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2021-04-04 01:51:59 +02:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 Luke Phillips (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Extension dirs
# linux:~/.config/inkscape/extensions
# windows: [Drive]:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions
from lxml import etree
import inkex
import copy
inkex.NSS[u'cs'] = u''
class EffectDimensionProvider():
def __init__(self, effect, x = 0, y = 0):
self.Effect = effect
self.Layer = effect.svg.get_current_layer()
self.Width = effect.options.DeckWidth
self.Height = effect.options.DeckHeight
self.Depth = effect.options.DeckDepth
self.Allowance = effect.options.DeckAllowance
self.X = x
self.Y = y
def MMtoUU(self, mmval):
if hasattr(self.Effect.svg, "unittouu"):
return str(self.Effect.svg.unittouu("{0}mm".format(mmval)))
MM_TO_PIXELS = 3.5433071
return str(MM_TO_PIXELS * mmval)
def MaximiseHeight(self):
if self.Height < self.Width: # always choose the smallest to be the "width"
temp = self.Width
self.Width = self.Height
self.Height = temp
class BoxBase():
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider):
#create a group
self.DimProvider = dimensionProvider
self.Group = etree.SubElement(dimensionProvider.Layer, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {} )
self.Width = dimensionProvider.Width + dimensionProvider.Allowance
self.Height = dimensionProvider.Height + dimensionProvider.Allowance
self.Depth = dimensionProvider.Depth + dimensionProvider.Allowance
self.X = dimensionProvider.X
self.Y = dimensionProvider.Y
self.MinY = 0
self.MinX = 0
### init some common sizes ###
self.ThumbSize = 20
# tuck flap size
self.FlapOffset = 1.5
self.FlapHeight = self.Depth
if self.Depth < 7 or self.Depth > 25:
self.FlapHeight = 20
# main flap size
self.MainFlapHeight = (4 * self.Depth)/3
if self.MainFlapHeight < self.ThumbSize:
self.MainFlapHeight = 24
### colour ###
self.Fill = '#ffffff'
self.StrokeWidth = self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(0.5)
def _CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self, height, width, x, y):
style = {'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': self.StrokeWidth, 'fill' : self.Fill}
attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'height': self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(height), 'width': self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(width), 'x': self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(x), 'y': self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(y)}
etree.SubElement(self.Group, inkex.addNS('rect','svg'), attribs )
def _CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self, height, width, x, y, cutoutPositions):
cmds = []
t = self.ThumbSize
cr = (3*t)/4 # curve ratio
# start position
cmds.append(["m", x, y])
# Top side
if cutoutPositions & CUTOUT_TOP == CUTOUT_TOP:
cmds.append(["h", (self.Width - t)/2])
cmds.append(["c", 0, cr,
t, cr,
t, 0])
cmds.append(["h", (self.Width - t)/2])
cmds.append(["h", width])
# Right Side
if cutoutPositions & CUTOUT_RIGHT == CUTOUT_RIGHT:
cmds.append(["v", (self.Height - t)/2])
cmds.append(["c", -cr, 0,
-cr, t,
0, t])
cmds.append(["v", (self.Height - t)/2])
cmds.append(["v", height])
# Bottom Side
if cutoutPositions & CUTOUT_BOTTOM == CUTOUT_BOTTOM:
cmds.append(["h", -(self.Width - t)/2])
cmds.append(["c", 0, -cr,
-t, -cr,
-t, 0])
cmds.append(["h", -(self.Width - t)/2])
cmds.append(["h", -width])
# Left Side
if cutoutPositions & CUTOUT_LEFT == CUTOUT_LEFT:
cmds.append(["v", -(self.Height - t)/2])
cmds.append(["c", cr, 0,
cr, -t,
0, -t])
cmds.append(["v", -(self.Height - t)/2])
cmds.append(["v", -height])
def _CreatePathinMillimetres(self, cmds):
pathStr = ""
for cmd in cmds:
pathStr += cmd[0] + " "
for coord in cmd[1:]:
pathStr += self.DimProvider.MMtoUU(coord) + " "
pathStr += "z"
#raise Exception(pathStr)
style = {'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': self.StrokeWidth, 'fill' : self.Fill}
attribs = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'd': pathStr}
etree.SubElement(self.Group, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), attribs )
class SingleFlappedTuckBox(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
def Create(self):
self.FlapOffset = 1.5
self.FlapHeight = min(20, self.Depth)
# Figure out some row and column values,
# note rows and cols work left to right, top to bottom, but both calculated in reverse
col5 = self.X - self.Depth
col4 = col5 - self.Width
col3 = col4 - self.Depth
col2 = col3 - self.Width
col1 = col2 - self.Depth
self.MinX = col1
row4 = self.Y - self.Depth
row3 = row4 - self.Height
row2 = row3 - self.Depth
