing), ) elif self.options.tab == "wavy_lattice": generator = WavyLatticeGenerator( x, y, self.options.width, self.options.height, stroke_width, self.svg, self.convertmm(self.options.wl_length), self.convertmm(self.options.wl_spacing), ) else: inkex.errormsg("Select a valid pattern tab before rendering.") return generator.generate(self.options.swatch) if self.options.swatch or not self.svg.selected: draw_one(0, 0) else: for elem in self.svg.selected.values(): # Determine width and height based on the selected object's bounding box. bbox = elem.bounding_box() self.options.width = self.svg.unittouu(bbox.width) self.options.height = self.svg.unittouu(bbox.height) x = self.svg.unittouu(bbox.x.minimum) y = self.svg.unittouu(bbox.y.minimum) draw_one(x, y) BuxtronixLivingHinges().run()