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2021-11-29 21:06:50 +01:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import inkex
from inkex.bezier import csplength, csparea
from lxml import etree
import re
import math
from math import log
import datetime
from email.policy import default
class LaserCheck(inkex.EffectExtension):
- check for elements which have the attribute "display:none" (some groups have this)
- inx:
- set speed manually or pick machine (epilog) - travel and cut speed are prefilled then
- calculate cut estimation with linear or non-linear (epilog) speeds > select formula or like this
- select time estimation for specific speed percentage for for all speeds (100,90, ...)
- select material (parameters -> how to???)
- select power of CO² source
- add fields for additional costs like configuring the machine or grabbing parts out of the machine (weeding), etc.
- add mode select: cut, engrave
- add some extra seconds for start, stop, removing parts, attaching material, ...
- Handlungsempfehlungen einbauen
- verweisen auf diverse plugins, die man nutzen kann:
- migrate ungrouper
- pointy paths
- cleaner
- styles to layers
- apply transforms
- epilog bbox adjust
- wege zum Pfade fixen:
- cut slower ( > muss aber auch leistung reduzieren - inb welchem umfang?)
- sort
- chaining with touching neighbours
- remove path
- remove modes/simplify
- find duplicate lines
- visualize results as a nice SVG rendered check list page with
- red/green/grey icons (failed, done, skipped) and calculate some scores
- preview image
- statistics
- export as PDF
- run as script to generate quick results for users
- check for old styles which should be upgraded (cleanup styles tool)
- check for elements which have no style attribute (should be created) -> (cleanup styles tool)
- migrate styles from groups/layers to path styles (cleanup styles tool)
- self-intersecting paths
- number of parts (isles) to weed in total - this is an indicator for manually picking work; if we add bridges we have less work
- number of parts which are smaller than vector grid
- add some inkex.Desc to all elements which were checked and which have some issue. use special syntax to remove old stuff each time the check is applied again
- this code is horrible ugly stuff
- output time/cost estimations per stroke color
- add check for stroke colors -> make some useful predefinitions like (for default modes)
- black = general cutting
- blue = cutting inside
- green = cutting outside
- pink = vector engraving
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument('--machine_size', default="812x508")
pars.add_argument('--max_cutting_speed', type=float, default=120)
pars.add_argument('--max_travel_speed', type=float, default=500)
pars.add_argument('--price_per_minute_gross', type=float, default=2.0)
pars.add_argument('--vector_grid_xy', type=float, default=12.0) #TODO
pars.add_argument('--show_issues_only', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--checks', default="check_all")
pars.add_argument('--bbox', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--bbox_offset', type=float, default=5.000)
pars.add_argument('--cutting_estimation', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--elements_outside_canvas', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--groups_and_layers', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--clones', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--clippaths', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--images', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--texts', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--lowlevelstrokes', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--stroke_colors', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--stroke_colors_max', type=int, default=3)
pars.add_argument('--stroke_widths', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--stroke_widths_max', type=int, default=1)
pars.add_argument('--stroke_opacities', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--cosmestic_dashes', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--invisible_shapes', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--pointy_paths', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--transformations', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--short_paths', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--short_paths_min', type=float, default=1.000)
pars.add_argument('--non_path_shapes', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--nodes_per_path', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
pars.add_argument('--nodes_per_path_max', type=int, default=2)
pars.add_argument('--nodes_per_path_interval', type=float, default=10.000)
def effect(self):
so = self.options
machineWidth = self.svg.unittouu(so.machine_size.split('x')[0] + "mm")
machineHeight = self.svg.unittouu(so.machine_size.split('x')[1] + "mm")
selected = [] #total list of elements to parse
def parseChildren(element):
if element not in selected:
children = element.getchildren()
if children is not None:
for child in children:
if child not in selected:
parseChildren(child) #go deeper and deeper
#check if we have selected elements or if we should parse the whole document instead
if len(self.svg.selected) == 0:
for element in self.document.getroot().iter(tag=etree.Element):
if element != self.document.getroot():
for element in self.svg.selected.values():
namedView = self.document.getroot().find(inkex.addNS('namedview', 'sodipodi'))
doc_units = namedView.get(inkex.addNS('document-units', 'inkscape'))
user_units = namedView.get(inkex.addNS('units'))
pagecolor = namedView.get('pagecolor')
inkex.utils.debug("---------- Default checks")
inkex.utils.debug("Document units: {}".format(doc_units))
inkex.utils.debug("User units: {}".format(user_units))
The SVG format is highly complex and offers a lot of possibilities. Most things of SVG we do not
need for a laser cutter. Usually we need svg:path and maybe svg:image; we can drop a lot of stuff
like svg:defs, svg:desc, gradients, etc.
