! dconv11marv.scl ! Convex closure in marvel of 11-limit diamond in 166-tET 35 ! 36.14458 115.66265 151.80723 166.26506 180.72289 202.40964 231.32530 267.46988 318.07229 346.98795 383.13253 419.27711 433.73494 498.79518 534.93976 549.39759 585.54217 614.45783 650.60241 665.06024 701.20482 766.26506 780.72289 816.86747 853.01205 881.92771 932.53012 968.67470 997.59036 1019.27711 1033.73494 1048.19277 1084.33735 1163.85542 2/1 !! dconv11r.scl !5-limit transveral of convex closure in marvel of 11-limit diamond !35 !! !16875/16384 !16/15 !2048/1875 !1125/1024 !10/9 !9/8 !256/225 !75/64 !6/5 !4096/3375 !5/4 !32/25 !84375/65536 !4/3 !512/375 !5625/4096 !45/32 !64/45 !8192/5625 !375/256 !3/2 !131072/84375 !25/16 !8/5 !3375/2048 !5/3 !128/75 !225/128 !16/9 !9/5 !2048/1125 !1875/1024 !15/8 !32768/16875 !2/1