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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.PropagateTask = exports.defaultScheduler = exports.multicast = exports.throwError = exports.flatMapError = exports.recoverWith = exports.await = exports.awaitPromises = exports.fromPromise = exports.debounce = exports.throttle = exports.timestamp = exports.delay = exports.during = exports.since = exports.skipUntil = exports.until = exports.takeUntil = exports.skipAfter = exports.skipWhile = exports.takeWhile = exports.slice = exports.skip = exports.take = exports.distinctBy = exports.skipRepeatsWith = exports.distinct = exports.skipRepeats = exports.filter = exports.switch = exports.switchLatest = exports.zipArray = = exports.sampleWith = exports.sampleArray = exports.sample = exports.combineArray = exports.combine = exports.mergeArray = exports.merge = exports.mergeConcurrently = exports.concatMap = exports.flatMapEnd = exports.continueWith = exports.join = exports.chain = exports.flatMap = exports.transduce = exports.ap = exports.tap = exports.constant = = exports.startWith = exports.concat = exports.generate = exports.iterate = exports.unfold = exports.reduce = exports.scan = exports.loop = exports.drain = exports.forEach = exports.observe = exports.fromEvent = exports.periodic = exports.from = exports.never = exports.empty = exports.just = exports.of = exports.Stream = undefined;
var _fromEvent = require('./source/fromEvent');
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'fromEvent', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _fromEvent.fromEvent;
var _unfold = require('./source/unfold');
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'unfold', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _unfold.unfold;
var _iterate = require('./source/iterate');
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'iterate', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _iterate.iterate;
var _generate = require('./source/generate');
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'generate', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _generate.generate;
var _Stream = require('./Stream');
var _Stream2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Stream);
var _prelude = require('@most/prelude');
var base = _interopRequireWildcard(_prelude);
var _core = require('./source/core');
var _from = require('./source/from');
var _periodic = require('./source/periodic');
var _symbolObservable = require('symbol-observable');
var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable);
var _subscribe = require('./observable/subscribe');
var _thru = require('./combinator/thru');
var _observe = require('./combinator/observe');
var _loop = require('./combinator/loop');
var _accumulate = require('./combinator/accumulate');
var _build = require('./combinator/build');
var _transform = require('./combinator/transform');
var _applicative = require('./combinator/applicative');
var _transduce = require('./combinator/transduce');
var _flatMap = require('./combinator/flatMap');
var _continueWith = require('./combinator/continueWith');
var _concatMap = require('./combinator/concatMap');
var _mergeConcurrently = require('./combinator/mergeConcurrently');
var _merge = require('./combinator/merge');
var _combine = require('./combinator/combine');
var _sample = require('./combinator/sample');
var _zip = require('./combinator/zip');
var _switch = require('./combinator/switch');
var _filter = require('./combinator/filter');
var _slice = require('./combinator/slice');
var _timeslice = require('./combinator/timeslice');
var _delay = require('./combinator/delay');
var _timestamp = require('./combinator/timestamp');
var _limit = require('./combinator/limit');
var _promises = require('./combinator/promises');
var _errors = require('./combinator/errors');
var _multicast = require('@most/multicast');
var _multicast2 = _interopRequireDefault(_multicast);
var _defaultScheduler = require('./scheduler/defaultScheduler');
var _defaultScheduler2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defaultScheduler);
var _PropagateTask = require('./scheduler/PropagateTask');
var _PropagateTask2 = _interopRequireDefault(_PropagateTask);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* Core stream type
* @type {Stream}
/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2016 original author or authors */
/** @author Brian Cavalier */
/** @author John Hann */
/* eslint import/first: 0 */
exports.Stream = _Stream2.default;
// Add of and empty to constructor for fantasy-land compat
_Stream2.default.of = _core.of;
_Stream2.default.empty = _core.empty;
// Add from to constructor for ES Observable compat
_Stream2.default.from = _from.from;
exports.of = _core.of;
exports.just = _core.of;
exports.empty = _core.empty;
exports.never = _core.never;
exports.from = _from.from;
exports.periodic = _periodic.periodic;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draft ES Observable proposal interop
_Stream2.default.prototype.subscribe = function (subscriber) {
return (0, _subscribe.subscribe)(subscriber, this);
_Stream2.default.prototype[_symbolObservable2.default] = function () {
return this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fluent adapter
* Adapt a functional stream transform to fluent style.
