#! /usr/bin/env python3 from math import sin, cos, sqrt, asin, pi, ceil import inkex from Path import Path from Pattern import Pattern from Kresling import Kresling class Kresling_Full(Kresling): def __init__(self): Kresling.__init__(self) # Must be called in order to parse common options self.add_argument('--measure_value', type=float, default=10.0, help="Length") self.add_argument('--measure_type', default=60, help="Type of length") self.add_argument('--parameter_type', default=60, help="Type of parameter") self.add_argument('--radial_ratio', type=float, default=0.5, help="Radial ratio") self.add_argument('--angle_ratio', type=float, default=0.5, help="Anle ratio") self.add_argument('--lambdatheta', type=float, default=45, help="lambdatheta") def generate_path_tree(self): """ Convert radial to angular ratio, then call regular Kresling constructor """ n = self.options.sides theta = pi*(n-2)/(2*n) # define ratio parameter parameter = self.options.parameter_type if parameter == 'radial_ratio': radial_ratio = self.options.radial_ratio max_radial_ratio = sin((pi/4)*(1. - 2./n)) if radial_ratio > max_radial_ratio: inkex.errormsg(_("For polygon of {} sides, the maximal radial ratio is = {}".format(n, max_radial_ratio))) radial_ratio = max_radial_ratio self.options.angle_ratio = 1 - 2*n*asin(radial_ratio)/((n-2)*pi) elif parameter == 'lambdatheta': lambdatheta = self.options.lambdatheta angle_min = 45. * (1 - 2. / n) angle_max = 2 * angle_min if lambdatheta < angle_min: inkex.errormsg(_( "For polygon of {} sides, phi must be between {} and {} degrees, \nsetting lambda*theta = {}\n".format( n, angle_min, angle_max, angle_min))) lambdatheta = angle_min elif lambdatheta > angle_max: inkex.errormsg(_( "For polygon of {} sides, phi must be between {} and {} degrees, \nsetting lambda*theta = {}\n".format( n, angle_min, angle_max, angle_max))) lambdatheta = angle_max self.options.angle_ratio = lambdatheta * n / (90. * (n - 2.)) # define some length mtype = self.options.measure_type mvalue = self.options.measure_value angle_ratio = self.options.angle_ratio if mtype == 'a': radius = 0.5*mvalue / (sin(pi/n)) if mtype == 'b': A = cos(theta*(1-angle_ratio)) B = sin(pi/n) C = cos(theta*angle_ratio) radius = 0.5*mvalue / sqrt(A**2 + B**2 - 2*A*B*C) elif mtype == 'l': radius = 0.5*mvalue/cos(theta*(1-angle_ratio)) elif mtype == 'radius_external': radius = mvalue elif mtype == 'radius_internal': radius = mvalue/(sin(theta*(1-angle_ratio))) elif mtype == 'diameter_external': radius = 0.5*mvalue elif mtype == 'diameter_internal': radius = 0.5*mvalue/sin(theta*(1-angle_ratio)) # inkex.errormsg(_("Value = {}, Mode = {}, Radius = {}".format(mvalue, mtype, radius))) if self.options.pattern == 'mirrowed': self.options.mirror_cells = True else: self.options.mirror_cells = False self.options.radius = radius Kresling.generate_path_tree(self) if __name__ == '__main__': Kresling_Full().run()