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2021-07-23 02:36:56 +02:00

308 lines
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import { pd } from 'pretty-data'
import { Box2 } from 'vecks'
import entityToPolyline from './entityToPolyline'
import denormalise from './denormalise'
import getRGBForEntity from './getRGBForEntity'
import logger from './util/logger'
import rotate from './util/rotate'
import rgbToColorAttribute from './util/rgbToColorAttribute'
import toPiecewiseBezier, { multiplicity } from './util/toPiecewiseBezier'
import transformBoundingBoxAndElement from './util/transformBoundingBoxAndElement'
const addFlipXIfApplicable = (entity, { bbox, element }) => {
if (entity.extrusionZ === -1) {
return {
bbox: new Box2()
.expandByPoint({ x: -bbox.min.x, y: bbox.min.y })
.expandByPoint({ x: -bbox.max.x, y: bbox.max.y }),
element: `<g transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 0 0)">
} else {
return { bbox, element }
* Create a <path /> element. Interpolates curved entities.
const polyline = (entity) => {
const vertices = entityToPolyline(entity)
const bbox = vertices.reduce((acc, [x, y]) => acc.expandByPoint({ x, y }), new Box2())
const d = vertices.reduce((acc, point, i) => {
acc += (i === 0) ? 'M' : 'L'
acc += point[0] + ',' + point[1]
return acc
}, '')
// Empirically it appears that flipping horzontally does not apply to polyline
return transformBoundingBoxAndElement(bbox, `<path d="${d}" />`, entity.transforms)
* Create a <circle /> element for the CIRCLE entity.
const circle = (entity) => {
const bbox0 = new Box2()
x: entity.x + entity.r,
y: entity.y + entity.r
x: entity.x - entity.r,
y: entity.y - entity.r
const element0 = `<circle cx="${entity.x}" cy="${entity.y}" r="${entity.r}" />`
const { bbox, element } = addFlipXIfApplicable(entity, { bbox: bbox0, element: element0 })
return transformBoundingBoxAndElement(bbox, element, entity.transforms)
* Create a a <path d="A..." /> or <ellipse /> element for the ARC or ELLIPSE
* DXF entity (<ellipse /> if start and end point are the same).
const ellipseOrArc = (cx, cy, majorX, majorY, axisRatio, startAngle, endAngle, flipX) => {
const rx = Math.sqrt(majorX * majorX + majorY * majorY)
const ry = axisRatio * rx
const rotationAngle = -Math.atan2(-majorY, majorX)
const bbox = bboxEllipseOrArc(cx, cy, majorX, majorY, axisRatio, startAngle, endAngle, flipX)
if ((Math.abs(startAngle - endAngle) < 1e-9) || (Math.abs(startAngle - endAngle + Math.PI * 2) < 1e-9)) {
// Use a native <ellipse> when start and end angles are the same, and
// arc paths with same start and end points don't render (at least on Safari)
const element = `<g transform="rotate(${rotationAngle / Math.PI * 180} ${cx}, ${cy})">
<ellipse cx="${cx}" cy="${cy}" rx="${rx}" ry="${ry}" />
return { bbox, element }
} else {
const startOffset = rotate({
x: Math.cos(startAngle) * rx,
y: Math.sin(startAngle) * ry
}, rotationAngle)
const startPoint = {
x: cx + startOffset.x,
y: cy + startOffset.y
const endOffset = rotate({
x: Math.cos(endAngle) * rx,
y: Math.sin(endAngle) * ry
}, rotationAngle)
const endPoint = {
x: cx + endOffset.x,
y: cy + endOffset.y
const adjustedEndAngle = endAngle < startAngle
? endAngle + Math.PI * 2
: endAngle
const largeArcFlag = adjustedEndAngle - startAngle < Math.PI ? 0 : 1
const d = `M ${startPoint.x} ${startPoint.y} A ${rx} ${ry} ${rotationAngle / Math.PI * 180} ${largeArcFlag} 1 ${endPoint.x} ${endPoint.y}`
const element = `<path d="${d}" />`
return { bbox, element }
* Compute the bounding box of an elliptical arc, given the DXF entity parameters
const bboxEllipseOrArc = (cx, cy, majorX, majorY, axisRatio, startAngle, endAngle, flipX) => {
// The bounding box will be defined by the starting point of the ellipse, and ending point,
// and any extrema on the ellipse that are between startAngle and endAngle.
// The extrema are found by setting either the x or y component of the ellipse's
// tangent vector to zero and solving for the angle.
