'use strict'; exports.type = 'full'; exports.active = true; exports.description = 'removes unused namespaces declaration'; /** * Remove unused namespaces declaration. * * @param {Object} item current iteration item * @return {Boolean} if false, item will be filtered out * * @author Kir Belevich */ exports.fn = function(data) { var svgElem, xmlnsCollection = []; /** * Remove namespace from collection. * * @param {String} ns namescape name */ function removeNSfromCollection(ns) { var pos = xmlnsCollection.indexOf(ns); // if found - remove ns from the namespaces collection if (pos > -1) { xmlnsCollection.splice(pos, 1); } } /** * Bananas! * * @param {Array} items input items * * @return {Array} output items */ function monkeys(items) { var i = 0, length = items.content.length; while(i < length) { var item = items.content[i]; if (item.isElem('svg')) { item.eachAttr(function(attr) { // collect namespaces if (attr.prefix === 'xmlns' && attr.local) { xmlnsCollection.push(attr.local); } }); // if svg element has ns-attr if (xmlnsCollection.length) { // save svg element svgElem = item; } } else if (xmlnsCollection.length) { // check item for the ns-attrs if (item.prefix) { removeNSfromCollection(item.prefix); } // check each attr for the ns-attrs item.eachAttr(function(attr) { removeNSfromCollection(attr.prefix); }); } // if nothing is found - go deeper if (xmlnsCollection.length && item.content) { monkeys(item); } i++; } return items; } data = monkeys(data); // remove svg element ns-attributes if they are not used even once if (xmlnsCollection.length) { xmlnsCollection.forEach(function(name) { svgElem.removeAttr('xmlns:' + name); }); } return data; };