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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 - Windell H. Oskay,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Hershey Text 3.0.3, 2019-11-11
Copyright 2019, Windell H. Oskay,
Major revisions in Hershey Text 3.0:
1. Migrate font format to use SVG fonts.
- SVG fonts support unicode, meaning that we can use a full range of
characters. We are no longer limited to the ASCII range that the
historical Hershey font formats used.
- Arbitrary curves are supported within glyphs; we are no longer limited to
the straight line segments used in the historical Hershey format.
- The set of fonts can now be expanded.
2. Add a mechanism for adding your own SVG fonts, either within the
folder containing the default fonts, or from an external file or directory.
This is particularly important for installations where one does not
have access to edit the contents of the Inkscape extensions directory.
3. Support font mapping: If a given font face is used for a given block of
text, check first to see if a matching SVG font is present. If not,
substitute with the default (selected) stroke font from the list of
included fonts.
4. Instead of entering text (one line at a time) in the extension,
this script now converts text (either all text, or all selected text)
in the document, replacing it in place. While not every possible
method of formatting text is supported, many are.
import os
import math
from copy import deepcopy
import inkex
from inkex import Transform, Style, units
from inkex.elements import load_svg, Group, TextElement, FlowPara, FlowSpan, Tspan, FlowRoot, Rectangle, Use, PathElement, Defs
class HersheyTextAlternative(inkex.EffectExtension):
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument( "--tab", dest="mode", default="render", help="The active tab or mode when Apply was pressed" )
pars.add_argument( "--fontface", dest="fontface", default="HersheySans1", help="The selected font face when Apply was pressed" )
pars.add_argument( "--otherfont", dest="otherfont", default="", help="Optional other font name or path to use" )
pars.add_argument( "--preserve", type=inkex.Boolean, dest="preserve_text", default=False, help="Preserve original text")
pars.add_argument("--action", dest="util_mode", default="sample", help="The utility option selected")
pars.add_argument("--text", dest="sample_text", default="sample", help="Text to use for font table")
PX_PER_INCH = 96.0
help_text = '''====== Hershey Text Help ======
The Hershey Text extension is designed to replace text in your document (either
selected text or all text) with specialized "stroke" or "engraving" fonts
designed for plotters.
Whereas regular "outline" fonts (e.g., TrueType) work by filling in the region
inside an invisible outline, stroke fonts are composed only of individual lines
or strokes with finite width; much like human handwriting when using a physical
Stroke fonts are most often used for creating text-like paths that computer
controlled drawing and cutting machines (from pen plotters to CNC routers) can
efficiently follow.
A full user guide for Hershey Text is available to download from
==== Basic operation ====
To use Hershey Text, start with a document that contains text objects. Select
the "Render" tab of Hershey Text, and choose a font face from the pop-up menu.
When you click Apply, it will render all text elements on your page with the
selected stroke-based typeface. If you would like to convert only certain text
elements, click Apply with just those elements selected.
If the "Preserve original text" box is checked, then the original text elements
on the page will be preserved even when you click Apply. If it is unchecked,
then the original font elements will be removed once rendered.
You can generate a list of available SVG fonts or a list of all glyphs available
in a given font by using the tools available on the "Utilities" tab.
==== How Hershey Text works ====
Hershey Text works by performing font substitution, starting with the text in
your document and replacing it with paths generated from the characters in the
selected SVG font.
Hershey Text uses fonts in the SVG font format. While SVG fonts are one of the
few types that support stroke-based characters, it is important to note that
converting an outline font to SVG format does not convert it to a stroke based
font. Indeed, most SVG fonts are actually outline fonts.
This extension *does not* convert outline fonts into stroke fonts, nor does it
convert other fonts into SVG format. Its sole function is to replace the text
in your document with paths from the selected SVG font.
==== Using an external SVG font ====
To use an external SVG font -- one not included with the distribution -- select
"Other" for the name of the font in the pop-up menu on the "Render" tab. Then,
do one of the following:
(1) Add your SVG font file (perhaps "example.svg") to the "svg_fonts" directory
within your Inkscape extensions directory, and enter the name of the font
("example") in the "Other SVG font name or path" box on the "Render" tab.
(2) Place your SVG font file anywhere on your computer, and enter the full path
to the file in the "Other SVG font name or path" box on the "Render" tab.
A full path might, for example, look like:
==== Using SVG fonts: Advanced methods ====
In addition to using a single SVG font for substitution, you can also use
font name mapping to automatically use particular stroke fonts in place of
specific font faces, to support various automated workflows and to support
the rapid use of multiple stroke font faces within the same document.
Several SVG fonts are included with this distribution, including both
single-stroke and multi-stroke fonts. These fonts are included within the
"svg_fonts" directory within your Inkscape extensions directory.
You can select the font that you would like to use from the pop-up menu on the
"Render" Tab. You can also make use of your own SVG fonts.
Order of preference for SVG fonts:
(1) If there is an SVG font with name matching that of the font for a given
piece of text, that font will be used. For example, if the original text is in
font "FancyScript" and there is a file in svg_fonts with name FancyScript.svg,
then FancyScript.svg will be used to render the text.
(2) Otherwise (if there is no SVG font available matching the name of the font
for a given block of text), the face selected from the "Font face" pop-up menu
will be used as the default font when rendering text with Hershey Text.
(3) You can also enter text in the "Name/Path" box, which can represent one of
the following: (i) a font name (for a font located in the svg_fonts directory),
(ii) the path to a font file elsewhere on your computer, or (iii) the path to a
directory containing (one or more) font files.
(3a) Using a font name:
If you move a custom SVG font file into your svg_fonts directory, then you can
enter the name of the SVG font in the "Name/Path" text box and select "Other"
from the pop-up menu. Then, the named font will be used as the default.
(3b) Using a file path:
If you enter the path to an SVG font file in the "Name/Path" text box and
select "Other" from the pop-up menu. Then, that font will be used as the
default. All SVG fonts located in the same directory as that font file will
also be available for name-based font substitution. If there are multiple
font-name matches, files in an external directory take precedence over ones in
the svg_fonts directory.
(3c) Using a directory path:
If you enter the path to a directory containing SVG font files in the
"Name/Path" text box, then all SVG font files files in that directory will be
available for name-based font substitution. If there are multiple font-name
matches, files in an external directory take precedence over ones in the
svg_fonts directory.
