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#!/usr/bin/env python3
An Inkscape Extension which works like Object|Clip|Set except that the paths clipped are actually *modified*
Thus the clipping is included when exported, for example as a DXF file.
Select two or more *paths* then choose Extensions|Modify path|Destructive clip. The topmost path will be used to clip the others.
* Curves in paths are not supported (use Flatten Beziers).
* Non-path objects in the selection will be ignored. Use Object|Ungroup.
* Paths entirely outside the clipping path will remain untouched (rather than modifying them to an empty path)
* Complex paths may take a while (there seems to be no way too show progress)
* Yes, using MBR's to do gross clipping might make it faster
* No, Python is not my first language (C/C++ is)
Mark Wilson Feb 2016
Edits by Windell H. Oskay,, August 2020
Update calls to Inkscape 1.0 extension API to avoid deprecation warnings
Minimal standardization of python whitespace
Handle some errors more gracefully
import inkex
import sys
from inkex.paths import Path
class DestructiveClip(inkex.EffectExtension):
def __init__(self):
self.tolerance = 0.0001 # arbitrary fudge factor
self.error_messages = []
self.curve_error = 'Unable to parse path.\nConsider removing curves with Extensions > Modify Path > Flatten Beziers...'
def approxEqual(self, a, b):
# compare with tiny tolerance
return abs(a-b) <= self.tolerance
def midPoint(self, line):
# midPoint of line
return [(line[0][0] + line[1][0])/2, (line[0][1] + line[1][1])/2]
def maxX(self, lineSegments):
# return max X coord of lineSegments
maxx = 0.0
for line in lineSegments:
maxx = max(maxx, line[0][0])
maxx = max(maxx, line[1][0])
return maxx
def simplepathToLineSegments(self, path):
# takes a simplepath and converts to line *segments*, for simplicity.
# Thus [MoveTo P0, LineTo P1, LineTo P2] becomes [[P0-P1],[P1,P2]]
# only handles, Move, Line and Close.
# The simplepath library has already simplified things, normalized relative commands, etc
lineSegments = first = prev = this = []
errors = set([]) # Similar errors will be stored only once
for cmd in path:
this = cmd[1]
if cmd[0] == 'M': # moveto
if first == []:
first = this
elif cmd[0] == 'L': # lineto
lineSegments.append([prev, this])
elif cmd[0] == 'Z': # close
lineSegments.append([prev, first])
first = []
elif cmd[0] == 'C':
lineSegments.append([prev, [this[4], this[5]]])
errors.add("Curve node detected (svg type C), this node will be handled as a regular node")
errors.add("Invalid node type detected: {}. This script only handle type M, L, Z".format(cmd[0]))
prev = this
return (lineSegments, errors)
def linesgmentsToSimplePath(self, lineSegments):
# reverses simplepathToLines - converts line segments to Move/Line-to's
path = []
end = None
for line in lineSegments:
start = line[0]
if end is None:
path.append(['M', start]) # start with a move
elif not (self.approxEqual(end[0], start[0]) and self.approxEqual(end[1], start[1])):
path.append(['M', start]) # only move if previous end not within tolerance of this start
end = line[1]
path.append(['L', end])
return path
def lineIntersection(self, L1From, L1To, L2From, L2To):
# returns as [x, y] the intersection of the line L1From-L1To and L2From-L2To, or None
dL1 = [L1To[0] - L1From[0], L1To[1] - L1From[1]]
dL2 = [L2To[0] - L2From[0], L2To[1] - L2From[1]]
except IndexError:
denominator = -dL2[0]*dL1[1] + dL1[0]*dL2[1]
if not self.approxEqual(denominator, 0.0):
s = (-dL1[1]*(L1From[0] - L2From[0]) + dL1[0]*(L1From[1] - L2From[1]))/denominator
t = (+dL2[0]*(L1From[1] - L2From[1]) - dL2[1]*(L1From[0] - L2From[0]))/denominator
if s >= 0.0 and s <= 1.0 and t >= 0.0 and t <= 1.0:
return [L1From[0] + (t * dL1[0]), L1From[1] + (t * dL1[1])]
return None
def insideRegion(self, point, lineSegments, lineSegmentsMaxX):
# returns true if point is inside the region defined by lineSegments. lineSegmentsMaxX is the maximum X extent
ray = [point, [lineSegmentsMaxX*2.0, point[1]]] # hz line to right of point, extending well outside MBR
