851 lines
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851 lines
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Table support for Inkscape
Copyright (C) 2011 Cosmin Popescu, cosminadrianpopescu@gmail.com
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
import math
import inkex
from inkex import Guide
from lxml import etree
import base_transform
import re
class TableEngine(base_transform.BaseTransform):
defaultId = 'inkscape-table'
cell_type_row = 'row'
cell_type_column = 'column'
normalizeFactor = 5
tablesCount = 0
tables = None
selectedTables = {}
mergedCells = {}
tablesTexts = {}
get_tables = True
auto_split = True
delimiter = ','
def __init__(self, get_tables = True, auto_split = True):
inkex.NSS['inkex'] = 'http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/inkex-0.dtd'
self.get_tables = get_tables
self.auto_split = auto_split
def getTablesCount(self):
node = self.document.xpath('//inkex:tables', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
if len(node) == 0:
xml = '<inkex:tables xmlns:inkex="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/inkex-0.dtd" count="0"/>'
node = self.document.xpath('//inkex:tables', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
self.tablesCount = int(node[0].attrib['count'])
self.tables = node[0]
def isTableCell(self, id):
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (el == None):
return False
if (self.isset(el.attrib, inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex'))):
tableId = el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
if (re.search('\\-text$', tableId)):
return False
return True
return False
def effect(self):
if (self.get_tables):
if (self.auto_split):
for id, table in self.selectedTables.items():
for i in range(len(table)):
for j in range(len(table[i])):
if (table[i][j] != None):
points = self.splitCell(table[i][j])
if (points != False):
if (self.isset(self.mergedCells, id)):
self.mergedCells[id] = [points]
for tableId in self.mergedCells:
if (self.get_tables):
if (self.auto_split):
for tableId in self.mergedCells:
for points in self.mergedCells[tableId]:
if (not self.isset(points, 'removed')):
self.mergeTable(tableId, points)
def newCell(self, x, y, width, height, id, i, j, transform = None):
#path = '//*[@inkex:table-id="%s"]' % id
_id = self.svg.get_unique_id(id)
etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), 'rect', {
'id': _id,
'style': 'fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none',
'width': str(width) + 'px',
'height': str(height) + 'px',
'x': str(x) + 'px',
'y': str(y) + 'px',
inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex'): id,
inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex'): str(i),
inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex'): str(j)
if (transform != None):
el = self.svg.getElementById(_id)
el.set('transform', transform)
return _id
_id = self.svg.get_unique_id(id)
content = '<rect style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none"\n\
id="' + _id + '"\n\
width="' + str(width) + '"\n\
height="' + str(height) + '"\n\
x="' + str(x) + '"\n\
y="' + str(y) + '"\n\
el = self.svg.getElementById(_id)
el.set(inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex'), id)
el.set(inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex'), str(i))
el.set(inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex'), str(j))
def create(self, width, height, cols, rows):
tableId = self.defaultId + str(self.tablesCount)
self.tablesCount += 1
self.tables.set('count', str(self.tablesCount))
content = '<inkex:table xmlns:inkex="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/inkex-0.dtd" table-id="' + tableId + '" rows="' + str(rows) + '" columns="' + str(cols) + '"/>'
width = self.sizeToPx(width, 'x')
height = self.sizeToPx(height, 'y')
x = 0
y = 0
content = ''
for i in range(rows):
x = 0
for j in range(cols):
self.newCell(x, y, width, height, tableId, i, j)
x += width
y += height
def getTree(self, id):
ids = [id]
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
for _el in list(el):
for _id in self.getTree(_el.attrib['id']):
return ids
def getSubSelectedIds(self):
ids = []
for id in self.svg.selected.ids:
for _id in self.getTree(id):
return ids
def getAllTables(self):
ids = self.getSubSelectedIds()
for id in ids:
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (self.isTableCell(id)):
tableId = el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
if (not self.isset(self.selectedTables, tableId)):
self.tablesTexts[tableId] = self.getTableText(tableId)
def getTableDimensions(self, tableId):
nodes = self.tables.xpath('//inkex:table[@table-id="' + tableId + '"]', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
if (len(nodes) > 0):
return {'rows': int(nodes[0].attrib['rows']), 'cols': int(nodes[0].attrib['columns'])}
return False
def setTableDimensions(self, tableId, dimensions):
table_dim = self.tables.xpath('//inkex:table[@table-id="' + tableId + '"]', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
if (len(table_dim) > 0):
table_dim[0].set('rows', str(dimensions['rows']))
table_dim[0].set('columns', str(dimensions['cols']))
def getTable(self, tableId):
nodes = self.tables.xpath('//inkex:table[@table-id="' + tableId + '"]', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
if (len(nodes) > 0):
cols = int(nodes[0].attrib['columns'])
rows = int(nodes[0].attrib['rows'])
table = [[None for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]
path = '//*[@inkex:table-id="' + tableId + '"]'
cells = self.document.xpath(path, namespaces = inkex.NSS)
for cell in cells:
i = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')])
j = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')])
table[i][j] = cell.attrib['id']
self.selectedTables[tableId] = table
def getTableText(self, tableId):