Tips about using these methods with your own custom fonts:
(A) These methods can be used to render different text elements with different
SVG font faces. You can even rename a font -- either your own custom one or one
of the bundled ones -- to match the name of a font that you're using. For
example, if you rename a script font you name a font to "Helvetica.svg",
then all text in Helvetica will be replaced with that SVG font.
(B) Using a directory path (3c) is a particularly helpful method if you do
not have access to modify the svg_fonts directory.
==== Limitations ====
This extension renders text into non-editable paths, generated from the
character geometry of SVG fonts. Once you have rendered the text, the resulting
paths can be edited with path editing tools, but not text editing tools.
Since this extension works by a process of font substitution, text spanning a
single line will generally stay that way, whereas text flowed in a box (that
may span multiple lines) will be re-flowed from scratch. Style information such
as text size and line spacing can be lost in some cases.
We recommend that you use the live preview option to achieve best results with
this extension.
(c) 2019 Windell H. Oskay
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
def getLengthInches(self, name):
Get the <svg> attribute with name "name", and parse it as a length,
into a value and associated units. Return value in inches.
This may cause scaling issues in some circumstances. Note, for
example, that Adobe Illustrator uses 72 px per inch, and Inkscape
used 90 px per inch prior to version 0.92.
string_to_parse = self.document.getroot().get(name)
if string_to_parse:
v, u = units.parse_unit(string_to_parse)
if v is None:
return None
bad_units = {'%','ex','em'} # Unsupported units
if u in bad_units:
return None
return units.convert_unit( string_to_parse, 'in')
def unitsToUserUnits(self, input_string):
Custom replacement for the old "unittouu" routine
Parse the attribute into a value and associated units.
Return value in user units (typically "px").
Importantly, return None for malformed inputs.
v, u = units.parse_unit(input_string)
if v is None:
return None
return units.convert_unit( input_string, '')
def vb_scale(self, vb, p_a_r, doc_width, doc_height):
Parse SVG viewbox and generate scaling parameters.
Reference documentation:
vb: Contents of SVG viewbox attribute
p_a_r: Contents of SVG preserveAspectRatio attribute
doc_width: Width of SVG document
doc_height: Height of SVG document
Output: sx, sy, ox, oy
Scale parameters (sx,sy) and offset parameters (ox,oy)
if vb is None:
return 1,1,0,0 # No viewbox; return default transform
vb_array = vb.strip().replace(',', ' ').split()
if len(vb_array) < 4:
return 1,1,0,0 # invalid viewbox; return default transform
min_x = float(vb_array[0]) # Viewbox offset: x
min_y = float(vb_array[1]) # Viewbox offset: y
width = float(vb_array[2]) # Viewbox width
height = float(vb_array[3]) # Viewbox height
if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
return 1,1,0,0 # invalid viewbox; return default transform
d_width = float(doc_width)
d_height = float(doc_height)
if d_width <= 0 or d_height <= 0:
return 1,1,0,0 # invalid document size; return default transform
ar_doc = d_height / d_width # Document aspect ratio
ar_vb = height / width # Viewbox aspect ratio
# Default values of the two preserveAspectRatio parameters:
par_align = "xmidymid" # "align" parameter (lowercased)
par_mos = "meet" # "meetOrSlice" parameter
if p_a_r is not None:
par_array = p_a_r.strip().replace(',', ' ').lower().split()
if len(par_array) > 0:
par0 = par_array[0]
if par0 == "defer":
if len(par_array) > 1:
par_align = par_array[1]
if len(par_array) > 2:
par_mos = par_array[2]
par_align = par0
if len(par_array) > 1:
par_mos = par_array[1]
if par_align == "none":
# Scale document to fill page. Do not preserve aspect ratio.
# This is not default behavior, nor what happens if par_align
# is not given; the "none" value must be _explicitly_ specified.
sx = d_width/ width
sy = d_height / height
ox = -min_x
oy = -min_y
return sx,sy,ox,oy
Other than "none", all situations fall into two classes:
1) (ar_doc >= ar_vb AND par_mos == "meet")
or (ar_doc < ar_vb AND par_mos == "slice")
-> In these cases, scale document up until VB fills doc in X.
2) All other cases, i.e.,
(ar_doc < ar_vb AND par_mos == "meet")
or (ar_doc >= ar_vb AND par_mos == "slice")
-> In these cases, scale document up until VB fills doc in Y.
Note in cases where the scaled viewbox exceeds the document
(page) boundaries (all "slice" cases and many "meet" cases where
an offset value is given) that this routine does not perform
any clipping, but subsequent clipping to the page boundary
is appropriate.
Besides "none", there are 9 possible values of par_align:
xminymin xmidymin xmaxymin
xminymid xmidymid xmaxymid
xminymax xmidymax xmaxymax
if (((ar_doc >= ar_vb) and (par_mos == "meet"))
or ((ar_doc < ar_vb) and (par_mos == "slice"))):
# Case 1: Scale document up until VB fills doc in X.
sx = d_width / width
sy = sx # Uniform aspect ratio
ox = -min_x
scaled_vb_height = ar_doc * width
excess_height = scaled_vb_height - height
if par_align in {"xminymin", "xmidymin", "xmaxymin"}:
# Case: Y-Min: Align viewbox to minimum Y of the viewport.
oy = -min_y
# OK: tested with Tall-Meet, Wide-Slice
elif par_align in {"xminymax", "xmidymax", "xmaxymax"}:
# Case: Y-Max: Align viewbox to maximum Y of the viewport.
oy = -min_y + excess_height
# OK: tested with Tall-Meet, Wide-Slice
else: # par_align in {"xminymid", "xmidymid", "xmaxymid"}:
# Default case: Y-Mid: Center viewbox on page in Y
oy = -min_y + excess_height / 2
# OK: Tested with Tall-Meet, Wide-Slice
return sx,sy,ox,oy
# Case 2: Scale document up until VB fills doc in Y.
sy = d_height / height
sx = sy # Uniform aspect ratio
oy = -min_y
scaled_vb_width = height / ar_doc
excess_width = scaled_vb_width - width
if par_align in {"xminymin", "xminymid", "xminymax"}:
# Case: X-Min: Align viewbox to minimum X of the viewport.
ox = -min_x
# OK: Tested with Tall-Slice, Wide-Meet
elif par_align in {"xmaxymin", "xmaxymid", "xmaxymax"}:
# Case: X-Max: Align viewbox to maximum X of the viewport.
ox = -min_x + excess_width
# Need test: Tall-Slice, Wide-Meet
else: # par_align in {"xmidymin", "xmidymid", "xmidymax"}:
# Default case: X-Mid: Center viewbox on page in X
ox = -min_x + excess_width / 2
# OK: Tested with Tall-Slice, Wide-Meet
return sx,sy,ox,oy
return 1,1,0,0 # Catch-all: return default transform
def strip_quotes(self, fontname):
A multi-word font name may have a leading and trailing
single or double quotes, depending on the source.
