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const Vector3D = require('./Vector3')
const Vertex = require('./Vertex3')
const Matrix4x4 = require('./Matrix4')
const {_CSGDEBUG, EPS, getTag, areaEPS} = require('../constants')
const {fnSortByIndex} = require('../utils')
/** Class Polygon
* Represents a convex polygon. The vertices used to initialize a polygon must
* be coplanar and form a convex loop. They do not have to be `Vertex`
* instances but they must behave similarly (duck typing can be used for
* customization).
* <br>
* Each convex polygon has a `shared` property, which is shared between all
* polygons that are clones of each other or were split from the same polygon.
* This can be used to define per-polygon properties (such as surface color).
* <br>
* The plane of the polygon is calculated from the vertex coordinates if not provided.
* The plane can alternatively be passed as the third argument to avoid calculations.
* @constructor
* @param {Vertex[]} vertices - list of vertices
* @param {Polygon.Shared} [shared=defaultShared] - shared property to apply
* @param {Plane} [plane] - plane of the polygon
* @example
* const vertices = [
* new CSG.Vertex(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 0, 0])),
* new CSG.Vertex(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 10, 0])),
* new CSG.Vertex(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 10, 10]))
* ]
* let observed = new Polygon(vertices)
let Polygon = function (vertices, shared, plane) {
this.vertices = vertices
if (!shared) shared = Polygon.defaultShared
this.shared = shared
// let numvertices = vertices.length;
if (arguments.length >= 3) {
this.plane = plane
} else {
const Plane = require('./Plane') // FIXME: circular dependencies
this.plane = Plane.fromVector3Ds(vertices[0].pos, vertices[1].pos, vertices[2].pos)
if (_CSGDEBUG) {
if (!this.checkIfConvex()) {
throw new Error('Not convex!')
// create from an untyped object with identical property names:
Polygon.fromObject = function (obj) {
const Plane = require('./Plane') // FIXME: circular dependencies
let vertices = (v) {
return Vertex.fromObject(v)
let shared = Polygon.Shared.fromObject(obj.shared)
let plane = Plane.fromObject(obj.plane)
return new Polygon(vertices, shared, plane)
Polygon.prototype = {
/** Check whether the polygon is convex. (it should be, otherwise we will get unexpected results)
* @returns {boolean}
checkIfConvex: function () {
return Polygon.verticesConvex(this.vertices, this.plane.normal)
// FIXME what? why does this return this, and not a new polygon?
// FIXME is this used?
setColor: function (args) {
let newshared = Polygon.Shared.fromColor.apply(this, arguments)
this.shared = newshared
return this
getSignedVolume: function () {
let signedVolume = 0
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length - 2; i++) {
signedVolume += this.vertices[0][i + 1].pos
.cross(this.vertices[i + 2].pos))
signedVolume /= 6
return signedVolume
// Note: could calculate vectors only once to speed up
getArea: function () {
let polygonArea = 0
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length - 2; i++) {
polygonArea += this.vertices[i + 1].pos.minus(this.vertices[0].pos)
.cross(this.vertices[i + 2].pos.minus(this.vertices[i + 1].pos)).length()
polygonArea /= 2
return polygonArea
// accepts array of features to calculate
// returns array of results
getTetraFeatures: function (features) {
let result = []
features.forEach(function (feature) {
if (feature === 'volume') {
} else if (feature === 'area') {
}, this)
return result
// Extrude a polygon into the direction offsetvector
// Returns a CSG object
extrude: function (offsetvector) {
const CSG = require('../CSG') // because of circular dependencies
let newpolygons = []
let polygon1 = this
let direction =
if (direction > 0) {
polygon1 = polygon1.flipped()
let polygon2 = polygon1.translate(offsetvector)
let numvertices = this.vertices.length
for (let i = 0; i < numvertices; i++) {
let sidefacepoints = []
let nexti = (i < (numvertices - 1)) ? i + 1 : 0
