#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later ''' Roland CutStudio export script Copyright (C) 2014 - 2020 Max Gaukler skeleton based on visicut Inkscape Plugin : Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas Oster, thomas.oster@rwth-aachen.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ''' import sys import os import shutil import numpy from functools import reduce import inkex import inkex.command from inkex.command import inkscape def message(s): sys.stderr.write(s+"\n") def debug(s): message(s) # header # for debugging purposes you can open the resulting EPS file in Inkscape, # select all, ungroup multiple times # --> now you can view the exported lines in inkscape prefix=""" %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%BoundingBox -10000 -10000 10000 10000 %%EndComments %%BeginSetup %%EndSetup %%BeginProlog % This code (until EndProlog) is from an inkscape-exported EPS, copyright unknown, see cairo-library save 50 dict begin /q { gsave } bind def /Q { grestore } bind def /cm { 6 array astore concat } bind def /w { setlinewidth } bind def /J { setlinecap } bind def /j { setlinejoin } bind def /M { setmiterlimit } bind def /d { setdash } bind def /m { moveto } bind def /l { lineto } bind def /c { curveto } bind def /h { closepath } bind def /re { exch dup neg 3 1 roll 5 3 roll moveto 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /S { stroke } bind def /f { fill } bind def /f* { eofill } bind def /n { newpath } bind def /W { clip } bind def /W* { eoclip } bind def /BT { } bind def /ET { } bind def /pdfmark where { pop globaldict /?pdfmark /exec load put } { globaldict begin /?pdfmark /pop load def /pdfmark /cleartomark load def end } ifelse /BDC { mark 3 1 roll /BDC pdfmark } bind def /EMC { mark /EMC pdfmark } bind def /cairo_store_point { /cairo_point_y exch def /cairo_point_x exch def } def /Tj { show currentpoint cairo_store_point } bind def /TJ { { dup type /stringtype eq { show } { -0.001 mul 0 cairo_font_matrix dtransform rmoveto } ifelse } forall currentpoint cairo_store_point } bind def /cairo_selectfont { cairo_font_matrix aload pop pop pop 0 0 6 array astore cairo_font exch selectfont cairo_point_x cairo_point_y moveto } bind def /Tf { pop /cairo_font exch def /cairo_font_matrix where { pop cairo_selectfont } if } bind def /Td { matrix translate cairo_font_matrix matrix concatmatrix dup /cairo_font_matrix exch def dup 4 get exch 5 get cairo_store_point /cairo_font where { pop cairo_selectfont } if } bind def /Tm { 2 copy 8 2 roll 6 array astore /cairo_font_matrix exch def cairo_store_point /cairo_font where { pop cairo_selectfont } if } bind def /g { setgray } bind def /rg { setrgbcolor } bind def /d1 { setcachedevice } bind def %%EndProlog %%Page: 1 1 %%BeginPageSetup %%PageBoundingBox: -10000 -10000 10000 10000 %%EndPageSetup % This is a severely crippled fucked-up pseudo-postscript for importing in Roland CutStudio % Do not even try to open it with something else % FIXME opening with inkscape currently does not show any objects, although it worked some time in the past % Inkscape header, not used by cutstudio % Start q -10000 -10000 10000 10000 rectclip q 0 g 0.286645 w 0 J 0 j [] 0.0 d 4 M q % Cutstudio Start """ postfix=""" % Cutstudio End %this is necessary for CutStudio so that the last line isnt skipped: 0 0 m % Inkscape footer S Q Q Q showpage %%Trailer end restore %%EOF """ class RolandCutStudioEPSExport(inkex.OutputExtension): def save(self, stream): def outputFromStack(stack, n, transformCoordinates=True): arr=stack[-(n+1):-1] if transformCoordinates: arrTransformed=[] for i in range(n//2): arrTransformed+=transform(arr[2*i], arr[2*i+1]) return output(arrTransformed+[stack[-1]]) else: return output(arr+[stack[-1]]) def transform(x, y): #debug("trafo from: {} {}".format(x, y)) p=numpy.array([[float(x),float(y),1]]).transpose() multiply = lambda a, b: numpy.matmul(a, b) # concatenate transformations by multiplying: new = transformation x previousTransformtaion m=reduce(multiply, scalingStack[::-1]) m=m.transpose() #debug("with {}".format(m)) pnew = numpy.matmul(m, p) x=float(pnew[0]) y=float(pnew[1]) #debug("to: {} {}".format(x, y)) return [x, y] def outputMoveto(x, y): [xx, yy]=transform(x, y) return output([str(xx), str(yy), "m"]) def outputLineto(x, y): [xx, yy]=transform(x, y) return output([str(xx), str(yy), "l"]) def output(array): array=list(map(str, array)) output=" ".join(array) #debug("OUTPUT: "+output) return output + "\n" filename = self.options.input_file inkscape_eps_file = filename + ".inkscape.eps" shutil.copyfile(filename, filename + ".filtered.svg") actions_list=[] actions_list.append("export-text-to-path") actions_list.append("export-ignore-filters") actions_list.append("export-area-drawing") actions_list.append("export-filename:{}".format(inkscape_eps_file)) actions_list.append("export-do") actions = ";".join(actions_list) cli_output = inkscape(filename + ".filtered.svg", actions=actions) #process recent file if len(cli_output) > 0: self.msg("Inkscape returned the following output when trying to run the file export; the file export may still have worked:") self.msg(cli_output) assert os.path.exists(inkscape_eps_file), 'EPS conversion failed: command did not create result file: ' + '"' + '" "'.join(cmd) + '"' stack=[] scalingStack=[numpy.identity(3)] lastMoveCoordinates=None outputStr=prefix inputFile=open(inkscape_eps_file) for line in inputFile.readlines(): line=line.strip() if line.startswith("%"): # comment line continue if line.endswith("re W n"): continue # ignore clipping rectangle #debug(line) for item in line.split(" "): item=item.strip() if item=="": continue #debug("INPUT: " + item.__repr__()) stack.append(item) if item=="h": # close path assert lastMoveCoordinates, "closed path before first moveto" outputStr += outputLineto(float(lastMoveCoordinates[0]), float(lastMoveCoordinates[1])) elif item == "c": # bezier curveto outputStr += outputFromStack(stack, 6) stack=[] elif item=="e": # rectangle x=float(stack[-5]) y=float(stack[-4]) dx=float(stack[-3]) dy=float(stack[-2]) outputStr += outputMoveto(x, y) outputStr += outputLineto(x+dx, y) outputStr += outputLineto(x+dx, y+dy) outputStr += outputLineto(x, y+dy) outputStr += outputLineto(x, y) elif item=="cm": # matrix transformation newTrafo=numpy.array([[float(stack[-7]), float(stack[-6]), 0], [float(stack[-5]), float(stack[-4]), 0], [float(stack[-3]), float(stack[-2]), 1]]) #debug("applying trafo "+str(newTrafo)) scalingStack[-1] = numpy.matmul(scalingStack[-1], newTrafo) elif item=="q": # save graphics state to stack scalingStack.append(numpy.identity(3)) elif item=="Q": # pop graphics state from stack scalingStack.pop() elif item in ["m", "l"]: if item=="m": # moveto lastMoveCoordinates=stack[-3:-1] elif item=="l": # lineto pass outputStr += outputFromStack(stack, 2) stack=[] else: pass # do nothing outputStr += postfix inputFile.close() stream.write(outputStr.encode('utf-8')) if __name__ == '__main__': RolandCutStudioEPSExport().run()