""" Tests for the temporal aspect of the Temporal VF2 isomorphism algorithm. """ import networkx as nx from networkx.algorithms import isomorphism as iso from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta def provide_g1_edgelist(): return [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 4), (1, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)] def put_same_time(G, att_name): for e in G.edges(data=True): e[2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) return G def put_same_datetime(G, att_name): for e in G.edges(data=True): e[2][att_name] = datetime(2015, 1, 1) return G def put_sequence_time(G, att_name): current_date = date(2015, 1, 1) for e in G.edges(data=True): current_date += timedelta(days=1) e[2][att_name] = current_date return G def put_time_config_0(G, att_name): G[0][1][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[0][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[1][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) G[1][3][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[2][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[3][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) G[4][5][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) return G def put_time_config_1(G, att_name): G[0][1][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[0][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[1][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) G[1][3][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[2][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[3][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 4) G[4][5][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) return G def put_time_config_2(G, att_name): G[0][1][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[0][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 1) G[1][2][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) G[1][3][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[2][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) G[3][4][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 3) G[4][5][att_name] = date(2015, 1, 2) return G class TestTimeRespectingGraphMatcher(object): """ A test class for the undirected temporal graph matcher. """ def provide_g1_topology(self): G1 = nx.Graph() G1.add_edges_from(provide_g1_edgelist()) return G1 def provide_g2_path_3edges(self): G2 = nx.Graph() G2.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]) return G2 def test_timdelta_zero_timeRespecting_returnsTrue(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_same_time(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_timdelta_zero_datetime_timeRespecting_returnsTrue(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_same_datetime(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_attNameStrange_timdelta_zero_timeRespecting_returnsTrue(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'strange_name' G1 = put_same_time(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_notTimeRespecting_returnsFalse(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_sequence_time(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert not gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_timdelta_one_config0_returns_no_embeddings(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_0(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 0 def test_timdelta_one_config1_returns_four_embedding(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_1(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 4 def test_timdelta_one_config2_returns_ten_embeddings(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_2(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) L = list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter()) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 10 class TestDiTimeRespectingGraphMatcher(object): """ A test class for the directed time-respecting graph matcher. """ def provide_g1_topology(self): G1 = nx.DiGraph() G1.add_edges_from(provide_g1_edgelist()) return G1 def provide_g2_path_3edges(self): G2 = nx.DiGraph() G2.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]) return G2 def test_timdelta_zero_same_dates_returns_true(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_same_time(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_attNameStrange_timdelta_zero_same_dates_returns_true(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'strange' G1 = put_same_time(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta() gm = iso.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) assert gm.subgraph_is_isomorphic() def test_timdelta_one_config0_returns_no_embeddings(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_0(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 0 def test_timdelta_one_config1_returns_one_embedding(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_1(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 1 def test_timdelta_one_config2_returns_two_embeddings(self): G1 = self.provide_g1_topology() temporal_name = 'date' G1 = put_time_config_2(G1, temporal_name) G2 = self.provide_g2_path_3edges() d = timedelta(days=1) gm = iso.TimeRespectingDiGraphMatcher(G1, G2, temporal_name, d) count_match = len(list(gm.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) assert count_match == 2