nodes = self.tables.xpath('//inkex:table[@table-id="' + tableId + '"]', namespaces = inkex.NSS)
if (len(nodes) > 0):
cols = int(nodes[0].attrib['columns'])
rows = int(nodes[0].attrib['rows'])
texts = [[None for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]
path = '//*[@inkex:table-id="' + tableId + '-text"]'
cells = self.document.xpath(path, namespaces = inkex.NSS)
for cell in cells:
i = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')])
j = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')])
texts[i][j] = cell.attrib['id']
return texts
return None
def doAddGuide(self, el, type):
px = self.sizeToPx(str(self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['height'])), 'y')
position = self.getPosition(el)
if (position != False):
c = position['coordinates']
a = position['matrix']
x = c[0]
y = c[1]
angle = math.acos(a[0][0]) * 180 / math.pi
if angle < 90:
angle = 90 - angle
elif angle < 180:
angle = 180 - angle
elif angle < 270:
angle = 270 - angle
angle = 360 - angle
if (type == self.cell_type_row):
angle += 90
self.svg.namedview.add(Guide().move_to(str(x), str(px - y), angle))
def _addGuides(self, tableId, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
count = len(table)
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
count = len(table[0])
for i in range(count):
_i = i
_j = 0
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
_i = 0
_j = i
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[_i][_j])
self.doAddGuide(el, type)
if (i == count - 1):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
el.attrib['x'] = str(self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['x'], 'x') + self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['width'], 'x'))
el.attrib['y'] = str(self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['y'], 'y') + self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['height'], 'y'))
self.doAddGuide(el, type)
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
el.attrib['x'] = str(self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['x'], 'x') - self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['width'], 'x'))
el.attrib['y'] = str(self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['y'], 'y') - self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['height'], 'y'))
def addGuides(self, type):
for tableId in self.selectedTables:
self._addGuides(tableId, type)
def doEditText(self, id, fontSize):
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (not self.isTableCell(id)):
position = self.getPosition(el)
if (position != False):
a = position['matrix']
if (not self.isUnitMatrix(a)):
transform = 'transform="' + self.matrix2string(a) + '"'
transform = ''
content = '<flowRoot id="' + self.svg.get_unique_id(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]) + '" xmlns:inkex="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/inkex-0.dtd" ' + transform + ' \
inkex:table-id="' + el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')] + '-text" inkex:row="' + el.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')] + '" inkex:column="' + el.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')] + '" \
style="font-size:' + fontSize + ';font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:start;line-height:125%;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Sans"\
xml:space="preserve"><flowRegion id="' + self.svg.get_unique_id(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]) + '"><rect id="' + self.svg.get_unique_id(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]) + '" style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:start;text-anchor:start;font-family:Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Sans"\
x="' + el.attrib['x'] + '"\
y="' + el.attrib['y'] + '"\
width="' + el.attrib['width'] + '"\
height="' + el.attrib['height'] + '"/></flowRegion><flowPara id="' + self.svg.get_unique_id(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]) + '">text here</flowPara></flowRoot>'
def editText(self, fontSize):
ids = self.getSubSelectedIds()
for id in ids:
self.doEditText(id, fontSize)
def getColumnIndex(self, id):
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (self.isset(el.attrib, inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex'))):
return int(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')])
return -1
def getRowIndex(self, id):
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (self.isset(el.attrib, inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex'))):
return int(el.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')])
return -1
def setTextRect(self, text, c):
for child in list(text):
if (child.tag == inkex.addNS('flowRegion', 'svg')):
for subchild in list(child):
if (subchild.tag == inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg')):
for key, value in c.items():
if value != None:
subchild.set(key, str(value))
def getTextRect(self, text):
for child in list(text):
if (child.tag == inkex.addNS('flowRegion', 'svg')):
for subchild in list(child):
if (subchild.tag == inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg')):
return subchild
return None
def moveCells(self, tableId, idx, delta, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
texts = self.tablesTexts[tableId]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
starti = 0
startj = idx
starti = idx
startj = 0
for i in range(starti, len(table)):
for j in range(startj, len(table[i])):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][j])
position = self.getPosition(el)
if (position != False):
c = [self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['x'], 'x'), self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['y'], 'y')]
c[0] += delta[0]
c[1] += delta[1]
el.set('x', str(c[0]))
el.set('y', str(c[1]))
if (texts != None):
if (texts[i][j] != None):
el = self.svg.getElementById(texts[i][j])
