<_name>Origami Pattern - Waterbomb fablabchemnitz.de.origami_patterns.magic_ball <_option value="waterbomb">Regular waterbomb <_option value="magic_ball">Magic ball <_option value="waterbomb">Regular waterbomb <_option value="magic_ball">Magic ball false <_param name="help" type="description" xml:space="preserve">------------------------------ 8 16 <_param name="help" type="description" xml:space="preserve">------------------------------ 10.0 <_param name="help" type="description" xml:space="preserve">"Waterbomb tessellation" creates a simple tessellation pattern repeating the Waterbomb base, with a half-step phase shift between each line. The Magic ball is a different design that inverts both the upper half of the first line and the bottom half of the last line. true true 1 0.5 0.1 4278190335 true true 1 0.25 0.1 65535 true true false 1 0.25 0.1 255 false 0.1 0.1 255 all