let sidefacepolygon = Polygon.createFromPoints(sidefacepoints, this.shared)
polygon2 = polygon2.flipped()
return CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons)
translate: function (offset) {
return this.transform(Matrix4x4.translation(offset))
// returns an array with a Vector3D (center point) and a radius
boundingSphere: function () {
if (!this.cachedBoundingSphere) {
let box = this.boundingBox()
let middle = box[0].plus(box[1]).times(0.5)
let radius3 = box[1].minus(middle)
let radius = radius3.length()
this.cachedBoundingSphere = [middle, radius]
return this.cachedBoundingSphere
// returns an array of two Vector3Ds (minimum coordinates and maximum coordinates)
boundingBox: function () {
if (!this.cachedBoundingBox) {
let minpoint, maxpoint
let vertices = this.vertices
let numvertices = vertices.length
if (numvertices === 0) {
minpoint = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
} else {
minpoint = vertices[0].pos
maxpoint = minpoint
for (let i = 1; i < numvertices; i++) {
let point = vertices[i].pos
minpoint = minpoint.min(point)
maxpoint = maxpoint.max(point)
this.cachedBoundingBox = [minpoint, maxpoint]
return this.cachedBoundingBox
flipped: function () {
let newvertices = (v) {
return v.flipped()
let newplane = this.plane.flipped()
return new Polygon(newvertices, this.shared, newplane)
// Affine transformation of polygon. Returns a new Polygon
transform: function (matrix4x4) {
let newvertices = (v) {
return v.transform(matrix4x4)
let newplane = this.plane.transform(matrix4x4)
if (matrix4x4.isMirroring()) {
// need to reverse the vertex order
// in order to preserve the inside/outside orientation:
return new Polygon(newvertices, this.shared, newplane)
toString: function () {
let result = 'Polygon plane: ' + this.plane.toString() + '\n' (vertex) {
result += ' ' + vertex.toString() + '\n'
return result
// project the 3D polygon onto a plane
projectToOrthoNormalBasis: function (orthobasis) {
const CAG = require('../CAG')
const {fromPointsNoCheck} = require('../CAGFactories') // circular dependencies
let points2d = (vertex) {
return orthobasis.to2D(vertex.pos)
let result = fromPointsNoCheck(points2d)
let area = result.area()
if (Math.abs(area) < areaEPS) {
// the polygon was perpendicular to the orthnormal plane. The resulting 2D polygon would be degenerate
// return an empty area instead:
result = new CAG()
} else if (area < 0) {
result = result.flipped()
return result
//FIXME: WHY is this for 3D polygons and not for 2D shapes ?
* Creates solid from slices (Polygon) by generating walls
* @param {Object} options Solid generating options
* - numslices {Number} Number of slices to be generated
* - callback(t, slice) {Function} Callback function generating slices.
* arguments: t = [0..1], slice = [0..numslices - 1]
* return: Polygon or null to skip
* - loop {Boolean} no flats, only walls, it's used to generate solids like a tor
solidFromSlices: function (options) {
const CSG = require('../CSG')
let polygons = [],
csg = null,
prev = null,
bottom = null,
top = null,
numSlices = 2,
bLoop = false,
flipped = null
if (options) {
bLoop = Boolean(options['loop'])
if (options.numslices) { numSlices = options.numslices }
if (options.callback) {
fnCallback = options.callback
if (!fnCallback) {
let square = new Polygon.createFromPoints([
[0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0]
fnCallback = function (t, slice) {
return t === 0 || t === 1 ? square.translate([0, 0, t]) : null
for (let i = 0, iMax = numSlices - 1; i <= iMax; i++) {
csg =, i / iMax, i)
if (csg) {
if (!(csg instanceof Polygon)) {
throw new Error('Polygon.solidFromSlices callback error: Polygon expected')
if (prev) { // generate walls
if (flipped === null) { // not generated yet
flipped = prev.plane.signedDistanceToPoint(csg.vertices[0].pos) < 0
this._addWalls(polygons, prev, csg, flipped)
} else { // the first - will be a bottom
bottom = csg
prev = csg
} // callback can return null to skip that slice
top = csg
if (bLoop) {
let bSameTopBottom = bottom.vertices.length === top.vertices.length &&
