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const Vector2D = require('./Vector2')
const {EPS, angleEPS} = require('../constants')
const {parseOptionAs2DVector, parseOptionAsFloat, parseOptionAsInt, parseOptionAsBool} = require('../optionParsers')
const {defaultResolution2D} = require('../constants')
const Vertex = require('./Vertex2')
const Side = require('./Side')
/** Class Path2D
* Represents a series of points, connected by infinitely thin lines.
* A path can be open or closed, i.e. additional line between first and last points.
* The difference between Path2D and CAG is that a path is a 'thin' line, whereas a CAG is an enclosed area.
* @constructor
* @param {Vector2D[]} [points=[]] - list of points
* @param {boolean} [closed=false] - closer of path
* @example
* new CSG.Path2D()
* new CSG.Path2D([[10,10], [-10,10], [-10,-10], [10,-10]], true) // closed
const Path2D = function (points, closed) {
closed = !!closed
points = points || []
// re-parse the points into Vector2D
// and remove any duplicate points
let prevpoint = null
if (closed && (points.length > 0)) {
prevpoint = new Vector2D(points[points.length - 1])
let newpoints = [] (point) {
point = new Vector2D(point)
let skip = false
if (prevpoint !== null) {
let distance = point.distanceTo(prevpoint)
skip = distance < EPS
if (!skip) newpoints.push(point)
prevpoint = point
this.points = newpoints
this.closed = closed
/** Construct an arc.
* @param {Object} [options] - options for construction
* @param {Vector2D} [[0,0]] - center of circle
* @param {Number} [options.radius=1] - radius of circle
* @param {Number} [options.startangle=0] - starting angle of the arc, in degrees
* @param {Number} [options.endangle=360] - ending angle of the arc, in degrees
* @param {Number} [options.resolution=defaultResolution2D] - number of sides per 360 rotation
* @param {Boolean} [options.maketangent=false] - adds line segments at both ends of the arc to ensure that the gradients at the edges are tangent
* @returns {Path2D} new Path2D object (not closed)
* @example
* let path = CSG.Path2D.arc({
* center: [5, 5],
* radius: 10,
* startangle: 90,
* endangle: 180,
* resolution: 36,
* maketangent: true
* });
Path2D.arc = function (options) {
let center = parseOptionAs2DVector(options, 'center', 0)
let radius = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'radius', 1)
let startangle = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'startangle', 0)
let endangle = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'endangle', 360)
let resolution = parseOptionAsInt(options, 'resolution', defaultResolution2D)
let maketangent = parseOptionAsBool(options, 'maketangent', false)
// no need to make multiple turns:
while (endangle - startangle >= 720) {
endangle -= 360
while (endangle - startangle <= -720) {
endangle += 360
let points = []
let point
let absangledif = Math.abs(endangle - startangle)
if (absangledif < angleEPS) {
point = Vector2D.fromAngle(startangle / 180.0 * Math.PI).times(radius)
} else {
let numsteps = Math.floor(resolution * absangledif / 360) + 1
let edgestepsize = numsteps * 0.5 / absangledif // step size for half a degree
if (edgestepsize > 0.25) edgestepsize = 0.25
let numstepsMod = maketangent ? (numsteps + 2) : numsteps
for (let i = 0; i <= numstepsMod; i++) {
let step = i
if (maketangent) {
step = (i - 1) * (numsteps - 2 * edgestepsize) / numsteps + edgestepsize
if (step < 0) step = 0
if (step > numsteps) step = numsteps
let angle = startangle + step * (endangle - startangle) / numsteps
point = Vector2D.fromAngle(angle / 180.0 * Math.PI).times(radius)
return new Path2D(points, false)
Path2D.prototype = {
concat: function (otherpath) {
if (this.closed || otherpath.closed) {
throw new Error('Paths must not be closed')
let newpoints = this.points.concat(otherpath.points)
return new Path2D(newpoints)
* Get the points that make up the path.
* note that this is current internal list of points, not an immutable copy.
* @returns {Vector2[]} array of points the make up the path
getPoints: function() {
return this.points;
* Append an point to the end of the path.
* @param {Vector2D} point - point to append
* @returns {Path2D} new Path2D object (not closed)
appendPoint: function (point) {
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error('Path must not be closed')
point = new Vector2D(point) // cast to Vector2D
let newpoints = this.points.concat([point])
return new Path2D(newpoints)
* Append a list of points to the end of the path.