nonShapes = []
shapes = []
for element in selected:
if not isinstance(element, inkex.ShapeElement):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} shape elements in total".format(len(shapes)))
inkex.utils.debug("{} non-shape elements in total".format(len(nonShapes)))
for nonShape in nonShapes:
inkex.utils.debug("non-shape id={}".format(nonShape.get('id')))
Nearly each laser job needs a bit of border to place the material inside the laser. Often
we have to fixate on vector grid, pin grid or task plate. Thus we need tapes or pins. So we
leave some borders off the actual part geometries.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.bbox is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Borders around all elements - minimum offset {} mm from each side".format(so.bbox_offset))
bbox = inkex.BoundingBox()
for element in self.document.getroot().iter(tag=etree.Element):
if element != self.document.getroot() and isinstance(element, inkex.ShapeElement) and element.tag != inkex.addNS('use','svg') and element.get('inkscape:groupmode') != 'layer': #bbox fails for svg:use elements and layers
transform = inkex.Transform()
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is not None and isinstance(parent, inkex.ShapeElement):
transform = parent.composed_transform()
if isinstance (element, inkex.Rectangle) or \
isinstance (element, inkex.Circle) or \
isinstance (element, inkex.Ellipse):
bbox += element.bounding_box() * scale_factor
elif isinstance (element, inkex.TextElement) or \
isinstance (element, inkex.Tspan):
bbox += element.bounding_box(transform)
except Exception:
transform = element.composed_transform()
x1, y1 = transform.apply_to_point([0, 0])
x2, y2 = transform.apply_to_point([1, 1])
bbox += inkex.BoundingBox((x1, x2), (y1, y2))
if abs(bbox.width) == math.inf or abs(bbox.height) == math.inf:
inkex.utils.debug("bounding box could not be calculated. SVG seems to be empty.")
# inkex.utils.debug("bounding box is {}".format(bbox))
scale_factor = self.svg.unittouu("1px")
page_width = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['width'])
width_height = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['height'])
fmm = self.svg.unittouu(str(so.bbox_offset) + "mm")
bb_left = round(bbox.left, 3)
bb_right = round(bbox.right, 3)
bb_top = round(, 3)
bb_bottom = round(bbox.bottom, 3)
bb_width = round(bbox.width, 3)
bb_height = round(bbox.height, 3)
if bb_left >= fmm:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("left border... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("left border... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(bb_left, "mm")))
if bb_top >= fmm:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("top border... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("top border... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(bb_top, "mm")))
if bb_right + fmm <= page_width:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("right border... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("right border... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(bb_right, "mm")))
if bb_bottom + fmm <= width_height:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("bottom border... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("bottom border... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(bb_bottom, "mm")))
if bb_width <= machineWidth:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("page width... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("page width... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(bb_width))
if bb_height <= machineHeight:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("page height... ok")
inkex.utils.debug("page height... fail: {:0.3f} mm".format(bb_height))
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.groups_and_layers is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Groups and layers")
global md
md = 0
def maxDepth(element, level):
global md
if (level == md):
md += 1
for child in element:
maxDepth(child, level + 1)
maxDepth(self.document.getroot(), -1)
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("Maximum group depth={}".format(md - 1))
if md - 1 > 2:
self.msg("Warning: this group depth might cause issues!")
groups = []
layers = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg'):
if element.get('inkscape:groupmode') == 'layer':
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} groups in total".format(len(groups)))
inkex.utils.debug("{} layers in total".format(len(layers)))
#check for empty groups
for group in groups:
if len(group) == 0:
inkex.utils.debug("id={} is empty group".format(group.get('id')))
#check for empty layers
for layer in layers:
if len(layer) == 0:
inkex.utils.debug("id={} is empty layer".format(layer.get('id')))
Clones should be unlinked because they cause similar issues like transformations
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.clones is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Clones (svg:use) - maybe unlink")
uses = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('use','svg'):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} svg:use clones in total".format(len(uses)))
for use in uses:
Clip paths are neat to visualize things, but they do not perform a real path cutting.