rect = self.getTextRect(el)
if (rect != None):
c[0] = self.sizeToPx(rect.attrib['x'], 'x') + delta[0]
c[1] = self.sizeToPx(rect.attrib['y'], 'y') + delta[1]
self.setTextRect(el, {'x': c[0], 'y': c[1]})
def setCellSize(self, tableId, idx, size, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
texts = self.tablesTexts[tableId]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
size = self.sizeToPx(size, 'x')
old_size = self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[0][idx]).attrib['width'], 'x')
size = self.sizeToPx(size, 'y')
old_size = self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[idx][0]).attrib['height'], 'y')
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
delta = [size - old_size, 0, 1]
delta = [0, size - old_size, 1]
if ((idx + 1 < len(table) and type == self.cell_type_row) or (idx + 1 < len(table[0]) and type == self.cell_type_column)):
self.moveCells(tableId, idx + 1, delta, type)
count = len(table[idx])
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
count = len(table)
for i in range(count):
_i = idx
_j = i
if type == self.cell_type_column:
_i = i
_j = idx
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[_i][_j])
param = 'height'
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
param = 'width'
el.set(param, str(size))
if texts != None:
if texts[_i][_j] != None:
el = self.svg.getElementById(texts[_i][_j])
self.setTextRect(el, {param: size})
def editSize(self, size, type):
processed = {}
for node in self.svg.selected.values():
id = node.get('id')
if (self.isTableCell(id)):
tableId = node.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
idx = self.getColumnIndex(id)
idx = self.getRowIndex(id)
if (not self.isset(processed, tableId)):
processed[tableId] = []
if (not self.isset(processed[tableId], idx)):
self.setCellSize(tableId, idx, size, type)
def getTableWidth(self, tableId):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
width = 0
for i in range(len(table[0])):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[0][i])
width += self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['width'], 'x')
return width
def getTableHeight(self, tableId):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
height = 0
for i in range(len(table)):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][0])
height += self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['height'], 'y')
return height
def setTableSize(self, tableId, size, type):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
size = self.sizeToPx(size, 'x')
old_size = self.getTableWidth(tableId)
size = self.sizeToPx(size, 'y')
old_size = self.getTableHeight(tableId)
factor = size / old_size
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
count = len(table)
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
count = len(table[0])
for i in range(count):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[0][i])
new_size = self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['width'], 'x') * factor
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][0])
new_size = self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['height'], 'y') * factor
self.setCellSize(tableId, i, str(new_size), type)
def editTable(self, width, height):
for id in self.selectedTables:
self.setTableSize(id, width, self.cell_type_column)
self.setTableSize(id, height, self.cell_type_row)
def getTablePosition(self, tableId):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[0][0])
return self.getPosition(el)
def fitPage(self):
width = str(self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['width']))
height = str(self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['height']))
for id in self.selectedTables:
position = self.getTablePosition(id)
if (position != False):
c = position['coordinates']
self.moveCells(id, 0, [-c[0], -c[1], 1], type)
self.setTableSize(id, width, self.cell_type_column)
self.setTableSize(id, height, self.cell_type_row)
def fitPageWidth(self):
width = str(self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['width']))
for id in self.selectedTables:
position = self.getTablePosition(id)
if (position != False):
c = position['coordinates']
self.moveCells(id, 0, [-c[0], 0, 1], type)
self.setTableSize(id, width, self.cell_type_column)
def fitPageHeight(self):
height = str(self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().attrib['height']))
for id in self.selectedTables:
position = self.getTablePosition(id)
if (position != False):
c = position['coordinates']
self.moveCells(id, 0, [0, -c[1], 1], type)
self.setTableSize(id, height, self.cell_type_row)
def getSelectedListIds(self):
idList = []
for id in self.getSubSelectedIds():
return idList
def getCellText(self, tableId, i, j):
texts = self.tablesTexts[tableId]
if (texts != None):
if (texts[i][j] != None):
return self.svg.getElementById(texts[i][j])
return None
def getMergePoints(self, tableId):
dim = self.getTableDimensions(tableId)
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
idList = self.getSelectedListIds()
start = []
for i in range(dim['rows']):
for j in range(dim['cols']):
if (idList.count(table[i][j]) > 0):
start = [i, j]
if len(start) > 0:
if (len(start) != 2):
return False
end = [1, 1]
for i in range(start[0] + 1, len(table)):
if (idList.count(table[i][start[1]]) > 0):
end[0] += 1
for i in range(start[1] + 1, len(table[0])):
if (idList.count(table[start[0]][i]) > 0):
end[1] += 1
for i in range(start[0], start[0] + end[0]):
for j in range(start[1], start[1] + end[1]):
if (idList.count(table[i][j]) == 0):
return False
return {'i': start[0], 'j': start[1], 'rows': end[0], 'cols': end[1]}
def mergeTable(self, tableId, points = None):
if (points == None):
points = self.getMergePoints(tableId)
if (points == False):
inkex.errormsg('You have to select the cells to form a rectangle from a single table.')
