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2020-08-30 12:36:33 +02:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 by
# Aric Hagberg <>
# Dan Schult <>
# Pieter Swart <>
# Previously coded as communicability centrality
# All rights reserved.
# BSD license.
import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import *
__author__ = "\n".join(['Aric Hagberg (',
'Franck Kalala ('])
__all__ = ['communicability',
def communicability(G):
r"""Returns communicability between all pairs of nodes in G.
The communicability between pairs of nodes in G is the sum of
closed walks of different lengths starting at node u and ending at node v.
G: graph
comm: dictionary of dictionaries
Dictionary of dictionaries keyed by nodes with communicability
as the value.
If the graph is not undirected and simple.
See Also
Communicability between all pairs of nodes in G using spectral
Communicability betweeness centrality for each node in G.
This algorithm uses a spectral decomposition of the adjacency matrix.
Let G=(V,E) be a simple undirected graph. Using the connection between
the powers of the adjacency matrix and the number of walks in the graph,
the communicability between nodes `u` and `v` based on the graph spectrum
is [1]_
.. math::
where `\phi_{j}(u)` is the `u\rm{th}` element of the `j\rm{th}` orthonormal
eigenvector of the adjacency matrix associated with the eigenvalue
.. [1] Ernesto Estrada, Naomichi Hatano,
"Communicability in complex networks",
Phys. Rev. E 77, 036111 (2008).
>>> G = nx.Graph([(0,1),(1,2),(1,5),(5,4),(2,4),(2,3),(4,3),(3,6)])
>>> c = nx.communicability(G)
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
nodelist = list(G) # ordering of nodes in matrix
A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, nodelist)
# convert to 0-1 matrix
A[A != 0.0] = 1
w, vec = numpy.linalg.eigh(A)
expw = numpy.exp(w)
mapping = dict(zip(nodelist, range(len(nodelist))))
c = {}
# computing communicabilities
for u in G:
c[u] = {}
for v in G:
s = 0
p = mapping[u]
q = mapping[v]
for j in range(len(nodelist)):
s += vec[:, j][p] * vec[:, j][q] * expw[j]
c[u][v] = float(s)
return c
def communicability_exp(G):
r"""Returns communicability between all pairs of nodes in G.
Communicability between pair of node (u,v) of node in G is the sum of
closed walks of different lengths starting at node u and ending at node v.
G: graph
comm: dictionary of dictionaries
Dictionary of dictionaries keyed by nodes with communicability
as the value.
If the graph is not undirected and simple.
See Also
Communicability between pairs of nodes in G.
Communicability betweeness centrality for each node in G.
This algorithm uses matrix exponentiation of the adjacency matrix.
Let G=(V,E) be a simple undirected graph. Using the connection between
the powers of the adjacency matrix and the number of walks in the graph,
the communicability between nodes u and v is [1]_,
.. math::
C(u,v) = (e^A)_{uv},
where `A` is the adjacency matrix of G.
.. [1] Ernesto Estrada, Naomichi Hatano,
"Communicability in complex networks",
Phys. Rev. E 77, 036111 (2008).
>>> G = nx.Graph([(0,1),(1,2),(1,5),(5,4),(2,4),(2,3),(4,3),(3,6)])
>>> c = nx.communicability_exp(G)
import scipy.linalg
nodelist = list(G) # ordering of nodes in matrix
A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, nodelist)
# convert to 0-1 matrix
A[A != 0.0] = 1
# communicability matrix
expA = scipy.linalg.expm(A)
mapping = dict(zip(nodelist, range(len(nodelist))))
c = {}
for u in G:
c[u] = {}
for v in G:
c[u][v] = float(expA[mapping[u], mapping[v]])
return c
# fixture for pytest
def setup_module(module):
import pytest
numpy = pytest.importorskip('numpy')
scipy = pytest.importorskip('scipy')