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2020-08-30 12:36:33 +02:00

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"""This submodule contains tools for creating path objects from SVG files.
The main tool being the svg2paths() function."""
# External dependencies
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from os import path as os_path, getcwd
from shutil import copyfile
# Internal dependencies
from .parser import parse_path
def polyline2pathd(polyline_d):
"""converts the string from a polyline d-attribute to a string for a Path
object d-attribute"""
points = polyline_d.replace(', ', ',')
points = points.replace(' ,', ',')
points = points.split()
if points[0] == points[-1]:
closed = True
closed = False
d = 'M' + points.pop(0).replace(',', ' ')
for p in points:
d += 'L' + p.replace(',', ' ')
if closed:
d += 'z'
return d
def svg2paths(svg_file_location,
Converts an SVG file into a list of Path objects and a list of
dictionaries containing their attributes. This currently supports
SVG Path, Line, Polyline, and Polygon elements.
:param svg_file_location: the location of the svg file
:param convert_lines_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Line objects
(converted to Paths)
:param convert_polylines_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Polyline
objects (converted to Paths)
:param convert_polygons_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Polygon
objects (converted to Paths)
:param return_svg_attributes: Set to True and a dictionary of
svg-attributes will be extracted and returned
:return: list of Path objects, list of path attribute dictionaries, and
(optionally) a dictionary of svg-attributes
if os_path.dirname(svg_file_location) == '':
svg_file_location = os_path.join(getcwd(), svg_file_location)
# if pathless_svg:
# copyfile(svg_file_location, pathless_svg)
# doc = parse(pathless_svg)
# else:
doc = parse(svg_file_location)
def dom2dict(element):
"""Converts DOM elements to dictionaries of attributes."""
keys = list(element.attributes.keys())
values = [val.value for val in list(element.attributes.values())]
return dict(list(zip(keys, values)))
# Use minidom to extract path strings from input SVG
paths = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('path')]
d_strings = [el['d'] for el in paths]
attribute_dictionary_list = paths
# if pathless_svg:
# for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('path'):
# el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
# Use minidom to extract polyline strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polylines_to_paths:
plins = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polyline')]
d_strings += [polyline2pathd(pl['points']) for pl in plins]
attribute_dictionary_list += plins
# Use minidom to extract polygon strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polygons_to_paths:
pgons = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polygon')]
d_strings += [polyline2pathd(pg['points']) + 'z' for pg in pgons]
attribute_dictionary_list += pgons
if convert_lines_to_paths:
lines = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('line')]
d_strings += [('M' + l['x1'] + ' ' + l['y1'] +
'L' + l['x2'] + ' ' + l['y2']) for l in lines]
attribute_dictionary_list += lines
# if pathless_svg:
# with open(pathless_svg, "wb") as f:
# doc.writexml(f)
if return_svg_attributes:
svg_attributes = dom2dict(doc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0])
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list, svg_attributes
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list
def svg2paths2(svg_file_location,
"""Convenience function; identical to svg2paths() except that
return_svg_attributes=True by default. See svg2paths() docstring for more
return svg2paths(svg_file_location=svg_file_location,