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from math import sqrt, isnan
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
cluster_analysis_available = True
print("Cluster analysis is available")
except ImportError:
cluster_analysis_available = False
print("Cluster analysis is not available")
import Image
pil_available = True
print("PIL is available")
except ImportError:
print("PIL is not available")
from PIL import Image
print("Pillow is available")
pil_available = True
except ImportError:
print("Neither PIL or Pillow are available")
pil_available = False
from color.colors import *
if pil_available:
def imread(filename):
img =
class Box(object):
def __init__(self, arr):
self._array = arr
def population(self):
return self._array.size
def axis_size(self, idx):
slice_ = self._array[:, idx]
M = slice_.max()
m = slice_.min()
return M - m
def biggest_axis(self):
sizes = [self.axis_size(i) for i in range(3)]
return max(range(3), key = lambda i: sizes[i])
def mean(self):
return self._array.mean(axis=0)
def mean_color(self):
size = self._array.size
if not size:
return None
xs = self._array.mean(axis=0)
x,y,z = xs[0], xs[1], xs[2]
if isnan(x) or isnan(y) or isnan(z):
return None
return Color(int(x), int(y), int(z))
def div_pos(self, idx):
slice_ = self._array[:, idx]
M = slice_.max()
m = slice_.min()
return (m+M)/2.0
def divide(self):
axis = self.biggest_axis()
q = self.div_pos(axis)
idxs = self._array[:, axis] > q
smaller = self._array[~idxs]
bigger = self._array[idxs]
self._array = smaller
return Box(bigger)
if pil_available and cluster_analysis_available:
# Use Means Shift algorithm for cluster analysis
def cluster_analyze(filename, N=1000):
image = imread(filename)
w,h,d = tuple(image.shape)
image_array = np.array( np.reshape(image, (w * h, d)), dtype=np.float64 )
#if image.dtype == 'uint8':
# image_array = image_array / 255.0
image_array_sample = shuffle(image_array, random_state=0)[:N]
bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(image_array_sample, quantile=0.01, n_samples=500)
ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True)
cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_
n_clusters = len(cluster_centers)
colors = []
print("Number of clusters: {}".format(n_clusters))
for x in cluster_centers:
#print x
clr = Color()
clr.setRGB1((x[0], x[1], x[2]))
return colors
if pil_available:
# Use very fast algorithm for image analysis, translated from Krita's kis_common_colors_recalculation_runner.cpp
# Do not know exactly why does this algorithm work, but it does.
# Initial (C) Adam Celarek
def bin_divide_colors(filename, N=1<<16, n_clusters=49):
img =
if img.mode == 'P':
img = img.convert('RGB')
w,h = img.size
n_pixels = w*h
if n_pixels > N:
ratio = sqrt( float(N) / float(n_pixels) )
w,h = int(w*ratio), int(h*ratio)
img = img.resize((w,h))
image = np.array(img)
w,h,d = tuple(image.shape)
colors = np.array( np.reshape(image, (w * h, d)), dtype=np.float64 )
#if image.dtype == 'uint8':
# colors = colors / 255.0
colors = colors[:,0:3]
boxes = [Box(colors)]
while (len(boxes) < n_clusters * 3/5) and (len(colors) > n_clusters * 3/5):
biggest_box = None
biggest_box_population = None
for box in boxes:
population = box.population()
if population <= 3:
if biggest_box_population is None or (population > biggest_box_population and box.axis_size(box.biggest_axis()) >= 3):
biggest_box = box
biggest_box_population = population
if biggest_box is None or biggest_box.population() <= 3:
new_box = biggest_box.divide()
while (len(boxes) < n_clusters) and (len(colors) > n_clusters):
biggest_box = None
biggest_box_axis_size = None
for box in boxes:
if box.population() <= 3:
size = box.axis_size(box.biggest_axis())
if biggest_box_axis_size is None or (size > biggest_box_axis_size and size >= 3):
biggest_box = box
biggest_box_axis_size = size
if biggest_box is None or biggest_box.population() <= 3:
new_box = biggest_box.divide()
result = [box.mean_color() for box in boxes if box.mean_color() is not None]
return result
image_loading_supported = pil_available or cluster_analysis_available
if pil_available:
get_common_colors = bin_divide_colors
use_sklearn = False
elif cluster_analysis_available :
get_common_colors = cluster_analyze
use_sklearn = True