* @param {Vector2D[]} points - points to append
* @returns {Path2D} new Path2D object (not closed)
appendPoints: function (points) {
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error('Path must not be closed')
let newpoints = this.points
points.forEach(function (point) {
newpoints.push(new Vector2D(point)) // cast to Vector2D
return new Path2D(newpoints)
close: function () {
return new Path2D(this.points, true)
* Determine if the path is a closed or not.
* @returns {Boolean} true when the path is closed, otherwise false
isClosed: function() {
return this.closed
// Extrude the path by following it with a rectangle (upright, perpendicular to the path direction)
// Returns a CSG solid
// width: width of the extrusion, in the z=0 plane
// height: height of the extrusion in the z direction
// resolution: number of segments per 360 degrees for the curve in a corner
rectangularExtrude: function (width, height, resolution) {
let cag = this.expandToCAG(width / 2, resolution)
let result = cag.extrude({
offset: [0, 0, height]
return result
// Expand the path to a CAG
// This traces the path with a circle with radius pathradius
expandToCAG: function (pathradius, resolution) {
const CAG = require('../CAG') // FIXME: cyclic dependencies CAG => PATH2 => CAG
let sides = []
let numpoints = this.points.length
let startindex = 0
if (this.closed && (numpoints > 2)) startindex = -1
let prevvertex
for (let i = startindex; i < numpoints; i++) {
let pointindex = i
if (pointindex < 0) pointindex = numpoints - 1
let point = this.points[pointindex]
let vertex = new Vertex(point)
if (i > startindex) {
let side = new Side(prevvertex, vertex)
prevvertex = vertex
let shellcag = CAG.fromSides(sides)
let expanded = shellcag.expandedShell(pathradius, resolution)
return expanded
innerToCAG: function() {
const CAG = require('../CAG') // FIXME: cyclic dependencies CAG => PATH2 => CAG
if (!this.closed) throw new Error("The path should be closed!");
return CAG.fromPoints(this.points);
transform: function (matrix4x4) {
let newpoints = (point) {
return point.multiply4x4(matrix4x4)
return new Path2D(newpoints, this.closed)
* Append a Bezier curve to the end of the path, using the control points to transition the curve through start and end points.
* <br>
* The Bézier curve starts at the last point in the path,
* and ends at the last given control point. Other control points are intermediate control points.
* <br>
* The first control point may be null to ensure a smooth transition occurs. In this case,
* the second to last control point of the path is mirrored into the control points of the Bezier curve.
* In other words, the trailing gradient of the path matches the new gradient of the curve.
* @param {Vector2D[]} controlpoints - list of control points
* @param {Object} [options] - options for construction
* @param {Number} [options.resolution=defaultResolution2D] - number of sides per 360 rotation
* @returns {Path2D} new Path2D object (not closed)
* @example
* let p5 = new CSG.Path2D([[10,-20]],false);
* p5 = p5.appendBezier([[10,-10],[25,-10],[25,-20]]);
* p5 = p5.appendBezier([[25,-30],[40,-30],[40,-20]]);
appendBezier: function (controlpoints, options) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
options = {}
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error('Path must not be closed')
if (!(controlpoints instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: should pass an array of control points')
if (controlpoints.length < 1) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: need at least 1 control point')
if (this.points.length < 1) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: path must already contain a point (the endpoint of the path is used as the starting point for the bezier curve)')
let resolution = parseOptionAsInt(options, 'resolution', defaultResolution2D)
if (resolution < 4) resolution = 4
let factorials = []
let controlpointsParsed = []
controlpointsParsed.push(this.points[this.points.length - 1]) // start at the previous end point
for (let i = 0; i < controlpoints.length; ++i) {
let p = controlpoints[i]
if (p === null) {
// we can pass null as the first control point. In that case a smooth gradient is ensured:
if (i !== 0) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: null can only be passed as the first control point')
