diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.inx b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.inx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e073ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.inx
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ Contour Scanner And Trimmer
+ fablabchemnitz.de.contour_scanner_and_trimmer
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0.100
+ 3
+ 0.1
+ 0.01
+ 1.0
+ 30
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 1630897151
+ 3419879935
+ 1592519679
+ 3351636735
+ 4289703935
+ 258744063
+ 4118348031
+ 4012452351
+ 2330080511
+ 897901823
+ 869366527
+ 2593756927
+ 6320383
+ 4239343359
+ 3227634687
+ 1923076095
+ 3045284607
+ ../000_about_fablabchemnitz.svg
+ all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.py b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95987eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/contour_scanner_and_trimmer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1301 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Extension for InkScape 1.0+
+ - ToDo:
+ - add more comments
+ - add more debug output
+ - add documentation about used algorithms at online page
+ - add statistics about type counts and path lengths (before/after sub splitting/trimming)
+ - add options:
+ - replace trimmed paths by bezier paths (calculating lengths and required t parameter)
+ - filter/remove overlapping/duplicates in
+ - in original selection (not working bezier but for straight line segments!) We can use another extension for it
+ - split bezier
+ - ...
+ - maybe option: convert abs path to rel path
+ - maybe option: convert rel path to abs path
+ replacedelement.path = replacedelement.path.to_absolute().to_superpath().to_path()
+ - maybe option: break apart while keeping relative/absolute commands (more complex and not sure if we have a great advantage having this)
+ - note: running this extension might leave some empty parent groups in some circumstances. run the clean groups extension separately to fix that
+ - sort to groups by path type (open, closed, ...)
+- important to notice
+ - this algorithm might be really slow. Reduce flattening quality to speed up
+ - the code quality is horrible. We need a lot of asserts and functions to structure that stuff
+ - try to adjust snap tolerance and flatness in case of errors, like
+ poly_point_isect.py: "KeyError: 'Event(0x21412ce81c0, s0=(47.16, 179.1),
+ s1=(47.17, 178.21), p=(47.16, 179.1), type=2, slope=-88.9999999999531)'"
+ - this extension does not check for strange paths. Please ensure that your path 'd'
+ data is valid (no pointy paths, no duplicates, etc.)
+ - Notes about shapely:
+ - we do not use shapely to look for intersections by cutting each line against
+ each other line (line1.intersection(line2) using two for-loops) because this
+ kind of logic is really really slow for huge amount. You could use that only
+ for ~50-100 elements. So we use special algorihm (Bentley-Ottmann)
+ - intersects() is equivalent to the OR-ing of contains(), crosses(), equals(), touches(), and within().
+ So there might be some cases where two lines intersect eachother without crossing,
+ in particular when one line contains another or when two lines are equals.
+ - crosses() returns True if the dimension of the intersection is less than the dimension of the one or the other.
+ So if two lines overlap, they won't be considered as "crossing". intersection() will return a geometric object.
+ - Cool tool to visualize sweep line algorithm Bentley-Ottmann: https://bl.ocks.org/1wheel/464141fe9b940153e636
+- things to look at more closely:
+ - https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/203048/split-lines-at-points-using-shapely
+ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34754777/shapely-split-linestrings-at-intersections-with-other-linestrings
+ - There are floating point precision errors when finding a point on a line. Use the distance with an appropriate threshold instead.
+ - line.within(point) # False
+ - line.distance(point) # 7.765244949417793e-11
+ - line.distance(point) < 1e-8 # True
+ - https://bezier.readthedocs.io/en/stable/python/reference/bezier.hazmat.clipping.html / https://github.com/dhermes/bezier
+ - De Casteljau Algorithm
+Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz
+Mail: mario.voigt@stadtfabrikanten.org
+Date: 09.08.2020 (extension originally called "Contour Scanner")
+Last patch: 07.11.2022
+License: GNU GPL v3
+import sys
+import os
+import copy
+from lxml import etree
+import poly_point_isect
+from poly_point_isect import isect_segments
+import inkex
+from inkex import transforms, bezier, PathElement, Color, Circle
+from inkex.bezier import csplength
+from inkex.paths import Path, CubicSuperPath
+from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, MultiPoint
+from shapely.ops import snap, split
+from shapely import speedups
+if speedups.available:
+ speedups.enable()
+idPrefixSubSplit = "subsplit"
+idPrefixTrimming = "trimmed"
+intersectedVerb = "intersected"
+collinearVerb = "collinear"
+class ContourScannerAndTrimmer(inkex.EffectExtension):
+ def break_contours(self, element, breakelements = None):
+ '''
+ this does the same as "CTRL + SHIFT + K"
+ This functions honors the fact of absolute or relative paths!
+ '''
+ if breakelements == None:
+ breakelements = []
+ if element.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):
+ parent = element.getparent()
+ idx = parent.index(element)
+ idSuffix = 0
+ #raw = str(element.path).split()
+ raw = element.path.to_arrays()
+ subPaths = []
+ prev = 0
+ for i in range(len(raw)): # Breaks compound paths into simple paths
+ #if raw[i][0].upper() == 'M' and i != 0:
+ if raw[i][0] == 'M' and i != 0:
+ subPath = raw[prev:i]
+ subPaths.append(Path(subPath))
+ prev = i
+ subPaths.append(Path(raw[prev:])) #finally add the last path
+ for subPath in subPaths:
+ replacedelement = copy.copy(element)
+ oldId = replacedelement.get('id')
+ csp = CubicSuperPath(subPath)
+ if len(subPath) > 1 and csp[0][0] != csp[0][1]: #avoids pointy paths like M "31.4794 57.6024 Z"
+ replacedelement.path = subPath
+ if len(subPaths) == 1:
+ replacedelement.set('id', oldId)
+ else:
+ replacedelement.set('id', oldId + str(idSuffix))
+ idSuffix += 1
+ parent.insert(idx, replacedelement)
+ breakelements.append(replacedelement)
+ element.delete()
+ for child in element.getchildren():
+ self.break_contours(child, breakelements)
+ return breakelements
+ def get_child_paths(self, element, elements = None):
+ ''' a function to get child paths from elements (used by "handling groups" option) '''
+ if elements == None:
+ elements = []
+ if element.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):
+ elements.append(element)
+ for child in element.getchildren():
+ self.get_child_paths(child, elements)
+ return elements
+ def get_path_elements(self):
+ ''' get all path elements, either from selection or from whole document. Uses options '''
+ pathElements = []
+ if len(self.svg.selected) == 0: #if nothing selected we search for the complete document
+ pathElements = self.document.xpath('//svg:path', namespaces=inkex.NSS)
+ else: # or get selected paths (and children) and convert them to shapely LineString objects
+ if self.options.handle_groups is False:
+ pathElements = list(self.svg.selection.filter(PathElement).values())
+ else:
+ for element in self.svg.selection.values():
+ pathElements = self.get_child_paths(element, pathElements)
+ if len(pathElements) == 0:
+ self.msg('Selection appears to be empty or does not contain any valid svg:path nodes. Try to cast your objects to paths using CTRL + SHIFT + C or strokes to paths using CTRL + ALT + C')
+ exit(1)
+ if self.options.break_apart is True:
+ breakApartElements = None
+ for pathElement in pathElements:
+ breakApartElements = self.break_contours(pathElement, breakApartElements)
+ pathElements = breakApartElements
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("total processing paths count: {}".format(len(pathElements)))
+ return pathElements
+ def find_group(self, groupId):
+ ''' check if a group with a given id exists or not. Returns None if not found, else returns the group element '''
+ groups = self.document.xpath('//svg:g', namespaces=inkex.NSS)
+ for group in groups:
+ #self.msg(str(layer.get('inkscape:label')) + " == " + layerName)
+ if group.get('id') == groupId:
+ return group
+ return None
+ def adjust_style(self, element):
+ ''' Replace some style attributes of the given element '''
+ if element.attrib.has_key('style'):
+ style = element.get('style')
+ if style:
+ declarations = style.split(';')
+ for i,decl in enumerate(declarations):
+ parts = decl.split(':', 2)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ (prop, val) = parts
+ prop = prop.strip().lower()
+ if prop == 'stroke-width':
+ declarations[i] = prop + ':' + str(self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.strokewidth) +"px"))
+ if prop == 'fill':
+ declarations[i] = prop + ':none'
+ element.set('style', ';'.join(declarations) + ';stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1.0')
+ else:
+ element.set('style', 'stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1.0')
+ def line_from_segments(self, segs, i, decimals):
+ '''builds a straight line for the segment i and the next segment i+2. Returns both point XY coordinates'''
+ pseudoPath = Path(segs[i:i+2]).to_arrays()
+ x1 = round(pseudoPath[0][1][-2], decimals)
+ y1 = round(pseudoPath[0][1][-1], decimals)
+ if pseudoPath[1][0] == 'Z': #some crappy code when the path is closed
+ pseudoPathEnd = Path(segs[0:2]).to_arrays()
+ x2 = round(pseudoPathEnd[0][1][-2], decimals)
+ y2 = round(pseudoPathEnd[0][1][-1], decimals)
+ else:
+ x2 = round(pseudoPath[1][1][-2], decimals)
+ y2 = round(pseudoPath[1][1][-1], decimals)
+ return x1, y1, x2, y2
+ def visualize_self_intersections(self, pathElement, selfIntersectionPoints):
+ ''' Draw some circles at given point coordinates (data from array)'''
+ selfIntersectionGroup = pathElement.getparent().add(inkex.Group(id="selfIntersectionPoints-{}".format(pathElement.attrib["id"])))
+ selfIntersectionPointStyle = {'stroke': 'none', 'fill': self.options.color_self_intersections}
+ for selfIntersectionPoint in selfIntersectionPoints:
+ cx = selfIntersectionPoint[0]
+ cy = selfIntersectionPoint[1]
+ selfIntersectionPointCircle = Circle(cx=str(cx),
+ cy=str(cy),
+ r=str(self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.dotsize_intersections / 2) + "px"))
+ )
+ if pathElement.getparent() != self.svg.root:
+ selfIntersectionPointCircle.transform = -pathElement.getparent().composed_transform()
+ selfIntersectionPointCircle.set('id', self.svg.get_unique_id('selfIntersectionPoint-'))
+ selfIntersectionPointCircle.style = selfIntersectionPointStyle
+ selfIntersectionGroup.add(selfIntersectionPointCircle)
+ return selfIntersectionGroup
+ def visualize_global_intersections(self, globalIntersectionPoints):
+ ''' Draw some circles at given point coordinates (data from array)'''
+ if len(globalIntersectionPoints.geoms) > 0: #only create a group and add stuff if there are some elements to work on
+ globalIntersectionGroup = self.svg.root.add(inkex.Group(id="globalIntersectionPoints"))
+ globalIntersectionPointStyle = {'stroke': 'none', 'fill': self.options.color_global_intersections}
+ for globalIntersectionPoint in globalIntersectionPoints.geoms:
+ cx = globalIntersectionPoint.coords[0][0]
+ cy = globalIntersectionPoint.coords[0][1]
+ globalIntersectionPointCircle = Circle(cx=str(cx),
+ cy=str(cy),
+ r=str(self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.dotsize_intersections / 2) + "px"))
+ )
+ globalIntersectionPointCircle.set('id', self.svg.get_unique_id('globalIntersectionPoint-'))
+ globalIntersectionPointCircle.style = globalIntersectionPointStyle
+ globalIntersectionGroup.add(globalIntersectionPointCircle)
+ def build_trim_line_group(self, subSplitLineArray, subSplitIndex, globalIntersectionPoints):
+ ''' make a group containing trimmed lines'''
+ #Check if we should skip or process the path anyway
+ isClosed = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathIsClosed']
+ if self.options.trimming_path_types == 'open_paths' and isClosed == 'True': return #skip this call
+ elif self.options.trimming_path_types == 'closed_paths' and isClosed == 'False': return #skip this call
+ elif self.options.trimming_path_types == 'both': pass
+ csp = Path(subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].path.transform(subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].composed_transform())).to_arrays() #will be buggy if draw subsplit lines is deactivated
+ ls = LineString([(csp[0][1][0], csp[0][1][1]), (csp[1][1][0], csp[1][1][1])])
+ trimLineStyle = {'stroke': str(self.options.color_trimmed), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': self.options.strokewidth}
+ linesWithSnappedIntersectionPoints = snap(ls, globalIntersectionPoints, self.options.snap_tolerance)
+ trimGroupParentId = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathId']
+ trimGroupId = '{}-{}-{}'.format(idPrefixTrimming, idPrefixSubSplit, trimGroupParentId)
+ trimGroupParent = self.svg.getElementById(trimGroupParentId)
+ trimGroup = self.find_group(trimGroupId)
+ if trimGroup is None:
+ trimGroup = trimGroupParent.getparent().add(inkex.Group(id=trimGroupId))
+ trimGroup.transform = -subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].composed_transform()
+ #apply isBezier and original path id information to group (required for bezier splitting the original path at the end)
+ trimGroup.attrib['originalPathIsBezier'] = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathIsBezier']
+ trimGroup.attrib['originalPathIsPolyBezMixed'] = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathIsPolyBezMixed']
+ trimGroup.attrib['originalPathId'] = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathId']
+ #split all lines against all other lines using the intersection points
+ trimLines = split(linesWithSnappedIntersectionPoints, globalIntersectionPoints)
+ splitAt = [] #if the sub split line was split by an intersecting line we receive two trim lines with same assigned original path id!