row1 = row2 - self.Depth
self.MinY = row1
### COLUMN 1 ###
#create left glue panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col1, row3)
### COLUMN 2 ###
#create box back print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, self.Width, col2, row3, CUTOUT_TOP)
#create box bottom glue panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col2, row4)
### COLUMN 3 ###
#create left flap
["m", col3, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create left print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col3, row3)
#create bottom left glue panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Depth, col3, row4)
### COLUMN 4 ###
#create main flap
["m", col4, row2],
["c", 0, -self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, -self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, 0]
#create box top print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col4, row2)
#create box front print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Width, col4, row3)
#create box bottom print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col4, row4)
### COLUMN 5 ###
#create right flap
["m", col5, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create right print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col5, row3)
#create bottom right glue panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Depth, col5, row4)
class DoubleFlappedTuckBox(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
def Create(self):
# Figure out some row and column values,
# note rows and cols work left to right, top to bottom
col5 = self.X - self.Depth
col4 = col5 - self.Width
col3 = col4 - self.Depth
col2 = col3 - self.Width
col1 = col2 - self.Depth
self.MinX = col1
row5 = self.Y - self.Depth
row4 = row5 - self.Depth
row3 = row4 - self.Height
row2 = row3 - self.Depth
row1 = row2 - self.Depth
self.MinY = row1
### COLUMN 1 ###
#create left glue panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col1, row3)
### COLUMN 2 ###
#create box back print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, self.Width, col2, row3, CUTOUT_TOP | CUTOUT_BOTTOM)
### COLUMN 3 ###
#create top left flap
["m", col3, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create left print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col3, row3)
#create bottom left flap
["m", col3, row4],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
### COLUMN 4 ###
#create top main flap
["m", col4, row2],
["c", 0, -self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, -self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, 0]
#create box top print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col4, row2)
#create box front print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Width, col4, row3)
#create box bottom print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col4, row4)
#create bottom main flap
["m", col4, row5],
["c", 0, self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, self.MainFlapHeight, self.Width, 0]
### COLUMN 5 ###
#create top right flap
["m", col5, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create right print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col5, row3)
#create bottom right flap
["m", col5, row4],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
class SlipcaseTuckBox(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
def Create(self):
self.FlapOffset = 1.5
# Figure out some row and column values,
# note rows and cols work left to right, top to bottom
col5 = self.X - self.Depth
col4 = col5 - self.Width
col3 = col4 - self.Depth
col2 = col3 - self.Width
col1 = col2 - self.Depth
row1 = self.Y - self.Height
self.MinY = row1
### COLUMN 1 ###
#create left glue flap
["m", col2, row1],
["v", self.Height],
["l", -(self.Depth - self.FlapOffset), -self.FlapOffset],
["v", -(self.Height - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
### COLUMN 2 ###
#create box back print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Width, col2, row1)
### COLUMN 3 ###
#create left print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col3, row1)
### COLUMN 4 ###
#create box front print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Width, col4, row1)
### COLUMN 5 ###
#create right print panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col5, row1)
class Matchbox(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider, numFlaps):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
self.NumFlaps = numFlaps
def Create(self):
if self.NumFlaps == 2:
tuckbox = DoubleFlappedTuckBox(self.DimProvider)
tuckbox = SingleFlappedTuckBox(self.DimProvider)