* It applies f to the this stream object
* @param {function(s: Stream): Stream} f function that
* receives the stream itself and must return a new stream
* @return {Stream}
_Stream2.default.prototype.thru = function (f) {
return (0, _thru.thru)(f, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adapting other sources
* Create a stream of events from the supplied EventTarget or EventEmitter
* @param {String} event event name
* @param {EventTarget|EventEmitter} source EventTarget or EventEmitter. The source
* must support either addEventListener/removeEventListener (w3c EventTarget:
* or addListener/removeListener (node EventEmitter:
* @returns {Stream} stream of events of the specified type from the source
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Observing
exports.observe = _observe.observe;
exports.forEach = _observe.observe;
exports.drain = _observe.drain;
* Process all the events in the stream
* @returns {Promise} promise that fulfills when the stream ends, or rejects
* if the stream fails with an unhandled error.
_Stream2.default.prototype.observe = _Stream2.default.prototype.forEach = function (f) {
return (0, _observe.observe)(f, this);
* Consume all events in the stream, without providing a function to process each.
* This causes a stream to become active and begin emitting events, and is useful
* in cases where all processing has been setup upstream via other combinators, and
* there is no need to process the terminal events.
* @returns {Promise} promise that fulfills when the stream ends, or rejects
* if the stream fails with an unhandled error.
_Stream2.default.prototype.drain = function () {
return (0, _observe.drain)(this);
// -------------------------------------------------------
exports.loop = _loop.loop;
* Generalized feedback loop. Call a stepper function for each event. The stepper
* will be called with 2 params: the current seed and the an event value. It must
* return a new { seed, value } pair. The `seed` will be fed back into the next
* invocation of stepper, and the `value` will be propagated as the event value.
* @param {function(seed:*, value:*):{seed:*, value:*}} stepper loop step function
* @param {*} seed initial seed value passed to first stepper call
* @returns {Stream} new stream whose values are the `value` field of the objects
* returned by the stepper
_Stream2.default.prototype.loop = function (stepper, seed) {
return (0, _loop.loop)(stepper, seed, this);
// -------------------------------------------------------
exports.scan = _accumulate.scan;
exports.reduce = _accumulate.reduce;
* Create a stream containing successive reduce results of applying f to
* the previous reduce result and the current stream item.
* @param {function(result:*, x:*):*} f reducer function
* @param {*} initial initial value
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing successive reduce results
_Stream2.default.prototype.scan = function (f, initial) {
return (0, _accumulate.scan)(f, initial, this);
* Reduce the stream to produce a single result. Note that reducing an infinite
* stream will return a Promise that never fulfills, but that may reject if an error
* occurs.
* @param {function(result:*, x:*):*} f reducer function
* @param {*} initial optional initial value
* @returns {Promise} promise for the file result of the reduce
_Stream2.default.prototype.reduce = function (f, initial) {
return (0, _accumulate.reduce)(f, initial, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Building and extending
exports.concat = _build.concat;
exports.startWith = _build.cons;
* @param {Stream} tail
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing all items in this followed by
* all items in tail
_Stream2.default.prototype.concat = function (tail) {
return (0, _build.concat)(this, tail);
* @param {*} x value to prepend
* @returns {Stream} a new stream with x prepended
_Stream2.default.prototype.startWith = function (x) {
return (0, _build.cons)(x, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transforming =;
exports.constant = _transform.constant;
exports.tap = _transform.tap;
exports.ap = _applicative.ap;
* Transform each value in the stream by applying f to each
* @param {function(*):*} f mapping function
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items transformed by f
*/ = function (f) {
return (0,, this);
* Assume this stream contains functions, and apply each function to each item
* in the provided stream. This generates, in effect, a cross product.
* @param {Stream} xs stream of items to which
* @returns {Stream} stream containing the cross product of items
_Stream2.default.prototype.ap = function (xs) {
return (0, _applicative.ap)(this, xs);
* Replace each value in the stream with x
* @param {*} x
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items replaced with x
_Stream2.default.prototype.constant = function (x) {
return (0, _transform.constant)(x, this);
* Perform a side effect for each item in the stream
* @param {function(x:*):*} f side effect to execute for each item. The
* return value will be discarded.
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing the same items as this stream
_Stream2.default.prototype.tap = function (f) {
return (0, _transform.tap)(f, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transducer support
exports.transduce = _transduce.transduce;
* Transform this stream by passing its events through a transducer.