Please perform real intersections to have an intact target geometry.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.clippaths is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Clippings (svg:clipPath) - please replace with real cut paths")
clipPaths = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('clipPath','svg'):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} svg:clipPath in total".format(len(clipPaths)))
for clipPath in clipPaths:
Sometimes images look like vector but they are'nt. In case you dont want to perform engraving, either
check to drop or trace to vector paths
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.images is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Images (svg:image) - maybe trace to svg")
images = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('image','svg'):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} svg:image in total".format(len(images)))
for image in images:
inkex.utils.debug("image id={}".format(image.get('id')))
Low level strokes cannot be properly edited in Inkscape (no node handles). Converting helps
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.lowlevelstrokes is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Low level strokes (svg:line/polyline/polygon) - maybe convert to path")
lowlevels = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag in (inkex.addNS('line','svg'), inkex.addNS('polyline','svg'), inkex.addNS('polygon','svg')):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} low level strokes in total".format(len(lowlevels)))
for lowlevel in lowlevels:
Texts cause problems when sharing with other people. You must ensure that everyone has the
font files installed you used. Convert to paths avoids this issue and guarantees same result
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.texts is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Texts (should be converted to paths)")
texts = []
for element in selected:
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('text','svg'):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} svg:text in total".format(len(texts)))
for text in texts:
The more stroke colors the more laser job configuration is required. Reduce the SVG file
to a minimum of stroke colors to be quicker
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.stroke_colors is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Stroke colors ({} are allowed)".format(so.stroke_colors_max))
strokeColors = []
for element in shapes:
strokeColor ='stroke')
if strokeColor is None or strokeColor == "none":
strokeColor = "none"
if strokeColor not in strokeColors:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} different stroke colors in total".format(len(strokeColors)))
if len(strokeColors) > so.stroke_colors_max:
for strokeColor in strokeColors:
inkex.utils.debug("stroke color {}".format(strokeColor))
Different stroke widths might behave the same like different stroke colors. Reduce to a minimum set.
Ideally all stroke widths are set to 1 pixel.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.stroke_widths is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Stroke widths ({} are allowed)".format(so.stroke_widths_max))
strokeWidths = []
for element in shapes:
strokeWidth ='stroke-width')
if strokeWidth is None or strokeWidth == "none":
strokeWidth = "none"
if strokeWidth not in strokeWidths:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} different stroke widths in total".format(len(strokeWidths)))
if len(strokeWidths) > so.stroke_widths_max:
for strokeWidth in strokeWidths:
swConverted = self.svg.uutounit(float(self.svg.unittouu(strokeWidth))) #possibly w/o units. we unify to some internal float
inkex.utils.debug("stroke width {}px ({}mm)".format(
round(self.svg.uutounit(swConverted, "px"),4),
round(self.svg.uutounit(swConverted, "mm"),4),
Cosmetic dashes cause simulation issues and are no real cut paths. It's similar to the thing
with clip paths. Please convert lines to real dash segments if you want to laser them.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.cosmestic_dashes is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Cosmetic dashes - should be converted to paths")
strokeDasharrays = []
for element in shapes:
strokeDasharray ='stroke-dasharray')
if strokeDasharray is None or strokeDasharray == "none":
strokeDasharray = "none"
if strokeDasharray not in strokeDasharrays:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} different stroke dash arrays in total".format(len(strokeDasharrays)))
for strokeDasharray in strokeDasharrays:
inkex.utils.debug("stroke dash array {}".format(strokeDasharray))
Shapes/paths with the same color like the background, 0% opacity, etc. lead to strange
laser cutting results, like duplicated edges, enlarged laser times and more. Please double
check for such occurences.
