#!/usr/bin/env python3 # suppress some nasty warnings we don't want. Note that this is really generic. For developing purposes re-enable this to see errors/deprecations import logging for key in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict: print(key) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) #for name, logger in logging.root.manager.loggerDict.items(): # logger.disabled=True #import warnings #warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) #warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=DeprecationWarning) #with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) #def noop(*args, **kargs): pass #warnings.warn = noop #logging.captureWarnings(True) import sys import os from lxml import etree import inkex from inkex import transforms, bezier from inkex.paths import CubicSuperPath from inkex.command import inkscape import vpype import vpype_viewer from vpype_viewer import ViewMode from vpype_cli import execute from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point """ Extension for InkScape 1.X Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz Mail: mario.voigt@stadtfabrikanten.org Date: 02.04.2021 Last patch: 02.04.2021 License: GNU GPL v3 Used version of vpype: commit id https://github.com/abey79/vpype/commit/0b0dc8dd7e32998dbef639f9db578c3bff02690b CLI / API docs: - https://vpype.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/vpype_cli.html#module-vpype_cli - https://vpype.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/vpype.html#module-vpype vpype commands could be performed differently: - 1. Work with current selection (line-wise): we could get the selected nodes/groups and check if those nodes are paths. If yes we could convert them to polylines and put it into vpype using doc.add(LineCollection, Layer) - 2. We could execute vpype on the complete document only (svg file handling, possible as one layer or multiple layers) working line of code (example:) doc = vpype.read_multilayer_svg(self.options.input_file, quantization=0.1, crop=False, simplify=False, parallel=False) Todo's - https://github.com/abey79/vpype/issues/243 - command chain is slow on Windows - add some debugging options to remove deprecation warnings """ class vpypetools (inkex.EffectExtension): def __init__(self): inkex.Effect.__init__(self) # Line Sorting self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linesort", default=False, type=inkex.Boolean) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linesort_no_flip", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Disable reversing stroke direction for optimization") # Line Merging self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linemerge", default=False, type=inkex.Boolean) self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linemerge_tolerance", type=float, default=False, help="Maximum distance between two line endings that should be merged (default 0.5 mm)") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--linemerge_no_flip", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Disable reversing stroke direction for merging") # General Settings self.arg_parser.add_argument("--flattenbezier", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Flatten bezier curves to polylines") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--flatness", type=float, default=0.1, help="Minimum flatness = 0.1. The smaller the value the more fine segments you will get.") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--apply_transformations", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Run 'Apply Transformations' extension before running vpype. Helps avoiding geometry shifting") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--output_show", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="This will open a new matplotlib window showing modified SVG data") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--output_stats", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Show output statistics before/after conversion") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--output_trajectories", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Add paths for the travel trajectories") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--keep_selection", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="If false, selected paths will be removed") self.arg_parser.add_argument("--strokes_to_paths", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Recommended option. Performs 'Path' > 'Stroke to Path' (CTRL + ALT + C) to convert vpype converted lines back to regular path objects") def effect(self): lc = vpype.LineCollection() # create a new array of LineStrings consisting of Points. We convert selected paths to polylines and grab their points nodesToConvert = [] # we make an array of all collected nodes to get the boundingbox of that array. We need it to place the vpype converted stuff to the correct XY coordinates applyTransformAvailable = False # at first we apply external extension try: sys.path.append("..") # add parent directory to path to allow importing applytransform (vpype extension is encapsulated in sub directory) import applytransform applyTransformAvailable = True except Exception as e: # inkex.utils.debug(e) inkex.utils.debug("Calling 'Apply Transformations' extension failed. Maybe the extension is not installed. You can download it from official InkScape Gallery. Skipping this step") def flatten(node): path = node.path.to_superpath() bezier.cspsubdiv(path, self.options.flatness) newpath = [] for subpath in path: first = True for csp in subpath: cmd = 'L' if first: cmd = 'M' first = False newpath.append([cmd, [csp[1][0], csp[1][1]]]) node.path = newpath def convertPath(node): if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'): nodesToConvert.append(node) if self.options.flattenbezier is True: flatten(node) d = node.get('d') p = CubicSuperPath(d) points = [] for subpath in p: for csp in subpath: points.append(Point(csp[1][0], csp[1][1])) lc.append(LineString(points)) children = node.getchildren() if children is not None: for child in children: convertPath(child) # inkex.utils.debug(str(applyTransformAvailable)) #check if ApplyTransform Extension is available. If yes we use it if self.options.apply_transformations is True and applyTransformAvailable is True: applytransform.ApplyTransform().recursiveFuseTransform(self.document.getroot()) # getting the bounding box of