If so, remove those quotes.
if fontname.startswith("'") and fontname.endswith("'"):
return fontname[1:-1]
if fontname.startswith('"') and fontname.endswith('"'):
return fontname[1:-1]
return fontname
def parse_svg_font( self, node_list ):
Parse an input svg, searching for an SVG font. If an
SVG font is found, parse it and return a "digest" containing
structured information from the font. See below for more
about the digest format.
If the font is not found cannot be parsed, return none.
Notable limitations:
(1) This function only parses the first font face found within the
tree. We may, in the future, support discovering multiple fonts
within an SVG file.
(2) We are only processing left-to-right and horizontal text,
not vertical text nor RTL.
(3) This function currently performs only certain recursive searches,
within the <defs> element. It will not discover fonts nested within
groups or other elements. So far as we know, that is not a limitation
in practice. (If you have a counterexample please contact Evil Mad
Scientist tech support and let us know!)
(4) Kerning details are not implemented yet.
digest = None
if node_list is None:
return None
for node in node_list:
if isinstance(node, Defs):
# if node.tag == inkex.addNS('defs', 'svg') or node.tag == 'defs':
return self.parse_svg_font(node) # Recursive call
if node.tag == inkex.addNS( 'font', 'svg' ) or node.tag == 'font':
=== Internal structure for storing font information ===
We parse the SVG font file and create a keyed "digest"
from it that we can use while rendering text on the page.
This "digest" will be added to a dictionary that maps
each font family name to a single digest.
The digest itself is a dictionary with the following
keys, some of which may have empty values. This format
will allow us to add additional keys at a later date,
to support additional SVG font features.
font_id (a string)
font_family (a string)
A dictionary mapping unicode points to a specific
dictionary for each point. See below for more about
the key format.
The dictionary for a given point will include keys:
glyph_name (string)
horiz_adv_x (numeric)
d (string)
A dictionary for a single code point, with keys:
horiz_adv_x (numeric)
d (string)
A dictionary containing geometric data
Keys will include:
horiz_adv_x (numeric) -- Default value
units_per_em (numeric)
ascent (numeric)
descent (numeric)
x_height (numeric)
cap_height (numeric)
bbox (string)
underline_position (numeric)
A numeric scaling factor computed from the
units_per_em value, which gives the overall scale
digest = dict()
geometry = dict()
glyphs = dict()
missing_glyph = dict()
digest['font_id'] = node.get('id')
horiz_adv_x = node.get('horiz-adv-x')
if horiz_adv_x is not None:
geometry['horiz_adv_x'] = float(horiz_adv_x)
# Note: case of no horiz_adv_x value is not handled.
glyph_tag = inkex.addNS( 'glyph', 'svg' )
ff_tag = inkex.addNS( 'font-face', 'svg' )
mg_tag = inkex.addNS( 'missing-glyph', 'svg' )
for element in node:
if element.tag == 'glyph' or element.tag == glyph_tag:
# First, because it is the most common element
uni_text = element.get('unicode')
# Can't use this point if no unicode mapping.
if uni_text is None:
uni_text2 = uni_text
if uni_text in glyphs:
# Skip if that unicode point is already in the
# list of glyphs. (There is not currently support
# for alternate glyphs in the font.)
glyph_dict = dict()
glyph_dict['glyph_name'] = element.get('glyph-name')
horiz_adv_x = element.get('horiz-adv-x')
if horiz_adv_x is not None:
glyph_dict['horiz_adv_x'] = float(horiz_adv_x)
glyph_dict['horiz_adv_x'] = geometry['horiz_adv_x']
glyph_dict['d'] = element.get('d') # SVG path data
glyphs[uni_text] = glyph_dict
elif element.tag == 'font-face' or element.tag == ff_tag:
digest['font_family'] = element.get('font-family')
units_per_em = element.get('units-per-em')
if units_per_em is None:
# Default: 1000, per SVG specification.
geometry['units_per_em'] = 1000.0
geometry['units_per_em'] = float(units_per_em)
ascent = element.get('ascent')
if ascent is not None:
geometry['ascent'] = float(ascent)
descent = element.get('descent')
if descent is not None:
geometry['descent'] = float(descent)
# Skip these attributes that we are not currently using
geometry['x_height'] = element.get('x-height')
geometry['cap_height'] = element.get('cap-height')
geometry['bbox'] = element.get('bbox')
geometry['underline_position'] = element.get('underline-position')
elif element.tag == 'missing-glyph' or element.tag == mg_tag:
horiz_adv_x = element.get('horiz-adv-x')
if horiz_adv_x is not None:
missing_glyph['horiz_adv_x'] = float(horiz_adv_x)
missing_glyph['horiz_adv_x'] = geometry['horiz_adv_x']
missing_glyph['d'] = element.get('d') # SVG path data
digest['missing_glyph'] = missing_glyph
# Main scaling factor
digest['scale'] = 1.0 / geometry['units_per_em']
digest['glyphs'] = glyphs
digest['geometry'] = geometry
return digest
def load_font( self, fontname ):
Attempt to load an SVG font from a file in our list
of (likely) SVG font files.
If we can, add the contents to the font library.
Otherwise, add a "None" entry to the font library.
if fontname is None:
if fontname in self.font_dict:
return # Awesome: The font is already loaded.
if fontname in self.font_file_list:
the_path = self.font_file_list[fontname]
self.font_dict[fontname] = None
return # Font not located.
Check to see if there is an SVG font file for us to read.
At present, only one font file will be read per font family;
the name of the file must be FONT_NAME.svg, where FONT_NAME
is the name of the font family.
Only the first font found in the font file will be read.
