! blackwoo.scl ! Irregular Blackjack from marvel woo tempering of Cartesian scale below 21 ! 35.05180 116.23027 151.28207 232.46054 267.51234 348.69081 383.74261 468.20980 499.97288 584.44007 616.20315 700.67034 732.43342 816.90061 851.95241 933.13088 968.18268 1049.36115 1084.41295 1165.59142 1200.64322 !! blackwootrans.scl !! !Fokblock([34171875/33554432, 128/125], [9, 10]) = symmetric mode of Descartes([15/8, 5/4], [6, 2]) ! 21 !! ! 16875/16384 ! 16/15 ! 1125/1024 ! 256/225 ! 75/64 ! 4096/3375 ! 5/4 ! 675/512 ! 4/3 ! 45/32 ! 64/45 ! 3/2 ! 1024/675 ! 8/5 ! 3375/2048 ! 128/75 ! 225/128 ! 2048/1125 ! 15/8 ! 32768/16875 ! 2/1