# Create Drawer for inside the box
dimProvider = copy.copy(self.DimProvider)
dimProvider.Width -= 2
dimProvider.Height -= 2
dimProvider.Depth -= 2
dimProvider.Y = tuckbox.MinY - 20
drawer = MatcboxDrawer(dimProvider)
class TelescopingBox(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
def Create(self):
# Create box top
top = MatcboxDrawer(self.DimProvider, includeFingerCutouts=True)
# Create box bottom
dimProvider = copy.copy(self.DimProvider)
dimProvider.Width -= 1
dimProvider.Height -= 1
dimProvider.Depth -= 1
dimProvider.Y = top.MinY - 20
drawer = MatcboxDrawer(dimProvider)
class MatcboxDrawer(BoxBase):
def __init__(self, dimensionProvider, includeFingerCutouts=False):
BoxBase.__init__(self, dimensionProvider)
self.IncludeFingerCutouts = includeFingerCutouts
def Create(self):
fudgeDepth = self.Depth - 2 # overlap panels should be a little smaller to avoid touching box base
# Figure out some row and column co-ord values,
# note rows and cols work left to right, top to bottom, values start at 0 and go negative
col5 = self.X - fudgeDepth
col4 = col5 - self.Depth
col3 = col4 - self.Width
col2 = col3 - self.Depth
col1 = col2 - fudgeDepth
row5 = self.Y - fudgeDepth
row4 = row5 - self.Depth
row3 = row4 - self.Height
row2 = row3 - self.Depth
row1 = row2 - fudgeDepth
self.MinY = row1
### COLUMN 1 ###
#create left overlap panel
if self.IncludeFingerCutouts:
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, fudgeDepth, col1, row3, CUTOUT_RIGHT)
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, fudgeDepth, col1, row3)
### COLUMN 2 ###
#create top left flap
["m", col2, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create box left side print panel
if self.IncludeFingerCutouts:
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, self.Depth, col2, row3, CUTOUT_LEFT)
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col2, row3)
#create bottom left flap
["m", col2, row4],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
### COLUMN 3 ###
#create top side overlap panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(fudgeDepth, self.Width, col3, row1)
#create top box side panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col3, row2)
#create box bottom
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Width, col3, row3)
#create bottom box side panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Depth, self.Width, col3, row4)
#create bottom side overlap panel
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(fudgeDepth, self.Width, col3, row5)
### COLUMN 4 ###
#create top right flap
["m", col4, row3],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, -self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
#create box right side print panel
if self.IncludeFingerCutouts:
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, self.Depth, col4, row3, CUTOUT_RIGHT)
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, self.Depth, col4, row3)
#create bottom right flap
["m", col4, row4],
["h", self.Depth],
["l", -self.FlapOffset, self.FlapHeight],
["h", -(self.Depth - (2*self.FlapOffset))],
### COLUMN 5 ###
#create right overlap panel
if self.IncludeFingerCutouts:
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetresWithCutouts(self.Height, fudgeDepth, col5, row3, CUTOUT_LEFT)
self._CreateRectangleInMillimetres(self.Height, fudgeDepth, col5, row3)
class TuckboxCreateEffect(inkex.EffectExtension):
def __init__(self):
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', type = str, dest = 'BoxType')
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--num_flaps', type = int, dest = 'NumFlaps')
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--deck_width', type = float, dest = 'DeckWidth')
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-r', '--deck_height', type = float, dest = 'DeckHeight')
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-d', '--deck_depth', type = float, dest = 'DeckDepth')
self.arg_parser.add_argument('-a', '--box_allowance', type = float, dest = 'DeckAllowance')
def GetPaths(self):
paths = []
def effect(self):
dimProvider = EffectDimensionProvider(self)
if self.options.BoxType == "TUCKBOX":
if self.options.NumFlaps == 2:
box = DoubleFlappedTuckBox(dimProvider)
box = SingleFlappedTuckBox(dimProvider)
elif self.options.BoxType == "SLIPCASE":
box = SlipcaseTuckBox(dimProvider)
elif self.options.BoxType == "MATCHBOX":
box = Matchbox(dimProvider, self.options.NumFlaps)
elif self.options.BoxType == "TELESCOPE":
box = TelescopingBox(dimProvider)
elif self.options.BoxType == "DISH":
box = MatcboxDrawer(dimProvider)
raise Exception("Box type '{0}' is undefined".format(self.options.BoxType))
if __name__ == '__main__':