Multiple weights and styles within a font family are not
presently supported.
font_svg = load_svg(the_path)
self.font_dict[fontname] = self.parse_svg_font( font_svg.getroot() )
except IOError as e:
self.font_dict[fontname] = None
inkex.errormsg('Error parsing SVG font at ' + str(the_path))
self.font_dict[fontname] = None
def font_table (self):
# Generate display table of all available SVG fonts
self.options.preserve_text = False
# Embed text in group to make manipulation easier:
g = self.svg.get_current_layer().add(Group())
for fontname in self.font_file_list:
font_size = 0.2 # in inches -- will be scaled by viewbox factor.
font_size_text = str( font_size / self.vb_scale_factor) + 'px'
labeltext_style = str(Style({ 'stroke' : 'none', \
'font-size':font_size_text, 'fill' : 'black', \
'font-family' : 'sans-serif', 'text-anchor': 'end'}))
x_offset = font_size / self.vb_scale_factor
y_offset = 1.5 * x_offset
y = y_offset
for fontname in sorted(self.font_dict):
if self.font_dict[fontname] == None:
continue # If the SVG file did NOT contain a font, skip it.
text_attribs = {'x':'0','y': str(y),'hershey-ignore':'true'}
textline = g.add(TextElement(**text_attribs))
textline.text = fontname = labeltext_style
text_attribs = {'x':str(x_offset) ,'y': str(y) }
sampletext_style = { 'stroke' : 'none', \
'font-size':font_size_text, \
'fill' : 'black', 'font-family' : fontname,\
'text-anchor': 'start'}
sampleline = g.add(TextElement(**text_attribs))
try: # python 2
sampleline.text = self.options.sample_text.decode('utf-8')
except AttributeError: # python 3
sampleline.text = self.options.sample_text = sampletext_style
y += y_offset
self.recursively_traverse_svg( g, self.docTransform )
def glyph_table (self):
# Generate display table of glyphs within the current SVG font.
# Sorted display of all printable characters in the font _except_
# missing glyph.
self.options.preserve_text = False
fontname = self.font_load_wrapper('not_a_font_name') # force load of default
if self.font_load_fail:
inkex.errormsg('Font not found; Unable to generate glyph table.')
# Embed in group to make manipulation easier:
g = self.svg.get_current_layer().add(Group())
missing_glyph = self.font_dict[fontname]['missing_glyph']
glyph_count = 0
for glyph in self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs']:
if self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs'][glyph]['d'] is not None:
glyph_count += 1
columns = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(glyph_count)))
font_size = 0.4 # in inches -- will be scaled by viewbox factor.
font_size_text = str( font_size / self.vb_scale_factor) + 'px'
glyph_style = str(Style({ 'stroke' : 'none', \
'font-size':font_size_text, 'fill' : 'black', \
'font-family' : fontname, 'text-anchor': 'start'}))
x_offset = 1.5 * font_size / self.vb_scale_factor
y_offset = x_offset
x = x_offset
y = y_offset
draw_position = 0
for glyph in sorted(self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs']):
if self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs'][glyph]['d'] is None:
y_pos,x_pos = divmod(draw_position,columns)
x = x_offset * ( x_pos + 1)
y = y_offset * ( y_pos + 1)
text_attribs = {'x':str(x),'y': str(y)}
sampleline = g.add(TextElement(**text_attribs))
sampleline.text = glyph = glyph_style
draw_position = draw_position + 1
self.recursively_traverse_svg( g, self.docTransform )
def find_font_files (self):
Create list of "plausible" SVG font files
List items in primary svg_fonts directory, typically located in the
directory where this script is being executed from.
If there is text given in the "Other name/path" input, that text may
represent one of the following:
(A) The name of a font file, located in the svg_fonts directory.
- This may be given with or without the .svg suffix.
- If it is a font file, and the font face selected is "other",
then use this as the default font face.
(B) The path to a font file, located elsewhere.
- If it is a font file, and the font face selected is "other",
then use this as the default font face.
- ALSO: Search the directory where that file is located for
any other SVG fonts.
(C) The path to a directory
- It may or may not have a trailing separator
- Search that directory for SVG fonts.
This function will create a list of available files that
appear to be SVG (SVG font) files. It does not parse the files.
We will format it as a dictionary, that maps each file name
(without extension) to a path.
self.font_file_list = dict()
# List contents of primary font directory:
font_directory_name = 'svg_fonts'
font_dir = os.path.realpath(
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), font_directory_name))
for dir_item in os.listdir(font_dir):
if dir_item.endswith((".svg", ".SVG")):
file_path = os.path.join(font_dir,dir_item)
if os.path.isfile(file_path): # i.e., if not a directory
root, ext = os.path.splitext(dir_item)
self.font_file_list[root] = file_path
# split off file extension (e.g., ".svg")
root, ext = os.path.splitext(self.options.otherfont)
# Check for case "(A)": Input text is the name
# of an item in the primary font directory.
if root in self.font_file_list:
# If we already have that name in our font_file_list,
# and "other" is selected, this is now
# our default font face.
if self.options.fontface == "other":
self.options.fontface = root
test_path = os.path.realpath(self.options.otherfont)
# Check for case "(B)": A file, not in primary font directory
if os.path.isfile(test_path):
directory, file_name = os.path.split(test_path)
root, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
self.font_file_list[root] = test_path
if self.options.fontface == "other":
self.options.fontface = root
# Also search the directory where that file
# was located for other SVG files (which may be fonts)
for dir_item in os.listdir(directory):
if dir_item.endswith((".svg", ".SVG")):
file_path = os.path.join(directory,dir_item)
if os.path.isfile(file_path): # i.e., if not a directory
root, _ext = os.path.splitext(dir_item)
self.font_file_list[root] = file_path
# Check for case "(C)": A directory name
if os.path.isdir(test_path):
for dir_item in os.listdir(test_path):
if dir_item.endswith((".svg", ".SVG")):
file_path = os.path.join(test_path,dir_item)
if os.path.isfile(file_path): # i.e., if not a directory
root, _ext = os.path.splitext(dir_item)
self.font_file_list[root] = file_path
def font_load_wrapper( self, fontname ):
This implements the following logic:
* Check to see if the font name is in our lookup table of fonts,
* If the font is not listed in font_dict[]:
* Check to see if there is a corresponding SVG font file that
can be opened and parsed.
* If the font can be opened and parsed:
* Add that font to font_dict.
* Otherwise
* Add the font name to font_dict as None.
* If the font has value None in font_dict:
* Try to load fallback font.
* Fallback font:
* If an SVG font matching that in the SVG is not available,
check to see if the default font is available. That font
is given by self.options.fontface
* If a font is loaded and available, return the font name.
Otherwise, return none.
self.load_font(fontname) # Load the font if available
It *may* be worth building one stroke font (e.g., Hershey Sans 1-stroke) as a
variable defined in this file so that it can be used even if no external
SVG font files are available.
if self.font_dict[fontname] is None:
# If we were not able to load the requested font::
fontname = self.options.fontface # Fallback
if fontname not in self.font_dict:
if self.font_dict[fontname] is None:
self.font_load_fail = True # Set a flag so that we only generate one copy of this error.
return None
return fontname
def get_font_char( self, fontname, char ):
Given a font face name and a character (unicode point),
return an SVG path, horizontal advance value,
and scaling factor.