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[points['i']][points['j']])
width = 0
height = 0
widths = ''
heights = ''
for i in range(points['i'], points['i'] + points['rows']):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][points['j']])
height += self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['height'], 'y')
if (heights != ''):
heights += self.delimiter
heights += el.attrib['height']
for j in range(points['j'], points['j'] + points['cols']):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[points['i']][j])
width += self.sizeToPx(el.attrib['width'], 'x')
if (widths != ''):
widths += self.delimiter
widths += el.attrib['width']
for i in range(points['i'], points['i'] + points['rows']):
for j in range(points['j'], points['j'] + points['cols']):
if (i != points['i'] or j != points['j']):
el = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][j])
text = self.getCellText(tableId, i, j)
if (text != None):
cell.set('width', str(width) + 'px')
cell.set('height', str(height) + 'px')
cell.set(inkex.addNS('merged', 'inkex'), str(points['rows']) + self.delimiter + str(points['cols']))
cell.set(inkex.addNS('merged-columns-widths', 'inkex'), widths)
cell.set(inkex.addNS('merged-rows-heights', 'inkex'), heights)
text = self.getCellText(tableId, points['i'], points['j'])
if (text != None):
rect = self.getTextRect(text)
rect.set('width', str(width) + 'px')
rect.set('height', str(height) + 'px')
def mergeMerge(self):
for id in self.selectedTables:
def splitCell(self, cellId):
cell = self.svg.getElementById(cellId)
if (self.isset(cell.attrib, inkex.addNS('merged', 'inkex'))):
tableId = cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
row = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')])
column = int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')])
position = self.getPosition(cell)
merge_size = cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged', 'inkex')].split(self.delimiter)
widths = cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged-columns-widths', 'inkex')].split(self.delimiter)
heights = cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged-rows-heights', 'inkex')].split(self.delimiter)
y = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['y'], 'y')
for i in range(row, row + int(merge_size[0])):
x = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['x'], 'x')
for j in range(column, column + int(merge_size[1])):
if (i != row or j != column):
transform = None
if position != False:
a = position['matrix']
if (not self.isUnitMatrix(a)):
transform = self.matrix2string(a)
self.newCell(x, y, self.sizeToPx(widths[j - column], 'x'), self.sizeToPx(heights[i - row], 'y'), tableId, i, j, transform)
x += self.sizeToPx(widths[j - column], 'x')
y += self.sizeToPx(heights[i - row], 'y')
result = {'i': row, 'j': column, 'rows': int(merge_size[0]), 'cols': int(merge_size[1])}
cell.set('width', widths[0])
cell.set('height', heights[0])
text = self.getCellText(tableId, row, column)
if (text != None):
rect = self.getTextRect(text)
rect.set('width', widths[0])
rect.set('height', heights[0])
del cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged', 'inkex')]
del cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged-columns-widths', 'inkex')]
del cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('merged-rows-heights', 'inkex')]
return result
return False
def mergeSplit(self):
for id in self.svg.selected.ids:
def updateMergedPoints(self, tableId, idx, delta, type):
if (self.get_tables):
if (self.auto_split):
if (self.isset(self.mergedCells, tableId)):
for points in self.mergedCells[tableId]:
cond1 = idx > points['i'] and idx < points['i'] + points['rows']
cond2 = idx <= points['i']
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
cond1 = idx > points['j'] and idx < points['j'] + points['cols']
cond2 = idx <= points['j']
if (cond1):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
points['cols'] += delta
if (points['cols'] <= 1):
points['removed'] = 1
points['rows'] += delta
if (points['rows'] <= 1):
points['removed'] = 1
elif (cond2):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
if (delta == -1 and idx == points['j']):
points['cols'] += delta
if (points['cols'] <= 1):
points['removed'] = 1
points['j'] += delta
if (delta == -1 and idx == points['i']):
points['rows'] += delta
if (points['rows'] <= 1):
points['removed'] = 1
points['i'] += delta
def incrementCoordonate(self, tableId, idx, inc, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
texts = self.getTableText(tableId)
starti = idx
startj = 0
dim = self.getTableDimensions(tableId)
if type == self.cell_type_column:
dim['cols'] += inc
dim['rows'] += inc
self.setTableDimensions(tableId, dim)