+ prevLine = None
+ for j in range(len(trimLines.geoms)):
+ trimLineId = "{}-{}".format(trimGroupId, subSplitIndex)
+ splitAt.append(trimGroupId)
+ if splitAt.count(trimGroupId) > 1: #we detected a lines with intersection on
+ trimLineId = "{}-{}".format(trimLineId, self.svg.get_unique_id(intersectedVerb + "-"))
+ '''
+ so the previous lines was an intersection lines too. so we change the id to include the intersected verb
+ (left side and right side of cut) - note: updating element
+ id sometimes seems not to work if the id was used before in Inkscape
+ '''
+ prevLine.attrib['id'] = "{}-{}".format(trimGroupId, str(subSplitIndex) + "-" + self.svg.get_unique_id(intersectedVerb + "-"))
+ prevLine.attrib['intersected'] = 'True' #some dirty flag we need
+ prevLine = trimLine = inkex.PathElement(id=trimLineId)
+ x, y = trimLines.geoms[j].coords.xy
+ x0 = round(x[0], self.options.decimals)
+ x1 = round(x[1], self.options.decimals)
+ y0 = round(y[0], self.options.decimals)
+ y1 = round(y[1], self.options.decimals)
+ if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1: #check if the trimLine is a pointy one (rounded start point equals rounded end point)
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("pointy trim line (start point equals end point). Skipping ...")
+ continue
+ trimLine.attrib['d'] = 'M {},{} L {},{}'.format(x0, y0, x1, y1) #we set the path of trimLine using 'd' attribute because if we use trimLine.path the decimals get cut off unwantedly
+ #trimLine.path = Path([['M', [x0,y0]], ['L', [x1,y1]]])
+ #if trimGroupParentTransform is not None:
+ # trimLine.path = trimLine.path.transform(-trimGroupParentTransform)
+ if self.options.trimmed_style == "apply_from_trimmed":
+ trimLine.style = trimLineStyle
+ elif self.options.trimmed_style == "apply_from_original":
+ trimLine.style = subSplitLineArray[subSplitIndex].attrib['originalPathStyle']
+ trimGroup.add(trimLine)
+ return trimGroup
+ def slope(self, p0, p1):
+ '''
+ Calculate the slope (gradient) of a line's start point p0 + end point p1
+ '''
+ dx = p1[0] - p0[0]
+ if dx == 0:
+ return sys.float_info.max #vertical
+ return (p1[1] - p0[1]) / dx
+ def process_set_x(self, working_set):
+ if len(working_set) < 2:
+ return (True, working_set)
+ # sort working set left to right
+ working_set.sort(key=lambda x: x['p0'][0])
+ for i in range(0, len(working_set)):
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(working_set)):
+ # calculate slope from S0P0 to S1P1 and S0P1 to S1P0
+ # if slopes all match the working set's slope, we're collinear
+ # if not, these segments are parallel but not collinear and should be left alone
+ expected_slope = working_set[i]['slope']
+ if (abs(self.slope(working_set[i]['p1'], working_set[j]['p0']) - expected_slope) > self.options.collinear_filter_epsilon) \
+ or (abs(self.slope(working_set[i]['p0'], working_set[j]['p1']) - expected_slope) > self.options.collinear_filter_epsilon):
+ continue
+ # the only remaining permissible configuration: collinear segments with a gap between them
+ # e.g. --- -----
+ # otherwise we combine segments and flag the set as requiring more processing
+ s0x0 = working_set[i]['p0'][0]
+ s0x1 = working_set[i]['p1'][0]
+ s1x0 = working_set[j]['p0'][0]
+ s1x1 = working_set[j]['p1'][0]
+ if not (s0x0 < s0x1 and s0x1 < s1x0 and s1x0 < s1x1):
+ # make a duplicate set, omitting segments i and j
+ new_set = [x for (k, x) in enumerate(working_set) if k not in (i, j)]
+ # add a segment representing i and j's furthest points
+ pts = [ working_set[i]['p0'], working_set[i]['p1'], working_set[j]['p0'], working_set[j]['p1'] ]
+ pts.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+ new_set.append({
+ 'p0': pts[0],
+ 'p1': pts[-1],
+ 'slope': self.slope(pts[0], pts[-1]),
+ 'id': working_set[i]['id'],
+ 'originalPathId': working_set[i]['originalPathId'],
+ 'composed_transform': working_set[i]['composed_transform']
+ })
+ return (False, new_set)
+ return (True, working_set)
+ def process_set_y(self, working_set):
+ if len(working_set) < 2:
+ return (True, working_set)
+ # sort working set top to bottom
+ working_set.sort(key=lambda y: -y['p0'][1])
+ for i in range(0, len(working_set)):
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(working_set)):
+ # the only remaining permissible configuration: collinear segments with a gap between them
+ # e.g.
+ # |
+ # |
+ #
+ # |
+ # |
+ # |
+ #
+ # otherwise we combine segments and flag the set as requiring more processing
+ s0y0 = working_set[i]['p0'][1]
+ s0y1 = working_set[i]['p1'][1]
+ s1y0 = working_set[j]['p0'][1]
+ s1y1 = working_set[j]['p1'][1]
+ if not (s0y0 < s0y1 and s0y1 < s1y0 and s1y0 < s1y1):
+ # make a duplicate set, omitting segments i and j
+ new_set = [y for (k, y) in enumerate(working_set) if k not in (i, j)]
+ # add a segment representing i and j's furthest points
+ pts = [ working_set[i]['p0'], working_set[i]['p1'], working_set[j]['p0'], working_set[j]['p1'] ]
+ pts.sort(key=lambda y: y[1])
+ new_set.append({
+ 'p0': pts[0],
+ 'p1': pts[-1],
+ 'slope': self.slope(pts[0], pts[-1]),
+ 'id': working_set[i]['id'],
+ 'originalPathId': working_set[i]['originalPathId'],
+ 'composed_transform': working_set[i]['composed_transform']
+ })
+ return (False, new_set)
+ return (True, working_set)
+ def filter_collinear(self, lineArray):
+ ''' Another sweep line algorithm to scan collinear lines
+ Loop through a set of lines and find + fiter all overlapping segments / duplicate segments
+ finally returns a set of merged-like lines and a set of original items which should be dropped.
+ Based on the style of the algorithm we have no good influence on the z-index of the items because
+ it is scanned by slope and point coordinates. That's why we have a more special
+ 'remove_trim_duplicates()' function for trimmed duplicates!
+ '''
+ '''
+ filter for regular input lines and special vertical lines
+ '''
+ input_set = []
+ input_ids = []
+ # collect segments, calculate their slopes, order their points left-to-right
+ for line in lineArray:
+ #csp = line.path.to_arrays()
+ parent = line.getparent()
+ if parent is not None:
+ csp = Path(line.path.transform(parent.composed_transform())).to_arrays()
+ else:
+ csp = line.path.to_arrays()
+ #self.msg("csp = {}".format(csp))
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = csp[0][1][0], csp[0][1][1], csp[1][1][0], csp[1][1][1]
+ # ensure p0 is left of p1
+ if x1 < x2:
+ s = {
+ 'p0': [x1, y1],
+ 'p1': [x2, y2]
+ }
+ else:
+ s = {
+ 'p0': [x2, y2],
+ 'p1': [x1, y1]
+ }
+ s['slope'] = self.slope(s['p0'], s['p1'])
+ s['id'] = line.attrib['id']
+ s['originalPathId'] = line.attrib['originalPathId']
+ s['composed_transform'] = line.composed_transform()
+ #s['d'] = line.attrib['d']
+ input_set.append(s)
+ input_set.sort(key=lambda x: x['slope'])
+ #input_set.append(False) # used to clear out lingering contents of working_set_x on last iteration
+ input_set_new = []
+ #loop through input_set to filter out the vertical lines because we need to handle them separately
+ vertical_set = []
+ vertical_ids = []
+ for i in range(0, len(input_set)):
+ if input_set[i]['slope'] == sys.float_info.max:
+ vertical_set.append(input_set[i])
+ else:
+ input_set_new.append(input_set[i])
+ input_set = input_set_new #overwrite the input_set with the filtered one
+ input_set.append(False) # used to clear out lingering contents of working_set_x on last iteration
+ '''
+ process x lines (all lines except vertical ones)
+ '''
+ working_set_x = []
+ working_x_ids = []
+ output_set_x = []
+ output_x_ids = []
+ if len(input_set) > 0:
+ current_slope = input_set[0]['slope']
+ for input in input_set:
+ # bin sets of input_set by slope (within a tolerance)
+ dm = input and abs(input['slope'] - current_slope) or 0
+ if input and dm < self.options.collinear_filter_epsilon:
+ working_set_x.append(input) #we put all lines to working set which have similar slopes
+ if input['id'] != '': input_ids.append(input['id'])
+ else: # slope discontinuity, process accumulated set
+ while True:
+ (done, working_set_x) = self.process_set_x(working_set_x)
+ if done:
+ output_set_x.extend(working_set_x)
+ break
+ if input: # begin new working set
+ working_set_x = [input]
+ current_slope = input['slope']
+ if input['id'] != '': input_ids.append(input['id'])
+ for output_x in output_set_x:
+ output_x_ids.append(output_x['id'])
+ for working_x in working_set_x:
+ working_x_ids.append(working_x['id'])
+ else:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Scanning: no non-vertical input lines found. That might be okay or not ...")
+ '''
+ process vertical lines
+ '''
+ working_set_y = []
+ working_y_ids = []
+ output_set_y = []
+ output_y_ids = []
+ if len(vertical_set) > 0:
+ vertical_set.sort(key=lambda x: x['p0'][0]) #sort verticals by their x coordinate
+ vertical_set.append(False) # used to clear out lingering contents of working_set_y on last iteration
+ current_x = vertical_set[0]['p0'][0]
+ for vertical in vertical_set:
+ if vertical and current_x == vertical['p0'][0]:
+ working_set_y.append(vertical) #we put all lines to working set which have same x coordinate
+ if vertical['id'] != '': vertical_ids.append(vertical['id'])
+ else: # x coord discontinuity, process accumulated set
+ while True:
+ (done, working_set_y) = self.process_set_y(working_set_y)
+ if done:
+ output_set_y.extend(working_set_y)
+ break
+ if vertical: # begin new working set
+ working_set_y = [vertical]
+ current_x = vertical['p0'][0]
+ if vertical['id'] != '': vertical_ids.append(vertical['id'])
+ else:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Scanning: no vertical lines found. That might be okay or not ...")