If the font is not available by name, use the default font.
fontname = self.font_load_wrapper(fontname) # Load the font if available
if fontname is None:
return None
scale_factor = self.font_dict[fontname]['scale']
scale_factor = 0.001 # Default: 1/1000
if char not in self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs']:
x_adv = self.font_dict[fontname]['missing_glyph']['horiz_adv_x']
return self.font_dict[fontname]['missing_glyph']['d'], \
x_adv, scale_factor
x_adv = self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs'][char]['horiz_adv_x']
return self.font_dict[fontname]['glyphs'][char]['d'], \
x_adv, scale_factor
return None
def handle_viewBox( self ):
self.svg_height = self.getLengthInches( 'height' )
self.svg_width = self.getLengthInches( 'width' )
self.svg = self.document.getroot()
vb = self.svg.get('viewBox')
if vb:
p_a_r = self.svg.get('preserveAspectRatio')
sx,sy,ox,oy = self.vb_scale(vb, p_a_r, self.svg_width, self.svg_height)
sx = 1.0 / float(self.PX_PER_INCH) # Handle case of no viewbox
sy = sx
ox = 0.0
oy = 0.0
# Initial transform of document is based on viewbox, if present:
self.docTransform = Transform(scale=(sx, sy), translate=(ox, oy))
self.vb_scale_factor = (sx + sy) / 2.0
# In case of non-square aspect ratio, use average value.
def draw_svg_text(self, chardata, parent):
char = chardata['char']
font_family = chardata['font_family']
offset = chardata['offset']
vertoffset = chardata['vertoffset']
font_height = chardata['font_height']
font_scale = 1.0
# Stroke scale factor, including external transformations:
stroke_scale = chardata['stroke_scale'] * self.vb_scale_factor
path_string, adv_x, scale_factor = self.get_font_char( font_family, char )
adv_x = 0
path_string = None
scale_factor = 1.0
if self.font_load_fail:
return 0
font_scale *= scale_factor * font_height
hOffset = 0
vOffset = 0
# SVG fonts use inverted Y axis; mirror vertically
scale_transform = Transform(scale=(font_scale, -font_scale))
# Combine scales of external transformations with the scaling
# applied by this function:
_scale = font_scale * stroke_scale
if _scale == 0:
_scale = 1 # Todo: reconsider what this default should be.
stroke_width = self.render_width / _scale
# Stroke-width is a css style element; cannot use scientific notation.
# Thus, use variable width for encoding the stroke width factor:
log_ten = math.log10(stroke_width)
if log_ten > 0: # For stroke_width > 1
width_string = "{0:.3f}in".format(stroke_width)
prec = int(math.ceil(-log_ten) + 3)
width_string = "{0:.{1}f}in".format(stroke_width, prec)
p_style = {'stroke-width': width_string}
the_transform = Transform(translate=(offset + hOffset, vertoffset + vOffset))
the_transform *= scale_transform
if path_string is not None:
path_element = parent.add(PathElement())
path_element.set_path(path_string) = p_style
path_element.transform = the_transform
self.OutputGenerated = True
return offset + float(adv_x) * font_scale # new horizontal offset value
def recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( self, node ):
Determine the cumulative transform which node inherits from
its chain of ancestors.
node = node.getparent()
if node is not None:
parent_transform = self.recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( node )
node_transform = node.get( 'transform', None )
if node_transform is None:
return parent_transform
tr = Transform(node_transform).matrix
if parent_transform is None:
return tr
return Transform( parent_transform) * Transform( tr )
return self.docTransform
def recursivelyParseFlowRoot( self, NodeList, parent_info):
font_height_local = parent_info['font_height'] # By default, inherit these values from parent.
font_family_local = parent_info['font_family']
line_spacing_local = parent_info['line_spacing']
text_align_local = parent_info['align']
for node in NodeList:
node_style =
except ValueError:
font_height = node_style['font-size']
font_height_local = self.unitsToUserUnits(font_height)
except KeyError:
font_family_local = self.strip_quotes(node_style['font-family'])
line_spacing = node_style['line-height']
if "%" in line_spacing: # Handle percentage line spacing (e.g., 125%)
line_spacing_local = float(line_spacing.rstrip("%")) / 100.0
line_spacing_local = float(line_spacing) # (e.g., line-height:1.25)
except KeyError:
text_align_local = node_style['text-align'] # Use text-anchor in text nodes
except KeyError:
if node.text is not None:
self.text_string += node.text
for char in node.text:
if isinstance(node, (FlowPara, FlowSpan)):
the_style = dict()
the_style['font_height'] = font_height_local
the_style['font_family'] = font_family_local
the_style['line_spacing'] = line_spacing_local
the_style['align'] = text_align_local
self.recursivelyParseFlowRoot( node, the_style )
if node.tail is not None:
font_height_local = parent_info['font_height'] # By default, inherit these values from parent.
font_family_local = parent_info['font_family']
line_spacing_local = parent_info['line_spacing']
text_align_local = parent_info['align']
self.text_string += node.tail
for char in node.tail:
if isinstance(node, FlowPara):
self.text_string += "\n" # Conclude every flowpara with a return
def recursivelyParseTextNode( self, node, parent_info):
font_height_local = parent_info['font_height'] # By default, inherit these values from parent.
font_family_local = parent_info['font_family']
anchor_local = parent_info['anchor']
x_local = parent_info['x_pos']
y_local = parent_info['y_pos']
parent_line_spacing = parent_info['line_spacing']
node_style =
font_height = node_style['font-size']
font_height_local = self.unitsToUserUnits(font_height)
except KeyError:
font_family_local = self.strip_quotes(node_style['font-family'])
except KeyError:
anchor_local = node_style['text-anchor'] # Use text-anchor in text nodes
except KeyError:
xTemp = node.get('x')
if xTemp is not None:
x_local = xTemp
except ValueError:
yTemp = node.get('y')
if yTemp is not None:
y_local = yTemp
# Special case, to handle multi-line text given by tspan
# elements that do not have y values
if y_local is None:
y_local = 0
y_local = float(y_local) + self.line_number * parent_line_spacing * font_height_local
except ValueError:
if node.text is not None:
self.text_string += node.text
for char in node.text:
for subNode in node:
# If text is located within a subnode of this node, process that subnode, with this very routine.
if isinstance(subNode, Tspan):
# Note: There may be additional types of text tags that we should recursively search as well.
node_info = dict()
node_info['font_height'] = font_height_local
node_info['font_family'] = font_family_local
node_info['anchor'] = anchor_local
node_info['x_pos'] = x_local
node_info['y_pos'] = y_local
node_info['line_spacing'] = parent_line_spacing
adv_line = False
role = subNode.get('sodipodi:role')
if role == "line":
adv_line = True
self.recursivelyParseTextNode( subNode, node_info)
# Increment line after tspan if it is labeled as a line
if adv_line:
self.line_number = self.line_number + 1
if node.tail is not None:
_stripped_tail = node.tail.strip()
if _stripped_tail is not None:
font_height_local = parent_info['font_height'] # By default, inherit these values from parent.