the current selection. We use to calculate the offset XY from top-left corner of the canvas. This helps us placing back the elements bbox = None if len(self.svg.selected) == 0: convertPath(self.document.getroot()) for element in nodesToConvert: bbox += element.bounding_box() else: for id, item in self.svg.selected.items(): convertPath(item) bbox = inkex.elements._selected.ElementList.bounding_box(self.svg.selected) # get BoundingBox for selection # inkex.utils.debug(bbox) #l c.as_mls() #cast LineString array to MultiLineString if len(lc) == 0: inkex.errormsg('Selection appears to be empty or does not contain any valid svg:path nodes. Try to cast your objects to paths using CTRL + SHIFT + C or strokes to paths using CTRL + ALT+ C') return doc = vpype.Document() #create new vpype document # we add the lineCollection (converted selection) to the vpype document doc.add(lc, layer_id=None) if self.options.output_stats is True: tooling_length_before = doc.length() traveling_length_before = doc.pen_up_length() # build and execute the conversion command ########################################## # Line Sort if self.options.linesort is True: command = "linesort " if self.options.linesort_no_flip is True: command += " --no-flip" # Line Merging if self.options.linemerge is True: command = "linemerge --tolerance " + str(self.options.linemerge_tolerance) if self.options.linemerge_no_flip is True: command += " --no-flip" #inkex.utils.debug(command) doc = execute(command, doc) ########################################## # show the vpype document visually # there are missing options to set pen_width and pen_opacity. This is anchored in "Engine" class if self.options.output_show: vpype_viewer.show(doc, view_mode=ViewMode.PREVIEW, show_pen_up=self.options.output_trajectories, show_points=False, argv=None) # https://vpype.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/vpype_viewer.ViewMode.html if self.options.output_stats is True: tooling_length_after = doc.length() traveling_length_after = doc.pen_up_length() if tooling_length_before > 0: tooling_length_saving = (1.0 - tooling_length_after / tooling_length_before) * 100.0 else: tooling_length_saving = 0.0 if traveling_length_before > 0: traveling_length_saving = (1.0 - traveling_length_after / traveling_length_before) * 100.0 else: traveling_length_saving = 0.0 inkex.utils.debug('Total tooling length before vpype conversion: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(tooling_length_before)) + ' mm') inkex.utils.debug('Total traveling length before vpype conversion: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(traveling_length_before)) + ' mm') inkex.utils.debug('Total tooling length after vpype conversion: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(tooling_length_after)) + ' mm') inkex.utils.debug('Total traveling length after vpype conversion: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(traveling_length_after)) + ' mm') inkex.utils.debug('Total tooling length optimized: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(tooling_length_saving)) + ' %') inkex.utils.debug('Total traveling length optimized: ' + str('{:0.2f}'.format(traveling_length_saving)) + ' %') # save the vpype document to new svg file and close it afterwards output_file = self.options.input_file + ".vpype.svg" output_fileIO = open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") vpype.write_svg(output_fileIO, doc, page_size=None, center=False, source_string='', layer_label_format='%d', show_pen_up=self.options.output_trajectories, color_mode='layer') output_fileIO.close() # convert vpype polylines/lines/polygons to regular paths again. We need to use "--with-gui" to respond to "WARNING: ignoring verb FileSave - GUI required for this verb." if self.options.strokes_to_paths is True: cli_output = inkscape(output_file, "--with-gui", actions="EditSelectAllInAllLayers;EditUnlinkClone;ObjectToPath;FileSave;FileQuit") if len(cli_output) > 0: self.debug(_("Inkscape returned the following output when trying to run the vpype object to path back-conversion:")) self.debug(cli_output) # new parse the SVG file and insert it as new group into the current document tree #vpype_svg = etree.parse(output_file).getroot().xpath("//svg:g", namespaces=inkex.NSS) # the label id is the number of layer_id=None (will start with 1) lines = etree.parse(output_file).getroot().xpath("//svg:g[@inkscape:label='1']",namespaces=inkex.NSS) vpypeLinesGroup = self.document.getroot().add(inkex.Group()) vpypeLinesGroup.set('style', 'stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;fill:none') for item in lines: for child in item.getchildren(): vpypeLinesGroup.append(child) vpypeLinesGroup.attrib['transform'] = 'translate(' + str(bbox.left) + ',' + str(bbox.top) + ')' vpypeLinesGroupId = self.svg.get_unique_id('vpypetools-lines-') vpypeLinesGroup.set('id', vpypeLinesGroupId) if self.options.output_trajectories is True: trajectories = etree.parse(output_file).getroot().xpath("//svg:g[@id='pen_up_trajectories']",namespaces=inkex.NSS) vpypeTrajectoriesGroup = self.document.getroot().add(inkex.Group()) vpypeTrajectoriesGroup.set('style', 'stroke:#0000ff;stroke-width:1px;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;fill:none') for item in trajectories: for child in item.getchildren(): vpypeTrajectoriesGroup.append(child) vpypeTrajectoriesGroup.attrib['transform'] = 'translate(' + str(bbox.left) + ',' + str(bbox.top) + ')' vpypeTrajectoriesId = self.svg.get_unique_id('vpypetools-trajectories-') vpypeTrajectoriesGroup.set('id', vpypeTrajectoriesId) # inkex.utils.debug(self.svg.selection.first()) # get the first selected element. Chould be None self.svg.selection.set(vpypeLinesGroupId) #inkex.utils.debug(self.svg.selection.first()) # get the first selected element again to check if changing selection has worked # we apply transformations also for new group to remove the "translate()" again if self.options.apply_transformations and applyTransformAvailable: for node in self.svg.selection: applytransform.ApplyTransform().recursiveFuseTransform(node) # Delete the temporary file again because we do not need it anymore if os.path.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) # Remove selection objects to do a real replace with new objects from vpype document if self.options.keep_selection is False: for node in nodesToConvert: node.getparent().remove(node) if __name__ == '__main__': vpypetools().run()