+ for output_y in output_set_y:
+ output_y_ids.append(output_y['id'])
+ for working_y in working_set_y:
+ working_y_ids.append(working_y['id'])
+ output_set = output_set_x
+ output_set.extend(output_set_y)
+ output_ids = []
+ for output in output_set:
+ #self.msg(output)
+ output_ids.append(output['id'])
+ #we finally build a list which contains all overlapping elements we want to drop
+ dropped_ids = []
+ for input_id in input_ids: #if the input_id id is not in the output ids we are going to drop it
+ if input_id not in output_ids:
+ dropped_ids.append(input_id)
+ for vertical_id in vertical_ids: #if the input_id id is not in the output ids we are going to drop it
+ if vertical_id not in output_ids:
+ dropped_ids.append(vertical_id)
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ #self.msg("input_set:{}".format(input_set))
+ self.msg("input_ids [{}]:".format(len(input_ids)))
+ for input_id in input_ids:
+ self.msg(input_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ #self.msg("working_set_x:{}".format(working_set_x))
+ self.msg("working_x_ids [{}]:".format(len(working_x_ids)))
+ for working_x_id in working_x_ids:
+ self.msg(working_x_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ #self.msg("output_set_x:{}".format(output_set_x))
+ self.msg("output_x_ids [{}]:".format(len(output_x_ids)))
+ for output_x_id in output_x_ids:
+ self.msg(output_x_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ #self.msg("output_set_y:{}".format(output_set_y))
+ self.msg("output_y_ids [{}]:".format(len(output_y_ids)))
+ for output_y_id in output_y_ids:
+ self.msg(output_y_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ #self.msg("output_set:{}".format(output_set))
+ self.msg("output_ids [{}]:".format(len(output_ids)))
+ for output_id in output_ids:
+ self.msg(output_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ self.msg("dropped_ids [{}]:".format(len(dropped_ids)))
+ for dropped_id in dropped_ids:
+ self.msg(dropped_id)
+ self.msg("*"*24)
+ return output_set, dropped_ids
+ def remove_trim_duplicates(self, allTrimGroups):
+ '''
+ find duplicate lines in a given array [] of groups
+ note: this function is similar to filter_collinear but we keep it because we have a 'reverse_trim_removal_order' option.
+ We can use this option in some special situations where we work without the function 'filter_collinear()'.
+ '''
+ totalTrimPaths = []
+ if self.options.reverse_trim_removal_order is True:
+ allTrimGroups = allTrimGroups[::-1]
+ for trimGroup in allTrimGroups:
+ for element in trimGroup:
+ path = element.path.transform(element.composed_transform())
+ if path not in totalTrimPaths:
+ totalTrimPaths.append(path)
+ else:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting path {}".format(element.get('id')))
+ element.delete()
+ if len(trimGroup) == 0:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting group {}".format(trimGroup.get('id')))
+ trimGroup.delete()
+ def combine_nonintersects(self, allTrimGroups):
+ '''
+ combine and chain all non intersected sub split lines which were trimmed at intersection points before.
+ - At first we sort out all lines by their id:
+ - if the lines id contains intersectedVerb, we ignore it
+ - we combine all lines which do not contain intersectedVerb
+ - Then we loop through that combined structure and chain their segments which touch each other
+ Changes the style according to user setting.
+ '''
+ nonTrimLineStyle = {'stroke': str(self.options.color_nonintersected), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': self.options.strokewidth}
+ trimNonIntersectedStyle = {'stroke': str(self.options.color_combined), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': self.options.strokewidth}
+ for trimGroup in allTrimGroups:
+ totalIntersectionsAtPath = 0
+ combinedPath = None
+ combinedPathData = Path()
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("trim group {} has {} paths".format(trimGroup.get('id'), len(trimGroup)))
+ for pElement in trimGroup:
+ pId = pElement.get('id')
+ #if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ # self.msg("trim paths id {}".format(pId))
+ if intersectedVerb not in pId:
+ if combinedPath is None:
+ combinedPath = pElement
+ combinedPathData = pElement.path
+ else:
+ combinedPathData += pElement.path
+ pElement.delete()
+ else:
+ totalIntersectionsAtPath += 1
+ if len(combinedPathData) > 0:
+ segData = combinedPathData.to_arrays()
+ newPathData = []
+ newPathData.append(segData[0])
+ for z in range(1, len(segData)): #skip first because we add it statically
+ if segData[z][1] != segData[z-1][1]:
+ newPathData.append(segData[z])
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("trim group {} has {} combinable segments:".format(trimGroup.get('id'), len(newPathData)))
+ self.msg("{}".format(newPathData))
+ combinedPath.path = Path(newPathData)
+ if self.options.trimmed_style == "apply_from_trimmed":
+ combinedPath.style = trimNonIntersectedStyle
+ if totalIntersectionsAtPath == 0:
+ combinedPath.style = nonTrimLineStyle
+ else: #the group might consist of intersections only. than we have length of 0
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("trim group {} has no combinable segments (contains only intersected trim lines)".format(trimGroup.get('id')))
+ def trim_bezier(self, allTrimGroups):
+ '''
+ trim bezier path by checking the lengths and calculating global t parameter from the trimmed sub split lines groups
+ This function does not work yet.
+ '''
+ for trimGroup in allTrimGroups:
+ if (trimGroup.attrib.has_key('originalPathIsBezier') and trimGroup.attrib['originalPathIsBezier'] == "True") or\
+ (trimGroup.attrib.has_key('originalPathIsPolyBezMixed') and trimGroup.attrib['originalPathIsPolyBezMixed'] == "True"):
+ globalTParameters = []
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("{}: count of trim lines = {}".format(trimGroup.get('id'), len(trimGroup)))
+ totalLength = 0
+ for trimLine in trimGroup:
+ ignore, lineLength = csplength(CubicSuperPath(trimLine.get('d')))
+ totalLength += lineLength
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("total length = {}".format(totalLength))
+ chainLength = 0
+ for trimLine in trimGroup:
+ ignore, lineLength = csplength(CubicSuperPath(trimLine.get('d')))
+ chainLength += lineLength
+ if trimLine.attrib.has_key('intersected') or trimLine == trimGroup[-1]: #we may not used intersectedVerb because this was used for the affected left as well as the right side of the splitting. This would result in one "intersection" too much.
+ globalTParameter = chainLength / totalLength
+ globalTParameters.append(globalTParameter)
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("chain piece length = {}".format(chainLength))
+ self.msg("t parameter = {}".format(globalTParameter))
+ chainLength = 0
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Trimming the original bezier path {} at global t parameters: {}".format(trimGroup.attrib['originalPathId'], globalTParameters))
+ for globalTParameter in globalTParameters:
+ csp = CubicSuperPath(self.svg.getElementById(trimGroup.attrib['originalPathId']))
+ '''
+ Sadly, those calculated global t parameters are useless for splitting because we cannot split the complete curve at a t parameter
+ Instead we only can split a bezier by getting to commands which build up a bezier path segment.
+ - we need to find those parts (segment pairs) of the original path first where the sub split line intersection occurs
+ - then we need to calculate the t parameter
+ - then we split the bezier part (consisting of two commands) and check the new intersection point.
+ It should match the sub split lines intersection point.
+ If they do not match we need to adjust the t parameter or loop to previous or next bezier command to find intersection
+ '''
+ def add_arguments(self, pars):
+ pars.add_argument("--nb_main")
+ pars.add_argument("--nb_settings_and_actions")
+ #Settings - General Input/Output
+ pars.add_argument("--show_debug", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Show debug infos")
+ pars.add_argument("--break_apart", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Break apart input paths into sub paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--handle_groups", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Also looks for paths in groups which are in the current selection")
+ pars.add_argument("--trimming_path_types", default="closed_paths", help="Process open paths by other open paths, closed paths by other closed paths, or all paths by all other paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--flattenbezier", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Flatten bezier curves to (poly)lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--flatness", type=float, default=0.1, help="Minimum flatness = 0.001. The smaller the value the more fine segments you will get (quantization). Large values might destroy the line continuity.")
+ pars.add_argument("--decimals", type=int, default=3, help="Accuracy for sub split lines / lines trimmed by shapely")
+ pars.add_argument("--snap_tolerance", type=float, default=0.1, help="Snap tolerance for intersection points")
+ pars.add_argument("--collinear_filter_epsilon", type=float, default=0.01, help="Epsilon for collinear line filter")
+ #Settings - General Style
+ pars.add_argument("--strokewidth", type=float, default=1.0, help="Stroke width (px)")
+ pars.add_argument("--dotsize_intersections", type=int, default=30, help="Dot size (px) for self-intersecting and global intersection points")
+ pars.add_argument("--removefillsetstroke", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Remove fill and define stroke for original paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--bezier_trimming", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="If true we try to use the calculated t parameters from intersection points to receive splitted bezier curves")
+ pars.add_argument("--subsplit_style", default="default", help="Sub split line style")
+ pars.add_argument("--trimmed_style", default="apply_from_trimmed", help="Trimmed line style")
+ #Removing - Applying to original paths and sub split lines
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_relative", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="relative cmd")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_absolute", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="absolute cmd")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_rel_abs_mixed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="mixed rel/abs cmd (relative + absolute)")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_polylines", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="(poly)line")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_beziers", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="bezier")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_poly_bez_mixed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="mixed (poly)line/bezier paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_opened", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="opened")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_closed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="closed")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_self_intersecting", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="self-intersecting")
+ #Removing - Applying to sub split lines only
+ pars.add_argument("--filter_subsplit_collinear", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Removes any duplicates by merging (multiple) overlapping line segments into longer lines. Not possible to apply for original paths because this routine does not support bezier type paths.")
+ pars.add_argument("--filter_subsplit_collinear_action", default="remove", help="What to do with collinear overlapping lines?")
+ #Removing - Applying to original paths only
+ pars.add_argument("--delete_original_after_split_trim", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Delete original paths after sub splitting / trimming")
+ #Highlighting - Applying to original paths and sub split lines
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_relative", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="relative cmd paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_absolute", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="absolute cmd paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_rel_abs_mixed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="mixed rel/abs cmd (relative + absolute) paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_polylines", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="(poly)line paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_beziers", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="bezier paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_poly_bez_mixed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="mixed (poly)line/bezier paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_opened", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="opened paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_closed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="closed paths")
+ #Highlighting - Applying to sub split lines only
+ pars.add_argument("--draw_subsplit", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw sub split lines ((poly)lines)")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_duplicates", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="duplicates (only applies to sub split lines)")
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_merges", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="merges (only applies to sub split lines)")
+ #Highlighting - Intersection points
+ pars.add_argument("--highlight_self_intersecting", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="self-intersecting paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--visualize_self_intersections", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="self-intersecting path points")
+ pars.add_argument("--visualize_global_intersections", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="global intersection points")
+ #Trimming - General trimming settings
+ pars.add_argument("--draw_trimmed", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Draw trimmed lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--combine_nonintersects", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Combine non-intersected lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_trim_duplicates", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Remove duplicate trim lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--reverse_trim_removal_order", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="Reverses the order of removal. Relevant for keeping certain styles of elements")
+ pars.add_argument("--remove_subsplit_after_trimming", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Remove sub split lines after trimming")
+ #Trimming - Bentley-Ottmann sweep line settings
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_use_ignore_segment_endings", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="Whether to ignore intersections of line segments when both their end points form the intersection point")
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_use_debug", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_use_verbose", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_use_paranoid", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_use_vertical", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True)
+ pars.add_argument("--bent_ott_number_type", default="native")
+ #Colors
+ pars.add_argument("--color_subsplit", type=Color, default='1630897151', help="sub split lines")
+ #Colors - path structure
+ pars.add_argument("--color_relative", type=Color, default='3419879935', help="relative cmd paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_absolute", type=Color, default='1592519679', help="absolute cmd paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_rel_abs_mixed", type=Color, default='3351636735', help="mixed rel/abs cmd (relative + absolute) paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_polyline", type=Color, default='4289703935', help="(poly)line paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_bezier", type=Color, default='258744063', help="bezier paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_poly_bez_mixed", type=Color, default='4118348031', help="mixed (poly)line/bezier paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_opened", type=Color, default='4012452351', help="opened paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_closed", type=Color, default='2330080511', help="closed paths")
+ #Colors - duplicates and merges
+ pars.add_argument("--color_duplicates", type=Color, default='897901823', help="duplicates")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_merges", type=Color, default='869366527', help="merges")
+ #Colors - intersections
+ pars.add_argument("--color_self_intersecting_paths", type=Color, default='2593756927', help="self-intersecting paths")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_self_intersections", type=Color, default='6320383', help="self-intersecting path points")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_global_intersections", type=Color, default='4239343359', help="global intersection points")
+ #Colors - trimming
+ pars.add_argument("--color_trimmed", type=Color, default='1923076095', help="trimmed lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_combined", type=Color, default='3227634687', help="non-intersected lines")
+ pars.add_argument("--color_nonintersected", type=Color, default='3045284607', help="non-intersected paths")
+ def effect(self):
+ so = self.options
+ if so.break_apart is True and so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Warning: 'Break apart input' setting is enabled. Cannot check accordingly for relative, absolute or mixed paths for breaked elements (they are always absolute)!")