// Ensure start and end angles are > 0 and well-ordered
while (startAngle < 0) startAngle += Math.PI * 2
while (endAngle <= startAngle) endAngle += Math.PI * 2
// When rotated, the extrema of the ellipse will be found at these angles
const angles = []
if (Math.abs(majorX) < 1e-12 || Math.abs(majorY) < 1e-12) {
// Special case for majorX or majorY = 0
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
angles.push(i / 2 * Math.PI)
} else {
// reference
angles[0] = Math.atan(-majorY * axisRatio / majorX) - Math.PI // Ensure angles < 0
angles[1] = Math.atan(majorX * axisRatio / majorY) - Math.PI
angles[2] = angles[0] - Math.PI
angles[3] = angles[1] - Math.PI
// Remove angles not falling between start and end
for (let i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
while (angles[i] < startAngle) angles[i] += Math.PI * 2
if (angles[i] > endAngle) {
angles.splice(i, 1)
// Also to consider are the starting and ending points:
// Compute points lying on the unit circle at these angles
const pts = => ({
x: Math.cos(a),
y: Math.sin(a)
// Transformation matrix, formed by the major and minor axes
const M =
[[majorX, -majorY * axisRatio],
[majorY, majorX * axisRatio]]
// Rotate, scale, and translate points
const rotatedPts = => ({
x: p.x * M[0][0] + p.y * M[0][1] + cx,
y: p.x * M[1][0] + p.y * M[1][1] + cy
// Compute extents of bounding box
const bbox = rotatedPts.reduce((acc, p) => {
return acc
}, new Box2())
return bbox
* An ELLIPSE is defined by the major axis, convert to X and Y radius with
* a rotation angle
const ellipse = (entity) => {
const { bbox: bbox0, element: element0 } = ellipseOrArc(entity.x, entity.y, entity.majorX, entity.majorY, entity.axisRatio, entity.startAngle, entity.endAngle)
const { bbox, element } = addFlipXIfApplicable(entity, { bbox: bbox0, element: element0 })
return transformBoundingBoxAndElement(bbox, element, entity.transforms)
* An ARC is an ellipse with equal radii
const arc = (entity) => {
const { bbox: bbox0, element: element0 } = ellipseOrArc(
entity.x, entity.y,
entity.r, 0,
entity.startAngle, entity.endAngle,
entity.extrusionZ === -1)
const { bbox, element } = addFlipXIfApplicable(entity, { bbox: bbox0, element: element0 })
return transformBoundingBoxAndElement(bbox, element, entity.transforms)
export const piecewiseToPaths = (k, knots, controlPoints) => {
const paths = []
let controlPointIndex = 0
let knotIndex = k
while (knotIndex < knots.length - k + 1) {
const m = multiplicity(knots, knotIndex)
const cp = controlPoints.slice(controlPointIndex, controlPointIndex + k)
if (k === 4) {
paths.push(`<path d="M ${cp[0].x} ${cp[0].y} C ${cp[1].x} ${cp[1].y} ${cp[2].x} ${cp[2].y} ${cp[3].x} ${cp[3].y}" />`)
} else if (k === 3) {
paths.push(`<path d="M ${cp[0].x} ${cp[0].y} Q ${cp[1].x} ${cp[1].y} ${cp[2].x} ${cp[2].y}" />`)
controlPointIndex += m
knotIndex += m
return paths
const bezier = (entity) => {
let bbox = new Box2()
entity.controlPoints.forEach(p => {
bbox = bbox.expandByPoint(p)
const k = + 1
const piecewise = toPiecewiseBezier(k, entity.controlPoints, entity.knots)
const paths = piecewiseToPaths(k, piecewise.knots, piecewise.controlPoints)
const element = `<g>${paths.join('')}</g>`
return transformBoundingBoxAndElement(bbox, element, entity.transforms)
* Switcth the appropriate function on entity type. CIRCLE, ARC and ELLIPSE
* produce native SVG elements, the rest produce interpolated polylines.
const entityToBoundsAndElement = (entity) => {
switch (entity.type) {
case 'CIRCLE':
return circle(entity)
case 'ELLIPSE':
return ellipse(entity)
case 'ARC':
return arc(entity)
case 'SPLINE': {
if (( === 2) || ( === 3)) {
try {
return bezier(entity)
} catch (err) {
return polyline(entity)
} else {
return polyline(entity)
case 'LINE':
case 'POLYLINE': {
return polyline(entity)
logger.warn('entity type not supported in SVG rendering:', entity.type)
return null
export default (parsed) => {
const entities = denormalise(parsed)
const { bbox, elements } = entities.reduce((acc, entity, i) => {
const rgb = getRGBForEntity(parsed.tables.layers, entity)
const boundsAndElement = entityToBoundsAndElement(entity)
// Ignore entities like MTEXT that don't produce SVG elements
if (boundsAndElement) {
const { bbox, element } = boundsAndElement
// Ignore invalid bounding boxes
if (bbox.valid) {
acc.elements.push(`<g stroke="${rgbToColorAttribute(rgb)}">${element}</g>`)
return acc
}, {
bbox: new Box2(),
elements: []
const viewBox = bbox.valid
? {
x: bbox.min.x,
y: -bbox.max.y,
width: bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x,
height: bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y
: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
return `<?xml version="1.0"?>
xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1"
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
viewBox="${viewBox.x} ${viewBox.y} ${viewBox.width} ${viewBox.height}"
width="100%" height="100%"
<g stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.1%" fill="none" transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,0)">