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#!/usr/bin/env python3
This extension allows you to draw crop, registration and other
printing marks in Inkscape.
Nicolas Dufour - Association Inkscape-fr
Aurelio A. Heckert <aurium(a)>
Copyright (C) 2008 Authors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import math
import inkex
from lxml import etree
class Printing_Marks (inkex.EffectExtension):
# Default parameters
stroke_width = 0.25
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument("--where_to_crop", default=True, help="Apply crop marks to...")
pars.add_argument("--crop_marks", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Draw crop Marks?")
pars.add_argument("--dotted_crop_marks", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Draw dotted crop Marks?")
pars.add_argument("--bleed_marks", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw Bleed Marks?")
pars.add_argument("--registration_marks", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw Registration Marks?")
pars.add_argument("--star_target", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw Star Target?")
pars.add_argument("--colour_bars", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw Colour Bars?")
pars.add_argument("--page_info", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw Page Information?")
pars.add_argument("--unit",default="px", help="Draw measurment")
pars.add_argument("--crop_offset", type=float, default=0, help="Offset")
pars.add_argument("--bleed_top", type=float, default=0, help="Bleed Top Size")
pars.add_argument("--bleed_bottom", type=float, default=0, help="Bleed Bottom Size")
pars.add_argument("--bleed_left", type=float, default=0, help="Bleed Left Size")
pars.add_argument("--bleed_right",type=float, default=0, help="Bleed Right Size")
pars.add_argument("--tab", help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed")
def addMarker(self):
svg = self.document.getroot()
xpathStr = '//marker[@id="scissorsCroper"]'
maskElement = svg.xpath(xpathStr, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
if maskElement == []:
xpathStr = '//svg:defs'
defs = svg.xpath(xpathStr, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
line_attribs = {'markerWidth': "8.2212915",
'markerHeight': "4.8983894",
'orient': "auto",
markerElement = etree.SubElement(defs[0],inkex.addNS('marker','svg'), line_attribs)
line_attribs = {'style': "fill:#000000;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-width:0.2;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1",
'id': "scissorsCroperPath",
'd': "m -3.09375,-2.59375 c -0.2875213,-0.019086 -0.5530997,0.080418 -0.78125,0.25 -0.2281503,0.1695818 -0.4212781,0.4427198 -0.4375,0.75 -0.014236,0.2696628 0.032949,0.4281517 0.09375,0.53125 0.011692,0.019827 0.022314,0.017924 0.03125,0.03125 -0.074992,0.019409 -0.1886388,0.0360237 -0.34375,0.0625 -0.3217609,0.0549221 -0.7596575,0.13825127 -1.21875,0.375 l -3.03125,-1.125 c -0.2710413,-0.1042898 -0.5662791,-0.1829987 -0.875,-0.15625 -0.3087209,0.026749 -0.621076,0.1687088 -0.84375,0.4375 a 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -0.03125,0.03125 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -0.03125,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0.03125 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.09375,0.0625 l 2.9375,1.15625 -2.96875,1.125 a 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -0.09375,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -0.03125,0.03125 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -0.03125,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0.0625 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0.03125 C -10.094168,1.9539272 -9.4699318,1.9749423 -9,1.84375 L -5.71875,0.6875 c 0.481754,0.20541523 0.912658,0.3186677 1.1875,0.375 0.1483249,0.030401 0.2392409,0.045912 0.3125,0.0625 0.03663,0.00829 0.024599,-0.00324 0.03125,0 -0.0079,0.02335 -0.010635,0.041757 -0.03125,0.09375 -0.053917,0.1359822 -0.1506131,0.3500538 -0.09375,0.625 0.074929,0.3622982 0.3561361,0.6217769 0.65625,0.75 0.3001139,0.1282231 0.6300895,0.1440646 0.9375,0.03125 0.6444683,-0.175589 0.9014775,-0.9349259 0.625,-1.5 C -2.2324842,0.83910622 -2.4880622,0.66240891 -2.75,0.5625 -3.0119378,0.46259109 -3.2717529,0.42256233 -3.53125,0.4375 c -0.2805605,0.0161501 -0.5796777,0.0351178 -0.8125,-0.03125 -0.1944918,-0.0554414 -0.3308104,-0.18103045 -0.46875,-0.375 0.1925418,-0.25215792 0.4169804,-0.350782 0.71875,-0.375 0.3394341,-0.0272407 0.7247815,0.0434012 1.0625,0 0.010025,-6.5986e-4 0.021283,9.2632e-4 0.03125,0 0.5937358,-0.0551819 1.1050788,-0.57908524 1.0625,-1.1875 -0.00523,-0.6217326 -0.5853909,-1.0659264 -1.15625,-1.0625 z M -2.9375,-1.875 c 0.1401777,0.04894 0.2268596,0.139783 0.25,0.25 a 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0.03125 c 0.046997,0.1597651 -0.018243,0.2935457 -0.15625,0.40625 -0.1380068,0.1127043 -0.3531142,0.176154 -0.5,0.125 -0.1652738,-0.046651 -0.2408416,-0.1796945 -0.25,-0.34375 -0.00916,-0.1640555 0.046643,-0.3414062 0.21875,-0.4375 0.104863,-0.058549 0.2664752,-0.08005 0.40625,-0.03125 z m -0.21875,3.03125 c 0.2392165,0.047351 0.4697735,0.2941069 0.4375,0.53125 -0.010405,0.1211995 -0.066062,0.2235316 -0.1875,0.28125 C -3.0276883,2.0264684 -3.2009829,2.0387215 -3.3125,2 A 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 -3.34375,2 C -3.6474031,1.9320987 -3.710744,1.2999504 -3.40625,1.1875 a 0.20792008,0.20792008 0 0 0 0.03125,0 c 0.072689,-0.036572 0.1390112,-0.047034 0.21875,-0.03125 z"}
pathElement = etree.SubElement(markerElement, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), line_attribs)
def draw_crop_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, name, parent):
if self.options.dotted_crop_marks == True:
style = { 'stroke': '#FFFFFF', 'stroke-width': str(self.stroke_width),
'fill': 'none'}
style = { 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': str(self.stroke_width),
'fill': 'none'}
line_attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)),
'id': name,
'd': 'M '+str(x1)+','+str(y1)+' L '+str(x2)+','+str(y2)}
etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_attribs)
if self.options.dotted_crop_marks == True:
style = { 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': str(self.stroke_width),
'fill': 'none' , 'marker-end':'url(#scissorsCroper)',
'stroke-dasharray' :'0.5,0.25', 'stroke-miterlimit':"4"}
line_attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)),
'id': name + "_dotted",
'd': 'M '+str(x1)+','+str(y1)+' L '+str(x2)+','+str(y2)}
etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_attribs)
def draw_bleed_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, name, parent):
style = { 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': str(self.stroke_width),
'fill': 'none',
'stroke-miterlimit': '4', 'stroke-dasharray': '4, 2, 1, 2',
'stroke-dashoffset': '0' }
line_attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)),
'id': name,
'd': 'M '+str(x1)+','+str(y1)+' L '+str(x2)+','+str(y2)}
etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_attribs)
def draw_reg_circles(self, cx, cy, r, name, colours, parent):
for i in range(len(colours)):
style = {'stroke':colours[i], 'stroke-width':str(r / len(colours)),
circle_attribs = {'style':str(inkex.Style(style)),
'cx':str(cx), 'cy':str(cy),
'r':str((r / len(colours)) * (i + 0.5))}
etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('circle','svg'),