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
starti = 0
startj = idx
for i in range(starti, len(table)):
for j in range(startj, len(table[i])):
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][j])
text = self.svg.getElementById(texts[i][j])
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
cell.set(inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex'), str(int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')]) + inc))
if (text != None):
text.set(inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex'), str(int(text.attrib[inkex.addNS('column', 'inkex')]) + inc))
cell.set(inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex'), str(int(cell.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')]) + inc))
if (text != None):
text.set(inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex'), str(int(text.attrib[inkex.addNS('row', 'inkex')]) + inc))
def addCell(self, tableId, idx, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
if (idx != -1):
delta = [self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[0][idx]).attrib['width'], 'x'), 0, 1]
delta = [self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[0][0]).attrib['width'], 'x'), 0, 1]
if (idx != -1):
delta = [0, self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[idx][0]).attrib['height'], 'y'), 1]
delta = [0, self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[0][0]).attrib['height'], 'y'), 1]
count = len(table)
if type == self.cell_type_row:
if (idx != -1):
count = len(table[idx])
count = len(table[0])
for i in range(count):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
if (idx != -1):
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][idx])
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][0])
if (idx != -1):
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[idx][i])
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[0][i])
position = self.getPosition(cell)
transform = ''
if (position != False):
a = position['matrix']
if (not self.isUnitMatrix(a)):
transform = self.matrix2string(a)
x = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['x'], 'x')
y = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['y'], 'y')
width = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['width'], 'x')
height = self.sizeToPx(cell.attrib['height'], 'y')
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
if (idx != -1):
x += width
self.newCell(x, y, width, height, tableId, i, idx + 1, transform)
if (idx != -1):
y += height
self.newCell(x, y, width, height, tableId, idx + 1, i, transform)
self.moveCells(tableId, idx + 1, delta, type)
self.updateMergedPoints(tableId, idx + 1, 1, type)
self.incrementCoordonate(tableId, idx + 1, 1, type)
self.tablesTexts[tableId] = self.getTableText(tableId)
def addColumns(self, count, where):
for id in self.svg.selected.ids:
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (self.isTableCell(id)):
tableId = el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
idx = self.getColumnIndex(id)
if (where == 'before'):
idx -= 1
for i in range(count):
self.addCell(tableId, idx, self.cell_type_column)
def addRows(self, count, where):
for id in self.svg.selected.ids:
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (self.isTableCell(id)):
tableId = el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
idx = self.getRowIndex(id)
if (where == 'before'):
idx -= 1
for i in range(count):
self.addCell(tableId, idx, self.cell_type_row)
def removeCell(self, tableId, idx, type):
table = self.selectedTables[tableId]
texts = self.tablesTexts[tableId]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
delta = [-self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[0][idx]).attrib['width'], 'x'), 0, 1]
delta = [0, -self.sizeToPx(self.svg.getElementById(table[idx][0]).attrib['height'], 'y'), 1]
count = len(table)
if type == self.cell_type_row:
count = len(table[idx])
for i in range(count):
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[i][idx])
text = self.svg.getElementById(texts[i][idx])
cell = self.svg.getElementById(table[idx][i])
text = self.svg.getElementById(texts[idx][i])
if (cell != None):
if (text != None):
self.moveCells(tableId, idx + 1, delta, type)
self.updateMergedPoints(tableId, idx, -1, type)
self.incrementCoordonate(tableId, idx + 1, -1, type)
self.tablesTexts[tableId] = self.getTableText(tableId)
def removeRowsColumns(self, type):
for id in self.svg.selected.ids:
el = self.svg.getElementById(id)
if (el != None):
if (self.isTableCell(id)):
tableId = el.attrib[inkex.addNS('table-id', 'inkex')]
if (type == self.cell_type_column):
idx = self.getColumnIndex(id)
idx = self.getRowIndex(id)
self.removeCell(tableId, idx, type)