bottom.vertices.every(function (v, index) {
return v.pos.equals(top.vertices[index].pos)
// if top and bottom are not the same -
// generate walls between them
if (!bSameTopBottom) {
this._addWalls(polygons, top, bottom, flipped)
} // else - already generated
} else {
// save top and bottom
// TODO: flip if necessary
polygons.unshift(flipped ? bottom : bottom.flipped())
polygons.push(flipped ? top.flipped() : top)
return CSG.fromPolygons(polygons)
* @param walls Array of wall polygons
* @param bottom Bottom polygon
* @param top Top polygon
_addWalls: function (walls, bottom, top, bFlipped) {
let bottomPoints = bottom.vertices.slice(0) // make a copy
let topPoints = top.vertices.slice(0) // make a copy
let color = top.shared || null
// check if bottom perimeter is closed
if (!bottomPoints[0].pos.equals(bottomPoints[bottomPoints.length - 1].pos)) {
// check if top perimeter is closed
if (!topPoints[0].pos.equals(topPoints[topPoints.length - 1].pos)) {
if (bFlipped) {
bottomPoints = bottomPoints.reverse()
topPoints = topPoints.reverse()
let iTopLen = topPoints.length - 1
let iBotLen = bottomPoints.length - 1
let iExtra = iTopLen - iBotLen// how many extra triangles we need
let bMoreTops = iExtra > 0
let bMoreBottoms = iExtra < 0
let aMin = [] // indexes to start extra triangles (polygon with minimal square)
// init - we need exactly /iExtra/ small triangles
for (let i = Math.abs(iExtra); i > 0; i--) {
len: Infinity,
index: -1
let len
if (bMoreBottoms) {
for (let i = 0; i < iBotLen; i++) {
len = bottomPoints[i].pos.distanceToSquared(bottomPoints[i + 1].pos)
// find the element to replace
for (let j = aMin.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (aMin[j].len > len) {
aMin[j].len = len
aMin.index = j
} // for
} else if (bMoreTops) {
for (let i = 0; i < iTopLen; i++) {
len = topPoints[i].pos.distanceToSquared(topPoints[i + 1].pos)
// find the element to replace
for (let j = aMin.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (aMin[j].len > len) {
aMin[j].len = len
aMin.index = j
} // for
} // if
// sort by index
let getTriangle = function addWallsPutTriangle (pointA, pointB, pointC, color) {
return new Polygon([pointA, pointB, pointC], color)
// return bFlipped ? triangle.flipped() : triangle;
let bpoint = bottomPoints[0]
let tpoint = topPoints[0]
let secondPoint
let nBotFacet
let nTopFacet // length of triangle facet side
for (let iB = 0, iT = 0, iMax = iTopLen + iBotLen; iB + iT < iMax;) {
if (aMin.length) {
if (bMoreTops && iT === aMin[0].index) { // one vertex is on the bottom, 2 - on the top
secondPoint = topPoints[++iT]
// console.log('<<< extra top: ' + secondPoint + ', ' + tpoint + ', bottom: ' + bpoint);
secondPoint, tpoint, bpoint, color
tpoint = secondPoint
} else if (bMoreBottoms && iB === aMin[0].index) {
secondPoint = bottomPoints[++iB]
tpoint, bpoint, secondPoint, color
bpoint = secondPoint
// choose the shortest path
if (iB < iBotLen) { // one vertex is on the top, 2 - on the bottom
nBotFacet = tpoint.pos.distanceToSquared(bottomPoints[iB + 1].pos)
} else {
nBotFacet = Infinity
if (iT < iTopLen) { // one vertex is on the bottom, 2 - on the top
nTopFacet = bpoint.pos.distanceToSquared(topPoints[iT + 1].pos)
} else {
nTopFacet = Infinity
if (nBotFacet <= nTopFacet) {
secondPoint = bottomPoints[++iB]
tpoint, bpoint, secondPoint, color
bpoint = secondPoint
} else if (iT < iTopLen) { // nTopFacet < Infinity
secondPoint = topPoints[++iT]
// console.log('<<< top: ' + secondPoint + ', ' + tpoint + ', bottom: ' + bpoint);
secondPoint, tpoint, bpoint, color
tpoint = secondPoint
return walls
Polygon.verticesConvex = function (vertices, planenormal) {
let numvertices = vertices.length
if (numvertices > 2) {
let prevprevpos = vertices[numvertices - 2].pos
let prevpos = vertices[numvertices - 1].pos
for (let i = 0; i < numvertices; i++) {
let pos = vertices[i].pos
if (!Polygon.isConvexPoint(prevprevpos, prevpos, pos, planenormal)) {
return false
prevprevpos = prevpos
prevpos = pos
return true
/** Create a polygon from the given points.