+ so.strokewidth = self.svg.unittouu("{}px".format(so.strokewidth)) #add unit conversion globally
+ #some configuration dependecies
+ if so.highlight_self_intersecting is True or \
+ so.highlight_duplicates is True or \
+ so.highlight_merges is True:
+ so.draw_subsplit = True
+ if so.highlight_duplicates is True or \
+ so.highlight_merges is True:
+ so.filter_subsplit_collinear = True
+ if so.filter_subsplit_collinear is True: #this is a must.
+ #if so.draw_subsplit is disabled bu we filter sub split lines and follow with trim operation we lose a lot of elements which may not be deleted!
+ so.draw_subsplit = True
+ if so.draw_subsplit is False and so.draw_trimmed is True:
+ so.delete_original_after_split_trim = True
+ if so.draw_trimmed is True:
+ so.draw_subsplit = True
+ if so.bent_ott_use_debug is True:
+ so.show_debug = True
+ #some constant stuff / styles
+ relativePathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_relative), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ absolutePathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_absolute), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ mixedRelAbsPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_rel_abs_mixed), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ polylinePathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_polyline), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ bezierPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_bezier), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ mixedPolyBezPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_poly_bez_mixed), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ openPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_opened), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ closedPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_closed), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ duplicatesPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_duplicates), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ mergesPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_merges), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ selfIntersectingPathStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_self_intersecting_paths), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ basicSubSplitLineStyle = {'stroke': str(so.color_subsplit), 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': so.strokewidth}
+ #some config for Bentley Ottmann - applies to highlighting, removing, trimming
+ poly_point_isect.USE_IGNORE_SEGMENT_ENDINGS = so.bent_ott_use_ignore_segment_endings
+ poly_point_isect.USE_DEBUG = so.bent_ott_use_debug
+ poly_point_isect.USE_VERBOSE = so.bent_ott_use_verbose
+ if so.show_debug is False:
+ poly_point_isect.USE_VERBOSE = False
+ poly_point_isect.USE_PARANOID = so.bent_ott_use_paranoid
+ poly_point_isect.USE_VERTICAL = so.bent_ott_use_vertical
+ NUMBER_TYPE = so.bent_ott_number_type
+ if NUMBER_TYPE == 'native':
+ Real = float
+ NUM_EPS = Real("1e-10")
+ NUM_INF = Real(float("inf"))
+ elif NUMBER_TYPE == 'numpy':
+ import numpy
+ Real = numpy.float64
+ del numpy
+ NUM_EPS = Real("1e-10")
+ NUM_INF = Real(float("inf"))
+ poly_point_isect.Real = Real
+ poly_point_isect.NUM_EPS = NUM_EPS
+ poly_point_isect.NUM_INF = NUM_INF
+ poly_point_isect.NUM_EPS_SQ = NUM_EPS * NUM_EPS
+ poly_point_isect.NUM_ZERO = Real(0.0)
+ poly_point_isect.NUM_ONE = Real(1.0)
+ #get all paths which are within selection or in document and generate sub split lines
+ pathElements = self.get_path_elements()
+ subSplitLineArray = []
+ for pathElement in pathElements:
+ originalPathId = pathElement.attrib["id"]
+ path = pathElement.path.transform(pathElement.composed_transform())
+ #inkex.utils.debug(path)
+ '''
+ check for relative or absolute paths
+ '''
+ isRelative = False
+ isAbsolute = False
+ isRelAbsMixed = False
+ relCmds = ['m', 'l', 'h', 'v', 'c', 's', 'q', 't', 'a', 'z']
+ if any(relCmd in str(path) for relCmd in relCmds):
+ isRelative = True
+ if any(relCmd.upper() in str(path) for relCmd in relCmds):
+ isAbsolute = True
+ if isRelative is True and isAbsolute is True: #cannot be both at the same time, so it's mixed
+ isRelAbsMixed = True
+ isRelative = False
+ isAbsolute = False
+ if so.remove_absolute is True and isAbsolute is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.remove_relative is True and isRelative is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.remove_rel_abs_mixed is True and isRelAbsMixed is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ '''
+ check for bezier or (poly)line paths
+ '''
+ isPoly = False
+ isBezier = False
+ isPolyBezMixed = False
+ chars = set('aAcCqQtTsS')
+ if any((c in chars) for c in str(path)):
+ isBezier = True
+ if ('l' in str(path) or 'L' in str(path)):
+ isPoly = True
+ if isPoly is True and isBezier is True: #cannot be both at the same time, so it's mixed
+ isPolyBezMixed = True
+ isPoly = False #reset
+ isBezier = False #reset
+ #if so.show_debug is True:
+ # self.msg("sub path in {} is bezier: {}".format(originalPathId, isBezier))
+ if so.remove_beziers is True and isBezier is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.remove_polylines is True and isPoly is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.remove_poly_bez_mixed is True and isPolyBezMixed is False:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ '''important conversion step'''
+ path = pathElement.path.to_absolute().transform(pathElement.composed_transform()) #now we convert to absolute path, because later processing causes some buggy offsets
+ '''
+ check for closed or open paths
+ '''
+ isClosed = False
+ raw = path.to_arrays()
+ #inkex.utils.debug(path)
+ if raw[-1][0] == 'Z' or \
+ (raw[-1][0] == 'L' and raw[0][1] == raw[-1][1]) or \
+ (raw[-1][0] == 'C' and raw[0][1] == [raw[-1][1][-2], raw[-1][1][-1]]) \
+ : #if first is last point the path is also closed. The "Z" command is not required
+ isClosed = True
+ if so.remove_opened is True and isClosed is False:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.remove_closed is True and isClosed is True:
+ pathElement.delete()
+ continue #skip this loop iteration
+ if so.draw_subsplit is True:
+ subSplitLineGroup = pathElement.getparent().add(inkex.Group(id="{}-{}".format(idPrefixSubSplit, originalPathId)))
+ #get all sub paths for the path of the element
+ subPaths, prev = [], 0
+ for i in range(len(raw)): # Breaks compound paths into simple paths
+ if raw[i][0] == 'M' and i != 0:
+ subPaths.append(raw[prev:i])
+ prev = i
+ subPaths.append(raw[prev:])
+ #inkex.utils.debug(subPaths)
+ #now loop through all sub paths (and flatten if desired) to build up single lines
+ for subPath in subPaths:
+ subPathData = CubicSuperPath(subPath)
+ #flatten bezier curves. If it was already a straight line do nothing! Otherwise we would split straight lines into a lot more straight linesd)
+ if so.flattenbezier is True and (isBezier is True or isPolyBezMixed is True):
+ bezier.cspsubdiv(subPathData, so.flatness) #modifies the path
+ flattenedpath = []
+ for seg in subPathData:
+ first = True
+ for csp in seg:
+ cmd = 'L'
+ if first:
+ cmd = 'M'
+ first = False
+ flattenedpath.append([cmd, [csp[1][0], csp[1][1]]])
+ #self.msg("flattened path = " + str(flattenedpath))
+ segs = list(CubicSuperPath(flattenedpath).to_segments())
+ else:
+ segs = list(subPathData.to_segments())
+ #segs = segs[::-1] #reverse the segments
+ #build (poly)lines from segment data
+ subSplitLines = []
+ for i in range(len(segs) - 1): #we could do the same routine to build up (poly)lines using "for x, y in node.path.end_points". See "number nodes" extension
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.line_from_segments(segs, i, so.decimals)
+ #inkex.utils.debug(segs)
+ #self.msg("xy1=({},{}) xy2=({},{})".format(x1, y1, x2, y2))
+ subSplitId = "{}-{}-{}".format(idPrefixSubSplit, originalPathId, i)
+ line = inkex.PathElement(id=subSplitId)
+ #apply line path with composed negative transform from parent element
+ line.attrib['d'] = 'M {},{} L {},{}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2) #we set the path of Line using 'd' attribute because if we use trimLine.path the decimals get cut off unwantedly
+ #line.path = [['M', [x1, y1]], ['L', [x2, y2]]]
+ if pathElement.getparent() != self.svg.root and pathElement.getparent() != None:
+ line.path = line.path.transform(-pathElement.getparent().composed_transform())
+ line.style = basicSubSplitLineStyle
+ line.attrib['originalPathId'] = originalPathId
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsRelative'] = str(isRelative)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsAbsolute'] = str(isAbsolute)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsRelAbsMixed'] = str(isRelAbsMixed)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsBezier'] = str(isBezier)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsPoly'] = str(isPoly)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsPolyBezMixed'] = str(isPolyBezMixed)
+ line.attrib['originalPathIsClosed'] = str(isClosed)
+ line.attrib['originalPathStyle'] = str(pathElement.style)
+ subSplitLineArray.append(line)
+ if so.subsplit_style == "apply_from_highlightings":
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsRelative'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_relative is True:
+ line.style = relativePathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsAbsolute'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_absolute is True:
+ line.style = absolutePathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsRelAbsMixed'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_rel_abs_mixed is True:
+ line.style = mixedRelAbsPathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsPoly'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_polylines is True:
+ line.style = polylinePathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsBezier'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_beziers is True:
+ line.style = bezierPathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsPolyBezMixed'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_poly_bez_mixed is True:
+ line.style = mixedPolyBezPathStyle
+ if line.attrib['originalPathIsClosed'] == 'True':
+ if so.highlight_closed is True:
+ line.style = closedPathStyle
+ else:
+ if so.highlight_opened is True:
+ line.style = openPathStyle
+ elif so.subsplit_style == "apply_from_original":
+ line.style = line.attrib['originalPathStyle']
+ if so.draw_subsplit is True:
+ subSplitLineGroup.add(line)
+ subSplitLines.append([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)])
+ #check for self intersections using Bentley-Ottmann algorithm.
+ isSelfIntersecting = False
+ if so.highlight_self_intersecting is True or so.remove_self_intersecting or so.visualize_self_intersections:
+ selfIntersectionPoints = isect_segments(subSplitLines, validate=True)
+ if len(selfIntersectionPoints) > 0:
+ isSelfIntersecting = True
+ if so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("{} in {} intersects itself with {} intersections!".format(subSplitId, originalPathId, len(selfIntersectionPoints)))
+ if so.highlight_self_intersecting is True:
+ for subSplitLine in subSplitLineGroup:
+ subSplitLine.style = selfIntersectingPathStyle #adjusts line color
+ #delete cosmetic sub split lines if desired
+ if so.remove_self_intersecting:
+ subSplitLineGroup.delete()
+ if so.visualize_self_intersections is True: #draw points (circles)
+ selfIntersectionGroup = self.visualize_self_intersections(pathElement, selfIntersectionPoints)
+ #delete self-intersecting sub split lines and orginal paths
+ if so.remove_self_intersecting:
+ subSplitLineArray = subSplitLineArray[:len(subSplitLineArray) - len(segs) - 1] #remove all last added lines
+ pathElement.delete() #and finally delete the orginal path
+ continue
+ #adjust the style of original paths if desired. Has influence to the finally trimmed lines style results too!