* @param {function} transducer transducer function
* @return {Stream} stream of events transformed by the transducer
_Stream2.default.prototype.transduce = function (transducer) {
return (0, _transduce.transduce)(transducer, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlatMapping
// @deprecated flatMap, use chain instead
exports.flatMap = _flatMap.flatMap;
exports.chain = _flatMap.flatMap;
exports.join = _flatMap.join;
* Map each value in the stream to a new stream, and merge it into the
* returned outer stream. Event arrival times are preserved.
* @param {function(x:*):Stream} f chaining function, must return a Stream
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing all events from each stream returned by f
_Stream2.default.prototype.chain = function (f) {
return (0, _flatMap.flatMap)(f, this);
// @deprecated use chain instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.flatMap = _Stream2.default.prototype.chain;
* Monadic join. Flatten a Stream<Stream<X>> to Stream<X> by merging inner
* streams to the outer. Event arrival times are preserved.
* @returns {Stream<X>} new stream containing all events of all inner streams
_Stream2.default.prototype.join = function () {
return (0, _flatMap.join)(this);
// @deprecated flatMapEnd, use continueWith instead
exports.continueWith = _continueWith.continueWith;
exports.flatMapEnd = _continueWith.continueWith;
* Map the end event to a new stream, and begin emitting its values.
* @param {function(x:*):Stream} f function that receives the end event value,
* and *must* return a new Stream to continue with.
* @returns {Stream} new stream that emits all events from the original stream,
* followed by all events from the stream returned by f.
_Stream2.default.prototype.continueWith = function (f) {
return (0, _continueWith.continueWith)(f, this);
// @deprecated use continueWith instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.flatMapEnd = _Stream2.default.prototype.continueWith;
exports.concatMap = _concatMap.concatMap;
_Stream2.default.prototype.concatMap = function (f) {
return (0, _concatMap.concatMap)(f, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Concurrent merging
exports.mergeConcurrently = _mergeConcurrently.mergeConcurrently;
* Flatten a Stream<Stream<X>> to Stream<X> by merging inner
* streams to the outer, limiting the number of inner streams that may
* be active concurrently.
* @param {number} concurrency at most this many inner streams will be
* allowed to be active concurrently.
* @return {Stream<X>} new stream containing all events of all inner
* streams, with limited concurrency.
_Stream2.default.prototype.mergeConcurrently = function (concurrency) {
return (0, _mergeConcurrently.mergeConcurrently)(concurrency, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merging
exports.merge = _merge.merge;
exports.mergeArray = _merge.mergeArray;
* Merge this stream and all the provided streams
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items from this stream and s in time
* order. If two events are simultaneous they will be merged in
* arbitrary order.
_Stream2.default.prototype.merge = function () /* ...streams */{
return (0, _merge.mergeArray)(base.cons(this, arguments));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combining
exports.combine = _combine.combine;
exports.combineArray = _combine.combineArray;
* Combine latest events from all input streams
* @param {function(*} f function to combine most recent events
* @returns {Stream} stream containing the result of applying f to the most recent
* event of each input stream, whenever a new event arrives on any stream.
_Stream2.default.prototype.combine = function (f /*, ...streams */) {
return (0, _combine.combineArray)(f, base.replace(this, 0, arguments));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sampling
exports.sample = _sample.sample;
exports.sampleArray = _sample.sampleArray;
exports.sampleWith = _sample.sampleWith;
* When an event arrives on sampler, emit the latest event value from stream.
* @param {Stream} sampler stream of events at whose arrival time
* signal's latest value will be propagated
* @returns {Stream} sampled stream of values
_Stream2.default.prototype.sampleWith = function (sampler) {
return (0, _sample.sampleWith)(sampler, this);
* When an event arrives on this stream, emit the result of calling f with the latest
* values of all streams being sampled
* @param {function(...values):*} f function to apply to each set of sampled values
* @returns {Stream} stream of sampled and transformed values
_Stream2.default.prototype.sample = function (f /* ...streams */) {
return (0, _sample.sampleArray)(f, this, base.tail(arguments));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Zipping =;
exports.zipArray = _zip.zipArray;
* Pair-wise combine items with those in s. Given 2 streams:
* [1,2,3] zipWith f [4,5,6] -> [f(1,4),f(2,5),f(3,6)]
* Note: zip causes fast streams to buffer and wait for slow streams.