Please transfer styles from layers/groups level to element level! You can use "Cleanup Styles" extension to do that
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.invisible_shapes is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Invisible shapes")
invisibles = []
for element in shapes:
if element.tag not in (inkex.addNS('tspan','svg')) and element.get('inkscape:groupmode') != 'layer' and not isinstance(element, inkex.Group):
stroke ='stroke')
if stroke is None or stroke == "none":
strokeVis = 0
elif stroke in ('#ffffff', 'white', 'rgb(255,255,255)'):
strokeVis = 0
strokeVis = 1
stroke_width ='stroke-width')
if stroke_width is None or stroke_width == "none":
widthVis = 0
elif self.svg.unittouu(stroke_width) < 0.005: #really thin (0,005pc = 0,080px)
widthVis = 0
widthVis = 1
stroke_opacity ='stroke-opacity')
if stroke_opacity is None or stroke_opacity == "none":
strokeOpacityVis = 0
elif float(stroke_opacity) < 0.05: #nearly invisible (<5% opacity)
strokeOpacityVis = 0
strokeOpacityVis = 1
if pagecolor == '#ffffff':
invisColors = [pagecolor, 'white', 'rgb(255,255,255)']
invisColors = [pagecolor] #we could add some parser to convert pagecolor to rgb/hsl/cmyk
fill ='fill')
if fill is None or fill == "none":
fillVis = 0
elif fill in invisColors:
fillVis = 0
fillVis = 1
fill_opacity ='fill-opacity')
if fill_opacity is None or fill_opacity == "none": #always is opaque if not set, so set to 1
fillOpacityVis = 1
elif float(fill_opacity) < 0.05: #nearly invisible (<5% opacity)
fillOpacityVis = 0
fillOpacityVis = 1
#inkex.utils.debug("id={}, strokeVis={}, widthVis={}, strokeOpacityVis={}, fillVis={}, fillOpacityVis={}".format(element.get('id'), strokeVis, widthVis, strokeOpacityVis, fillVis, fillOpacityVis))
if is not None: #f if the style attribute is not set at all, the element will be visible with default black color fill and w/o stroke
if (strokeVis == 0 or widthVis == 0 or strokeOpacityVis == 0) and (fillVis == 0 or fillOpacityVis == 0):
if element not in invisibles:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} invisible shapes in total".format(len(invisibles)))
for invisible in invisibles:
Additionally, stroke opacities less than 1.0 cause problems in most laser softwares. Please
adjust all strokes to use full opacity.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.stroke_opacities is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Objects with stroke transparencies < 1.0 - should be set to 1.0")
transparencies = []
for element in shapes:
stroke_opacity ='stroke-opacity')
if stroke_opacity is None or stroke_opacity == "none":
stroke_opacity = "none"
if stroke_opacity not in transparencies:
if stroke_opacity != "none":
if float(stroke_opacity) < 1.0:
transparencies.append([element, stroke_opacity])
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} objects with stroke transparencies < 1.0 in total".format(len(transparencies)))
for transparency in transparencies:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, transparency={}".format(transparency[0].get('id'), transparency[1]))
We look for paths which are just points. Those are useless in case of lasercutting.
Note: this scan only works for paths, not for subpaths. If so, you need to break apart before
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.pointy_paths is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Pointy paths - should be deleted")
pointyPaths = []
for element in shapes:
if isinstance(element, inkex.PathElement):
p = element.path
commandsCoords = p.to_arrays()
if len(commandsCoords) == 1 or \
(len(commandsCoords) == 2 and commandsCoords[0][1] == commandsCoords[1][1]) or \
(len(commandsCoords) == 2 and commandsCoords[-1][0] == 'Z') or \
(len(commandsCoords) == 3 and commandsCoords[0][1] == commandsCoords[1][1] and commandsCoords[2][1] == 'Z'):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} pointy paths in total".format(len(pointyPaths)))
for pointyPath in pointyPaths:
Transformations often lead to wrong stroke widths or mis-rendering in end software. The best we
can do with a final SVG is to remove all relative translations, rotations and scalings. We should
apply absolute coordinates only.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.transformations is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Transformations - should be applied to absolute")
transformations = []
for element in shapes:
if element.get('transform') is not None:
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} transformation in total".format(len(transformations)))
for transformation in transformations:
inkex.utils.debug("transformation in id={}".format(transformation.get('id')))
Really short paths can cause issues with laser cutter mechanics and should be avoided to
have healthier stepper motor belts, etc.
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.short_paths is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Short paths (< {} mm)".format(so.short_paths_min))
shortPaths = []
totalLength = 0
totalDropLength = 0
for element in shapes:
if isinstance(element, inkex.PathElement):
slengths, stotal = csplength(element.path.transform(element.composed_transform()).to_superpath())
totalLength += stotal
if stotal < self.svg.unittouu(str(so.short_paths_min) + "mm"):
shortPaths.append([element, stotal])
totalDropLength += stotal
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} short paths in total".format(len(shortPaths)))
if totalDropLength > 0:
inkex.utils.debug("{:0.2f}% of total ({:0.2f} mm /{:0.2f} mm)".format(totalDropLength / totalLength, self.svg.uutounit(str(totalDropLength), "mm"), self.svg.uutounit(str(totalLength), "mm")))
for shortPath in shortPaths:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, length={}mm".format(shortPath[0].get('id'), round(self.svg.uutounit(str(shortPath[1]), "mm"), 3)))
Really short paths can cause issues with laser cutter mechanics and should be avoided to
have healthier stepper motor belts, etc.