def draw_registration_marks(self, cx, cy, rotate, name, parent):
colours = ['#000000','#00ffff','#ff00ff','#ffff00','#000000']
g = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', { 'id': name })
for i in range(len(colours)):
style = {'fill':colours[i], 'fill-opacity':'1', 'stroke':'none'}
r = (self.mark_size/2)
step = r
stroke = r / len(colours)
regoffset = stroke * i
regmark_attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)),
'd': 'm' +\
' '+str(-regoffset)+','+str(r) +\
' '+str(-stroke) +',0' +\
' '+str(step) +','+str(-r) +\
' '+str(-step) +','+str(-r) +\
' '+str(stroke) +',0' +\
' '+str(step) +','+str(r) +\
' '+str(-step) +','+str(r) +\
' z',
'transform': 'translate('+str(cx)+','+str(cy)+ \
') rotate('+str(rotate)+')'}
etree.SubElement(g, 'path', regmark_attribs)
def draw_star_target(self, cx, cy, name, parent):
r = (self.mark_size/2)
style = {'fill':'#000 device-cmyk(1,1,1,1)', 'fill-opacity':'1', 'stroke':'none'}
d = ' M 0,0'
i = 0
while i < ( 2 * math.pi ):
i += math.pi / 16
d += ' L 0,0 ' +\
' L '+ str(math.sin(i)*r) +','+ str(math.cos(i)*r) +\
' L '+ str(math.sin(i+0.09)*r) +','+ str(math.cos(i+0.09)*r)
regmark_attribs = {'style':str(inkex.Style(style)),
etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('path','svg'),
def draw_coluor_bars(self, cx, cy, rotate, name, parent):
g = etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', {
') rotate('+str(rotate)+')' })
l = min( self.mark_size / 3, max(self.area_w,self.area_h) / 45 )
for bar in [{'c':'*', 'stroke':'#000', 'x':0, 'y':-(l+1)},
{'c':'r', 'stroke':'#0FF', 'x':0, 'y':0},
{'c':'g', 'stroke':'#F0F', 'x':(l*11)+1, 'y':-(l+1)},
{'c':'b', 'stroke':'#FF0', 'x':(l*11)+1, 'y':0}
i = 0
while i <= 1:
cr = '255'
cg = '255'
cb = '255'
if bar['c'] == 'r' or bar['c'] == '*' : cr = str(255*i)
if bar['c'] == 'g' or bar['c'] == '*' : cg = str(255*i)
if bar['c'] == 'b' or bar['c'] == '*' : cb = str(255*i)
r_att = {'fill':'rgb('+cr+','+cg+','+cb+')',
'x':str((l*i*10)+bar['x']), 'y':str(bar['y']),
'width':str(l), 'height':str(l)}
r = etree.SubElement(g, 'rect', r_att)
i += 0.1
def get_selection_area(self):
scale = self.svg.unittouu('1px') # convert to document units
sel_area = {}
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = False, False, False, False
for id in self.options.ids:
sel_area[id] = {}
for att in [ "x", "y", "width", "height" ]:
args = [ "inkscape", "-I", id, "--query-"+att, self.options.input_file ]
sel_area[id][att] = scale* \
float(Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0])
current_min_x = sel_area[id]["x"]
current_min_y = sel_area[id]["y"]
current_max_x = sel_area[id]["x"] + \
current_max_y = sel_area[id]["y"] + \
if not min_x: min_x = current_min_x
if not min_y: min_y = current_min_y
if not max_x: max_x = current_max_x
if not max_y: max_y = current_max_y
if current_min_x < min_x: min_x = current_min_x
if current_min_y < min_y: min_y = current_min_y
if current_max_x > max_x: max_x = current_max_x
if current_max_y > max_y: max_y = current_max_y
#inkex.errormsg( '>> '+ id +
# ' min_x:'+ str(min_x) +
# ' min_y:'+ str(min_y) +
# ' max_x:'+ str(max_x) +
# ' max_y:'+ str(max_y) )
self.area_x1 = min_x
self.area_y1 = min_y
self.area_x2 = max_x
self.area_y2 = max_y
self.area_w = max_x - min_x
self.area_h = max_y - min_y
def effect(self):
self.mark_size = self.svg.unittouu('1cm')
self.min_mark_margin = self.svg.unittouu('3mm')
if self.options.where_to_crop == 'selection' :
#inkex.errormsg('Sory, the crop to selection is a TODO feature')
else :
svg = self.document.getroot()
self.area_w = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
self.area_h = self.svg.unittouu(svg.attrib['height'])
