#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) [2021] [Matt Cottam], [mpcottam@raincloud.co.uk] # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ############################################################################## # Inklin - a collection of things I 'ave an inkling might be useful to someone. ############################################################################## import inkex from inkex import Group import random from lxml import etree import math import gi import io gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gtk, GdkPixbuf, Gdk from gi.repository.GdkPixbuf import Pixbuf, InterpType def group_wrapper(self, my_objects): group_id = 'g' + str(random.randrange(100000, 1000000)) new_group = self.svg.add(Group.new('#' + group_id)) # inkex set, takes account of NS attribs etc new_group.set('inkscape:groupmode', 'layer') new_group.set('inkscape:label', 'My_Layer_' + group_id) for my_object in my_objects: new_group.append(my_object) new_group.attrib['id'] = group_id def svg_arcs(cx, cy, radius, sectors, arc_radius1, arc_radius2, arc_x_rotate, arc_large_flag, arc_sweep_flag, outer_circle_checkbutton_bool, point_circles_checkbutton_bool, numbering_checkbutton_bool): x_start = cx y_start = cy - radius point_circles = '' point_labels = '' angle = 0 y_start = cy / 2 + (radius * (math.sin(angle))) x_start = cx / 2 + (radius * (math.cos(angle))) arcs = f'M {x_start} {y_start}' for sector in range(1, sectors + 1): angle = (sector * math.pi) / (sectors / 2) y = cy / 2 + (radius * (math.sin(angle))) x = cx / 2 + (radius * (math.cos(angle))) x_start = x y_start = y # A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y arcs = arcs + f'A {arc_radius1} {arc_radius2} {arc_x_rotate} {arc_large_flag} {arc_sweep_flag} {x} {y} ' if not point_circles_checkbutton_bool: point_circles = '' else: point_circles = point_circles + f'<circle fill="none" stroke="orange" stroke-width="1" r="{2}" cx="{x}" cy="{y}"/>' if not numbering_checkbutton_bool: None else: point_labels = point_labels + f'<text x="{x}" y="{y}">{sector}</text>' if not outer_circle_checkbutton_bool: outline_circle = '' else: outline_circle = f'<circle fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="1" r="{radius}" cx="{cx / 2}" cy="{cy / 2}"/>' # svg = f'<svg width="{cx}" height="{cy}" viewBox="0 0 {cx} {cy}" ' \ svg = f'<svg width="{500}" height="{500}" viewBox="0 0 {500} {500}" ' \ f'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' \ f'xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' \ f'>' \ f'{outline_circle}' \ f'{point_circles}' \ f'{point_labels}' \ f'<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="{arcs} "/>' \ f'</svg>' LoadSvg.master_svg = svg gtk3_add_svg_image(svg) def gtk3_add_svg_image(svg): loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader() loader.write(svg.encode()) loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() # pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(500, 500, InterpType.BILINEAR) LoadSvg.preview_image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) LoadSvg.preview_image.show_all() def init_arc(): radius = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('radius_gtk_scale').get_value() arc_radius1 = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius1_gtk_scale').get_value() arc_radius2 = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius2_gtk_scale').get_value() arc_x_rotate_checkbutton1_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_x_rotate_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() arc_radius_checkbutton1_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius1_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() arc_radius_checkbutton2_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius2_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() sectors = int(LoadSvg.builder.get_object('sectors_gtk_scale').get_value()) arc_large_flag = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_large_flag_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() arc_sweep_flag = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_sweep_flag_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() outer_circle_checkbutton_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('outer_circle_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() point_circles_checkbutton_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('point_circles_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() numbering_checkbutton_bool = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('numbering_gtk_checkbutton').get_active() if not arc_radius_checkbutton1_bool: arc_radius1 = radius LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius1_gtk_scale').set_value(radius) if not arc_radius_checkbutton2_bool: arc_radius2 = radius LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_radius2_gtk_scale').set_value(radius) if not arc_x_rotate_checkbutton1_bool: arc_x_rotate = 0 else: arc_x_rotate = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('arc_x_rotate_gtk_scale').get_value() if not arc_sweep_flag: arc_sweep_flag = 0 else: arc_sweep_flag = 1 if not arc_large_flag: arc_large_flag = 0 else: arc_large_flag = 1 svg_arcs(500, 500, radius, sectors, arc_radius1, arc_radius2, arc_x_rotate, arc_large_flag, arc_sweep_flag, outer_circle_checkbutton_bool, point_circles_checkbutton_bool, numbering_checkbutton_bool) # inkex.errormsg(f'arc1 {arc_radius_checkbutton1_bool} arc2 {arc_radius_checkbutton2_bool}') ######################################################## # Gtk Section # ######################################################## class Handler: def onDestroy(self, *args): Gtk.main_quit() def onButtonPressed(self, button): print("Hello World!") # def arcButtonPressed(self, button): # svg_arcs(500, 500, 50, 8) # test_print() def onScaleChangeRadius(self, scale): init_arc() def onScaleChangeSides(self, scale): init_arc() def onScaleChangeArcRadius(self, scale): init_arc() def arcRadiusCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def onScaleChangeXRotate(self, scale): init_arc() def arcXRotateCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def arcSweepFlagCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def arcLargeFlagCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def outerCircleCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def pointCirclesCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def numberingCheckbuttonChange(self, scale): init_arc() def run_gtk(): LoadSvg.builder = Gtk.Builder() LoadSvg.builder.add_from_file("inklin.glade") LoadSvg.builder.connect_signals(Handler()) LoadSvg.window = LoadSvg.builder.get_object("main_window") LoadSvg.window.show_all() LoadSvg.window.set_title('Inklin') LoadSvg.preview_image = LoadSvg.builder.get_object('preview_image') init_arc() Gtk.main() ######################################################## # Inkex effect section # ######################################################## class LoadSvg(inkex.EffectExtension): def effect(self): run_gtk() svg_etree = etree.fromstring(LoadSvg.master_svg) group_wrapper(self, svg_etree) if __name__ == '__main__': LoadSvg().run()