Peck Sidara from Epilog:
"Most of the acceleration of speed occurs from the 1-20% range, there is a difference between say 30% and 90%speed
but due to the many variables (length of nodes, shape and contour of nodes), you may not see a noticable difference in time.
Additional variables include acceleration, deceleration and how our laser handles/translates the vector data."
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.cutting_estimation is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Cutting time estimation (Epilog Lasers)")
totalCuttingLength = 0
totalTravelLength = 0
cuttingPathCount = 0
travelPathCount = 0
for element in shapes:
if isinstance(element, inkex.PathElement):
slengths, stotal = csplength(element.path.transform(element.composed_transform()).to_superpath())
if "-travelLine" in element.get('id'): #we use that id scheme together with the extension "Draw Directions / Travel Moves"
totalTravelLength += stotal
travelPathCount += 1
elif "markerId-" in element.get('id'):
pass #we skip the path "markerId-<nr>", possibly generated by the extension "Draw Directions / Travel Moves
totalCuttingLength += stotal
cuttingPathCount += 1
totalLength = totalCuttingLength + totalTravelLength
inkex.utils.debug("total cutting paths={}".format(cuttingPathCount))
inkex.utils.debug("total travel paths={}".format(travelPathCount))
inkex.utils.debug("(measured) cutting length (mm) = {:0.2f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(str(totalCuttingLength), "mm"), self.svg.uutounit(str(totalCuttingLength), "mm")))
inkex.utils.debug("(measured) travel length (mm) = {:0.2f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(str(totalTravelLength), "mm"), self.svg.uutounit(str(totalTravelLength), "mm")))
inkex.utils.debug("(measured) total length (mm) = {:0.2f} mm".format(self.svg.uutounit(str(totalLength), "mm"), self.svg.uutounit(str(totalLength), "mm")))
''' from
"Speed Settings: The speed setting scale of 1% to 100% is not linear
i.e. 100% speed will not be twice as fast as 50% speed. This non-linear
scale is very useful in compensating for the different factors that affect engraving time."
for speedFactor in [100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]:
speedFactorR = speedFactor / 100.0
adjusted_speed = 480.0 / so.max_cutting_speed #empiric - found out by trying for hours ...
empiric_scale = 1 + (speedFactorR**2) / 15.25 #empiric - found out by trying for hours ...
v_cut = so.max_cutting_speed * speedFactorR
v_travel = so.max_travel_speed #this is always at maximum
tsec_cut = (self.svg.uutounit(str(totalCuttingLength)) / (adjusted_speed * so.max_cutting_speed * speedFactorR)) * empiric_scale
tsec_travel = self.svg.uutounit(str(totalTravelLength)) / v_travel
tsec_total = tsec_cut + tsec_travel
minutes, seconds = divmod(tsec_total, 60) # split the seconds to minutes and seconds
partial_minutes = round(seconds/60 * 2) / 2
inkex.utils.debug("@{:03.0f}% (cut={:06.2f}mm/s | travel={:06.2f}mm/s) > {:03.0f}min {:02.0f}sec | cost={:02.0f}".format(speedFactor, v_cut, v_travel, minutes, seconds, so.price_per_minute_gross * (minutes + partial_minutes)))
''' Measurements from Epilog Software Suite
We are using a huge SVG graphic with 100 meters (=100.000 mm) of lines.
