#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' shapes.py Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Paco Garcia, www.arakne.es 2017_07_30: added crossed corners copy class of original object if exists 2017_08_09: rombus moved to From corners tab 2017_08_17: join circles not need boolen operations now join circles added Oval 2017_08_25: fixed error in objects without style in oval sets the minimal radius necessary This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ----------------------- ''' import locale import os import sys import tempfile import webbrowser import math from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import inkex from fablabchemnitz_arakne_xy import * from lxml import etree defStyle = [['stroke-width','0.5'],['fill','#f0ff00'],['stroke','#ff0000']] locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') class Shapes(inkex.Effect): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--tab") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--chamfertype") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--size", type=float, default="20") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--incdec", type=float, default="0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--tritype", default="") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--spikestype") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--spikesdir") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--unit") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--spikesize", type=float, default="2.0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--spikesep", type=float, default="0.0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--arrowtype", default="") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--headWidth", type=float, default="20.0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--headHeight", type=float, default="40.0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--arrowWidth", type=float, default="10.0") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--squareselection", type=inkex.Boolean, default="false") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--trihside", type=inkex.Boolean, default="false") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--trivside", type=inkex.Boolean, default="false") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--copyfill", type=inkex.Boolean, default="false") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--deleteorigin", type=inkex.Boolean, default="false") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--joincirctype", default="") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--joinradius", type=float, default="0.0") def addEle(self, ele, parent, props): elem = etree.SubElement(parent, ele) for n in props: elem.set(n,props[n]) return elem def chStyles(self,node,sty): style = inkex.Style.parse_str(node.get('style')) for n in sty: if str(style) in n[0]: style.pop(n[0], None) #if n[1]!="": style[n[0]]=n[1] node.set('style',str(inkex.Style(style))) def unit2uu(self, val): if hasattr(self,"unittouu") is True: return self.unittouu(val) else: return inkex.unittouu(val) def limits(self, node): s = node.bounding_box() l,r,t,b = (s.left,s.right,s.top,s.bottom) an,al = (r - l, b - t) incdec = self.svg.unittouu(self.options.incdec) l, t, r, b, an, al = (l - incdec, t - incdec, r + incdec, b + incdec, an + incdec*2, al + incdec*2) return (l,r,t,b,an,al) def estilo(self, nn, orig, style=defStyle): if self.options.copyfill: if orig.get('style'): nn.set("style", orig.get('style')) if orig.get('class'): nn.set("class", orig.get('class')) else: self.chStyles(nn,style) def circleABCD(self,p,r,abcd="ABCD",inverse=False,xtra=None): aa = r * 0.551915024494 parts={ 'A':[XY(0,-r),XY(aa,-r), XY(r, -aa),XY(r,0)], 'B':[XY(r,0), XY(r, aa), XY(aa, r),XY(0,r)], 'C':[XY(0,r), XY(-aa,r), XY(-r, aa),XY(-r,0)], 'D':[XY(-r,0),XY(-r,-aa),XY(-aa,-r),XY(0,-r)]} #pA = parts[abcd[0]] pA = [XY(p)+N for N in parts[abcd[0]]] for aa in abcd[1:]: pA = pA + [XY(p)+N for N in parts[aa][1:]] if inverse==True: pA.reverse() listA = XYList(pA) if xtra: for n in xtra: listA[n].extend(xtra[n]) return listA def draw(self, node, sh='"rombus"'): #inkex.errormsg(sh) sO = self.options l, r, t, b, an, al = self.limits(node) sqSel = sO.squareselection copyfill = sO.copyfill deleteorigin=sO.deleteorigin side = min(al,an) if sqSel: incx=(an-side)/2.0 l,r,an =(l+incx,r-incx,side) incy=(al-side)/2.0 t +=incy b -=incy al = side cX, cY = (an/2.0,al/2.0) pp = node.getparent() varBez = 0.551915024494 a = self.svg.unittouu(sO.size) a_2, a2 = (a / 2.0,a * 2.0) dS = "m %sz" pnts = [[l+cX,t],[cX,cY],[-cX,cY],[-cX,-cY]] aa = a * varBez chtype=sO.chamfertype tritype=sO.tritype if sh=='"chamfer"': an2, al2 = ((an-a)/2.0,(al-a)/2.0) if chtype=="rombus" and a>0: pnts=[[l+cX - a_2,t],[a,0],[an2,al2],[0,a],[-an2,al2],[-a,0],[-an2,-al2],[0,-a]] if chtype=="chamfer": pnts=[[l+a,t],[an - a2,0],[a,a],[0,al-a2],[-a,a],[-(an - a2),0],[-a,-a],[0,-(al-a2)]] if chtype=="chamferinv": pnts=[[l,t],[a,0],[-a,a],[an-a,0," z m"],[a,0],[0,a],[a,al," z m"],[0,-a],[-a,a],[-an+a,0," z m"],[-a,-a],[0,a]] if chtype=="round": pnts = circQ(XY(l,t),a,"B",0,{1:"C"}) + circQ(XY(l,b),a,"A",0,{0:"L",1:"C"}) + circQ(XY(r,b),a,"D",0,{0:"L",1:"C"}) + circQ(XY(r,t),a,"C",0,{0:"L",1:"C"}) if chtype=="roundinv": pnts=[[l,t],[a,0],[0,aa,"c "],[-aa,a],[-a,a],[an-a,0,"z m "],[a,0],[0,a],[-aa,0," c"],[-a,-aa],[-a,-a], [a,al-a,"z m "],[0,a],[-a,0],[0,-aa,"c "],[aa,-a],[a,-a],[-an,0,"z m "],[0,a],[a,0],[0,-aa,"c "],[-aa,-a],[-a,-a]] if chtype=="rect": pnts=[[l+a,t],[an - a2,0],[0,a],[a,0],[0,al-a2],[-a,0],[0,a],[-(an-a2),0],[0,-a],[-a,0],[0,-(al-a2)],[a,0]] if chtype=="cross": pnts=[[l+an2,t],[a,0],[0,al2],[an2,0],[0,a],[-an2,0],[0,al2],[-a,0],[0,-al2],[-an2,0],[0,-a],[an2,0]] if chtype=="starcorners": pnts=[[l,t],[cX,al2],[cX,-al2],[-an2,cY],[an2,cY],[-cX,-al2],[-cX,al2],[an2,-cY]] if chtype=="starcenter": pnts=[[l+cX,t],[a_2,al2], [an2,a_2], [-an2,a_2],[-a_2,al2],[-a_2,-al2],[-an2,-a_2],[an2,-a_2]] if chtype=="crosscornersquad": pnts=[[l-a,t],[0,-a],[a,0],[0,al+a*2],[-a,0],[0,-a],[an+a*2,0],[0,a],[-a,0],[0,-al-a*2],[a,0],[0,a]] if chtype=="crosscornerstri": pnts=[[l-a,t],[a,-a],[0,al+a*2],[-a,-a],[an+a*2,0],[-a,a], [0,-al-a*2],[a,a]] if chtype=="crosscornersround": dS = "M %sZ" aa2 = a_2 * varBez p1 = circQ(XY(r + a_2, t - a_2),a_2,"DAB",1) p2 = circQ(XY(r + a_2, b + a_2),a_2,"ABC",1) p3 = circQ(XY(l - a_2, b + a_2),a_2,"BCD",1) p4 = circQ(XY(l - a_2, t - a_2),a_2,"CDA",1) pnts = p1 + [[r,t],[r,b+a_2-aa2]] + p2 + [[r+a_2-aa2,b],[l-a_2+aa2,b]] + p3 + [[l,b+a_2-aa],[l,t-a_2+aa]] + p4 pnts[1].append(" C") if sh=='"triangles"': trihside, trivside=(sO.trihside, sO.trivside) if tritype=="isosceles": pnts=[[l+cX,t],[cX,al],[-an,0]] if tritype=="equi": sqrt3 = 1.7320508075 height = sqrt3/2*side tcx, tcy = ((an - side)/2.0, (al - height)/2.0) pnts=[[cX+l,t+tcy],[an/2.0-tcx,height],[-side,0]] if tritype=="rect": x1 = l + tern(not trivside and trihside,an,0) x2 = tern(not trivside and trihside,0,an) x3 = tern(trivside and trihside,0,-an) pnts=[[x1,t],[x2,tern(not trivside,al,0)],[x3,tern(not trivside,0,al)]] if sh=='"spikes"': spikestype = sO.spikestype spikesdir = sO.spikesdir ssep = self.svg.unittouu(sO.spikesep) ss = self.svg.unittouu(sO.spikesize) anX, anY = (int( (an+ssep) / (ss * 2 + ssep)), int( (al+ssep) / (ss * 2 + ssep))) iniX, iniY = (((an+ssep) - (anX * (ss * 2 + ssep))) / 2.0, ((al+ssep) - (anY * (ss * 2 + ssep))) / 2.0) dir = 1 pnts = [[l,t],[iniX,0]] if spikesdir=='ins': dir = -1.0 if spikestype=="tri": for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[ss,-ss*dir],[ss,ss*dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[iniX,0],[0,iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[ss * dir,ss],[-ss * dir,ss]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0, ssep]) pnts.extend([[0,iniY],[-iniX,0]]) for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-ss,ss*dir],[-ss,-ss*dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([-ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[-iniX,0],[0,-iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-ss*dir,-ss],[ss*dir,-ss]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0, -ssep]) if spikestype=="trirect": anX, anY = ( int((an + ssep) / (ss + ssep)), int((al + ssep) / (ss + ssep)) ) iniX, iniY = (((an + ssep) - (anX * (ss + ssep))) / 2.0, ((al + ssep) - (anY * (ss + ssep))) / 2.0) pnts = [[l,t],[iniX,0]] for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,-ss*dir],[ss,ss*dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[iniX,0],[0,iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[ss * dir,0],[-ss * dir,ss]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0, ssep]) pnts.extend([[0,iniY],[-iniX,0]]) for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,ss*dir],[-ss,-ss*dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([-ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[-iniX,0],[0,-iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-ss*dir,0],[ss*dir,-ss]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0, -ssep]) if spikestype=="squ": anX, anY = ( int((an + ssep) / (ss + ssep)), int((al + ssep) / (ss + ssep)) ) iniX, iniY = (((an + ssep) - (anX * (ss + ssep))) / 2.0, ((al + ssep) - (anY * (ss + ssep))) / 2.0) pnts = [[l,t],[iniX,0]] for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,-ss * dir], [ss,0], [0,ss * dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[iniX,0],[0,iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[ss * dir,0],[0,ss],[-ss * dir,0]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,ssep]) pnts.extend([[0,iniY],[-iniX,0]]) for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,ss * dir],[-ss,0],[0,-ss * dir]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([-ssep,0]) pnts.extend([[-iniX,0],[0,-iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-ss * dir,0],[0,-ss],[ss * dir,0]]) if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,-ssep]) if spikestype=="rnd": dif = ss - (ss*varBez) dBez = ss*varBez for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,-dBez * dir," c"],[dif,-ss * dir],[ss,-ss * dir],#fijo [dBez,0],[ss,dif * dir],[ss,ss * dir]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([ssep,0,' l']) pnts.extend([[iniX,0," l"],[0,iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[dBez * dir,0," c"],[ss * dir,dif],[ss * dir,ss],#fijo [0,dBez],[-dif * dir,ss],[-ss * dir,ss]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,ssep,' l']) pnts.extend([[0,iniY,' l'],[-iniX,0]]) for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,dBez * dir," c"],[-dif,ss * dir],[-ss,ss * dir],#fijo [-dBez,0],[-ss,-dif * dir],[-ss,-ss * dir]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([-ssep,0,' l']) pnts.extend([[-iniX,0,' l'],[0,-iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-dBez * dir,0," c"],[-ss * dir,-dif],[-ss * dir,-ss],#fijo [0,-dBez],[dif * dir,-ss],[ss * dir,-ss]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,-ssep,' l']) if spikestype=="wav": dif = ss - (ss*varBez) dBez = ss*varBez for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,-dBez * dir," c"],[dif,-ss * dir],[ss,-ss * dir],#fijo [0,dBez*dir],[dBez,ss*dir],[ss,ss * dir]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([ssep,0,' l']) pnts.extend([[iniX,0," l"],[0,iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[dBez * dir,0," c"],[ss * dir,dif],[ss * dir,ss],#fijo [-dBez*dir,0],[-ss*dir,dBez],[-ss * dir,ss]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,ssep,' l']) pnts.extend([[0,iniY,' l'],[-iniX,0]]) for n in range(anX): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[0,dBez * dir," c"],[-dif,ss * dir],[-ss,ss * dir],#fijo [0,-dBez*dir], [-dif, -ss*dir],[-ss,-ss * dir]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anX-1): pnts.append([-ssep,0,' l']) pnts.extend([[-iniX,0,' l'],[0,-iniY]]) for n in range(anY): if spikesdir == 'alt' : dir = 1 if n % 2 == 1 else -1 pnts.extend([[-dBez * dir,0," c"],[-ss * dir,-dif],[-ss * dir,-ss],#fijo [dBez*dir,0],[ss*dir,-dBez],[ss * dir,-ss]]) #fijo if ssep>0 and n < (anY-1): pnts.append([0,-ssep,' l']) if sh=='"arrow"': arrowType=sO.arrowtype headH, headW, arrowW = (self.svg.unittouu(sO.headHeight), self.svg.unittouu(sO.headWidth), self.svg.unittouu(sO.arrowWidth)) hw2=headW/2.0 if arrowType=="arrowfilled": pnts=[[l+cX,t],[hw2,headH],[-(headW-arrowW)/2.0,0],[0,al-headH],[-arrowW,0],[0,-(al-headH)],[-(headW-arrowW)/2.0,0]] else: dS = "m %s" pnts=[[l+cX,t],[0,al],[-hw2,-al+headH,"m "],[hw2,-headH],[hw2,headH]] d = "" for n in pnts: ss = "" if len(n)<3 else n[2] d += "%s%s,%s " % (ss, str(n[0]),str(n[1])) nn = self.addEle('path',pp, {'d':dS % (d)}) self.estilo(nn,node) if deleteorigin: node.getparent().remove(node) def makeRel(self,arr): b = arr[:] for n in range(1,len(arr)): s = b[n] for i in range(0,n): s = s - arr[i] b[n] = s return b def circle(self,p,r): varBez = 0.551915024494 dS = "m %s" aa = r * varBez d="" pnts=[[p.x - r,p.y],[0,aa,"c "],[r - aa,r],[r,r],[aa,0,"c "],[r,-r+aa],[r,-r],[0,-aa,"c "],[-r+aa,-r],[-r,-r],[-aa,0,"c "],[-r,r-aa],[-r, r]] for n in pnts: ss = "" if len(n)<3 else n[2] d += "%s%s,%s " % (ss, str(n[0]),str(n[1])) return d def addTxt(self, node, x, y, text, dy = 0): new2 = self.addEle(inkex.addNS('text','svg'), node,{'x':str(x),'y':str(y)}) new = etree.SubElement(new2, inkex.addNS('tspan','svg'), {inkex.addNS('role','sodipodi'): 'line'}) new.set('style','text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom; font-size:10; fill-opacity:1.0;stroke:none; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; fill:#000000') new.set('dy', str(dy)) new.text = str(text) def circsCone(self, sels, sh='"rombus"'): sO = self.options copyfill = sO.copyfill deleteorigin = sO.deleteorigin joincirctype = sO.joincirctype r2 = sO.joinradius for nodos in range(len(sels)-1): node = sels[nodos] node2 = sels[nodos+1] lA, rA, tA, bA, anA, alA = self.limits(node) lB, rB, tB, bB, anB, alB = self.limits(node2) rA, cY = (anA/2.0,alA/2.0) rB, cY2 = (anB/2.0,alB/2.0) PtA = XY(lA + rA, tA + cY) PtB = XY(lB + rB, tB + cY2) if (circleInCircle(PtA,rA,PtB,rB) or circleInCircle(PtB,rB,PtA,rA)): pass else: pp = node.getparent() rotAB = XY(PtB).getAngle(PtA) dist = PtA.hipo(PtB) if joincirctype=='trapecio': # alineamos las esferas en Y rDif = rA - rB Axis = XY(-rDif,0) D2 = math.sqrt((dist*dist) - (rDif*rDif)) / dist P1 = XY(Axis).mul(rA / dist) P2 = XY(-dist,0) + XY(Axis).mul(rB / dist) r = P1.VDist(P2) Rot1 = XY(P2.x,rB * D2).getAngleD(XY(P2.x + r, rA * D2)) curva1a = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rA,-90 -Rot1, -270 + Rot1)) d = XYListSt(curva1a, rotAB, PtA) pnts2 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rB, 90 + Rot1, 270 - Rot1),XY(-dist,0)) d2 = XYListSt(pnts2, rotAB, PtA) nn = self.addEle('path',pp, {'d':"M%s L%sZ" % (d,d2)}) self.estilo(nn,node) # ################## B L O B ############## if joincirctype=='blob': if ((r2==0) and (dist<(rA+rB))): r2 = dist - rB if (r2 > 0): rad1 = rA + r2 rad2 = rB + r2 a = (math.pow(dist,2) - math.pow(rB+r2,2) + math.pow(rA+r2,2))/(dist*2) else: r2 = dist - rA - rB rad1 = dist - rB rad2 = dist - rA a = (math.pow(dist-rB,2) - math.pow(dist-rA,2) + math.pow(dist,2))/(dist*2); # alineamos las esferas en Y rt = math.atan2(PtB.y - PtA.y, PtB.x - PtA.x) # # distancia del centro 1 a la interseccion de los circulos x = (dist * dist - rad2 * rad2 + rad1 * rad1) / (dist*2) if (rad1 * rad1 - x * x) > 0 : catB = math.sqrt(rad1 * rad1 - x * x) rt = math.degrees(XY(0,0).getAngle(XY(-x, -catB))) rt2 = math.degrees(XY(0,0).getAngle(XY(-(dist - x), -catB))) curva1 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rA, rt, -rt)) curva1.reverse() curva2 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(r2, -180 + rt, -rt2),XY(-x, -catB)) curva3 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rB, rt2+180,180-rt2),XY(-dist, 0)) curva3.reverse() curva4 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(r2, rt2, 180 - rt),XY(-x, catB)) curva1= curva1+curva2[1:]+curva3[1:]+curva4[1:] sCurva1 = XYListSt(curva1, rotAB, PtA) nn = self.addEle('path',pp,{'d':"M %s" % (sCurva1)}) self.estilo(nn,node) # ################################################ # ################## O V A L ##################### # ################################################ if joincirctype=='oval': minR2 = dist + min(rA,rB) if r2 < minR2: r2 = minR2 info('Changed radius to '+str(minR2)) rad1 = r2 - rA rad2 = r2 - rB a = (math.pow(dist,2) - math.pow(rB+r2,2) + math.pow(rA+r2,2))/(dist*2) rt = math.atan2(PtB.y - PtA.y, PtB.x - PtA.x) D = dist #XY(PtA).sub(PtB).vlength() # distancia entre los centros # distancia del centro 1 a la interseccion de los circulos x = (D*D - rad2 * rad2 + rad1 * rad1) / (D*2) catB = math.sqrt(rad1 * rad1 - x * x) rotAB=XY(PtB).getAngle(PtA) rot1 = math.degrees(XY(0,0).getAngle(XY(-x,-catB))) + 180.0 curva1 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rA, -rot1, rot1)) curva1.reverse() rot2 = math.degrees(XY(-dist,0).getAngle(XY(-x,-catB))) +180.0 curva2 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(r2, -rot2,-rot1),XY(-x,catB)) curva2.reverse() curva3 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(rB, rot2,-rot2),XY(-dist,0)) curva3.reverse() curva4 = bezs2XYList(createArcBez(r2, rot1,rot2),XY(-x,-catB)) curva4.reverse() curva1= curva1+curva2[1:]+curva3[1:]+curva4[1:] #+curva3[1:]+curva4[1:] sCurva1 = XYListSt(curva1, rotAB, PtA) # curva1 nn = self.addEle('path',pp,{'d':"M %sZ" % (sCurva1),'style':'stroke-width:0.02;fill:#cc0000;stroke:#000000;'}) self.estilo(nn,node) if deleteorigin: node.getparent().remove(node) def draw_shapes(self): tab = str(self.options.tab) sels = [] for id, node in self.svg.selected.items(): sels.append(node) if tab != '"extra"': for id, node in self.svg.selected.items(): self.draw(node, tab) else: if len(sels)<2: inkex.errormsg('Select at least two objects') else: self.circsCone(sels, tab) def loc_str(self, str): return locale.format("%.f", float(str), 0) def effect(self): slices = self.draw_shapes() if __name__ == "__main__": Shapes().run()