crossings = 0
for line in lineSegments:
if not self.lineIntersection(line[0], line[1], ray[0], ray[1]) is None:
crossings += 1
return (crossings % 2) == 1 # odd number of crossings means inside
def cullSegmentedLine(self, segmentedLine, lineSegments, lineSegmentsMaxX):
# returns just the segments in segmentedLine which are inside lineSegments
culled = []
for segment in segmentedLine:
if self.insideRegion(self.midPoint(segment), lineSegments, lineSegmentsMaxX):
return culled
def clipLine(self, line, lineSegments):
# returns line split where-ever lines in lineSegments cross it
linesWrite = [line]
for segment in lineSegments:
linesRead = linesWrite
linesWrite = []
for line in linesRead:
intersect = self.lineIntersection(line[0], line[1], segment[0], segment[1])
if intersect is None:
else: # split
linesWrite.append([line[0], intersect])
linesWrite.append([intersect, line[1]])
return linesWrite
def clipLineSegments(self, lineSegmentsToClip, clippingLineSegments):
# return the lines in lineSegmentsToClip clipped by the lines in clippingLineSegments
clippedLines = []
for lineToClip in lineSegmentsToClip:
clippedLines.extend(self.cullSegmentedLine(self.clipLine(lineToClip, clippingLineSegments), clippingLineSegments, self.maxX(clippingLineSegments)))
return clippedLines
#you can also run the extension Modify Path > To Absolute Coordinates to convert VH to L
def fixVHbehaviour(self, elem):
raw = Path(elem.get("d")).to_arrays()
subpaths, prev = [], 0
for i in range(len(raw)): # Breaks compound paths into simple paths
if raw[i][0] == 'M' and i != 0:
prev = i
seg = []
for simpath in subpaths:
if simpath[-1][0] == 'Z':
simpath[-1][0] = 'L'
if simpath[-2][0] == 'L': simpath[-1][1] = simpath[0][1]
else: simpath.pop()
for i in range(len(simpath)):
if simpath[i][0] == 'V': # vertical and horizontal lines only have one point in args, but 2 are required
simpath[i][0]='L' #overwrite V with regular L command
add=simpath[i-1][1][0] #read the X value from previous segment
simpath[i][1].append(simpath[i][1][0]) #add the second (missing) argument by taking argument from previous segment
simpath[i][1][0]=add #replace with recent X after Y was appended
if simpath[i][0] == 'H': # vertical and horizontal lines only have one point in args, but 2 are required
simpath[i][0]='L' #overwrite H with regular L command
simpath[i][1].append(simpath[i-1][1][1]) #add the second (missing) argument by taking argument from previous segment
elem.set("d", Path(seg))
return seg
def effect(self):
clippingLineSegments = None
pathTag = inkex.addNS('path', 'svg')
groupTag = inkex.addNS('g', 'svg')
self.error_messages = []
for id in self.options.ids: # the selection, top-down
node = self.svg.selected[id]
if node.tag == pathTag:
path = self.fixVHbehaviour(node)
if clippingLineSegments is None: # first path is the clipper
#(clippingLineSegments, errors) = self.simplepathToLineSegments(node.path.to_arrays())
(clippingLineSegments, errors) = self.simplepathToLineSegments(path)
self.error_messages.extend(['{}: {}'.format(id, err) for err in errors])
# do all the work!
#segmentsToClip, errors = self.simplepathToLineSegments(node.path.to_arrays())
segmentsToClip, errors = self.simplepathToLineSegments(path)
self.error_messages.extend(['{}: {}'.format(id, err) for err in errors])
clippedSegments = self.clipLineSegments(segmentsToClip, clippingLineSegments)
if len(clippedSegments) != 0:
path = str(inkex.Path(self.linesgmentsToSimplePath(clippedSegments)))
node.set('d', path)
# don't put back an empty path(?) could perhaps put move, move?
inkex.errormsg('Object {} clipped to nothing, will not be updated.'.format(node.get('id')))
elif node.tag == groupTag: # we don't look inside groups for paths
inkex.errormsg('Group object {} will be ignored. Please ungroup before running the script.'.format(id))
else: # something else
inkex.errormsg('Object {} is not of type path ({}), and will be ignored. Current type "{}".'.format(id, pathTag, node.tag))
for error in self.error_messages:
if __name__ == '__main__':