+ if so.removefillsetstroke is True:
+ self.adjust_style(pathElement)
+ #apply styles to original paths
+ if isRelative is True:
+ if so.highlight_relative is True:
+ pathElement.style = relativePathStyle
+ if isAbsolute is True:
+ if so.highlight_absolute is True:
+ pathElement.style = absolutePathStyle
+ if isRelAbsMixed is True:
+ if so.highlight_rel_abs_mixed is True:
+ pathElement.style = mixedRelAbsPathStyle
+ if isBezier is True:
+ if so.highlight_beziers is True:
+ pathElement.style = bezierPathStyle
+ if isPoly is True:
+ if so.highlight_polylines is True:
+ pathElement.style = polylinePathStyle
+ if isPolyBezMixed is True:
+ if so.highlight_poly_bez_mixed is True:
+ pathElement.style = mixedPolyBezPathStyle
+ if isClosed is True:
+ if so.highlight_closed is True:
+ pathElement.style = closedPathStyle
+ else:
+ if so.highlight_opened is True:
+ pathElement.style = openPathStyle
+ if isSelfIntersecting is True:
+ if so.highlight_self_intersecting is True:
+ pathElement.style = selfIntersectingPathStyle
+ if so.draw_subsplit is True:
+ if subSplitLineGroup is not None: #might get deleted before so we need to check this first
+ subSplitLineGroup = reversed(subSplitLineGroup) #reverse the order to match the original path segment placing
+ if so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("sub split line count: {}".format(len(subSplitLineArray)))
+ '''
+ check for collinear lines and apply filters to remove or regroup and to restyle them
+ Run this action only if one of the options requires it (to avoid useless calculation cycles)
+ '''
+ if so.filter_subsplit_collinear is True or \
+ so.highlight_duplicates is True or \
+ so.highlight_merges is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("filtering collinear overlapping lines / duplicate lines")
+ if len(subSplitLineArray) > 0:
+ output_set, dropped_ids = self.filter_collinear(subSplitLineArray)
+ deleteIndices = []
+ deleteIndice = 0
+ for subSplitLine in subSplitLineArray:
+ '''
+ Replace the overlapping items with the new merged output
+ '''
+ for output in output_set:
+ if output['id'] == subSplitLine.attrib['id']:
+ originalSplitLinePath = subSplitLine.path
+ output_line = 'M {},{} L {},{}'.format(
+ output['p0'][0], output['p0'][1], output['p1'][0], output['p1'][1])
+ output_line_reversed = 'M {},{} L {},{}'.format(
+ output['p1'][0], output['p1'][1], output['p0'][0], output['p0'][1])
+ subSplitLine.attrib['d'] = output_line #we set the path using 'd' attribute because if we use trimLine.path the decimals get cut off unwantedly
+ mergedSplitLinePath = subSplitLine.path
+ mergedSplitLinePathReversed = Path(output_line_reversed)
+ #subSplitLine.path = [['M', output['p0']], ['L', output['p1']]]
+ #self.msg("composed_transform = {}".format(output['composed_transform']))
+ #subSplitLine.transform = Transform(-output['composed_transform']) * subSplitLine.transform
+ subSplitLine.path = subSplitLine.path.transform(-output['composed_transform'])
+ if so.highlight_merges is True:
+ if originalSplitLinePath != mergedSplitLinePath and \
+ originalSplitLinePath != mergedSplitLinePathReversed: #if the path changed we are going to highlight it
+ subSplitLine.style = mergesPathStyle
+ '''
+ Delete or move sub split lines which are overlapping
+ '''
+ ssl_id = subSplitLine.get('id')
+ if ssl_id in dropped_ids:
+ if so.highlight_duplicates is True:
+ subSplitLine.style = duplicatesPathStyle
+ if so.filter_subsplit_collinear is True:
+ ssl_parent = subSplitLine.getparent()
+ if so.filter_subsplit_collinear_action == "remove":
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting sub split line {}".format(subSplitLine.get('id')))
+ subSplitLine.delete() #delete the line from XML tree
+ deleteIndices.append(deleteIndice) #store this id to remove it from stupid subSplitLineArray later
+ elif so.filter_subsplit_collinear_action == "separate_group":
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Moving sub split line {}".format(subSplitLine.get('id')))
+ originalPathId = subSplitLine.attrib['originalPathId']
+ collinearGroupId = '{}-{}'.format(collinearVerb, originalPathId)
+ originalPathElement = self.svg.getElementById(originalPathId)
+ collinearGroup = self.find_group(collinearGroupId)
+ if collinearGroup is None:
+ collinearGroup = originalPathElement.getparent().add(inkex.Group(id=collinearGroupId))
+ collinearGroup.append(subSplitLine) #move to that group
+ #and delete the containg group if empty (can happen in "remove" or "separate_group" constellation
+ if ssl_parent is not None and len(ssl_parent) == 0:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting group {}".format(ssl_parent.get('id')))
+ ssl_parent.delete()
+ deleteIndice += 1 #end the loop by incrementing +1
+ #shrink the sub split line array to kick out all unrequired indices
+ for deleteIndice in sorted(deleteIndices, reverse=True):
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting index {} from subSplitLineArray".format(deleteIndice))
+ del subSplitLineArray[deleteIndice]
+ '''
+ now we intersect the sub split lines to find the global intersection points using Bentley-Ottmann algorithm (contains self-intersections too!)
+ '''
+ if so.draw_trimmed is True:
+ try:
+ allSubSplitLineStrings = []
+ for subSplitLine in subSplitLineArray:
+ csp = Path(subSplitLine.path.transform(subSplitLine.composed_transform())).to_arrays() #will be buggy if draw subsplit lines is deactivated
+ lineString = [(csp[0][1][0], csp[0][1][1]), (csp[1][1][0], csp[1][1][1])]
+ #lineStringStyle = {'stroke': '#0000FF', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px'))}
+ #line = self.svg.get_current_layer().add(inkex.PathElement(id=self.svg.get_unique_id('lineString')))
+ #line.set('d', "M{:0.6f},{:0.6f} L{:0.6f},{:0.6f}".format(lineString[0][0],lineString[0][1],lineString[1][0],lineString[1][1]))
+ #line.style = lineStringStyle
+ #line.transform = -self.svg.get_current_layer().transform
+ if so.remove_trim_duplicates is True:
+ if lineString not in allSubSplitLineStrings:
+ allSubSplitLineStrings.append(lineString)
+ else:
+ if so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("line {} already in sub split line collection. Dropping ...".format(lineString))
+ else: #if false we append all segments without filtering duplicate ones
+ allSubSplitLineStrings.append(lineString)
+ if so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Going to calculate intersections using Bentley Ottmann Sweep Line Algorithm")
+ globalIntersectionPoints = MultiPoint(isect_segments(allSubSplitLineStrings, validate=True))
+ if so.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("global intersection points count: {}".format(len(globalIntersectionPoints)))
+ if len(globalIntersectionPoints.geoms) > 0:
+ if so.visualize_global_intersections is True:
+ self.visualize_global_intersections(globalIntersectionPoints)
+ '''
+ now we trim the sub split lines at all calculated intersection points.
+ We do this path by path to keep the logic between original paths, sub split lines and the final output
+ '''
+ allTrimGroups = [] #container to collect all trim groups for later on processing
+ for subSplitIndex in range(len(subSplitLineArray)):
+ trimGroup = self.build_trim_line_group(subSplitLineArray, subSplitIndex, globalIntersectionPoints)
+ if trimGroup is not None:
+ if trimGroup not in allTrimGroups:
+ allTrimGroups.append(trimGroup)
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("trim groups count: {}".format(len(allTrimGroups)))
+ if len(allTrimGroups) == 0:
+ self.msg("You selected to draw trimmed lines but no intersections could be calculated.")
+ if so.bezier_trimming is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("trimming beziers - not working yet")
+ self.trim_bezier(allTrimGroups)
+ if so.remove_trim_duplicates is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("checking for duplicate trim lines and deleting them")
+ self.remove_trim_duplicates(allTrimGroups)
+ if so.combine_nonintersects is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("glueing together all non-intersected sub split lines to larger path structures again (cleaning up)")
+ self.combine_nonintersects(allTrimGroups)
+ if so.remove_subsplit_after_trimming is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("removing unwanted subsplit lines after trimming")
+ for subSplitLine in subSplitLineArray:
+ ssl_parent = subSplitLine.getparent()
+ subSplitLine.delete()
+ if ssl_parent is not None and len(ssl_parent) == 0:
+ if self.options.show_debug is True:
+ self.msg("Deleting group {}".format(ssl_parent.get('id')))
+ ssl_parent.delete()
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ self.msg("Error calculating global intersections.\n\
+See https://github.com/ideasman42/isect_segments-bentley_ottmann.\n\n\
+You can try to fix this by:\n\
+- reduce or raise the 'decimals' setting (default is 3 but try to set to 6 for example)\n\
+- reduce or raise the 'flatness' setting (if quantization option is used at all; default is 0.100).")
+ return
+ #clean original paths if selected.
+ if so.delete_original_after_split_trim is True:
+ if so.show_debug is True: self.msg("cleaning original paths after sub splitting / trimming")
+ for pathElement in pathElements:
+ pathElement.delete()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ContourScannerAndTrimmer().run()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/meta.json b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a57397f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ {
+ "name": "Contour Scanner And Trimmer",
+ "id": "fablabchemnitz.de.contour_scanner_and_trimmer",
+ "path": "contour_scanner_and_trimmer",
+ "dependent_extensions": null,
+ "original_name": "Contour Scanner And Trimmer",
+ "original_id": "fablabchemnitz.de.contour_scanner_and_trimmer",
+ "license": "GNU GPL v3",
+ "license_url": "https://gitea.fablabchemnitz.de/FabLab_Chemnitz/mightyscape-1.X/src/branch/master/LICENSE",
+ "comment": "Written by Mario Voigt from scratch with a lot of help using other extensions as template",
+ "source_url": "https://gitea.fablabchemnitz.de/FabLab_Chemnitz/mightyscape-1.X/src/branch/master/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer",
+ "fork_url": null,
+ "documentation_url": "https://stadtfabrikanten.org/display/IFM/Contour+Scanner+And+Trimmer",
+ "inkscape_gallery_url": "https://inkscape.org/de/~MarioVoigt/%E2%98%85contour-scanner-and-trimmer",
+ "main_authors": [
+ "github.com/vmario89"
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/poly_point_isect.py b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/poly_point_isect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1a302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/contour_scanner_and_trimmer/poly_point_isect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@
+# BentleyOttmann sweep-line implementation
+# (for finding all intersections in a set of line segments)
+from __future__ import annotations
+import inkex
+__all__ = (
+ "isect_segments",
+ "isect_polygon",
+ # same as above but includes segments with each intersections
+ "isect_segments_include_segments",
+ "isect_polygon_include_segments",
+ # for testing only (correct but slow)
+ "isect_segments__naive",
+ "isect_polygon__naive",
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main Poly Intersection
+# Defines to change behavior.
+# Whether to ignore intersections of line segments when both
+# their end points form the intersection point.
+# checks we should NOT need,
+# but do them in case we find a test-case that fails.
+# Support vertical segments,
+# (the bentley-ottmann method doesn't support this).
+# We use the term 'START_VERTICAL' for a vertical segment,
+# to differentiate it from START/END/INTERSECTION
+# end defines!
+# ------------
+# ---------
+# Constants
+X, Y = 0, 1
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Switchable Number Implementation
+NUMBER_TYPE = 'native'
+if NUMBER_TYPE == 'native':
+ Real = float
+ NUM_EPS = Real("1e-10")
+ NUM_INF = Real(float("inf"))
+elif NUMBER_TYPE == 'decimal':
+ # Not passing tests!
+ import decimal
+ Real = decimal.Decimal
+ decimal.getcontext().prec = 80
+ NUM_EPS = Real("1e-10")
+ NUM_INF = Real(float("inf"))
+elif NUMBER_TYPE == 'numpy':
+ import numpy
+ Real = numpy.float64
+ del numpy
+ NUM_EPS = Real("1e-10")
+ NUM_INF = Real(float("inf"))
+elif NUMBER_TYPE == 'gmpy2':
+ # Not passing tests!