* @param {function(a:Stream, b:Stream, ...):*} f function to combine items
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing pairs
*/ = function (f /*, ...streams */) {
return (0, _zip.zipArray)(f, base.replace(this, 0, arguments));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Switching
// @deprecated switch, use switchLatest instead
exports.switchLatest = _switch.switchLatest;
exports.switch = _switch.switchLatest;
* Given a stream of streams, return a new stream that adopts the behavior
* of the most recent inner stream.
* @returns {Stream} switching stream
_Stream2.default.prototype.switchLatest = function () {
return (0, _switch.switchLatest)(this);
// @deprecated use switchLatest instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.switch = _Stream2.default.prototype.switchLatest;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filtering
// @deprecated distinct, use skipRepeats instead
// @deprecated distinctBy, use skipRepeatsWith instead
exports.filter = _filter.filter;
exports.skipRepeats = _filter.skipRepeats;
exports.distinct = _filter.skipRepeats;
exports.skipRepeatsWith = _filter.skipRepeatsWith;
exports.distinctBy = _filter.skipRepeatsWith;
* Retain only items matching a predicate
* stream: -12345678-
* filter(x => x % 2 === 0, stream): --2-4-6-8-
* @param {function(x:*):boolean} p filtering predicate called for each item
* @returns {Stream} stream containing only items for which predicate returns truthy
_Stream2.default.prototype.filter = function (p) {
return (0, _filter.filter)(p, this);
* Skip repeated events, using === to compare items
* stream: -abbcd-
* distinct(stream): -ab-cd-
* @returns {Stream} stream with no repeated events
_Stream2.default.prototype.skipRepeats = function () {
return (0, _filter.skipRepeats)(this);
* Skip repeated events, using supplied equals function to compare items
* @param {function(a:*, b:*):boolean} equals function to compare items
* @returns {Stream} stream with no repeated events
_Stream2.default.prototype.skipRepeatsWith = function (equals) {
return (0, _filter.skipRepeatsWith)(equals, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Slicing
exports.take = _slice.take;
exports.skip = _slice.skip;
exports.slice = _slice.slice;
exports.takeWhile = _slice.takeWhile;
exports.skipWhile = _slice.skipWhile;
exports.skipAfter = _slice.skipAfter;
* stream: -abcd-
* take(2, stream): -ab|
* @param {Number} n take up to this many events
* @returns {Stream} stream containing at most the first n items from this stream
_Stream2.default.prototype.take = function (n) {
return (0, _slice.take)(n, this);
* stream: -abcd->
* skip(2, stream): ---cd->
* @param {Number} n skip this many events
* @returns {Stream} stream not containing the first n events
_Stream2.default.prototype.skip = function (n) {
return (0, _slice.skip)(n, this);
* Slice a stream by event index. Equivalent to, but more efficient than
* stream.take(end).skip(start);
* NOTE: Negative start and end are not supported
* @param {Number} start skip all events before the start index
* @param {Number} end allow all events from the start index to the end index
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items where start <= index < end
_Stream2.default.prototype.slice = function (start, end) {
return (0, _slice.slice)(start, end, this);
* stream: -123451234->
* takeWhile(x => x < 5, stream): -1234|
* @param {function(x:*):boolean} p predicate
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items up to, but not including, the
* first item for which p returns falsy.
_Stream2.default.prototype.takeWhile = function (p) {
return (0, _slice.takeWhile)(p, this);
* stream: -123451234->
* skipWhile(x => x < 5, stream): -----51234->
* @param {function(x:*):boolean} p predicate
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items following *and including* the
* first item for which p returns falsy.
_Stream2.default.prototype.skipWhile = function (p) {
return (0, _slice.skipWhile)(p, this);
* stream: -123456789->
* skipAfter(x => x === 5, stream):-12345|
* @param {function(x:*):boolean} p predicate
* @returns {Stream} stream containing items up to, *and including*, the
* first item for which p returns truthy.
_Stream2.default.prototype.skipAfter = function (p) {
return (0, _slice.skipAfter)(p, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Time slicing
// @deprecated takeUntil, use until instead
// @deprecated skipUntil, use since instead
exports.takeUntil = _timeslice.takeUntil;
exports.until = _timeslice.takeUntil;
exports.skipUntil = _timeslice.skipUntil;
exports.since = _timeslice.skipUntil;
exports.during = _timeslice.during;
* stream: -a-b-c-d-e-f-g->
* signal: -------x
* takeUntil(signal, stream): -a-b-c-|
* @param {Stream} signal retain only events in stream before the first
* event in signal
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing only events that occur before
* the first event in signal.
