#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Created by Danylo Horbatenko 2018, dnkxyz@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2018 George Fomitchev, gf@endurancerobots.com THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' #Version control: last edited by 01.03.2018 8:20 import os import tempfile import shutil import subprocess import math import inkex import sys import png from lxml import etree from inkex.paths import Path def saw(x): #The function returns a symmetric triangle wave with period 4 and varying between -1 and 1 x = math.fmod(x, 4.0) x = math.fabs(x) if x > 2.0: y = 3 - x else: y = x - 1 return y def square(x): #The function returns a square wave with period 4 and varying between -1 and 1 x = math.fmod(x, 4.0) if 1.0 < x < 3.0: y = 1.0 else: y = -1.0 return y class LineShading(inkex.Effect): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument('--palette', help='Choose the colors...') self.arg_parser.add_argument("--waveform", help="Select the shape of the curve") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--num_lines", type=int, help="Number of lines") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--min_period", type=float, help="Minimum period (corresponds to black pixels)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--max_period", type=float, help="Maximum period (corresponds to white pixels)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--min_amplitude", type=float, help="Minimum amplitude (corresponds to white pixels)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--max_amplitude", type=float, help="Maximum amplitude (corresponds to black pixels)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--gamma", type=float, help="Maximum amplitude (corresponds to black pixels)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--line_width", type=float, help="Line width") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--units", help="Units for line thickness") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--remove", type=inkex.Boolean, help="If True, source image is removed") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--active-tab", help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed") def drawfunction(self, image_w, image_h, file): reader = png.Reader(file) w, h, pixels, metadata = reader.read_flat() matrice = [[1.0 for i in range(w)]for j in range(h)] if metadata['alpha']: n = 4 else: n = 3 #RGB convert to grayscale 0.21R + 0.72G + 0.07B for y in range(h): for x in range(w): pixel_pos = (x + y * w)*n p = 1.0 - (pixels[pixel_pos]*0.21 + pixels[(pixel_pos+1)]*0.72 + pixels[(pixel_pos+2)]*0.07)/255.0 matrice[y][x] = math.pow(p, 1.0/self.options.gamma) points = [] step_y = image_h/h step_x = image_w/(w-1) min_amplitude = self.options.min_amplitude*step_y/2 max_amplitude = self.options.max_amplitude*step_y/2 min_period = self.options.min_period*step_y max_period = self.options.max_period*step_y min_frequency = 1.0/max_period max_frequency = 1.0/min_period #Sinusoidal wave (optimized) if self.options.waveform == 'sin': for y in range(h): pi = math.pi phase = 0.0 coord_x = 0.0 amplitude = 0.0 n_step = 0 x0 = 0.0 y0 = math.sin(phase)*(min_amplitude + (max_amplitude - min_amplitude)*matrice[y][x]) + (y+0.5)*step_y points.append(['M',[x0, y0]]) for x in range(w): period = min_period + (max_period - min_period)*(1-matrice[y][x]) #period = 1.0/(min_frequency + (max_frequency - min_frequency)*(matrice[y][x])) d_phase = 2.0*pi/period*step_x #calculate y if phase > 2.0*pi: if n_step > 0: x3 = coord_x y3 = -amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y x2 = x3 - (x3-x0)*0.32 y2 = y3 x1 = x0 + (x3-x0)*0.34 y1 = y0 x0 = x3 y0 = y3 points.append(['C',[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]]) n_step = 0 amplitude = 0 elif phase < pi < (phase + d_phase): if n_step > 0: x3 = coord_x y3 = amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y x2 = x3 - (x3-x0)*0.34 y2 = y3 x1 = x0 + (x3-x0)*0.32 y1 = y0 x0 = x3 y0 = y3 points.append(['C',[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]]) n_step = 0 amplitude = 0 phase = math.fmod(phase, 2.0*pi) #calculate x if phase < 0.5*pi < (phase + d_phase): coord_x = (x - (phase - 0.5*pi)/d_phase)*step_x elif phase < 1.5*pi < (phase + d_phase): coord_x = (x - (phase - 1.5*pi)/d_phase)*step_x phase += d_phase amplitude += (min_amplitude + (max_amplitude - min_amplitude)*matrice[y][x]) n_step += 1 #add last point if n_step > 0: phase = math.fmod(phase, 2.0*pi) if (0 < phase < 0.5*pi) or (pi < phase < 1.5*pi): x3 = (w-1)*step_x y3 = amplitude*math.sin(phase)/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y x2 = x3 y2 = y3 x1 = x0 + (x3-x0)*0.33 y1 = y0 points.append(['C',[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]]) else: if coord_x > (w-1)*step_x: coord_x = (w-1)*step_x x3 = coord_x y3 = math.copysign( amplitude , math.sin(phase))/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y x2 = x3 - (x3-x0)*0.32 y2 = y3 x1 = x0 + (x3-x0)*0.34 y1 = y0 points.append(['C',[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]]) if coord_x < (w-1)*step_x: x0 = x3 y0 = y3 x3 = (w-1)*step_x y3 = amplitude*math.sin(phase)/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y x2 = x3 y2 = y3 x1 = x0 + (x3-x0)*0.33 y1 = y0 points.append(['C',[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]]) #Sinusoidal wave (Brute-force) elif