#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright (C) 2017 Corentin Brulé This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Special thanks and orignal copyrigths : Aaron Spike (2005) and Timo Kähkönen (2012) """ import inkex import re from lxml import etree from inkex.transforms import Transform from inkex.paths import Path, CubicSuperPath __version__ = '0.1' debug=False def distort_path(path_str,source,destination): path_arr = path_string_to_array(path_str) subpath_type="" is_num ="" xy_counter ="" xy="" path_arr2=[] subpath_type_upper="" point="" i=0 for i in range(len(path_arr)): patt1 = r"[mzlhvcsqta]" curr = path_arr[i] if re.match(patt1,curr,flags=re.I): xy_counter = -1 subpath_type = curr subpath_type_upper = subpath_type.upper() is_num = False path_arr2.append(curr) else : is_num = True curr = float(curr) if xy_counter%2 == 0: xy="x" else: xy="y" if is_num : if xy=="y" : point = transferPoint(float(path_arr[i-1]),curr,source,destination) path_arr2.append(point["x"]) path_arr2.append(point["y"]) xy_counter+=1 path_str = path_array_to_string(path_arr2) return path_str def path_array_to_string(path_arr): path_str=str(path_arr) path_str=path_str.replace(r"([0-9]),([-0-9])", "$1 $2") path_str=path_str.replace(r"([0-9]),([-0-9])", "$1 $2") path_str=path_str.replace(",", "") path_str=path_str.replace("[", "").replace("]","") path_str=path_str.replace("'", "") return path_str def path_string_to_array(path_str): patt1=r"[mzlhvcsqta]|-?[0-9.]+" #gi #path_arr=path_str.match(patt1) #array de résultats path_arr = re.findall(patt1,path_str,flags=re.I) patt1=r"[mzlhvcsqta]" #i i = 0 for i in range(len(path_arr)): if re.match(path_arr[i],patt1,flags=re.I) == -1: path_arr[i] = float(path_arr[i]) return path_arr ''' def isPermissible(p): p0 = {x:c0.attr("cx"),y:c0.attr("cy")} p1 = {x:c1.attr("cx"),y:c1.attr("cy")} p2 = {x:c2.attr("cx"),y:c2.attr("cy")} p3 = {x:c3.attr("cx"),y:c3.attr("cy")} a0 = angle(p3, p0, p1) a1 = angle(p0, p1, p2) a2 = angle(p1, p2, p3) a3 = angle(p2, p3, p0) if not (a0 > 0 and a0 < 180) or not (a1 > 0 and a1 < 180) or not(a2 > 0 and a2 < 180) or not(a3 > 0 and a3 < 180) : return False else : return True } def angle(c, b, a): ab = {x: b.x - a.x, y: b.y - a.y } cb = {x: b.x - c.x, y: b.y - c.y } dot = (ab.x * cb.x + ab.y * cb.y) cross = (ab.x * cb.y - ab.y * cb.x) alpha = Math.atan2(cross, dot) return alpha * 180 / PI } ''' def transferPoint (xI, yI, source, destination): ADDING = 0.001 # to avoid dividing by zero xA = source[0]["x"] yA = source[0]["y"] xC = source[2]["x"] yC = source[2]["y"] xAu = destination[0]["x"] yAu = destination[0]["y"] xBu = destination[1]["x"] yBu = destination[1]["y"] xCu = destination[2]["x"] yCu = destination[2]["y"] xDu = destination[3]["x"] yDu = destination[3]["y"] # Calcultations if xBu==xCu : xCu+=ADDING if xAu==xDu : xDu+=ADDING if xAu==xBu : xBu+=ADDING if xDu==xCu : xCu+=ADDING kBC = float(yBu-yCu)/float(xBu-xCu) kAD = float(yAu-yDu)/float(xAu-xDu) kAB = float(yAu-yBu)/float(xAu-xBu) kDC = float(yDu-yCu)/float(xDu-xCu) if kBC==kAD : kAD += ADDING xE = float(kBC*xBu - kAD*xAu + yAu - yBu) / float(kBC-kAD) yE = kBC*(xE - xBu) + yBu if kAB==kDC : kDC += ADDING xF = float(kAB*xBu - kDC*xCu + yCu - yBu) / float(kAB-kDC) yF = kAB*(xF - xBu) + yBu if xE==xF : xF += ADDING kEF = float(yE-yF) / float(xE-xF) if kEF==kAB: kAB += ADDING xG = float(kEF*xDu - kAB*xAu + yAu - yDu) / float(kEF-kAB) yG = kEF*(xG - xDu) + yDu if kEF==kBC : kBC+=ADDING xH = float(kEF*xDu - kBC*xBu + yBu - yDu) / float(kEF-kBC) yH = kEF*(xH - xDu) + yDu rG = float(yC-yI)/float(yC-yA) rH = float(xI-xA)/float(xC-xA) xJ = (xG-xDu)*rG + xDu yJ = (yG-yDu)*rG + yDu xK = (xH-xDu)*rH + xDu yK = (yH-yDu)*rH + yDu if xF==xJ: xJ+=ADDING if xE==xK: xK+=ADDING kJF = float(yF-yJ) / float(xF-xJ) kKE = float(yE-yK) / float(xE-xK) xKE = "" if kJF==kKE: kKE += ADDING xIu = float(kJF*xF - kKE*xE + yE - yF) / float(kJF-kKE) yIu = kJF * (xIu - xJ) + yJ b = {"x":xIu,"y":yIu} b["x"] = round(b["x"]) b["y"] = round(b["y"]) return b def projection(path_object,coords): pp_object = Path(path_object).to_arrays() bounds = Path(path_object).bounding_box() # Make array of coordinates, every array member represent corner of text path source = [ {"x":bounds.left,"y":bounds.top}, {"x":bounds.right,"y":bounds.top}, {"x":bounds.right,"y":bounds.bottom}, {"x":bounds.left,"y":bounds.bottom} ] destination=[ {"x":coords[0][0],"y":coords[0][1]}, {"x":coords[1][0],"y":coords[1][1]}, {"x":coords[2][0],"y":coords[2][1]}, {"x":coords[3][0],"y":coords[3][1]} ] path_destination = distort_path(path_object,source,destination) return path_destination ''' def complex2tulpe(complexNb): return (complexNb.real,complexNb.imag) ''' class AnotherPerspective(inkex.EffectExtension): def envelope2coords(self, path_envelope): pp_envelope = CubicSuperPath(path_envelope) if len(pp_envelope[0]) < 4: inkex.errormsg("The selected envelope (your second path) does not contain enough nodes. Check to have at least 4 nodes.") exit() c0 = pp_envelope[0][0][0] c1 = pp_envelope[0][1][0] c2 = pp_envelope[0][2][0] c3 = pp_envelope[0][3][0] # inkex.debug(str(c0)+" "+str(c1)+" "+str(c2)+" "+str(c3)) return [c0, c1, c2, c3] def effect(self): if len(self.options.ids) < 2: inkex.errormsg("This extension requires two selected paths.") exit() obj = self.svg.selected[self.options.ids[0]] envelope = self.svg.selected[self.options.ids[1]] if obj.get(inkex.addNS('type','sodipodi')): inkex.errormsg("The first selected object is of type '%s'.\nTry using the procedure Path->Object to Path." % obj.get(inkex.addNS('type','sodipodi'))) exit() if obj.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg') or obj.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg'): if envelope.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'): mat = envelope.transform @ Transform([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) path = CubicSuperPath(envelope.get('d')) Path(path).transform(mat) absolute_envelope_path = envelope.get('d') # inkex.debug(absolute_envelope_path) coords_to_project = self.envelope2coords(absolute_envelope_path) if obj.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'): mat = obj.transform @ Transform([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) absolute_d = str(Path(obj.get('d'))) path = CubicSuperPath(absolute_d) Path(path).transform(mat) absolute_object_path = str(path) # inkex.debug(absolute_object_path) elif obj.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg'): absolute_object_path="" for p in obj.iterfind(".//{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path"): absolute_d = str(Path(p.get('d'))) mat = p.transform @ Transform([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) path = CubicSuperPath(absolute_d) Path(path).transform(mat) absolute_object_path += str(Path(path)) # inkex.debug(absolute_object_path) new_path = projection(absolute_object_path,coords_to_project) attributes = {'d':new_path, 'style':str(obj.style)} new_element = etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(),inkex.addNS('path','svg'),attributes) else: if envelope.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg'): inkex.errormsg("The second selected object is a group, not a path.\nTry using the procedure Object->Ungroup.") else: inkex.errormsg("The second selected object is not a path.\nTry using the procedure Path->Object to Path.") exit() else: inkex.errormsg("The first selected object is not a path.\nTry using the procedure Path->Object to Path.") exit() if __name__ == '__main__': AnotherPerspective().run()