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2022-11-05 15:17:35 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
from BaseExtension import BaseExtension
from argparse import ArgumentParser
"""If syntax error occurs here, change inkscape interpreter to python3"""
"""I have yet to find a way for an extension to call another extension with parameters,
without GUI. This extension can be run as part of a standalone extension (using BaseExtension)
or imported for use by another extension. This workaround is done via the 'option' arg in
the 'custom_effect' function"""
def custom_effect(self: BaseExtension):
"""Note: The init of the BaseExtension class will set its 'custom_effect' attr
to this function. Hence, the self arg is of type BaseExtension."""
selected = self.svg.selected
root = self.document.getroot()
actions_list = []
proc = subprocess.run("inkscape --verb-list | grep -oP '^.+?(?=:)'", shell=True, capture_output=True)
valid_actions_and_verbs = proc.stdout.decode().splitlines()
proc = subprocess.run("inkscape --action-list | grep -oP '^.+?(?= *:)'", shell=True, capture_output=True)
valid_actions_and_verbs += proc.stdout.decode().splitlines()
self.options.dry_run = self.options.dry_run == 'true'
def verify_action(action):
if ':' in action:
action = action.split(':')[0]
if action not in valid_actions_and_verbs:
raise ValueError(action)
def select_do_individually(objs, actions):
for obj in objs:
actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + obj.get_id())
if isinstance(actions, str):
actions = [actions]
for action in actions:
def select_do_on_all(objs, actions):
for obj in objs:
actions_list.append("select-by-id:" + obj.get_id())
if isinstance(actions, str):
actions = [actions]
for action in actions:
effects = []
if self.options.tab_effect is None:
if self.options.effects is not None:
self.options.tab_effect = 'Multi'
elif self.options.effect1 is not None:
self.options.tab_effect = 'Simple'
elif self.options.tab_effect in ('Preset', 'Simple'):
for attr in ('effect_' + self.options.tab_effect.lower() + str(i) for i in range(1, 4)):
e = getattr(self.options, attr)
if e != None:
effects += [e.strip()]
if effects == []:
raise ValueError
elif self.options.tab_effect == 'Multi':
if self.options.effects is None:
raise ValueError
for line in self.options.effects.split('\\n'):
effects += [e.strip() for e in line.split(';') if e != '']
except ValueError:
self.msg("No effects inputted! Quitting...")
if self.options.target == 'root':
objects = self.find(root, '/svg:svg' + self.options.xpath)
elif self.options.target == 'selected':
objects = self.find(selected, self.options.xpath)
if objects == []:
self.msg(f"No objects satisfies XPath: '{self.options.xpath}'.")
self.msg("Root:", self.show(root))
self.msg("Selected:", self.show(selected))
if self.options.mode == 'all':
select_do_on_all(objects, effects)
elif self.options.mode == 'indiv':
select_do_individually(objects, effects)
except ValueError as e:
self.msg(f"'{e.args[0]}' is not a valid action or verb in inkscape.")
if self.options.dry_run:
self.msg(f"{'DRY RUN':=^40}")
self.msg("Root:", self.show(self.find(root, '/*')))
self.msg("Selected:", self.show(selected))
self.msg("XPath:", self.show(objects))
self.msg("Actions:", actions_list)
return actions_list
def args_adder(arg_parser: ArgumentParser):
arg_parser.add_argument("--target", default='root', help="Object to apply xpath find on")
arg_parser.add_argument("--xpath", default='/*', help="For selection of objects")
arg_parser.add_argument("--tab_main", default=None)
arg_parser.add_argument("--Simple", default=None)
arg_parser.add_argument("--Multi", default=None)
arg_parser.add_argument("--mode", default="all", help="Mode to apply effects on objects")
arg_parser.add_argument("--tab_effect", default=None)
for arg in (*(x + str(y) for x in ('effect_preset', 'effect_simple') for y in range(1, 4)), 'effects'):
arg_parser.add_argument(f"--{arg}", default=None, help="Inkscape verb for path op")
arg_parser.add_argument("--dry_run", default='false')
arg_parser.add_argument("--null_notebook", default='false')
BatchTask = BaseExtension(custom_effect, args_adder=args_adder)
if __name__ == '__main__':