#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Purge short lines # This script is designed to be used to clean up/simplify 2D vector exports from # SketchUp. It ignores everything but paths between exactly 2 points. import inkex import math debug = False class EnerothPurgeShortEdges(inkex.Effect): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) self.arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--length', action = 'store', type = float, dest = 'length', default = 10.0) def effect(self): length = self.options.length svg = self.document.getroot() if len(self.svg.selected)==0: self.iterate_node(self.document.getroot()) else: for id, node in self.svg.selected.items(): self.iterate_node(node) def iterate_node(self, node): self.do_node(node) for child in node: self.iterate_node(child) def do_node(self, node): if node.attrib.has_key('d'): points = [] instruction = None prev_coords = [0,0] words = node.get('d').split(' ') for i, word in enumerate(words): if len(word) == 1: instruction = word # inkex.utils.debug(word) else: # Sometimes there is the case that "coords" returns only an array like [-1.29] (only one coordinate) instead of XY coordinates. Reason is the type "map" coords = list(map(lambda c: float(c), word.split(','))) # inkex.utils.debug(coords) if instruction.lower() == instruction: # inkex.utils.debug("coords len=" + str(len(coords)) + "prev_coords len=" + str(len(prev_coords))) try: coords[0] += prev_coords[0] coords[1] += prev_coords[1] # if len(coords) == 2: # coords[1] += prev_coords[1] prev_coords = coords # Assume all coordinates are points of straight lines (instructor being M, m, L or l) # inkex.utils.debug("X=" + str(coords[0]) + "Y=" + str(coords[1])) points.append(coords) # inkex.utils.debug("pointsCount=" + str(len(points))) if len(points) == 2: length = math.sqrt((points[0][0]-points[1][0])**2 + (points[0][1]-points[1][1])**2) # inkex.utils.debug("length=" + str(length)) if debug: inkex.utils.debug(length) if length < self.options.length: # inkex.utils.debug("delete") node.getparent().remove(node) except: pass #ignore errors in case of vertical lines or horizonal lines EnerothPurgeShortEdges().run()