+ import gmpy2
+ gmpy2.set_context(gmpy2.ieee(128))
+ Real = gmpy2.mpz
+ NUM_EPS = Real(float("1e-10"))
+ NUM_INF = gmpy2.get_emax_max()
+ del gmpy2
+ raise Exception("Type not found")
+NUM_ZERO = Real(0.0)
+NUM_ONE = Real(1.0)
+class Event:
+ __slots__ = (
+ "type",
+ "point",
+ "segment",
+ # this is just cache,
+ # we may remove or calculate slope on the fly
+ "slope",
+ "span",
+ ) + (() if not USE_DEBUG else (
+ # debugging only
+ "other",
+ "in_sweep",
+ ))
+ class Type:
+ END = 0
+ START = 2
+ def __init__(self, type, point, segment, slope):
+ assert(isinstance(point, tuple))
+ self.type = type
+ self.point = point
+ self.segment = segment
+ # will be None for INTERSECTION
+ self.slope = slope
+ if segment is not None:
+ self.span = segment[1][X] - segment[0][X]
+ self.other = None
+ self.in_sweep = False
+ # note that this isn't essential,
+ # it just avoids non-deterministic ordering, see #9.
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.point)
+ def is_vertical(self):
+ # return self.segment[0][X] == self.segment[1][X]
+ return self.span == NUM_ZERO
+ def y_intercept_x(self, x: Real):
+ # vertical events only for comparison (above_all check)
+ # never added into the binary-tree its self
+ if self.is_vertical():
+ return None
+ if x <= self.segment[0][X]:
+ return self.segment[0][Y]
+ elif x >= self.segment[1][X]:
+ return self.segment[1][Y]
+ # use the largest to avoid float precision error with nearly vertical lines.
+ delta_x0 = x - self.segment[0][X]
+ delta_x1 = self.segment[1][X] - x
+ if delta_x0 > delta_x1:
+ ifac = delta_x0 / self.span
+ fac = NUM_ONE - ifac
+ else:
+ fac = delta_x1 / self.span
+ ifac = NUM_ONE - fac
+ assert(fac <= NUM_ONE)
+ return (self.segment[0][Y] * fac) + (self.segment[1][Y] * ifac)
+ @staticmethod
+ def Compare(sweep_line, this, that):
+ if this is that:
+ return 0
+ if this.other is that:
+ return 0
+ current_point_x = sweep_line._current_event_point_x
+ this_y = this.y_intercept_x(current_point_x)
+ that_y = that.y_intercept_x(current_point_x)
+ # print(this_y, that_y)
+ if this_y is None:
+ this_y = this.point[Y]
+ if that_y is None:
+ that_y = that.point[Y]
+ delta_y = this_y - that_y
+ assert((delta_y < NUM_ZERO) == (this_y < that_y))
+ # otherwise w/ float precision errors we get incorrect comparisons
+ # can get very strange & hard to debug output without this.
+ if abs(delta_y) > NUM_EPS:
+ return -1 if (delta_y < NUM_ZERO) else 1
+ else:
+ this_slope = this.slope
+ that_slope = that.slope
+ if this_slope != that_slope:
+ if sweep_line._before:
+ return -1 if (this_slope > that_slope) else 1
+ else:
+ return 1 if (this_slope > that_slope) else -1
+ delta_x_p1 = this.segment[0][X] - that.segment[0][X]
+ if delta_x_p1 != NUM_ZERO:
+ return -1 if (delta_x_p1 < NUM_ZERO) else 1
+ delta_x_p2 = this.segment[1][X] - that.segment[1][X]
+ if delta_x_p2 != NUM_ZERO:
+ return -1 if (delta_x_p2 < NUM_ZERO) else 1
+ return 0
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ("Event(0x%x, s0=%r, s1=%r, p=%r, type=%d, slope=%r)" % (
+ id(self),
+ self.segment[0], self.segment[1],
+ self.point,
+ self.type,
+ self.slope,
+ ))
+class SweepLine:
+ __slots__ = (
+ # A map holding all intersection points mapped to the Events
+ # that form these intersections.
+ # {Point: set(Event, ...), ...}
+ "intersections",
+ "queue",
+ # Events (sorted set of ordered events, no values)
+ #
+ # note: START & END events are considered the same so checking if an event is in the tree
+ # will return true if its opposite side is found.
+ # This is essential for the algorithm to work, and why we don't explicitly remove START events.
+ # Instead, the END events are never added to the current sweep, and removing them also removes the start.
+ "_events_current_sweep",
+ # The point of the current Event.
+ "_current_event_point_x",
+ # A flag to indicate if we're slightly before or after the line.
+ "_before",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, queue: EventQueue):
+ self.intersections = {}
+ self.queue = queue
+ self._current_event_point_x = None
+ self._events_current_sweep = RBTree(cmp=Event.Compare, cmp_data=self)
+ self._before = True
+ def get_intersections(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of unordered intersection points.
+ """
+ if Real is float:
+ return list(self.intersections.keys())
+ else:
+ return [(float(p[0]), float(p[1])) for p in self.intersections.keys()]
+ # Not essential for implementing this algorithm, but useful.
+ def get_intersections_with_segments(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of unordered intersection '(point, segment)' pairs,
+ where segments may contain 2 or more values.
+ """
+ if Real is float:
+ return [
+ (p, [event.segment for event in event_set])
+ for p, event_set in self.intersections.items()
+ ]
+ else:
+ return [
+ (
+ (float(p[0]), float(p[1])),
+ [((float(event.segment[0][0]), float(event.segment[0][1])),
+ (float(event.segment[1][0]), float(event.segment[1][1])))
+ for event in event_set],
+ )
+ for p, event_set in self.intersections.items()
+ ]
+ # Checks if an intersection exists between two Events 'a' and 'b'.
+ def _check_intersection(self, a: Event, b: Event):
+ # Return immediately in case either of the events is null, or
+ # if one of them is an INTERSECTION event.
+ if (
+ (a is None or b is None) or
+ (a.type == Event.Type.INTERSECTION) or
+ (b.type == Event.Type.INTERSECTION)
+ ):
+ return
+ if a is b:
+ return
+ # Get the intersection point between 'a' and 'b'.
+ p = isect_seg_seg_v2_point(
+ a.segment[0], a.segment[1],
+ b.segment[0], b.segment[1],
+ )
+ # No intersection exists.
+ if p is None:
+ return
+ # If the intersection is formed by both the segment endings, AND
+ # return from this method.
+ if ((len_squared_v2v2(p, a.segment[0]) < NUM_EPS_SQ or
+ len_squared_v2v2(p, a.segment[1]) < NUM_EPS_SQ) and
+ (len_squared_v2v2(p, b.segment[0]) < NUM_EPS_SQ or
+ len_squared_v2v2(p, b.segment[1]) < NUM_EPS_SQ)):
+ return
+ # Add the intersection.
+ events_for_point = self.intersections.pop(p, set())
+ is_new = len(events_for_point) == 0
+ events_for_point.add(a)
+ events_for_point.add(b)
+ self.intersections[p] = events_for_point
+ # If the intersection occurs to the right of the sweep line, OR
+ # if the intersection is on the sweep line and it's above the
+ # current event-point, add it as a new Event to the queue.
+ if is_new and p[X] >= self._current_event_point_x:
+ event_isect = Event(Event.Type.INTERSECTION, p, None, None)
+ self.queue.offer(p, event_isect)
+ def _sweep_to(self, p):
+ if p[X] == self._current_event_point_x:
+ # happens in rare cases,
+ # we can safely ignore
+ return
+ self._current_event_point_x = p[X]
+ def insert(self, event):
+ assert(event not in self._events_current_sweep)
+ assert(not USE_VERTICAL or event.type != Event.Type.START_VERTICAL)
+ assert(event.in_sweep == False)
+ assert(event.other.in_sweep == False)
+ self._events_current_sweep.insert(event, None)
+ event.in_sweep = True
+ event.other.in_sweep = True
+ def remove(self, event):
+ try:
+ self._events_current_sweep.remove(event)
+ assert(event.in_sweep == True)
+ assert(event.other.in_sweep == True)
+ event.in_sweep = False
+ event.other.in_sweep = False
+ return True
+ except KeyError:
+ assert(event.in_sweep == False)
+ assert(event.other.in_sweep == False)
+ return False
+ def above(self, event):
+ return self._events_current_sweep.succ_key(event, None)
+ def below(self, event):
+ return self._events_current_sweep.prev_key(event, None)
+ '''
+ def above_all(self, event):
+ while True:
+ event = self.above(event)
+ if event is None:
+ break
+ yield event
+ '''
+ def above_all(self, event):
+ # assert(event not in self._events_current_sweep)
+ return self._events_current_sweep.key_slice(event, None, reverse=False)
+ def handle(self, p, events_current):
+ if len(events_current) == 0:
+ return
+ # done already
+ # self._sweep_to(events_current[0])
+ assert(p[0] == self._current_event_point_x)
+ if len(events_current) > 1:
+ for i in range(0, len(events_current) - 1):
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(events_current)):
+ self._check_intersection(
+ events_current[i], events_current[j])
+ for e in events_current:
+ self.handle_event(e)
+ def handle_event(self, event):
+ t = event.type
+ if t == Event.Type.START:
+ # print(" START")
+ self._before = False
+ self.insert(event)
+ e_above = self.above(event)
+ e_below = self.below(event)
+ self._check_intersection(event, e_above)
+ self._check_intersection(event, e_below)
+ self._check_intersection(e_above, e_below)
+ elif t == Event.Type.END:
+ # print(" END")
+ self._before = True
+ e_above = self.above(event)
+ e_below = self.below(event)
+ self.remove(event)
+ self._check_intersection(e_above, e_below)
+ self._check_intersection(event, e_above)
+ self._check_intersection(event, e_below)
+ elif t == Event.Type.INTERSECTION:
+ # print(" INTERSECTION")
+ self._before = True
+ event_set = self.intersections[event.point]
+ # note: events_current aren't sorted.
+ reinsert_stack = [] # Stack
+ for e in event_set:
+ # Since we know the Event wasn't already removed,
+ # we want to insert it later on.
+ if self.remove(e):
+ reinsert_stack.append(e)
+ self._before = False
+ # Insert all Events that we were able to remove.
+ while reinsert_stack:
+ e = reinsert_stack.pop()
+ self.insert(e)
+ e_above = self.above(e)
+ e_below = self.below(e)
+ self._check_intersection(e, e_above)
+ self._check_intersection(e, e_below)
+ self._check_intersection(e_above, e_below)
+ elif (USE_VERTICAL and
+ (t == Event.Type.START_VERTICAL)):
+ # just check sanity
+ assert(event.segment[0][X] == event.segment[1][X])
+ assert(event.segment[0][Y] <= event.segment[1][Y])
+ # In this case we only need to find all segments in this span.
+ y_above_max = event.segment[1][Y]
+ # self.insert(event)
+ for e_above in self.above_all(event):
+ if e_above.type == Event.Type.START_VERTICAL:
+ continue
+ y_above = e_above.y_intercept_x(
+ self._current_event_point_x)
+ if y_above >= y_above_max - NUM_EPS:
+ break
+ else:
+ if y_above > y_above_max:
+ break
+ # We know this intersects,
+ # so we could use a faster function now:
+ # ix = (self._current_event_point_x, y_above)
+ # ...however best use existing functions
+ # since it does all sanity checks on endpoints... etc.
+ self._check_intersection(event, e_above)
+ # self.remove(event)
+class EventQueue:
+ __slots__ = (
+ # note: we only ever pop_min, this could use a 'heap' structure.