_Stream2.default.prototype.until = function (signal) {
return (0, _timeslice.takeUntil)(signal, this);
// @deprecated use until instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.takeUntil = _Stream2.default.prototype.until;
* stream: -a-b-c-d-e-f-g->
* signal: -------x
* takeUntil(signal, stream): -------d-e-f-g->
* @param {Stream} signal retain only events in stream at or after the first
* event in signal
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing only events that occur after
* the first event in signal.
_Stream2.default.prototype.since = function (signal) {
return (0, _timeslice.skipUntil)(signal, this);
// @deprecated use since instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.skipUntil = _Stream2.default.prototype.since;
* stream: -a-b-c-d-e-f-g->
* timeWindow: -----s
* s: -----t
* stream.during(timeWindow): -----c-d-e-|
* @param {Stream<Stream>} timeWindow a stream whose first event (s) represents
* the window start time. That event (s) is itself a stream whose first event (t)
* represents the window end time
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing only events within the provided timespan
_Stream2.default.prototype.during = function (timeWindow) {
return (0, _timeslice.during)(timeWindow, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delaying
exports.delay = _delay.delay;
* @param {Number} delayTime milliseconds to delay each item
* @returns {Stream} new stream containing the same items, but delayed by ms
_Stream2.default.prototype.delay = function (delayTime) {
return (0, _delay.delay)(delayTime, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Getting event timestamp
exports.timestamp = _timestamp.timestamp;
* Expose event timestamps into the stream. Turns a Stream<X> into
* Stream<{time:t, value:X}>
* @returns {Stream<{time:number, value:*}>}
_Stream2.default.prototype.timestamp = function () {
return (0, _timestamp.timestamp)(this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rate limiting
exports.throttle = _limit.throttle;
exports.debounce = _limit.debounce;
* Limit the rate of events
* stream: abcd----abcd----
* throttle(2, stream): a-c-----a-c-----
* @param {Number} period time to suppress events
* @returns {Stream} new stream that skips events for throttle period
_Stream2.default.prototype.throttle = function (period) {
return (0, _limit.throttle)(period, this);
* Wait for a burst of events to subside and emit only the last event in the burst
* stream: abcd----abcd----
* debounce(2, stream): -----d-------d--
* @param {Number} period events occurring more frequently than this
* on the provided scheduler will be suppressed
* @returns {Stream} new debounced stream
_Stream2.default.prototype.debounce = function (period) {
return (0, _limit.debounce)(period, this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Awaiting Promises
// @deprecated await, use awaitPromises instead
exports.fromPromise = _promises.fromPromise;
exports.awaitPromises = _promises.awaitPromises;
exports.await = _promises.awaitPromises;
* Await promises, turning a Stream<Promise<X>> into Stream<X>. Preserves
* event order, but timeshifts events based on promise resolution time.
* @returns {Stream<X>} stream containing non-promise values
_Stream2.default.prototype.awaitPromises = function () {
return (0, _promises.awaitPromises)(this);
// @deprecated use awaitPromises instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.await = _Stream2.default.prototype.awaitPromises;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error handling
// @deprecated flatMapError, use recoverWith instead
exports.recoverWith = _errors.recoverWith;
exports.flatMapError = _errors.flatMapError;
exports.throwError = _errors.throwError;
* If this stream encounters an error, recover and continue with items from stream
* returned by f.
* stream: -a-b-c-X-
* f(X): d-e-f-g-
* flatMapError(f, stream): -a-b-c-d-e-f-g-
* @param {function(error:*):Stream} f function which returns a new stream
* @returns {Stream} new stream which will recover from an error by calling f
_Stream2.default.prototype.recoverWith = function (f) {
return (0, _errors.flatMapError)(f, this);
// @deprecated use recoverWith instead
_Stream2.default.prototype.flatMapError = _Stream2.default.prototype.recoverWith;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multicasting
exports.multicast = _multicast2.default;
* Transform the stream into multicast stream. That means that many subscribers
* to the stream will not cause multiple invocations of the internal machinery.
* @returns {Stream} new stream which will multicast events to all observers.
_Stream2.default.prototype.multicast = function () {
return (0, _multicast2.default)(this);
// export the instance of the defaultScheduler for third-party libraries
exports.defaultScheduler = _defaultScheduler2.default;
// export an implementation of Task used internally for third-party libraries
exports.PropagateTask = _PropagateTask2.default;