! dconv9marv.scl ! Convex closure in marvel of 9-limit diamond in 197-tET 21 ! 115.73604 182.74112 201.01523 231.47208 268.02030 316.75127 383.75635 432.48731 499.49239 584.77157 615.22843 700.50761 767.51269 816.24365 883.24873 931.97970 968.52792 998.98477 1017.25888 1084.26396 2/1 !! dcon9r.scl !! !5-limit transveral of convex closure in marvel of 9-limit diamond ! 21 !! ! 16/15 ! 10/9 ! 9/8 ! 256/225 ! 75/64 ! 6/5 ! 5/4 ! 32/25 ! 4/3 ! 45/32 ! 64/45 ! 3/2 ! 25/16 ! 8/5 ! 5/3 ! 128/75 ! 225/128 ! 16/9 ! 9/5 ! 15/8 ! 2/1