font_family_local = parent_info['font_family']
text_align_local = parent_info['anchor']
x_local = parent_info['x_pos']
y_local = parent_info['y_pos']
self.text_string += _stripped_tail
for char in _stripped_tail:
def recursively_traverse_svg( self, aNodeList,
matCurrent=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]],
parent_visibility='visible' ):
for node in aNodeList:
# Ignore invisible nodes
v = node.get( 'visibility', parent_visibility )
if v == 'inherit':
v = parent_visibility
if v == 'hidden' or v == 'collapse':
# First apply the current matrix transform to this node's tranform
_matrix = node.transform
matNew = Transform( matCurrent) * Transform( _matrix )
if isinstance(node, Group):
recurseGroup = True
ink_label = node.get('inkscape:label')
if not ink_label:
if (ink_label == 'Hershey Text'):
recurseGroup = False # Do not traverse groups of rendered text.
if recurseGroup:
self.recursively_traverse_svg( node, matNew, v )
elif isinstance(node, Use):
# A <use> element refers to another SVG element via an xlink:href="#blah"
# attribute. We will handle the element by doing an XPath search through
# the document, looking for the element with the matching id="blah"
# attribute. We then recursively process that element after applying
# any necessary (x,y) translation.
# Notes:
# 1. We ignore the height and width attributes as they do not apply to
# path-like elements, and
# 2. Even if the use element has visibility="hidden", SVG still calls
# for processing the referenced element. The referenced element is
# hidden only if its visibility is "inherit" or "hidden".
refnode = node.href
if refnode is None:
continue # missing reference
local_transform = Transform( _matrix )
x = float( node.get( 'x', '0' ) )
y = float( node.get( 'y', '0' ) )
# Note: the transform has already been applied
if ( x != 0 ) or (y != 0 ):
_trans_string = 'translate({0:.6E},{1:.6E})'.format(x, y)
ref_transform = Transform( _matrix ) * Transform(_trans_string)
ref_transform = local_transform
ref_group = aNodeList.add(Group())# Add a subgroup
except AttributeError:
inkex.errormsg('Unable to process selected nodes. Consider unlinking cloned text.')
# Tests are not using the preset seed for this atm
#if 'id' not in ref_group.attrib:
# ref_group.set_random_id('')
ref_group.set( 'transform',ref_transform)
ref_group.append( deepcopy(refnode) )
for subnode in ref_group:
# The copied text elements should be removed at the end,
# or they will persist if original elements are preserved.
#Preserve original element?
if not self.options.preserve_text:
elif isinstance(node, (TextElement,FlowRoot)):
# Variables are initially zeroed for each text object.
self.baseline_offset = 0.0 # Baseline Shift
self.indent_offset = 0.0
self.kern_offset = 0.0
self.fontSize_offset = 0.0 # Deviation of font size away from nominal
self.newLine = True # Flag for when we start a new line of text, for use with indents.
startX = 0 # Defaults; Fail gracefully in case xy position is not given.
startY = 0
# Default line spacing and font height: 125%, 16 px
line_spacing = "1.25" # Default
font_height = self.unitsToUserUnits("16px") # Default
startX = node.get('x') # XY Position of element
startY = node.get('y')
bounding_rect = False
rect_height = 100 #default size of bounding rectangle for flowroot object
rect_width = 100 #default size of bounding rectangle for flowroot object
transform = "" #transform (scale, translate, matrix, etc.)
text_align = "start"
hershey_ignore = node.get('hershey-ignore')
if hershey_ignore is not None:
continue # If the attribute is present, skip this node.
except ValueError:
node_style =
except ValueError:
font_height = 16
font_height_temp = node_style['font-size']
font_height = self.unitsToUserUnits(font_height_temp)
except KeyError:
font_family = 'sans-serif'
font_family = self.strip_quotes(node_style['font-family'])
except KeyError:
line_spacing_temp = node_style['line-height']
if "%" in line_spacing_temp: # Handle percentage line spacing (e.g., 125%)
line_spacing = float(line_spacing_temp.rstrip("%")) / 100.0
line_spacing = float(line_spacing_temp) # (e.g., line-height:1.25)
except KeyError:
transform = node.transform
except ValueError:
if (transform is not None):
transform2 = Transform(transform).matrix
Compute estimate of transformation scale applied to
this element, for purposes of calculating the
stroke width to apply. When all transforms are applied
and our elements are displayed on the page, we want the
final visible stroke width to be reasonable.
Transformation matrix is [[a c e][b d f]]
scale_x = sqrt(a * a + b * b),
scale_y = sqrt(c * c + d * d)
Take estimated scale as the mean of the two.