+ # The sorted map holding the points -> event list
+ # [Point: Event] (tree)
+ "events_scan",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, segments):
+ self.events_scan = RBTree()
+ # segments = [s for s in segments if s[0][0] != s[1][0] and s[0][1] != s[1][1]]
+ for s in segments:
+ assert(s[0][X] <= s[1][X])
+ slope = slope_v2v2(*s)
+ if s[0] == s[1]:
+ pass
+ elif USE_VERTICAL and (s[0][X] == s[1][X]):
+ e_start = Event(Event.Type.START_VERTICAL, s[0], s, slope)
+ e_start.other = e_start # FAKE, avoid error checking
+ self.offer(s[0], e_start)
+ else:
+ e_start = Event(Event.Type.START, s[0], s, slope)
+ e_end = Event(Event.Type.END, s[1], s, slope)
+ e_start.other = e_end
+ e_end.other = e_start
+ self.offer(s[0], e_start)
+ self.offer(s[1], e_end)
+ def offer(self, p, e: Event):
+ """
+ Offer a new event ``s`` at point ``p`` in this queue.
+ """
+ existing = self.events_scan.setdefault(
+ p, ([], [], [], []) if USE_VERTICAL else
+ ([], [], []),
+ )
+ # Can use double linked-list for easy insertion at beginning/end
+ '''
+ if e.type == Event.Type.END:
+ existing.insert(0, e)
+ else:
+ existing.append(e)
+ '''
+ existing[e.type].append(e)
+ # return a set of events
+ def poll(self):
+ """
+ Get, and remove, the first (lowest) item from this queue.
+ :return: the first (lowest) item from this queue.
+ :rtype: Point, Event pair.
+ """
+ assert(len(self.events_scan) != 0)
+ p, events_current = self.events_scan.pop_min()
+ return p, events_current
+def isect_segments_impl(segments, *, include_segments=False, validate=True) -> list:
+ # order points left -> right
+ if Real is float:
+ segments = [
+ # in nearly all cases, comparing X is enough,
+ # but compare Y too for vertical lines
+ (s[0], s[1]) if (s[0] <= s[1]) else
+ (s[1], s[0])
+ for s in segments]
+ else:
+ segments = [
+ # in nearly all cases, comparing X is enough,
+ # but compare Y too for vertical lines
+ (
+ (Real(s[0][0]), Real(s[0][1])),
+ (Real(s[1][0]), Real(s[1][1])),
+ ) if (s[0] <= s[1]) else
+ (
+ (Real(s[1][0]), Real(s[1][1])),
+ (Real(s[0][0]), Real(s[0][1])),
+ )
+ for s in segments]
+ # Ensure segments don't have duplicates or single points, see: #24.
+ if validate:
+ segments_old = segments
+ segments = []
+ visited = set()
+ for s in segments_old:
+ # Ignore points.
+ if s[0] == s[1]:
+ continue
+ # Ignore duplicates.
+ if s in visited:
+ continue
+ visited.add(s)
+ segments.append(s)
+ del segments_old
+ queue = EventQueue(segments)
+ sweep_line = SweepLine(queue)
+ while len(queue.events_scan) > 0:
+ inkex.utils.debug("event {}: x={}".format(len(queue.events_scan), sweep_line._current_event_point_x))
+ p, e_ls = queue.poll()
+ for events_current in e_ls:
+ if events_current:
+ sweep_line._sweep_to(p)
+ sweep_line.handle(p, events_current)
+ if include_segments is False:
+ return sweep_line.get_intersections()
+ else:
+ return sweep_line.get_intersections_with_segments()
+def isect_polygon_impl(points, *, include_segments=False, validate=True) -> list:
+ n = len(points)
+ segments = [
+ (tuple(points[i]), tuple(points[(i + 1) % n]))
+ for i in range(n)
+ ]
+ return isect_segments_impl(segments, include_segments=include_segments, validate=validate)
+def isect_segments(segments, *, validate=True) -> list:
+ return isect_segments_impl(segments, include_segments=False, validate=validate)
+def isect_polygon(segments, *, validate=True) -> list:
+ return isect_polygon_impl(segments, include_segments=False, validate=validate)
+def isect_segments_include_segments(segments, *, validate=True) -> list:
+ return isect_segments_impl(segments, include_segments=True, validate=validate)
+def isect_polygon_include_segments(segments, *, validate=True) -> list:
+ return isect_polygon_impl(segments, include_segments=True, validate=validate)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# 2D math utilities
+def slope_v2v2(p1, p2):
+ if p1[X] == p2[X]:
+ if p1[Y] < p2[Y]:
+ return NUM_INF
+ else:
+ return -NUM_INF
+ else:
+ return (p2[Y] - p1[Y]) / (p2[X] - p1[X])
+def sub_v2v2(a, b):
+ return (
+ a[0] - b[0],
+ a[1] - b[1])
+def dot_v2v2(a, b):
+ return (
+ (a[0] * b[0]) +
+ (a[1] * b[1]))
+def len_squared_v2v2(a, b):
+ c = sub_v2v2(a, b)
+ return dot_v2v2(c, c)
+def line_point_factor_v2(p, l1, l2, default=NUM_ZERO):
+ u = sub_v2v2(l2, l1)
+ h = sub_v2v2(p, l1)
+ dot = dot_v2v2(u, u)
+ return (dot_v2v2(u, h) / dot) if dot != NUM_ZERO else default
+def isect_seg_seg_v2_point(v1, v2, v3, v4, bias=NUM_ZERO):
+ # Only for predictability and hashable point when same input is given
+ if v1 > v2:
+ v1, v2 = v2, v1
+ if v3 > v4:
+ v3, v4 = v4, v3
+ if (v1, v2) > (v3, v4):
+ v1, v2, v3, v4 = v3, v4, v1, v2
+ div = (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (v4[1] - v3[1]) - (v2[1] - v1[1]) * (v4[0] - v3[0])
+ if div == NUM_ZERO:
+ return None
+ vi = (((v3[0] - v4[0]) *
+ (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]) - (v1[0] - v2[0]) *
+ (v3[0] * v4[1] - v3[1] * v4[0])) / div,
+ ((v3[1] - v4[1]) *
+ (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]) - (v1[1] - v2[1]) *
+ (v3[0] * v4[1] - v3[1] * v4[0])) / div,
+ )
+ fac = line_point_factor_v2(vi, v1, v2, default=-NUM_ONE)
+ if fac < NUM_ZERO - bias or fac > NUM_ONE + bias:
+ return None
+ fac = line_point_factor_v2(vi, v3, v4, default=-NUM_ONE)
+ if fac < NUM_ZERO - bias or fac > NUM_ONE + bias:
+ return None
+ # vi = round(vi[X], 8), round(vi[Y], 8)
+ return vi
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Simple naive line intersect, (for testing only)
+def isect_segments__naive(segments) -> list:
+ """
+ Brute force O(n2) version of ``isect_segments`` for test validation.
+ """
+ isect = []
+ # order points left -> right
+ if Real is float:
+ segments = [
+ (s[0], s[1]) if s[0][X] <= s[1][X] else
+ (s[1], s[0])
+ for s in segments]
+ else:
+ segments = [
+ (
+ (Real(s[0][0]), Real(s[0][1])),
+ (Real(s[1][0]), Real(s[1][1])),
+ ) if (s[0] <= s[1]) else
+ (
+ (Real(s[1][0]), Real(s[1][1])),
+ (Real(s[0][0]), Real(s[0][1])),
+ )
+ for s in segments]
+ n = len(segments)
+ for i in range(n):
+ a0, a1 = segments[i]
+ for j in range(i + 1, n):
+ b0, b1 = segments[j]
+ if a0 not in (b0, b1) and a1 not in (b0, b1):
+ ix = isect_seg_seg_v2_point(a0, a1, b0, b1)
+ if ix is not None:
+ # USE_IGNORE_SEGMENT_ENDINGS handled already
+ isect.append(ix)
+ return isect
+def isect_polygon__naive(points) -> list:
+ """
+ Brute force O(n2) version of ``isect_polygon`` for test validation.
+ """
+ isect = []
+ n = len(points)
+ if Real is float:
+ pass
+ else:
+ points = [(Real(p[0]), Real(p[1])) for p in points]
+ for i in range(n):
+ a0, a1 = points[i], points[(i + 1) % n]
+ for j in range(i + 1, n):
+ b0, b1 = points[j], points[(j + 1) % n]
+ if a0 not in (b0, b1) and a1 not in (b0, b1):
+ ix = isect_seg_seg_v2_point(a0, a1, b0, b1)
+ if ix is not None:
+ if ((len_squared_v2v2(ix, a0) < NUM_EPS_SQ or
+ len_squared_v2v2(ix, a1) < NUM_EPS_SQ) and
+ (len_squared_v2v2(ix, b0) < NUM_EPS_SQ or
+ len_squared_v2v2(ix, b1) < NUM_EPS_SQ)):
+ continue
+ isect.append(ix)
+ return isect
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Inline Libs
+# bintrees: 2.0.2, extracted from:
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bintrees
+# - Removed unused functions, such as slicing and range iteration.
+# - Added 'cmp' and and 'cmp_data' arguments,
+# so we can define our own comparison that takes an arg.
+# Needed for sweep-line.
+# - Added support for 'default' arguments for prev_item/succ_item,
+# so we can avoid exception handling.
+# -------
+# ABCTree
+from operator import attrgetter
+_sentinel = object()
+class _ABCTree(object):
+ def __init__(self, cmp=None, cmp_data=None):
+ """T.__init__(...) initializes T; see T.__class__.__doc__ for signature"""
+ self._root = None
+ self._count = 0
+ if cmp is None:
+ def cmp(cmp_data, a, b):
+ if a < b:
+ return -1
+ elif a > b:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ self._cmp = cmp
+ self._cmp_data = cmp_data
+ def clear(self):
+ """T.clear() -> None. Remove all items from T."""
+ def _clear(node):
+ if node is not None:
+ _clear(node.left)
+ _clear(node.right)
+ node.free()
+ _clear(self._root)
+ self._count = 0
+ self._root = None
+ @property
+ def count(self):
+ """Get items count."""
+ return self._count
+ def _get_value_or_sentinel(self, key):
+ node = self._root
+ while node is not None:
+ cmp = self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key)
+ if cmp == 0:
+ return node.value
+ elif cmp < 0:
+ node = node.left
+ else:
+ node = node.right
+ return _sentinel
+ def get_value(self, key):
+ value = self._get_value_or_sentinel(key)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return value
+ def pop_item(self):
+ """T.pop_item() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
+ 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if T is empty.
+ """
+ if self.is_empty():
+ raise KeyError("pop_item(): tree is empty")
+ node = self._root
+ while True:
+ if node.left is not None:
+ node = node.left
+ elif node.right is not None:
+ node = node.right
+ else:
+ break
+ key = node.key
+ value = node.value
+ self.remove(key)
+ return key, value
+ popitem = pop_item # for compatibility to dict()
+ def min_item(self):
+ """Get item with min key of tree, raises ValueError if tree is empty."""
+ if self.is_empty():
+ raise ValueError("Tree is empty")
+ node = self._root
+ while node.left is not None:
+ node = node.left
+ return node.key, node.value
+ def max_item(self):
+ """Get item with max key of tree, raises ValueError if tree is empty."""
+ if self.is_empty():
+ raise ValueError("Tree is empty")
+ node = self._root
+ while node.right is not None:
+ node = node.right
+ return node.key, node.value
+ def succ_item(self, key, default=_sentinel):
+ """Get successor (k,v) pair of key, raises KeyError if key is max key
+ or key does not exist. optimized for pypy.
+ """
+ # removed graingets version, because it was little slower on CPython and much slower on pypy
+ # this version runs about 4x faster with pypy than the Cython version
+ # Note: Code sharing of succ_item() and ceiling_item() is possible, but has always a speed penalty.
+ node = self._root
+ succ_node = None
+ while node is not None:
+ cmp = self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key)
+ if cmp == 0:
+ break
+ elif cmp < 0:
+ if (succ_node is None) or self._cmp(self._cmp_data, node.key, succ_node.key) < 0:
+ succ_node = node
+ node = node.left
+ else:
+ node = node.right
+ if node is None: # stay at dead end
+ if default is _sentinel:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return default
+ # found node of key
+ if node.right is not None:
+ # find smallest node of right subtree
+ node = node.right
+ while node.left is not None:
+ node = node.left
+ if succ_node is None:
+ succ_node = node
+ elif self._cmp(self._cmp_data, node.key, succ_node.key) < 0:
+ succ_node = node
+ elif succ_node is None: # given key is biggest in tree
+ if default is _sentinel:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return default
+ return succ_node.key, succ_node.value
+ def prev_item(self, key, default=_sentinel):
+ """Get predecessor (k,v) pair of key, raises KeyError if key is min key
+ or key does not exist. optimized for pypy.
