"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = exports.interpolateBSpline = void 0; var _bSpline = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/bSpline")); var _logger = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/logger")); var _createArcForLWPolyline = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/createArcForLWPolyline")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } /** * Rotate a set of points. * * @param points the points * @param angle the rotation angle */ var rotate = function rotate(points, angle) { return points.map(function (p) { return [p[0] * Math.cos(angle) - p[1] * Math.sin(angle), p[1] * Math.cos(angle) + p[0] * Math.sin(angle)]; }); }; /** * Interpolate an ellipse * @param cx center X * @param cy center Y * @param rx radius X * @param ry radius Y * @param start start angle in radians * @param start end angle in radians */ var interpolateEllipse = function interpolateEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, end, rotationAngle) { if (end < start) { end += Math.PI * 2; } // ----- Relative points ----- // Start point var points = []; var dTheta = Math.PI * 2 / 72; var EPS = 1e-6; for (var theta = start; theta < end - EPS; theta += dTheta) { points.push([Math.cos(theta) * rx, Math.sin(theta) * ry]); } points.push([Math.cos(end) * rx, Math.sin(end) * ry]); // ----- Rotate ----- if (rotationAngle) { points = rotate(points, rotationAngle); } // ----- Offset center ----- points = points.map(function (p) { return [cx + p[0], cy + p[1]]; }); return points; }; /** * Interpolate a b-spline. The algorithm examins the knot vector * to create segments for interpolation. The parameterisation value * is re-normalised back to [0,1] as that is what the lib expects ( * and t i de-normalised in the b-spline library) * * @param controlPoints the control points * @param degree the b-spline degree * @param knots the knot vector * @returns the polyline */ var interpolateBSpline = function interpolateBSpline(controlPoints, degree, knots, interpolationsPerSplineSegment) { var polyline = []; var controlPointsForLib = controlPoints.map(function (p) { return [p.x, p.y]; }); var segmentTs = [knots[degree]]; var domain = [knots[degree], knots[knots.length - 1 - degree]]; for (var k = degree + 1; k < knots.length - degree; ++k) { if (segmentTs[segmentTs.length - 1] !== knots[k]) { segmentTs.push(knots[k]); } } interpolationsPerSplineSegment = interpolationsPerSplineSegment || 25; for (var i = 1; i < segmentTs.length; ++i) { var uMin = segmentTs[i - 1]; var uMax = segmentTs[i]; for (var _k = 0; _k <= interpolationsPerSplineSegment; ++_k) { var u = _k / interpolationsPerSplineSegment * (uMax - uMin) + uMin; // Clamp t to 0, 1 to handle numerical precision issues var t = (u - domain[0]) / (domain[1] - domain[0]); t = Math.max(t, 0); t = Math.min(t, 1); var p = (0, _bSpline["default"])(t, degree, controlPointsForLib, knots); polyline.push(p); } } return polyline; }; /** * Convert a parsed DXF entity to a polyline. These can be used to render the * the DXF in SVG, Canvas, WebGL etc., without depending on native support * of primitive objects (ellispe, spline etc.) */ exports.interpolateBSpline = interpolateBSpline; var _default = function _default(entity, options) { options = options || {}; var polyline; if (entity.type === 'LINE') { polyline = [[entity.start.x, entity.start.y], [entity.end.x, entity.end.y]]; } if (entity.type === 'LWPOLYLINE' || entity.type === 'POLYLINE') { polyline = []; if (entity.polygonMesh || entity.polyfaceMesh) {// Do not attempt to render meshes } else if (entity.vertices.length) { if (entity.closed) { entity.vertices = entity.vertices.concat(entity.vertices[0]); } for (var i = 0, il = entity.vertices.length; i < il - 1; ++i) { var from = [entity.vertices[i].x, entity.vertices[i].y]; var to = [entity.vertices[i + 1].x, entity.vertices[i + 1].y]; polyline.push(from); if (entity.vertices[i].bulge) { polyline = polyline.concat((0, _createArcForLWPolyline["default"])(from, to, entity.vertices[i].bulge)); } // The last iteration of the for loop if (i === il - 2) { polyline.push(to); } } } else { _logger["default"].warn('Polyline entity with no vertices'); } } if (entity.type === 'CIRCLE') { polyline = interpolateEllipse(entity.x, entity.y, entity.r, entity.r, 0, Math.PI * 2); if (entity.extrusionZ === -1) { polyline = polyline.map(function (p) { return [-p[0], p[1]]; }); } } if (entity.type === 'ELLIPSE') { var rx = Math.sqrt(entity.majorX * entity.majorX + entity.majorY * entity.majorY); var ry = entity.axisRatio * rx; var majorAxisRotation = -Math.atan2(-entity.majorY, entity.majorX); polyline = interpolateEllipse(entity.x, entity.y, rx, ry, entity.startAngle, entity.endAngle, majorAxisRotation); if (entity.extrusionZ === -1) { polyline = polyline.map(function (p) { return [-p[0], p[1]]; }); } } if (entity.type === 'ARC') { // Why on earth DXF has degree start & end angles for arc, // and radian start & end angles for ellipses is a mystery polyline = interpolateEllipse(entity.x, entity.y, entity.r, entity.r, entity.startAngle, entity.endAngle, undefined, false); // I kid you not, ARCs and ELLIPSEs handle this differently, // as evidenced by how AutoCAD actually renders these entities if (entity.extrusionZ === -1) { polyline = polyline.map(function (p) { return [-p[0], p[1]]; }); } } if (entity.type === 'SPLINE') { polyline = interpolateBSpline(entity.controlPoints, entity.degree, entity.knots, options.interpolationsPerSplineSegment); } if (!polyline) { _logger["default"].warn('unsupported entity for converting to polyline:', entity.type); return []; } return polyline; }; exports["default"] = _default;