scale_x = math.sqrt(transform2[0][0] * transform2[0][0] +
transform2[1][0] * transform2[1][0])
scale_y = math.sqrt(transform2[0][1] * transform2[0][1] +
transform2[1][1] * transform2[1][1])
scale_r = (scale_x + scale_y) / 2.0 # Average. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
scale_r = 1.0
id = node.get('id')
#Initialize text attribute lists for each top-level text object:
self.text_string = ""
self.text_families = [] # Lis of font family for characters in the string
self.text_heights = [] # List of font heights
self.text_spacings = [] # List of vertical line heights
self.text_aligns = [] # List of horizontal alignment values
self.text_x = [] #List; x-coordinate of text line start
self.text_y = [] #List; y-coordinate of text line start
# Group generated paths together, to make the rendered letters
# easier to manipulate in Inkscape once generated:
g_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'Hershey Text' }
parent = node.getparent()
g = parent.add(Group(**g_attribs))
style = { 'stroke' : '#000000', 'fill' : 'none', \
'stroke-linecap' : 'round', 'stroke-linejoin' : 'round' }
# Apply rounding to ends to improve final engraved text appearance. = style
# Some common variables used in both cases A and B:
strPos = 0 # Position through the full string that we are rendering
i = 0 # Dummy (index) variable for looping over letters in string
w = 0 # Initial spacing offset
wTemp = 0 # Temporary variable for horizontal spacing offset
widthThisLine = 0 # Estimated width of characters to be stored on this line
CASE A: Handle flowed text nodes
if isinstance(node, FlowRoot):
text_align = node_style['text-align'] # Use text-align, not text-anchor, in flowroot
except KeyError:
#selects the flowRegion's child (svg:rect) to get @X and @Y
flowref = self.svg.getElement('/svg:svg//*[@id="%s"]/svg:flowRegion[1]' % id)[0]
if isinstance(flowref, Rectangle):
startX = flowref.left
startY =
rect_height = flowref.height
rect_width = flowref.width
bounding_rect = True
elif isinstance(flowref, Use):
# A <use> element refers to another SVG element via an xlink:href="#blah"
# attribute. We will handle the element by doing an XPath search through
# the document, looking for the element with the matching id="blah"
# attribute. We then recursively process that element after applying
# any necessary (x,y) translation.
# Notes:
# 1. We ignore the height and width attributes as they do not apply to
# path-like elements, and
# 2. Even if the use element has visibility="hidden", SVG still calls
# for processing the referenced element. The referenced element is
# hidden only if its visibility is "inherit" or "hidden".
# 3. We may be able to unlink clones using the code in
# The following code can render text flowed into a rectangle object.
# HOWEVER, it does not handle the various transformations that could occur
# be present on those objects, and does not handle more general cases, such
# as a rotated rectangle -- for which text *should* flow in a diamond shape.
# For the time being, we skip these and issue a warning.
# refid = flowref.get( inkex.addNS( 'href', 'xlink' ) )
# if refid is not None:
# # [1:] to ignore leading '#' in reference
# path = '//*[@id="%s"]' % refid[1:]
# refnode = flowref.xpath( path )
# if refnode is not None:
# refnode = refnode[0]
# if refnode.tag == inkex.addNS("rect", "svg"):
# startX = refnode.get('x")
# startY = refnode.get('y")
# rect_height = refnode.get('height")
# rect_width = refnode.get('width")
# bounding_rect = True
if not bounding_rect:
self.warnUnflow = True
Recursively loop through content of the flowroot object,
looping through text, flowpara, and other things.
Create multiple lists: One of text content,
others of style that should be applied to that content.
then, loop through those lists, one line at a time,
finding how many words fit on a line, etc.
the_style = dict()
the_style['font_height'] = font_height
the_style['font_family'] = font_family
the_style['line_spacing'] = line_spacing
the_style['align'] = text_align
self.recursivelyParseFlowRoot( node, the_style )
if (self.text_string == ""):
continue # No convertable text in this SVG element.
if (self.text_string.isspace()):
continue # No convertable text in this SVG element.
# Initial vertical offset for the flowed text block:
v = 0
# Record that we are on the first line of the paragraph
# for setting the v position of the first line.
first_line = True
# Keep track of text height on first line, for moving entire text box:
y_offs_overall = 0
# Split text by lines AND make a list of how long each
# line is, including the newline characters.
# We need to keep track of this to match up styling
# information to the printable characters.
text_lines = self.text_string.splitlines()
extd_text_lines = self.text_string.splitlines(True)
strPos_eol = 0 # strPos after end of previous text_line.
nbsp = u'\xa0' # Unicode non-breaking space character
for line_number, text_line in enumerate(text_lines):
line_length = len(text_line)
extd_line_length = len(extd_text_lines[line_number])
i = 0 # Position within this text_line.
# A given text_line may take more than one strip
# to render, if it overflows our box width.
line_start = 0 # Value of i when the current strip started.
if line_length == 0:
strPos_temp = strPos_eol
char_height = float(self.text_heights[strPos_temp])
charline_spacing = float(self.text_spacings[strPos_temp])
charVSpacing = charline_spacing * char_height
v = v + charVSpacing
while (i < line_length):
word_start = i # Value of i at beginning of the current word.
while (i < line_length): # Step through the line
# until we reach the end of the line or word.
# (i.e., until we reach whitespace)
character = text_line[i] # character is unicode (not byte string)
strPos_temp = strPos_eol + i
char_height = self.text_heights[strPos_temp]
char_family = self.text_families[strPos_temp]
_a, x_adv, scale_factor = self.get_font_char( char_family, character )
x_adv = 0
scale_factor = 1
wTemp += x_adv * scale_factor * char_height
i += 1
if character.isspace() and not character == nbsp:
break # Break at space, except non-breaking
render_line = False
if wTemp > rect_width: # If the word will overflow the box
if word_start == line_start:
# This is the first word in the strip, so this
# word (alone) is wider than the box. Render it.
render_line = True
else: # Not the first word in the strip.
# Render the line up UNTIL this word.
render_line = True
i = word_start
elif i >= line_length:
# Render at end of text_line, if not overflowing.
render_line = True
if render_line:
# Create group for rendering a strip of text:
lineGroup = g.add(Group())
wTemp = 0
w = 0
self.newLine = True
widthThisLine = 0
lineMaxVSpacing = 0
j = line_start
while ( j < i ): # Calculate max height for the strip:
strPos_temp = strPos_eol + j
char_height = float(self.text_heights[strPos_temp])
charline_spacing = float(self.text_spacings[strPos_temp])
charVSpacing = charline_spacing * char_height
if (charVSpacing > lineMaxVSpacing):
lineMaxVSpacing = charVSpacing
j = j + 1
v = v + lineMaxVSpacing
char_data = dict()
char_data['vertoffset']= v
char_data['stroke_scale'] = scale_r
j = line_start
while ( j < i ): # Render the strip on the page
strPos = strPos_eol + j
char_height = self.text_heights[strPos]
char_family = self.text_families[strPos]
text_align = self.text_aligns[strPos]
char_data['char'] = text_line[j]
char_data['font_height'] = char_height
char_data['font_family'] = char_family
char_data['offset'] = w
w = self.draw_svg_text(char_data, lineGroup)
widthThisLine = w
firstWordOfLine = False
j = j + 1
strPos = strPos + 1
line_start = i
# Alignment for the strip:
the_transform = None
if (text_align == "center"): # when using text-align
the_transform = Transform(translate=((float(rect_width) - widthThisLine)/2))
elif (text_align == "end"):
the_transform = Transform(translate=(float(rect_width) - widthThisLine))
if the_transform is not None:
lineGroup.transform = the_transform
if first_line:
y_offs_overall = lineMaxVSpacing / 3 # Heuristic
first_line = False
strPos_eol = strPos_eol + extd_line_length
strPos = strPos_eol
the_transform = Transform(translate=(startX, float(startY) - y_offs_overall))
else: # If this is a text object, rather than a flowroot object:
CASE B: Handle regular (non-flowroot) text nodes
# Use text-anchor, not text-align, in text (not flowroot) elements
text_align = node_style["text-anchor"]
except KeyError:
Recursively loop through content of the text object,
looping through text, tspan, and other things as necessary.