self.area_x1 = 0
self.area_y1 = 0
self.area_x2 = self.area_w
self.area_y2 = self.area_h
# Get SVG document dimensions
# self.width must be replaced by self.area_x2. same to others.
svg = self.document.getroot()
#self.width = width = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
#self.height = height = self.svg.unittouu(svg.attrib['height'])
# Convert parameters to user unit
offset = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.crop_offset) + \
bt = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_top) + self.options.unit)
bb = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_bottom) + self.options.unit)
bl = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_left) + self.options.unit)
br = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.bleed_right) + self.options.unit)
# Bleed margin
if bt < offset : bmt = 0
else : bmt = bt - offset
if bb < offset : bmb = 0
else : bmb = bb - offset
if bl < offset : bml = 0
else : bml = bl - offset
if br < offset : bmr = 0
else : bmr = br - offset
# Define the new document limits
offset_left = self.area_x1 - offset
offset_right = self.area_x2 + offset
offset_top = self.area_y1 - offset
offset_bottom = self.area_y2 + offset
# Get middle positions
middle_vertical = self.area_y1 + ( self.area_h / 2 )
middle_horizontal = self.area_x1 + ( self.area_w / 2 )
# Test if printing-marks layer existis
layer = self.document.xpath(
'//*[@id="printing-marks" and @inkscape:groupmode="layer"]',
if layer: svg.remove(layer[0]) # remove if it existis
# Create a new layer
layer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
layer.set('id', 'printing-marks')
layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Printing Marks')
layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
layer.set(inkex.addNS('insensitive', 'sodipodi'), 'true')
# Crop Mark
if self.options.crop_marks == True:
# Create a group for Crop Mark
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'CropMarks',
g_crops = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
# Top left Mark
self.draw_crop_line(self.area_x1, offset_top,
self.area_x1, offset_top - self.mark_size,
'cropTL1', g_crops)
self.draw_crop_line(offset_left, self.area_y1,
offset_left - self.mark_size, self.area_y1,
'cropTL2', g_crops)
# Top right Mark
self.draw_crop_line(self.area_x2, offset_top,
self.area_x2, offset_top - self.mark_size,
'cropTR1', g_crops)
self.draw_crop_line(offset_right, self.area_y1,
offset_right + self.mark_size, self.area_y1,
'cropTR2', g_crops)
# Bottom left Mark
self.draw_crop_line(self.area_x1, offset_bottom,
self.area_x1, offset_bottom + self.mark_size,
'cropBL1', g_crops)
self.draw_crop_line(offset_left, self.area_y2,
offset_left - self.mark_size, self.area_y2,
'cropBL2', g_crops)
# Bottom right Mark
self.draw_crop_line(self.area_x2, offset_bottom,
self.area_x2, offset_bottom + self.mark_size,
'cropBR1', g_crops)
self.draw_crop_line(offset_right, self.area_y2,
offset_right + self.mark_size, self.area_y2,
'cropBR2', g_crops)
# Bleed Mark
if self.options.bleed_marks == True:
# Create a group for Bleed Mark
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'BleedMarks',
g_bleed = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
# Top left Mark
self.draw_bleed_line(self.area_x1 - bl, offset_top - bmt,
self.area_x1 - bl, offset_top - bmt - self.mark_size,
'bleedTL1', g_bleed)
self.draw_bleed_line(offset_left - bml, self.area_y1 - bt,
offset_left - bml - self.mark_size, self.area_y1 - bt,
'bleedTL2', g_bleed)
# Top right Mark
self.draw_bleed_line(self.area_x2 + br, offset_top - bmt,
self.area_x2 + br, offset_top - bmt - self.mark_size,
'bleedTR1', g_bleed)
self.draw_bleed_line(offset_right + bmr, self.area_y1 - bt,
offset_right + bmr + self.mark_size, self.area_y1 - bt,
'bleedTR2', g_bleed)
# Bottom left Mark
self.draw_bleed_line(self.area_x1 - bl, offset_bottom + bmb,
self.area_x1 - bl, offset_bottom + bmb + self.mark_size,
'bleedBL1', g_bleed)
self.draw_bleed_line(offset_left - bml, self.area_y2 + bb,
