<param name="clipperscale" type="int" min="2" max="65536" gui-text="Scaling factor" gui-description="Should be a multiplicator of 2, like 2^4=16 or 2^10=1024. The higher the scale factor the higher the quality.">1024</param>
<param name="copy_org" type="bool" gui-text="Keep original path" gui-description="If enabled, keeps original path as a copy">false</param>
<param name="individual" type="bool" gui-text="Separate into individual paths" gui-description="If enabled, each offset curve will be an individual svg element">false</param>
<param name="group" type="bool" gui-text="Put all offset paths into group">true</param>
<param name="path_types" type="optiongroup" appearance="combo" gui-text="Path types to apply" gui-description="Process open, closed or all paths!">
<label>Create offset for open or closed paths. Python library 'pyclipper' needs to be installed. Use 'Flatten Bezier' extension in advance of this plugin.</label>
<label>We are the Stadtfabrikanten, running the FabLab Chemnitz since 2016. A FabLab is an open workshop that gives people access to machines and digital tools like 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC milling machines.</label>
<label>You like our work and want to support us? You can donate to our non-profit organization by different ways:</label>