(A recursive search since style elements may be nested.)
Create multiple lists: One of text content, others of the
style that should be applied to that content.
For each line, want to record the plain text, font size
per character, text alignment, and x,y start values
for that line)
(We may need to eventually handle additional text types and
tags, as when importing from other SVG sources. We should
try to eventually support additional formulations
of x, y, dx, dy, etc. )
then, loop through those lists, one line at a time,
rendering text onto lines. If the x or y values changed,
assume we've started a new line.
Note: A text element creates a single line
of text; it does not create multiline text by including
line returns within the text itself. Multiple lines of text
are created with multiple text or tspan elements.
node_info = dict()
node_info['font_height'] = font_height
node_info['font_family'] = font_family
node_info['anchor'] = text_align
node_info['x_pos'] = startX
node_info['y_pos'] = startY
node_info['line_spacing'] = line_spacing
# Keep track of line number. Used in cases where daughter
# tspan elements do not have Y positions given.
# Reset to zero on each text element.
self.line_number = 0
self.recursivelyParseTextNode( node, node_info)
# self.recursivelyParseTextNode( node, font_height, text_align, startX, startY )
if (self.text_string == ""):
continue # No convertable text in this SVG element.
if (self.text_string.isspace()):
continue # No convertable text in this SVG element.
letter_vals = [q for q in self.text_string]
strLen = len(letter_vals)
lineGroup = g.add(Group()) # Use a group for each line. This starts the first.
i = 0
while (i < strLen): # Loop through the entire text of the string.
xStartLine = float(self.text_x[i]) # We are starting a new line here.
yStartLine = float(self.text_y[i])
while (i < strLen): # Inner while loop, that we will break out of, back to the outer while loop.
q = letter_vals[i]
charfont_height = self.text_heights[i]
char_data = dict()
char_data['char'] = q
char_data['font_family'] = self.text_families[i]
char_data['font_height'] = charfont_height
char_data['offset'] = w
char_data['vertoffset']= 0
char_data['stroke_scale'] = scale_r
w = self.draw_svg_text(char_data, lineGroup)
widthThisLine = w
wTemp = w
# Set the alignment if (A) this is the last character in the string
# or if the next piece of the string is at a different position
setAlignment = False
iNext = i + 1
if (iNext >= strLen): # End of the string; this is the last character.
setAlignment = True
elif ((float(self.text_x[iNext]) != xStartLine) or (float(self.text_y[iNext]) != yStartLine) ):
setAlignment = True
if setAlignment:
text_align = self.text_aligns[i]
# Not currently supporting text alignment that changes in the span;
# Use the text alignment as of the last character.
# Left (or "start") alignment is default.
# if (text_align == "middle"): Center alignment
# if (text_align == "end"): Right alignment
# Strategy: Align every row (left, center, or right) as it is created.
xShift = 0
if (text_align == "middle"): # when using text-anchor
xShift = xStartLine - (widthThisLine / 2)
elif (text_align == "end"):
xShift = xStartLine - widthThisLine
xShift = xStartLine
yShift = yStartLine
the_transform = Transform(translate=(xShift, yShift))
lineGroup.transform = the_transform
lineGroup = g.add(Group()) # Create new group for this line
self.newLine = True # Used for managing indent defects
w = 0
i += 1
i += 1 # Only executed when setAlignment is false.
t = ""
the_transform = Transform()
if len(lineGroup) == 0:
parent = lineGroup.getparent()
#End cases A & B. Apply transform to text/flowroot object:
if (transform is not None):
result = Transform( transform) * the_transform
result = the_transform
g.transform = result
if not self.OutputGenerated:
parent = g.getparent()
parent.remove(g) #remove empty group
#Preserve original element?
if not self.options.preserve_text and self.OutputGenerated:
def effect( self ):
# Input sanitization:
self.options.mode = self.options.mode.strip("\"")
self.options.fontface = self.options.fontface.strip("\"")
self.options.otherfont = self.options.otherfont.strip("\"")
self.options.util_mode = self.options.util_mode.strip("\"")
self.options.sample_text = self.options.sample_text.strip("\"")
self.docTransform = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
self.font_load_fail = False
# Font dictionary - Dictionary of loaded fonts
self.font_dict = dict()
self.OutputGenerated = False
self.warnUnflow = False
self.warnTextPath = False # For future use: Give warning about text attached to path.
self.nodes_to_delete = [] # List of font elements to remove
# Calculate "ideal" effective width of rendered strokes:
# Default: 1/800 of page width or height, whichever is smaller
_rendered_stroke_scale = 1 / (self.PX_PER_INCH * 800.0)
self.render_width = 1
if self.svg_width is not None:
if self.svg_width < self.svg_height:
self.render_width = self.svg_width * _rendered_stroke_scale
self.render_width = self.svg_height * _rendered_stroke_scale
if self.options.mode == "help":
elif self.options.mode == "utilities":
if self.options.util_mode == "sample":
if self.options.ids:
# Traverse selected objects
for id in self.options.ids:
transform = self.recursivelyGetEnclosingTransform( self.svg.selected[id] )
self.recursively_traverse_svg( [self.svg.selected[id]], transform)
else: # Traverse entire document
self.recursively_traverse_svg( self.document.getroot(), self.docTransform )
for element_to_remove in self.nodes_to_delete:
if element_to_remove is not None:
parent = element_to_remove.getparent()
if parent is not None:
if self.font_load_fail:
inkex.errormsg( 'Warning: unable to load SVG stroke fonts.')
if self.warnUnflow:
inkex.errormsg( 'Warning: unable to convert text flowed into a frame.\n'
+ 'Please use Text > Unflow to convert it prior to use.\n'
+ 'If you are unable to identify the object in question, '
+ 'please contact technical support for help.'
if __name__ == '__main__':