self.options.waveform == 'sin_b': pi2 = math.pi*2.0 for y in range(h): phase = - pi2/4.0 for x in range(w): period = min_period + (max_period - min_period)*(1-matrice[y][x]) amplitude = min_amplitude + (max_amplitude - min_amplitude)*matrice[y][x] phase += pi2*step_x/period phase = math.fmod(phase, pi2) if x == 0: points.append(['M',[x*step_x, amplitude*math.sin(phase) + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) else: points.append(['L',[x*step_x, amplitude*math.sin(phase) + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) #Saw wave elif self.options.waveform == 'saw': for y in range(h): phase = 0.0 coord_x = 0.0 amplitude = 0.0 n_step = 0.0 for x in range(w): period = min_period + (max_period - min_period)*(1-matrice[y][x]) #period = 1.0/(min_frequency + (max_frequency - min_frequency)*(matrice[y][x])) d_phase = 4.0/period*step_x if phase > 4.0: coord_x = (x - (phase - 4.0)/d_phase)*step_x elif phase < 2.0 < (phase + d_phase): coord_x = (x - (phase - 2.0)/d_phase)*step_x phase = math.fmod(phase, 4.0) if (phase < 1.0 < (phase + d_phase)) or (phase < 3.0 < (phase + d_phase)): if n_step > 0: if coord_x == 0.0: points.append(['M',[coord_x, amplitude*square(phase - 1.0)/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) else: points.append(['L',[coord_x, amplitude*square(phase - 1.0)/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) n_step = 0 amplitude = 0 phase += d_phase n_step += 1.0 amplitude += (min_amplitude + (max_amplitude - min_amplitude)*matrice[y][x]) if n_step > 0: points.append(['L',[(w-1)*step_x, amplitude*saw(phase - 1.0)/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) #Square wave else: for y in range(h): phase = 0.0 coord_x = 0.0 amplitude = 0.0 n_step = 0 for x in range(w): period = min_period + (max_period - min_period)*(1-matrice[y][x]) #period = 1.0/(min_frequency + (max_frequency - min_frequency)*(matrice[y][x])) d_phase = 4.0/period*step_x if phase > 4.0: coord_x = (x - (phase - 4.0)/d_phase)*step_x elif phase < 2.0 < (phase + d_phase): coord_x = (x - (phase - 2.0)/d_phase)*step_x phase = math.fmod(phase, 4.0) if phase < 1.0 < (phase + d_phase): if n_step > 0: if coord_x == 0.0: points.append(['M',[coord_x, amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) else: points.append(['L',[coord_x, -amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) points.append(['L',[coord_x, amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) n_step = 0 amplitude = 0 elif phase < 3.0 < (phase + d_phase): if n_step > 0: if coord_x == 0.0: points.append(['M',[coord_x, -amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) else: points.append(['L',[coord_x, amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) points.append(['L',[coord_x, -amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) n_step = 0 amplitude = 0 phase += d_phase n_step += 1 amplitude += (min_amplitude + (max_amplitude - min_amplitude)*matrice[y][x]) if n_step > 0: if 3.0 > phase > 1.0: points.append(['L',[(w-1)*step_x, amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) else: points.append(['L',[(w-1)*step_x, -amplitude/n_step + (y+0.5)*step_y]]) return points def draw_path(self, node, file): newpath = etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path','svg')) line_width = self.options.line_width units = self.options.units s = {'stroke': '#000000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu(str(line_width) + units))} newpath.set('style', str(inkex.Style(s))) x = node.get('x') y = node.get('y') t = 'translate('+ x +','+ y +')' newpath.set('transform', t) image_w = float(node.get('width')) image_h = float(node.get('height')) newpath.set('d', str(Path(self.drawfunction(image_w, image_h, file)))) newpath.set('title', 'Line_Shading') node.getparent().append(newpath) newpath.set('x', x) def export_png(self, node, file): image_w = float(node.get('width')) image_h = float(node.get('height')) min_period = self.options.min_period max_period = self.options.min_period poinnt_per_min_period = 8.0 current_file = self.options.input_file h_png = str(self.options.num_lines) if min_period < max_period: w_png = str(round(poinnt_per_min_period*image_w*float(h_png)/min_period/image_h)) else: w_png = str(round(poinnt_per_min_period*image_w*float(h_png)/max_period/image_h)) id = node.get('id') cmd = "inkscape " + current_file + " --export-type=\"png\" --export-filename=" + file + " --actions=\"export-width:"+w_png+";export-height:"+h_png+";export-background:rgb(255,255,255);export-background-opacity:255;export-id:"+id+"\"" #inkex.errormsg(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #inkex.utils.debug(cmd) #inkex.utils.debug(proc.communicate()) #sys.exit(0) #return_code = proc.wait() #sys.exit(0) f = proc.stdout err = proc.stderr f.close() err.close() proc.wait() #inkex.errormsg(proc.stdout.read()) def effect(self): image_selected_flag = False for id, node in self.svg.selected.items(): if node.tag == inkex.addNS('image','svg'): image_selected_flag = True tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() png_temp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "LineShading.png") self.export_png(node, png_temp_file) self.draw_path(node, png_temp_file) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) if self.options.remove: node.delete() return if not image_selected_flag: inkex.errormsg("Please select an image") if __name__ == '__main__': LineShading().run()