if (controlpoints.length < 2) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: null can only be passed if there is at least one more control point')
let lastBezierControlPoint
if ('lastBezierControlPoint' in this) {
lastBezierControlPoint = this.lastBezierControlPoint
} else {
if (this.points.length < 2) {
throw new Error('appendBezier: null is passed as a control point but this requires a previous bezier curve or at least two points in the existing path')
lastBezierControlPoint = this.points[this.points.length - 2]
// mirror the last bezier control point:
p = this.points[this.points.length - 1].times(2).minus(lastBezierControlPoint)
} else {
p = new Vector2D(p) // cast to Vector2D
let bezierOrder = controlpointsParsed.length - 1
let fact = 1
for (let i = 0; i <= bezierOrder; ++i) {
if (i > 0) fact *= i
let binomials = []
for (let i = 0; i <= bezierOrder; ++i) {
let binomial = factorials[bezierOrder] / (factorials[i] * factorials[bezierOrder - i])
let getPointForT = function (t) {
let t_k = 1 // = pow(t,k)
let one_minus_t_n_minus_k = Math.pow(1 - t, bezierOrder) // = pow( 1-t, bezierOrder - k)
let inv_1_minus_t = (t !== 1) ? (1 / (1 - t)) : 1
let point = new Vector2D(0, 0)
for (let k = 0; k <= bezierOrder; ++k) {
if (k === bezierOrder) one_minus_t_n_minus_k = 1
let bernstein_coefficient = binomials[k] * t_k * one_minus_t_n_minus_k
point =[k].times(bernstein_coefficient))
t_k *= t
one_minus_t_n_minus_k *= inv_1_minus_t
return point
let newpoints = []
let newpoints_t = []
let numsteps = bezierOrder + 1
for (let i = 0; i < numsteps; ++i) {
let t = i / (numsteps - 1)
let point = getPointForT(t)
// subdivide each segment until the angle at each vertex becomes small enough:
let subdivideBase = 1
let maxangle = Math.PI * 2 / resolution // segments may have differ no more in angle than this
let maxsinangle = Math.sin(maxangle)
while (subdivideBase < newpoints.length - 1) {
let dir1 = newpoints[subdivideBase].minus(newpoints[subdivideBase - 1]).unit()
let dir2 = newpoints[subdivideBase + 1].minus(newpoints[subdivideBase]).unit()
let sinangle = dir1.cross(dir2) // this is the sine of the angle
if (Math.abs(sinangle) > maxsinangle) {
// angle is too big, we need to subdivide
let t0 = newpoints_t[subdivideBase - 1]
let t1 = newpoints_t[subdivideBase + 1]
let t0_new = t0 + (t1 - t0) * 1 / 3
let t1_new = t0 + (t1 - t0) * 2 / 3
let point0_new = getPointForT(t0_new)
let point1_new = getPointForT(t1_new)
// remove the point at subdivideBase and replace with 2 new points:
newpoints.splice(subdivideBase, 1, point0_new, point1_new)
newpoints_t.splice(subdivideBase, 1, t0_new, t1_new)
// re - evaluate the angles, starting at the previous junction since it has changed:
if (subdivideBase < 1) subdivideBase = 1
} else {
// append to the previous points, but skip the first new point because it is identical to the last point:
newpoints = this.points.concat(newpoints.slice(1))
let result = new Path2D(newpoints)
result.lastBezierControlPoint = controlpointsParsed[controlpointsParsed.length - 2]
return result
* Append an arc to the end of the path.
* This implementation follows the SVG arc specs. For the details see
* @param {Vector2D} endpoint - end point of arc
* @param {Object} [options] - options for construction
* @param {Number} [options.radius=0] - radius of arc (X and Y), see also xradius and yradius
* @param {Number} [options.xradius=0] - X radius of arc, see also radius
* @param {Number} [options.yradius=0] - Y radius of arc, see also radius
* @param {Number} [options.xaxisrotation=0] - rotation (in degrees) of the X axis of the arc with respect to the X axis of the coordinate system
* @param {Number} [options.resolution=defaultResolution2D] - number of sides per 360 rotation
* @param {Boolean} [options.clockwise=false] - draw an arc clockwise with respect to the center point
* @param {Boolean} [options.large=false] - draw an arc longer than 180 degrees
* @returns {Path2D} new Path2D object (not closed)
* @example
* let p1 = new CSG.Path2D([[27.5,-22.96875]],false);
* p1 = p1.appendPoint([27.5,-3.28125]);
* p1 = p1.appendArc([12.5,-22.96875],{xradius: 15,yradius: -19.6875,xaxisrotation: 0,clockwise: false,large: false});
* p1 = p1.close();
appendArc: function (endpoint, options) {
let decimals = 100000
if (arguments.length < 2) {
options = {}
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error('Path must not be closed')
if (this.points.length < 1) {