offset_left - bml - self.mark_size, self.area_y2 + bb,
'bleedBL2', g_bleed)
# Bottom right Mark
self.draw_bleed_line(self.area_x2 + br, offset_bottom + bmb,
self.area_x2 + br, offset_bottom + bmb + self.mark_size,
'bleedBR1', g_bleed)
self.draw_bleed_line(offset_right + bmr, self.area_y2 + bb,
offset_right + bmr + self.mark_size, self.area_y2 + bb,
'bleedBR2', g_bleed)
# Registration Mark
if self.options.registration_marks == True:
# Create a group for Registration Mark
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'RegistrationMarks',
g_center = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
# Left Mark
cx = max( bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_registration_marks(self.area_x1 - cx - (self.mark_size/2),
middle_vertical - self.mark_size*1.5,
'0', 'regMarkL', g_center)
# Right Mark
cx = max( bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_registration_marks(self.area_x2 + cx + (self.mark_size/2),
middle_vertical - self.mark_size*1.5,
'180', 'regMarkR', g_center)
# Top Mark
cy = max( bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.area_y1 - cy - (self.mark_size/2),
'90', 'regMarkT', g_center)
# Bottom Mark
cy = max( bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.area_y2 + cy + (self.mark_size/2),
'-90', 'regMarkB', g_center)
# Star Target
if self.options.star_target == True:
# Create a group for Star Target
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'StarTarget',
g_center = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
if self.area_h < self.area_w :
# Left Star
cx = max( bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_star_target(self.area_x1 - cx - (self.mark_size/2),
'starTargetL', g_center)
# Right Star
cx = max( bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_star_target(self.area_x2 + cx + (self.mark_size/2),
'starTargetR', g_center)
else :
# Top Star
cy = max( bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_star_target(middle_horizontal - self.mark_size*1.5,
self.area_y1 - cy - (self.mark_size/2),
'starTargetT', g_center)
# Bottom Star
cy = max( bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_star_target(middle_horizontal - self.mark_size*1.5,
self.area_y2 + cy + (self.mark_size/2),
'starTargetB', g_center)
# Colour Bars
if self.options.colour_bars == True:
# Create a group for Colour Bars
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'ColourBars',
g_center = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
if self.area_h > self.area_w :
# Left Bars
cx = max( bml + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_coluor_bars(self.area_x1 - cx - (self.mark_size/2),
middle_vertical + self.mark_size,
'PrintingColourBarsL', g_center)
# Right Bars
cx = max( bmr + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_coluor_bars(self.area_x2 + cx + (self.mark_size/2),
middle_vertical + self.mark_size,
'PrintingColourBarsR', g_center)
else :
# Top Bars
cy = max( bmt + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_coluor_bars(middle_horizontal + self.mark_size,
self.area_y1 - cy - (self.mark_size/2),
'PrintingColourBarsT', g_center)
# Bottom Bars
cy = max( bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
self.draw_coluor_bars(middle_horizontal + self.mark_size,
self.area_y2 + cy + (self.mark_size/2),
'PrintingColourBarsB', g_center)
# Page Information
if self.options.page_info == True:
# Create a group for Page Information
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'PageInformation',
g_pag_info = etree.SubElement(layer, 'g', g_attribs)
y_margin = max( bmb + offset, self.min_mark_margin )
txt_attribs = {
'style': 'font-size:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;text-align:center',
'x': str(middle_horizontal),
'y': str(self.area_y2+y_margin+self.mark_size+20)
txt = etree.SubElement(g_pag_info, 'text', txt_attribs)
txt.text = 'Page size: ' +\
str(round(self.svg.uutounit(self.area_w,self.options.unit),2)) +\
'x' +\
str(round(self.svg.uutounit(self.area_h,self.options.unit),2)) +\
' ' + self.options.unit
if __name__ == '__main__':