# MightyScape for Inkscape 1.2 - ZIP ARCHIVE MIRROR Welcome to the zip archive mirror of MightyScape, which has it's roots at: - https://gitea.fablabchemnitz.de/FabLab_Chemnitz/mightyscape-1.2 - https://github.com/eridur-de/mightyscape-1.2 This repository contains less or more recent zip archives of single extensions for quicker download. Please check the main repository for licensing or have a view in meta.json. This file exists in each sub directory. This repo has two remotes: * https://gitea.fablabchemnitz.de/FabLab_Chemnitz/mightyscape-1.2-zipmirror * https://github.com/eridur-de/mightyscape-1.2-zipmirror