+ """
+ # removed graingets version, because it was little slower on CPython and much slower on pypy
+ # this version runs about 4x faster with pypy than the Cython version
+ # Note: Code sharing of prev_item() and floor_item() is possible, but has always a speed penalty.
+ node = self._root
+ prev_node = None
+ while node is not None:
+ cmp = self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key)
+ if cmp == 0:
+ break
+ elif cmp < 0:
+ node = node.left
+ else:
+ if (prev_node is None) or self._cmp(self._cmp_data, prev_node.key, node.key) < 0:
+ prev_node = node
+ node = node.right
+ if node is None: # stay at dead end (None)
+ if default is _sentinel:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return default
+ # found node of key
+ if node.left is not None:
+ # find biggest node of left subtree
+ node = node.left
+ while node.right is not None:
+ node = node.right
+ if prev_node is None:
+ prev_node = node
+ elif self._cmp(self._cmp_data, prev_node.key, node.key) < 0:
+ prev_node = node
+ elif prev_node is None: # given key is smallest in tree
+ if default is _sentinel:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return default
+ return prev_node.key, prev_node.value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """T.__repr__(...) <==> repr(x)"""
+ tpl = "%s({%s})" % (self.__class__.__name__, '%s')
+ return tpl % ", ".join(("%r: %r" % item for item in self.items()))
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ """k in T -> True if T has a key k, else False"""
+ return self._get_value_or_sentinel(key) is not _sentinel
+ def __len__(self):
+ """T.__len__() <==> len(x)"""
+ return self.count
+ def is_empty(self):
+ """T.is_empty() -> False if T contains any items else True"""
+ return self.count == 0
+ def set_default(self, key, default=None):
+ """T.set_default(k[,d]) -> T.get(k,d), also set T[k]=d if k not in T"""
+ value = self._get_value_or_sentinel(key)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ self.insert(key, default)
+ return default
+ return value
+ setdefault = set_default # for compatibility to dict()
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """T.get(k[,d]) -> T[k] if k in T, else d. d defaults to None."""
+ value = self._get_value_or_sentinel(key)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ return default
+ return value
+ def pop(self, key, *args):
+ """T.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.
+ If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
+ """
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise TypeError("pop expected at most 2 arguments, got %d" % (1 + len(args)))
+ value = self._get_value_or_sentinel(key)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ return args[0]
+ self.remove(key)
+ return value
+ def prev_key(self, key, default=_sentinel):
+ """Get predecessor to key, raises KeyError if key is min key
+ or key does not exist.
+ """
+ item = self.prev_item(key, default)
+ return default if item is default else item[0]
+ def succ_key(self, key, default=_sentinel):
+ """Get successor to key, raises KeyError if key is max key
+ or key does not exist.
+ """
+ item = self.succ_item(key, default)
+ return default if item is default else item[0]
+ def pop_min(self):
+ """T.pop_min() -> (k, v), remove item with minimum key, raise ValueError
+ if T is empty.
+ """
+ item = self.min_item()
+ self.remove(item[0])
+ return item
+ def pop_max(self):
+ """T.pop_max() -> (k, v), remove item with maximum key, raise ValueError
+ if T is empty.
+ """
+ item = self.max_item()
+ self.remove(item[0])
+ return item
+ def min_key(self):
+ """Get min key of tree, raises ValueError if tree is empty. """
+ return self.min_item()[0]
+ def max_key(self):
+ """Get max key of tree, raises ValueError if tree is empty. """
+ return self.max_item()[0]
+ def key_slice(self, start_key, end_key, reverse=False):
+ """T.key_slice(start_key, end_key) -> key iterator:
+ start_key <= key < end_key.
+ Yields keys in ascending order if reverse is False else in descending order.
+ """
+ return (k for k, v in self.iter_items(start_key, end_key, reverse=reverse))
+ def iter_items(self, start_key=None, end_key=None, reverse=False):
+ """Iterates over the (key, value) items of the associated tree,
+ in ascending order if reverse is True, iterate in descending order,
+ reverse defaults to False"""
+ # optimized iterator (reduced method calls) - faster on CPython but slower on pypy
+ if self.is_empty():
+ return []
+ if reverse:
+ return self._iter_items_backward(start_key, end_key)
+ else:
+ return self._iter_items_forward(start_key, end_key)
+ def _iter_items_forward(self, start_key=None, end_key=None):
+ for item in self._iter_items(left=attrgetter("left"), right=attrgetter("right"),
+ start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key):
+ yield item
+ def _iter_items_backward(self, start_key=None, end_key=None):
+ for item in self._iter_items(left=attrgetter("right"), right=attrgetter("left"),
+ start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key):
+ yield item
+ def _iter_items(self, left=attrgetter("left"), right=attrgetter("right"), start_key=None, end_key=None):
+ node = self._root
+ stack = []
+ go_left = True
+ in_range = self._get_in_range_func(start_key, end_key)
+ while True:
+ if left(node) is not None and go_left:
+ stack.append(node)
+ node = left(node)
+ else:
+ if in_range(node.key):
+ yield node.key, node.value
+ if right(node) is not None:
+ node = right(node)
+ go_left = True
+ else:
+ if not len(stack):
+ return # all done
+ node = stack.pop()
+ go_left = False
+ def _get_in_range_func(self, start_key, end_key):
+ if start_key is None and end_key is None:
+ return lambda x: True
+ else:
+ if start_key is None:
+ start_key = self.min_key()
+ if end_key is None:
+ return (lambda x: self._cmp(self._cmp_data, start_key, x) <= 0)
+ else:
+ return (lambda x: self._cmp(self._cmp_data, start_key, x) <= 0 and
+ self._cmp(self._cmp_data, x, end_key) < 0)
+# ------
+# RBTree
+class Node(object):
+ """Internal object, represents a tree node."""
+ __slots__ = ['key', 'value', 'red', 'left', 'right']
+ def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
+ self.key = key
+ self.value = value
+ self.red = True
+ self.left = None
+ self.right = None
+ def free(self):
+ self.left = None
+ self.right = None
+ self.key = None
+ self.value = None
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """N.__getitem__(key) <==> x[key], where key is 0 (left) or 1 (right)."""
+ return self.left if key == 0 else self.right
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ """N.__setitem__(key, value) <==> x[key]=value, where key is 0 (left) or 1 (right)."""
+ if key == 0:
+ self.left = value
+ else:
+ self.right = value
+class RBTree(_ABCTree):
+ """
+ RBTree implements a balanced binary tree with a dict-like interface.
+ see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_black_tree
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_red(node):
+ if (node is not None) and node.red:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def jsw_single(root, direction):
+ other_side = 1 - direction
+ save = root[other_side]
+ root[other_side] = save[direction]
+ save[direction] = root
+ root.red = True
+ save.red = False
+ return save
+ @staticmethod
+ def jsw_double(root, direction):
+ other_side = 1 - direction
+ root[other_side] = RBTree.jsw_single(root[other_side], other_side)
+ return RBTree.jsw_single(root, direction)
+ def _new_node(self, key, value):
+ """Create a new tree node."""
+ self._count += 1
+ return Node(key, value)
+ def insert(self, key, value):
+ """T.insert(key, value) <==> T[key] = value, insert key, value into tree."""
+ if self._root is None: # Empty tree case
+ self._root = self._new_node(key, value)
+ self._root.red = False # make root black
+ return
+ head = Node() # False tree root
+ grand_parent = None
+ grand_grand_parent = head
+ parent = None # parent
+ direction = 0
+ last = 0
+ # Set up helpers
+ grand_grand_parent.right = self._root
+ node = grand_grand_parent.right
+ # Search down the tree
+ while True:
+ if node is None: # Insert new node at the bottom
+ node = self._new_node(key, value)
+ parent[direction] = node
+ elif RBTree.is_red(node.left) and RBTree.is_red(node.right): # Color flip
+ node.red = True
+ node.left.red = False
+ node.right.red = False
+ # Fix red violation
+ if RBTree.is_red(node) and RBTree.is_red(parent):
+ direction2 = 1 if grand_grand_parent.right is grand_parent else 0
+ if node is parent[last]:
+ grand_grand_parent[direction2] = RBTree.jsw_single(grand_parent, 1 - last)
+ else:
+ grand_grand_parent[direction2] = RBTree.jsw_double(grand_parent, 1 - last)
+ # Stop if found
+ if self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key) == 0:
+ node.value = value # set new value for key
+ break
+ last = direction
+ direction = 0 if (self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key) < 0) else 1
+ # Update helpers
+ if grand_parent is not None:
+ grand_grand_parent = grand_parent
+ grand_parent = parent
+ parent = node
+ node = node[direction]
+ self._root = head.right # Update root
+ self._root.red = False # make root black
+ def remove(self, key):
+ """T.remove(key) <==> del T[key], remove item from tree."""
+ if self._root is None:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
+ head = Node() # False tree root
+ node = head
+ node.right = self._root
+ parent = None
+ grand_parent = None
+ found = None # Found item
+ direction = 1
+ # Search and push a red down
+ while node[direction] is not None:
+ last = direction
+ # Update helpers
+ grand_parent = parent
+ parent = node
+ node = node[direction]
+ direction = 1 if (self._cmp(self._cmp_data, node.key, key) < 0) else 0
+ # Save found node
+ if self._cmp(self._cmp_data, key, node.key) == 0:
+ found = node
+ # Push the red node down
+ if not RBTree.is_red(node) and not RBTree.is_red(node[direction]):
+ if RBTree.is_red(node[1 - direction]):
+ parent[last] = RBTree.jsw_single(node, direction)
+ parent = parent[last]
+ elif not RBTree.is_red(node[1 - direction]):
+ sibling = parent[1 - last]
+ if sibling is not None:
+ if (not RBTree.is_red(sibling[1 - last])) and (not RBTree.is_red(sibling[last])):
+ # Color flip
+ parent.red = False
+ sibling.red = True
+ node.red = True
+ else:
+ direction2 = 1 if grand_parent.right is parent else 0
+ if RBTree.is_red(sibling[last]):
+ grand_parent[direction2] = RBTree.jsw_double(parent, last)
+ elif RBTree.is_red(sibling[1-last]):
+ grand_parent[direction2] = RBTree.jsw_single(parent, last)
+ # Ensure correct coloring
+ grand_parent[direction2].red = True
+ node.red = True
+ grand_parent[direction2].left.red = False
+ grand_parent[direction2].right.red = False
+ # Replace and remove if found
+ if found is not None:
+ found.key = node.key
+ found.value = node.value
+ parent[int(parent.right is node)] = node[int(node.left is None)]
+ node.free()
+ self._count -= 1
+ # Update root and make it black
+ self._root = head.right
+ if self._root is not None:
+ self._root.red = False
+ if not found:
+ raise KeyError(str(key))
diff --git a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/inkpacking/inkpacking.py b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/inkpacking/inkpacking.py
index 3698dad..3182fc1 100644
--- a/extensions/fablabchemnitz/inkpacking/inkpacking.py
+++ b/extensions/fablabchemnitz/inkpacking/inkpacking.py
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class inkpacking(inkex.EffectExtension):
box_id = self.svg.get_unique_id('box')
self.box = g = etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), 'g', {'id':box_id})
- cut_line_style = str(inkex.Style(({ 'stroke': '#000000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'0.3px' })))
- engrave_line_style = str(inkex.Style(({ 'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'0.3px' })))
+ cut_line_style = str(inkex.Style(({ 'stroke': '#000000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'1px' })))
+ engrave_line_style = str(inkex.Style(({ 'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'1px' })))
gflapoffy = (gflapsize / sin( (gflapangle / 360) * 6.28 )) * sin( ((90 - gflapangle) / 360 ) * 6.28)