import sys import svgpath.parser as parser # colors: RED = outer wall # GREEN = inner wall # BLACK = inside feature (not cutting all the way) PRELIM = """// OpenSCAD file automatically generated by // parameters tunable by user wallHeight = 12; minWallThickness = 2; maxWallThickness = 3; minInsideWallThickness = 1; maxInsideWallThickness = 3; wallFlareWidth = 5; wallFlareThickness = 3; insideWallFlareWidth = 5; insideWallFlareThickness = 3; featureHeight = 8; minFeatureThickness = 1; maxFeatureThickness = 3; connectorThickness = 1.75; cuttingTaperHeight = 2.5; cuttingEdgeThickness = 1.25; // set to non-zero value to generate a demoulding plate demouldingPlateHeight = 0; demouldingPlateSlack = 1.5; // sizing function clamp(t,minimum,maximum) = min(maximum,max(t,minimum)); function featureThickness(t) = clamp(t,minFeatureThickness,maxFeatureThickness); function wallThickness(t) = clamp(t,minWallThickness,maxWallThickness); function insideWallThickness(t) = clamp(t,minInsideWallThickness,maxInsideWallThickness); size = $OVERALL_SIZE$; scale = size/$OVERALL_SIZE$; // helper modules: subshapes module ribbon(points, thickness=1) { union() { for (i=[1:len(points)-1]) { hull() { translate(points[i-1]) circle(d=thickness, $fn=8); translate(points[i]) circle(d=thickness, $fn=8); } } } } module wall(points,height,thickness) { module profile() { if (height>=cuttingTaperHeight && cuttingTaperHeight>0 && cuttingEdgeThickness= 0.4 and rgb[1]+rgb[2] < rgb[0] * 0.25 def isGreen(rgb): return rgb is not None and rgb[1] >= 0.4 and rgb[0]+rgb[2] < rgb[1] * 0.25 def isBlack(rgb): return rgb is not None and rgb[0]+rgb[1]+rgb[2]<0.2 class Line(object): def __init__(self, pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth): self.pathName = pathName self.points = points self.fill = fill self.stroke = stroke self.strokeWidth = strokeWidth def pathCode(self): return self.pathName + ' = scale * [' + ','.join(('[%.3f,%.3f]'%tuple(p) for p in self.points)) + '];' def shapesCode(self): code = [] if self.stroke: code.append('wall('+self.pathName+','+self.height+','+self.width+');') if self.hasOuterFlare: code.append(' outerFlare('+self.pathName+');') elif self.hasInnerFlare: code.append(' innerFlare('+self.pathName+');') if self.fill: code.append(' fill('+self.pathName+','+self.fillHeight+');') return '\n'.join(code) # + '\n' class OuterWall(Line): def __init__(self, pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth): super(OuterWall, self).__init__(pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth) self.height = "wallHeight" self.width = "wallThickness(%.3f)" % self.strokeWidth self.fillHeight = "wallHeight" self.hasOuterFlare = True self.hasInnerFlare = False class InnerWall(Line): def __init__(self, pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth): super(InnerWall, self).__init__(pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth) self.height = "wallHeight" self.width = "insideWallThickness(%.3f)" % self.strokeWidth self.fillHeight = "wallHeight" self.hasOuterFlare = False self.hasInnerFlare = True class Feature(Line): def __init__(self, pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth): super(Feature, self).__init__(pathName, points, fill, stroke, strokeWidth) self.height = "featureHeight" self.width = "featureThickness(%.3f)" % self.strokeWidth self.fillHeight = "featureHeight" self.hasOuterFlare = False self.hasInnerFlare = False class Connector(Line): def __init__(self, pathName, points, fill): super(Connector, self).__init__(pathName, points, fill, False, None) # no stroke for connectors, thus no use of self.height and self.width self.width = None self.fillHeight = "connectorThickness" self.hasOuterFlare = False self.hasInnerFlare = False def svgToCookieCutter(filename, tolerance=0.1, strokeAll = False): lines = [] pathCount = 0; minXY = [float("inf"), float("inf")] maxXY = [float("-inf"), float("-inf")] for superpath in parser.getPathsFromSVGFile(filename)[0]: for path in superpath.breakup(): pathName = '_'+str(pathCount) pathCount += 1 fill = path.svgState.fill is not None stroke = strokeAll or path.svgState.stroke is not None if not stroke and not fill: continue linearPath = path.linearApproximation(error=tolerance) points = [(-l.start.real,l.start.imag) for l in linearPath] points.append((-linearPath[-1].end.real, linearPath[-1].end.imag)) if isRed (path.svgState.fill) or isRed (path.svgState.stroke): line = OuterWall('outerWall'+pathName, points, fill, stroke, path.svgState.strokeWidth) elif isGreen(path.svgState.fill) or isGreen(path.svgState.stroke): line = InnerWall('innerWall'+pathName, points, fill, stroke, path.svgState.strokeWidth) elif isBlack(path.svgState.fill) or isBlack(path.svgState.stroke): line = Feature ('feature' +pathName, points, fill, stroke, path.svgState.strokeWidth) else: line = Connector('connector'+pathName, points, fill) for i in range(2): minXY[i] = min(minXY[i], min(p[i] for p in line.points)) maxXY[i] = max(maxXY[i], max(p[i] for p in line.points)) lines.append(line) size = max(maxXY[0]-minXY[0], maxXY[1]-minXY[1]) code = [PRELIM] code.append('// data from svg file') code += [line.pathCode()+'\n' for line in lines] code.append( '// main modules\n' 'module cookieCutter() {') code += [' ' + line.shapesCode() for line in lines] code.append('}\n') # demoulding plate module positives = [line for line in lines if isinstance(line, OuterWall) and line.stroke and not line.fill] negatives_stroke = [line for line in lines] negatives_fill = [line for line in lines if not isinstance(line, OuterWall) and line.fill] code.append( "module demouldingPlate(){\n" " // a plate to help push on the cookie to turn it out\n" " render(convexity=10) difference() {\n" " linear_extrude(height=demouldingPlateHeight) union() {") for line in positives: code.append(' polygon(points='+line.pathName+');') code.append(" }\n" " translate([0,0,-0.01]) linear_extrude(height=demouldingPlateHeight+0.02) union() {") for line in negatives_stroke: code.append(' ribbon('+line.pathName+',thickness=demouldingPlateSlack'+('+'+line.width if line.stroke else '')+');') for line in negatives_fill: code.append(' polygon(points='+line.pathName+');') # TODO: we should remove the interior of polygonal inner walls code.append(' }\n }\n}\n') code.append('////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////') code.append('// final call, use main modules') code.append('translate([%.3f*scale + wallFlareWidth/2, %.3f*scale + wallFlareWidth/2,0])' % (-minXY[0],-minXY[1])) code.append(' cookieCutter();\n') code.append('// translate([-40,15,0]) cylinder(h=wallHeight+10,d=5,$fn=20); // handle') code.append('if (demouldingPlateHeight>0)') code.append(' mirror([1,0,0])') code.append(' translate([%.3f*scale + wallFlareWidth/2, %.3f*scale + wallFlareWidth/2,0])' % (-minXY[0],-minXY[1])) code.append(' demouldingPlate();') return '\n'.join(code).replace('$OVERALL_SIZE$', '%.3f' % size) if __name__ == '__main__': print(svgToCookieCutter(sys.argv[1]))