The following speeds are getting precalculated (travel moves = 0mm):
@ 100% = 13:45 = 825s -> 121,21mm/s
@ 090% = 15:12 = 912s -> 109,65mm/s
@ 080% = 17:01 = 1021s -> 97,94mm/s
@ 070% = 19:21 = 1161s -> 86,13mm/s
@ 060% = 22:28 = 1348s -> 74,18mm/s
@ 050% = 26:49 = 1609s -> 62,15mm/s
@ 040% = 33:21 = 2001s -> 49,98mm/s
@ 030% = 44:13 = 2653s -> 37,69mm/s
@ 020% = 65:51 = 3951s -> 25,31mm/s
@ 010% = 130:52 = 7852s -> 12,74mm/s
@ 009% = 145:21 = 8721s -> 11,47mm/s
@ 008% = 163:27 = 9807s -> 10,20mm/s
@ 007% = 186:44 = 11204s -> 8,93mm/s
@ 006% = 217:48 = 13068s -> 7,65mm/s
@ 005% = 261:18 = 15678s -> 6,38mm/s
@ 004% = 326:34 = 19594s -> 5,10mm/s
@ 003% = 435:21 = 26121s -> 3,83mm/s
@ 002% = 652:57 = 39177s -> 2,55mm/s
@ 001% = 1305:49 = 78349s -> 1,28mm/s
Paths with a high amount of nodes will cause issues because each node means slowing down/speeding up the laser mechanics
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.nodes_per_path is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Heavy node-loaded paths (allowed: {} node(s) per {} mm) - should be simplified".format(so.nodes_per_path_max, round(so.nodes_per_path_interval, 3)))
heavyPaths = []
for element in shapes:
if isinstance(element, inkex.PathElement):
slengths, stotal = csplength(element.path.transform(element.composed_transform()).to_superpath())
nodes = len(element.path)
if nodes / stotal > so.nodes_per_path_max / self.svg.unittouu(str(so.nodes_per_path_interval) + "mm"):
heavyPaths.append([element, nodes, stotal])
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} Heavy node-loaded paths in total".format(len(heavyPaths)))
for heavyPath in heavyPaths:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, nodes={}, length={}mm, density={}nodes/mm".format(
round(self.svg.uutounit(str(heavyPath[2]), "mm"), 3),
round(heavyPath[1] / self.svg.uutounit(str(heavyPath[2]), "mm"), 3)
Elements outside canvas or touching the border. These are critical because they won't be lasered or not correctly lasered
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.elements_outside_canvas is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Elements outside canvas or touching the border")
elementsOutside = []
for element in shapes:
if element.tag != inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'):
ebbox = element.bounding_box()
precision = 3
#inkex.utils.debug("{} | bbox: left = {:0.3f} right = {:0.3f} top = {:0.3f} bottom = {:0.3f}".format(element.get('id'), ebbox.left, ebbox.right,, ebbox.bottom))
pagew = round(self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.get('width')), precision)
pageh = round(self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.get('height')), precision)
if round(ebbox.right, precision) == 0 or \
round(ebbox.left, precision) == pagew or \
round(, precision) == 0 or \
round(ebbox.bottom, precision) == pageh:
elementsOutside.append([element, "touching"])
elif \
round(ebbox.right, precision) < 0 or \
round(ebbox.left, precision) > pagew or \
round(, precision) < 0 or \
round(ebbox.bottom, precision) > pageh:
elementsOutside.append([element, "fully outside"])
else: #fully inside or partially inside/outside. we check if one or more corners is outside the canvas
rightOutside = False
leftOutside = False
topOutside = False
bottomOutside = False
if round(ebbox.right, precision) < 0 or round(ebbox.right, precision) > pagew:
rightOutside = True
if round(ebbox.left, precision) < 0 or round(ebbox.left, precision) > pagew:
leftOutside = True
if round(, precision) < 0 or round(, precision) > pageh:
topOutside = True
if round(ebbox.bottom, precision) < 0 or round(ebbox.bottom, precision) > pageh:
bottomOutside = True
if rightOutside is True or leftOutside is True or topOutside is True or bottomOutside is True:
elementsOutside.append([element, "partially outside"])
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} Elements outside canvas or touching the border in total".format(len(elementsOutside)))
for elementOutside in elementsOutside:
inkex.utils.debug("id={}, status={}".format(
Shapes like rectangles, ellipses, arcs, spirals should be converted to svg:path to have more
convenience in the file
if so.checks == "check_all" or so.non_path_shapes is True:
inkex.utils.debug("\n---------- Non-path shapes - should be converted to paths")
nonPathShapes = []
for element in shapes:
if not isinstance(element, inkex.PathElement) and not isinstance(element, inkex.Group):
if so.show_issues_only is False:
inkex.utils.debug("{} non-path shapes in total".format(len(nonPathShapes)))
for nonPathShape in nonPathShapes:
if __name__ == '__main__':