throw new Error('appendArc: path must already contain a point (the endpoint of the path is used as the starting point for the arc)')
let resolution = parseOptionAsInt(options, 'resolution', defaultResolution2D)
if (resolution < 4) resolution = 4
let xradius, yradius
if (('xradius' in options) || ('yradius' in options)) {
if ('radius' in options) {
throw new Error('Should either give an xradius and yradius parameter, or a radius parameter')
xradius = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'xradius', 0)
yradius = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'yradius', 0)
} else {
xradius = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'radius', 0)
yradius = xradius
let xaxisrotation = parseOptionAsFloat(options, 'xaxisrotation', 0)
let clockwise = parseOptionAsBool(options, 'clockwise', false)
let largearc = parseOptionAsBool(options, 'large', false)
let startpoint = this.points[this.points.length - 1]
endpoint = new Vector2D(endpoint)
// round to precision in order to have determinate calculations
xradius = Math.round(xradius * decimals) / decimals
yradius = Math.round(yradius * decimals) / decimals
endpoint = new Vector2D(Math.round(endpoint.x * decimals) / decimals, Math.round(endpoint.y * decimals) / decimals)
let sweepFlag = !clockwise
let newpoints = []
if ((xradius === 0) || (yradius === 0)) {
// If rx = 0 or ry = 0, then treat this as a straight line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) and stop
} else {
xradius = Math.abs(xradius)
yradius = Math.abs(yradius)
// see :
let phi = xaxisrotation * Math.PI / 180.0
let cosphi = Math.cos(phi)
let sinphi = Math.sin(phi)
let minushalfdistance = startpoint.minus(endpoint).times(0.5)
// F.6.5.1:
// round to precision in order to have determinate calculations
let x = Math.round((cosphi * minushalfdistance.x + sinphi * minushalfdistance.y) * decimals) / decimals
let y = Math.round((-sinphi * minushalfdistance.x + cosphi * minushalfdistance.y) * decimals) / decimals
let startTranslated = new Vector2D(x, y)
// F.6.6.2:
let biglambda = (startTranslated.x * startTranslated.x) / (xradius * xradius) + (startTranslated.y * startTranslated.y) / (yradius * yradius)
if (biglambda > 1.0) {
// F.6.6.3:
let sqrtbiglambda = Math.sqrt(biglambda)
xradius *= sqrtbiglambda
yradius *= sqrtbiglambda
// round to precision in order to have determinate calculations
xradius = Math.round(xradius * decimals) / decimals
yradius = Math.round(yradius * decimals) / decimals
// F.6.5.2:
let multiplier1 = Math.sqrt((xradius * xradius * yradius * yradius - xradius * xradius * startTranslated.y * startTranslated.y - yradius * yradius * startTranslated.x * startTranslated.x) / (xradius * xradius * startTranslated.y * startTranslated.y + yradius * yradius * startTranslated.x * startTranslated.x))
if (sweepFlag === largearc) multiplier1 = -multiplier1
let centerTranslated = new Vector2D(xradius * startTranslated.y / yradius, -yradius * startTranslated.x / xradius).times(multiplier1)
// F.6.5.3:
let center = new Vector2D(cosphi * centerTranslated.x - sinphi * centerTranslated.y, sinphi * centerTranslated.x + cosphi * centerTranslated.y).plus((
// F.6.5.5:
let vec1 = new Vector2D((startTranslated.x - centerTranslated.x) / xradius, (startTranslated.y - centerTranslated.y) / yradius)
let vec2 = new Vector2D((-startTranslated.x - centerTranslated.x) / xradius, (-startTranslated.y - centerTranslated.y) / yradius)
let theta1 = vec1.angleRadians()
let theta2 = vec2.angleRadians()
let deltatheta = theta2 - theta1
deltatheta = deltatheta % (2 * Math.PI)
if ((!sweepFlag) && (deltatheta > 0)) {
deltatheta -= 2 * Math.PI
} else if ((sweepFlag) && (deltatheta < 0)) {
deltatheta += 2 * Math.PI
// Ok, we have the center point and angle range (from theta1, deltatheta radians) so we can create the ellipse
let numsteps = Math.ceil(Math.abs(deltatheta) / (2 * Math.PI) * resolution) + 1
if (numsteps < 1) numsteps = 1
for (let step = 1; step <= numsteps; step++) {
let theta = theta1 + step / numsteps * deltatheta
let costheta = Math.cos(theta)
let sintheta = Math.sin(theta)
// F.6.3.1:
let point = new Vector2D(cosphi * xradius * costheta - sinphi * yradius * sintheta, sinphi * xradius * costheta + cosphi * yradius * sintheta).plus(center)
newpoints = this.points.concat(newpoints)
let result = new Path2D(newpoints)
return result
module.exports = Path2D