* @param {Array[]} points - list of points
* @param {Polygon.Shared} [shared=defaultShared] - shared property to apply
* @param {Plane} [plane] - plane of the polygon
* @example
* const points = [
* [0, 0, 0],
* [0, 10, 0],
* [0, 10, 10]
* ]
* let observed = CSG.Polygon.createFromPoints(points)
Polygon.createFromPoints = function (points, shared, plane) {
let vertices = [] (p) {
let vec = new Vector3D(p)
let vertex = new Vertex(vec)
let polygon
if (arguments.length < 3) {
polygon = new Polygon(vertices, shared)
} else {
polygon = new Polygon(vertices, shared, plane)
return polygon
// calculate whether three points form a convex corner
// prevpoint, point, nextpoint: the 3 coordinates (Vector3D instances)
// normal: the normal vector of the plane
Polygon.isConvexPoint = function (prevpoint, point, nextpoint, normal) {
let crossproduct = point.minus(prevpoint).cross(nextpoint.minus(point))
let crossdotnormal =
return (crossdotnormal >= 0)
Polygon.isStrictlyConvexPoint = function (prevpoint, point, nextpoint, normal) {
let crossproduct = point.minus(prevpoint).cross(nextpoint.minus(point))
let crossdotnormal =
return (crossdotnormal >= EPS)
/** Class Polygon.Shared
* Holds the shared properties for each polygon (Currently only color).
* @constructor
* @param {Array[]} color - array containing RGBA values, or null
* @example
* let shared = new CSG.Polygon.Shared([0, 0, 0, 1])
Polygon.Shared = function (color) {
if (color !== null) {
if (color.length !== 4) {
throw new Error('Expecting 4 element array')
this.color = color
Polygon.Shared.fromObject = function (obj) {
return new Polygon.Shared(obj.color)
/** Create Polygon.Shared from color values.
* @param {number} r - value of RED component
* @param {number} g - value of GREEN component
* @param {number} b - value of BLUE component
* @param {number} [a] - value of ALPHA component
* @param {Array[]} [color] - OR array containing RGB values (optional Alpha)
* @example
* let s1 = Polygon.Shared.fromColor(0,0,0)
* let s2 = Polygon.Shared.fromColor([0,0,0,1])
Polygon.Shared.fromColor = function (args) {
let color
if (arguments.length === 1) {
color = arguments[0].slice() // make deep copy
} else {
color = []
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (color.length === 3) {
} else if (color.length !== 4) {
throw new Error('setColor expects either an array with 3 or 4 elements, or 3 or 4 parameters.')
return new Polygon.Shared(color)
Polygon.Shared.prototype = {
getTag: function () {
let result = this.tag
if (!result) {
result = getTag()
this.tag = result
return result
// get a string uniquely identifying this object
getHash: function () {
if (!this.color) return 'null'
return this.color.join('/')
Polygon.defaultShared = new Polygon.Shared(null)
module.exports = Polygon